Tuesday 20 October 2015

51.World War One (1914-1918)

51.World War One (1914-1918)

1914 -
Alma Llanera (Valse)

1914 - Colonel Bogey March
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Jupiter, the bringer of Jollity
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Mars, the bringer of War
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Mercury, the winged messenger
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Neptune, the mystic
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Saturn, the bringer of Old Age
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Uranus, the magician
1914 - Gustav Holst - Planets - Vênus, the bringer of Peace
1914 - It's a long way to Tipperary
1914 - Jean Sibelius - The Fir, Op.75-5
1915 - Antonio Carrillo - Como llora una estrela
1915 - Zoltán Kodály - Sonata for Solo Cello, Op.8
1917 - Manuel de Falla - The Corregidor's Dance

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