June 15, 1330 - Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire - Edward of Woodstock is born
May 18, 1333 - Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire - Prince Edward is created Earl of Chester
August 1(?), 1335 - Nottingham - Rumours of an impending french invasion leads the king to order his household removed to Nottingham
March 17, 1337 - Nottingham - Prince Edward is created Duke of Cornwall and eight nobles are created earls
December(?) 1(?), 1337 - London - Is said to have met the two cardinals appointed to make peace between the King and Philip of France
July 11, 1338 - London - The King appoints him "Guardian of the Kingdom" before departing to Flanders
May 27, 1340 - London - Re-appointed "Guardian of the Kingdom"
October 5, 1342 - London - Re-appointed "Guardian of the Kingdom"
May 12, 1343 - London - Invested as Prince of Wales
January 19, 1344 - Windsor - A great tournament is held (until January 22nd). King Edward III creates the Order of the Round Table =(START)
April 23, 1344 - Windsor Castle - The Order of the Garter is instituted

July 11, 1346 - Portsmouth - Edward leaves Portsmouth with a fleet of 750 ships and 15,000 men
July 12, 1346 - St.Vaast la Hogue - The english army lands in France, 20 miles from Cherbourg. The Black Prince is knighted
July 20, 1346 - Carentan - The english army passes through Carentan
July 22, 1346 - St-Lô - The english army passes through St.Lô
July 26, 1346 - Caen - The english army sacks Caen, plundering the city's huge wealth
August 1, 1346 - Caen - The army moves east and then southeast along the River Seine with the intention of attacking Paris
August 8, 1346 - Louviers (River Seine) - Edward III and the Black Prince reach the River Seine at Louviers
August 14, 1346 - Poissy - The english army crosses the River Seine at Poissy, then heads directly north to the Channel Coast
August 16, 1346 - Grisy - The english army heads north
August 18, 1346 - Troussures, SW Beauvais - The english army heads north
August 20, 1346 - Hangest-sur-somme | Pont-Remy (Between Amiens and Abbeville) - Edward tries in vain to probe the crossings at Hangest-sur-somme and Pont-Remy
August 23, 1346 - Blanchetaque, near Saigneville - Edward successfully forces a crossing at the well-defended village of Blanchetaque
August 24, 1346 - Noyelles-sur-Mer | Le Crotoy - Edward's army resupplies and plunders Noyelles-sur-Mer and Le Crotoy
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Battle of Crécy, 1346 |
September 4, 1346 - Calais - Edward's men besiege Calais
August 1, 1347 - Calais - Calais lit fires signaling they were ready to surrender
August 3, 1347 - Calais - Surrender of the french, the City of Calais would remain in english hands until 1558 =(changecityflag)
September 4, 1347 - Calais - Negociations for a truce begin, mediated by emissaries dispatched by Pope Clement VI
September 28, 1347 - Calais - The "Truce of Calais", mediated by Pope Clement VI, is agreed by King Edward III and King Philip VI of France
October 12, 1347 - Sandwich - King Edward III and the Black Prince land at Sandwich
October 14, 1347 - London - Edward III and the Black Prince reach London
April 23, 1348 - St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle - Founding of the Order of the Garter is formally proclaimed. The Black Prince becomes First Knight of the Garter
April 23, 1349 - Windsor - First meeting of the newly formed Order of the Garter
December 31, 1349 - Calais - After hearing of a plot to take Calais, Edward III and the Black Prince land at Calais to lure the french into a trap
January 1, 1350 - Calais - Battle of Calais - The Black Prince saves King Edward (who was fighting incognito) of being killed when he is twice knocked down by Eustace of Ribemont. 30 french knights including Geoffroi de Charny and Eustace de Ribemont are captured
August 10, 1350 - Rocherhithe (SE London) - The king announces the intention of attacking the castillians on their way home
August 28, 1350 - Winchelsea - Boards the "Cog Thomas" with the King and his 10-year-old brother John of Gaunt
August 29, 1350 - off Winchelsea - Battle of Winchelsea - English victory over the Castillians
August 30, 1350 - 2 miles from Winchelsea - Spends the day with King Edward III and the Queen
January(?) 1(?), 1353 - Chester - Marches with the Duke of Lancaster to Cheshire to protect the justices, who were holding an assize there
July 10, 1355 - London - The king appoints him his lieutenant in Gascony, and gives him powers to act in his stead
July 30, 1355 - London - Leaves London for Plymouth
September 8, 1355 - Plymouth - After contrary winds, finally departs with 300 ships to Gascony
September 16, 1355 - Bordeaux - Arrives in Bordeaux with his army
October 5, 1355 - Bordeaux - Edward leaves his base in Gascogny to raid towards the southeast
October 6, 1355 - Langon - The Prince passes through Langon
October 7, 1355 - Castets-en-Dorth - Two days stay in Castets-en-Dorth. Heavy drinking of the soldiers
October 9, 1355 - Bazas - Stopping point
October 13, 1355 - Monclar - 8 miles advance to the east
October 16, 1355 - Nogaro - Moves to Nogaro
October 20, 1355 - Bassoues - Town taken
October 23, 1355 - Mirande (SW of Auch) - Departs to Toulouse
October 24, 1355 - Seissan - On the move
October 26, 1355 - St.Lys - English army reaches St.Lys
October 27, 1355 - Pinsaguel, Garonne River, SW Toulouse - The black Prince's army crosses the Garonne River
October 29, 1355 - Montgiscard - Montgiscar is burnt and pillaged. Many men, women and children are ill-treated and slain
October 30, 1355 - Avignonet - Town taken and pillaged
October 31, 1355 - Castelnaudary - Town taken and pillaged
November 3, 1355 - Carcassone - Town taken and pillaged (but not the castle)
November 8, 1355 - Narbonne - City besieged for three days and plundered
November 12, 1355 - Azille - The Black Prince decides to return to Bordeaux. First stop Azille
December 2, 1355 - La Reóle - Arrives at La Reóle and holds a conference to take stock of events and plan next months
December 25, 1355 - Bordeaux - Back at Bordeaux
June 25, 1356 - Bordeaux - The Black Prince leaves Bordeaux for the mustering point of La Réole
July 6, 1356 - La Réole - The Black Prince moves his HQ to La Réole
August 4, 1356 - Bergerac - Crosses the Dordogne River at Bergerac
August 9, 1356 - Brantôme - moving towards the northeast
August 11, 1356 - Nontron - Large supplies of fish found. Now in Limousin region, the troops inflict as much damage as they can
August 12, 1356 - Rochechouart - moving towards the north
August 14, 1356 - Lesterps - The cannons of the church of St Pierre defy his assault for a day. The Prince spares the monks, townspeople and church, out of admiration for their courage
August 19, 1356 - Lussac-les-Châteux - moving towards the northeast
August 21, 1356 - Argenton-sur-Creuse - The Castle of Argenton is taken
August 23, 1356 - Chateauroux - The Army passes through Chateauroux with intention to go to Bourges
August 24, 1356 - suburbs of Bourges - The Black Prince burns the suburbs of Bourges but fails to take the city
August 26, 1356 - Issoudun - Turns west and unsucessful attacks Issoudun, burning its suburbs
August 28, 1356 - Vierzon - Returns to his line of march and takes Vierzon
August 29, 1356 - Vierzon - After putting to death the Vierzon garrison, sets out towards Romorantin
August 31, 1356 - Romorantin - The Black Prince assaults Romorantin
September 3, 1356 - Romorantin - The fortress is reduced with greek fire
September 6, 1356 - Romorantin - The Black Prince resumes his march
September 14, 1356 - Châtellerault - From 14th to 16th in Châtellerault. Pursuing french were close and in a parallel position
September 17, 1356 - Between Poitiers and Chauvigny - On the morning, the Black Prince, with 200 men-at-arms, rushes through the forest of Moulière and ends on the road from Poitiers to Chauvigny where he falls by surprise on the rear of the strong French army of 700 men-at-arms and knights at la-Chaboterie-au-Breuil-l'Abbesse. The French, totally disconcerted, flee into the forest, losing 240 men including the Count of Joigny, John II of Chalon, Count of Auxerre, and Jean II de Chatillon, made prisoners, who would be released after ransom
September 18, 1356 - Poitiers - Meeting between english and french to settle their differences. Geoffroi de Charny proposes that they fight 100 against 100, but the Black Prince refuses
September 19, 1356 - Poitiers - Battle of Poitiers - Decisive English Victory - King "John II
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Battle of Poitiers, 1356 |
September 23, 1356 - Ruffec - The convoy reaches Ruffec
September 25, 1356 - La Rochefoucauld, near Angoulême - The convoy reaches La Rochefoucauld
October 2, 1356 - Libourne - The Black Prince decides to delay his entry to Bordeaux to wait until the preparations for the reception of himself and his host are completed
October 5, 1356 - Bordeaux - The Black Prince makes a triumphal entry into Bordeaux with his royal captive, John II of France
March 23, 1357 - Bordeaux - Concludes a two-years' truce, so he could return to England
April 11, 1357 - Bordeaux - Boards the "Sainte-Marie" with captive king Jean II of France
May 4, 1357 - Plymouth - Arrives in England
May 24, 1357 - London - Enters London in triumph, after progressing through towns such as Salisbury and Winchester
January(?) 1(?), 1358 - Chester - Brief visit to Chester
May 1(?), 1359 - London - Festivals and tournaments in the King's Court
October 28, 1359 - Sandwich | Calais - Accompanies Edward III and his younger brother John of Gaunt (in his first campaign) to Calais and leads a division of the army in the following Reims campaign
November 4, 1359 - Calais - King Edward III, the Black Prince and Henry of Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster, march into french territory
December 4, 1359 - Saint Basle, 10 miles S. of Reims - The english army reaches the Benedictine Abbey at Saint Basle. King Edward lays siege to Reims
January 11, 1360 - Reims - Food supplies run low and King Edward III gives up the siege of Reims and heads SW
January 26, 1360 - Poigny - Edward's three army divisions cross the river Marne at Poigny
February 19, 1360 - Guillen, Burgundy - The english army camps at Guillen
March 10, 1360 - Guillen, Burgundy - Agreement between Edward III and the advisers of the 13-year-old Philip de Rouvres, Duke of Burgundy, indicating that Edward's coronation at Reims - as king of England and France - was now a real possibility. At the same time, the english army is growing increasingly exhausted and is unable to draw the french into battle
March 31, 1360 - Chenteloup, near Arpajon (20 miles from Paris) - After hearing about a raid on Winchelsea, King Edward turns towards Paris, camping at Chenteloup
April 3, 1360 - Châtillon - After talks break down, King Edward moves his headquarters to Châtillon
April 12, 1360 - Châtillon - King Edward and the Duke of Lancaster withraw, under cover of a diversion by the Black Prince, who waits to ambush those who came out of Paris
April 13, 1360 - Beauce region, (between the Loire and the Seine), near Paris - Black Monday - The english army, marching close to Paris, is hit by a freak storm in the Beauce, losing men, horses and provisions. This startling misfortune is seen as a divine warning, and both sides return to peace negotiations
April 27, 1360 - Sours, E. of Chartres - The french delegates arrive at Chartres. Edward III chooses Brétigny for the peace conference
May 1, 1360 - Brétigny - The conference of Brétigny begins
May 8, 1360 - Brétigny - The peace treaty of Brétigny is concluded - It cedes large areas of Northern France to England
May 28, 1360 - Honfleur | Rye - King Edward and his sons set sail from Honfleur and reach Rye on the same day
May 29, 1360 - Westminster - Edward III and sons mount their horses and reach Westminster the next day. John of Gaunt's first session in Parliament as Earl of Richmond
June 30, 1360 - London - With negotiations between England and France complete, and a ransom agreement for the french king in place, the Black Prince escorts King John II of France to Dover
July 4(?), 1360 - Canterbury - Pause to make an offer in Canterbury Cathedral
July 6, 1360 - Dover - The Black Prince and King John II of France arrive at Dover
July 8, 1360 - Calais - The Black Prince and King John II of France arrive at Calais
October 9, 1360 - Calais - Accompanies Edward III to Calais to assist the liberation of King John and the ratification of the Treaty of Brétigny
October 24, 1360 - Calais - The Treaty of Brétigny is ratified by the two kings and their helder sons as "Treaty of Calais"
October 31, 1360 - Dover - Returns to Dover
December 25, 1360 - Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire (?) - Probably spending Christmas in Woodstock Palace with King Edward III
February 1(?), 1361 - Westminster - At Westminster when each member of Parliament takes an oath to preserve the peace with France
April 23, 1361 - Windsor - (We suppose that Edward III and the Black Prince were present when) Princes John of Gaunt, Lionel and Edmund fill a stall in the Chapel of the Knights of the Garter, taking their place at the feast of the Order
October 10, 1361 - Windsor Castle - Edward marries his cousin Joan of Kent
July 19, 1362 - ? - The King grants him all his dominions in Aquitaine and Gascony
December 26, 1362 - Berkhampstead - Receives the King and his Court at Berkhampstead
February 1(?), 1363 - La Rochelle - Arrives in France with his household
April 1(?), 1363 - Poitiers(?) - The Prince mediates between Counts of Foix and Armagnac, who had been at war with each other
June 29, 1363 - Bordeaux - The Prince, Joan of Kent and their household, and the Earl of Warwick arrive in Bordeaux
July 9, 1363 - Bordeaux - Receives homage of the lords of Gascony - until July 30th
August 4, 1363 - Bergerac - The Black Prince arrives at Bergerac to take further homage and commences a tour of Aquitaine
August 18, 1363 - Angoulême - After a 5-day stay at Périgueux, the Prince moves to the castle of Angoulême
August 23, 1363 - Cognac - Arrives at Cognac
October(?) 1(?), 1363 - La Rochelle - Stay at La Rochelle
November(?) 1(?), 1363 - Poitiers - Stay at Poitiers
December 25, 1363 - Agen - The Black Prince spends Christmas at Agen
February 1(?), 1364 - Poitiers(?) - Mediates between Charles of Blois and John of Montfort - unsuccessful
March 1(?), 1364 - Angoulême - Entertains the King of Cyprus and holds a tournament there
April 8, 1364 - (While in Angoulême) - King John II of France dies at the Savoy Palace in London
January 27, 1365 - Angoulême - Birth of the Prince's first son, Edward of Angoulême
April 2, 1365 - Angoulême - Jean, Count of Armagnac, comes to render homage to the Black Prince
April 27, 1365 - Angoulême - A magnificent tournament is held to celebrate the christening of the Prince's son
July 12, 1365 - Bordeaux - Meeting with the Count of Armagnac, who renders homage
September 7, 1365 - Bordeaux(?) - A treaty of mutual assistance is signed between the Black Prince and John de Montfort, Duke of Brittany
August 1, 1366 - Bayonne - The Black Prince meets the exiled King Pedro of Castile
September 23, 1366 - Libourne - After tense negotiations, a treaty between the Black Prince and Pedro of Castile is signed
January 6, 1367 - Bordeaux - Birth of the Black Prince's second son, Richard of Bordeaux (future Richard II)
January 10, 1367 - Bordeaux - Leaves Bordeaux to take command of his army at Dax
January 13, 1367 - Dax - The Anglo-Gascon army at Dax is joined by reinforcements under John of Gaunt. The Black Prince offers a banquet in honor of his younger brother
February 16, 1367 - St.Jean-Pied-de-Port - The Black Prince begins the ascent from St.Jean in the vanguard of the Centre column
February 18, 1367 - Roncesvalles - The Army crosses the Pyrenees at Roncesvalles in terrible winter weather
February 20, 1367 - Pamplona - The Black Prince arrives in Pamplona. Stays for a few weeks
March 11, 1367 - Arruitz (NW of Pamplona) - The army resumes its march
March 19, 1367 - Salvatierra (Agurain), E of Vitoria - Marching West
March 25(?), 1367 - Vitoria - Advances to Vitoria, intending to march on Burgos
April 1, 1367 - Miranda de Ebro | Logroño - Turning south and later, southeast. Arrives at Logroño
April 2, 1367 - Logroño - Leaves Logroño and moves to Navarrete de Rioja
April 3, 1367 - Nájera, La Rioja - Battle of Nájera (or Navarrete/La Rioja) on the "Way of Santiago". Anglo-Gascon Victory. Bertrand du Guesclin is captured
April 5, 1367 - Briviesca (between Burgos and Miranda de Ebro) - The army halts for a couple of days during the march to Burgos
April 7, 1367 - Burgos - The Black Prince and John of Gaunt reach Burgos, where they spend Easter
May 2, 1367 - Burgos - Edward is promised payment before the Altar of Burgos Cathedral
May 10(?), 1367 - Valladolid - The english army camps near Valladolid, waiting for payment
June 24, 1367 - Valladolid - The Prince stays in Valladolid until the Feast of St. John
August(?) 15(?), 1367 - Valladolid - While waiting for payment, during the hottest months of the summer, Edward and his army start suffering from dysentery
September(?) 1(?), 1367 - Roncesvalles - After negotiating a safe passage with Charles of Navarre, Edward crosses to France
September 10(?), 1367 - Bordeaux - The Black Prince and John of Gaunt return to Bordeaux
December 27, 1367 - Angoulême(?) - A ransom agreement between the Black Prince and his captive from Nájera, Bertrand du Guesclin, is finalized
January 17, 1368 - Angoulême - The Black Prince releases du Guesclin from captivity
January 18, 1368 - Angoulême - Meeting of the Estates, to discuss the levying of a property tax
January 26, 1368 - Angoulême - After a week of negotiations and a series of concessions by the Prince, the property tax is approved by the assembly
June 30, 1368 - Bordeaux(?) - the Counts of Armagnac, Périgord, and Comminges, and the lord of Albret laid their complaints before the king of France, declaring that he was their lord Paramount
November 18, 1368 - Bordeaux - The Prince's health deteriorates. He is confined to bed and cared for by one of the leading physicians of Bordeaux, Pierre de Manhi
January 25, 1369 - Bordeaux - the Counts of Armagnac, Périgord, and Comminges, and the lord of Albret laid their complaints before the king of France, declaring that he was their lord Paramount (again)
March 18, 1369 - Bordeaux - More than 900 towns, castles and places signify their adherence to the French cause
June 3, 1369 - (While in Bordeaux) - Resumption of war between England and France
August 22, 1370 - (While in Bordeaux) - Limoges is taken by the french under the Duke of Berry
August 25(?), 1370 - Cognac - The Black Prince takes up quarters at Cognac, in company of his brother, the Earl of Cambridge
September(?) 1(?), 1370 - Cognac - John of Gaunt joins his brother, the Black Prince, at Cognac
September 14, 1370 - Limoges - Limoges is besieged by a sick Black Prince
September 19, 1370 - Limoges - The city is taken by storm. 3,000 citizens are massacred
September 29, 1370 - (While at Limoges)? - Edward of Angoulême dies
October 8, 1370 - Cognac - The Black Prince makes a grant in tail to his brother John of Gaunt of the castles and towns of Bergerac and of Roche-sur-Yon
October 11, 1370 - Bordeaux(?) - The Black Prince abandons the government of the Principality, formally appointing John of Gaunt his Lieutenant and surrendering Aquitaine into his hands
January 1(?), 1371 - Bordeaux - The Black Prince, his wife and surviving son leave Bordeaux for England, leaving his brother John of Gaunt in charge
January 20(?), 1371 - Southampton - Returns to England
February(?) 1(?), 1371 - Windsor Castle - Meets his father, the King, at Windsor
May 2, 1371 - Canterbury - Meets the convocation of Canterbury at the Savoy, and persuades the Clergy to make a huge grant
February 9, 1372 - London - Ceremonial entry of Constance of Castille into London, accompanied by the Black Prince. She is received by her husband, John of Gaunt, in the Savoy Palace
August 30, 1372 - Sandwich - Feeling recovered from dysentery, departs on another expedition with Edward III, but fails to sail to La Rochelle due to contrary winds
October 1, 1372 - ? - The expedition returns to England, having failed to sail to La Rochelle
October 5, 1372 - ? - His health gets worse. Formally resigns the Principality of Aquitaine and Gascony to Edward III

April 28, 1376 - Westminster - Meeting of the "Good Parliament". Edward knew he hadn't much time left
June 1, 1376 - Westminster Palace - The Prince's condition worsens and his father, King Edward III, has him moved to the Palace of Westminster
June 8, 1376 - Westminster Palace - Edward of Woodstock, the "Black Prince", dies aged 45. Some say his illness caught near Valladolid 9 years earlier never healed. =(END)
JONES, Michael - "The Black Prince"
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