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February 8, 1828 - Île Feydeau, Nantes, France - Jules Gabriel Verne is born
January(?) 1(?), 1829 - Nantes - Verne family moves to No.2 Quai Jean-Bart, Nantes
January(?) 1(?), 1834 - Nantes - Jules is sent to boarding school at 5 Place du Bouffay
January(?) 1(?), 1836 - Nantes - Jules enrolls in École Saint-Stanislas, a catholic school
January(?) 1(?), 1839 - Paimboeuf - 11-year-old Verne secretly procures a spot as cabin boy on the ship "Coralie" with the intention of travelling to the Indies and bringing back a coral necklace for his cousin Caroline. The evening the ship set out for the Indies, it stopped first at Paimboeuf where Pierre Verne arrived just in time to catch his son and make him promise to travel "only in his imagination" (wikipedia). Begins writing his first novel "Un prête" (A Priest), influenced by his experience in the Catholic School
January(?) 1(?), 1842 - Nantes - Jules enrolls in the Petit Séminaire de Saint-Donatien, as a lay student
January(?) 1(?), 1844 - Nantes - Jules and his brother are enrolled in the Lycée Royal in Nantes
July 29, 1846 - Rennes - Completes his baccalauréat at Rennes and receives the grade "Good Enough"
January(?) 1(?), 1847 - Paris - Verne's father sends Jules to Law School in Paris
April 27, 1847 - While in Paris - His cousin Caroline, with whom he was in love, is married to Émile Dezaunay, a man of 40.
October(?) 1(?), 1847 - Paris - Passes first-year Law exams
January(?) 1(?), 1848 - Nantes - Returns to Nantes. Meets Rose Herminie Arnaud Grossetière and falls in love with her
July 19, 1848 - Nantes - Rose Herminie Arnaud Grossetière marries Armand Terrien de la Haye, a rich landowner, to Verne's deep frustration
July 30(?), 1848 - Nantes - Jules leaves Nantes again for Paris
June 12, 1850 - Paris - Presentation of the stage comedy "Les Pailles Rompues" written by Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas Fils =(START)
January(?) 1(?), 1851 - Paris - Verne graduates with a "Licence en Droit"
July 1(?), 1851 - Paris - Publication of the historical short story "Un Drame au Mexique"
August 1(?), 1851 - Paris - Publication of the adventure short story "Un Drame dans les airs"
January 1(?), 1852 - Paris - Jules Verne refuses an ultimatum from his father to pursue law in Nantes
July 10, 1852 - Paris - The novella "Martin Paz" begins being presented in the "Musée des Familles"
August 11, 1852 - Paris - End of the presentation of the novella "Martin Paz"
April 1(?), 1854 - Paris - Publication of the short story "Master Zacharius"
June 30, 1854 - Paris - Playwright Jules Seveste, Jules Verne's employer, has a massive stroke and dies
April 1(?), 1855 - Paris - Publication of the short adventure story "Un Hivernage dans les glaces" (A Winter amid the Ice)
January(?) 1(?), 1856 - Paris - Jules Verne stops working for the magazine due to a discussion with Pitre-Chevalier
May 1(?), 1856 - Amiens - Jules Verne travels to Amiens to be August Lelarge's best man. He meets the bride's sister, Honorine de Viane Morel, a 26-year-old widown with two children
November 1(?), 1856 - Amiens - Jules Verne accepts the offer of Honorine's brother to go into business with a broker, and his father gives the approval
January 10, 1857 - Amiens - Jules Verne marries Honorine de Viane Morel
July 27, 1859 - Paris - Jules Verne takes the train to Nantes
July 30(?), 1859 - Nantes - Verne is forced to sail to Bordeaux due to sailing schedule changes
August 2, 1859 - Bordeaux - Jules Verne arrives in Bordeaux and waits a few days for the steamer to Liverpool
August 22, 1859 - Bordeaux - Jules Verne embarks in the steamship 'SS Hamburg" to Liverpool
August 25, 1859 - Liverpool, England - Arrival in Liverpool
August 27, 1859 - Edinburgh, Scotland - Visit to Edinburgh
August 31, 1859 - Oakley - Visit to Oakley
September 1, 1859 - Stirling, Balloch, Loch Lomond - Visit to Stirling
September 2, 1859 - Edinburgh - Returns to Edinburgh
September 3, 1859 - London - Arrives in London
September 6, 1859 - Dieppe, Normandy - Returns to France in Dieppe
January(?) 1(?), 1860 - Paris - Meets photographer, cartoonist and balloonist Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, known by the pseudonym "Nadar", who is the inspiration for the character of "Michael Ardan" in "From the Earth to the Moon"
July 2, 1861 - Paris - Jules Vernetakes the train in "Gare du Nord" to Hamburg, via Hannover and Cologne
July 3, 1861 - Altona, Hamburg - 2-day stay in Hamburg
July 5, 1861 - Lübeck, Germany - Boards the steamer "Svea" to Stockholm
July 6, 1861 - Ystad, Sweden - Jules Verne arrives in Sweden
July 7, 1861 - Kalmar | Stockholm - Stops in Kalmar
July 8, 1861 - Stockholm - Arrives in Stockholm, where they accomodate themselves at "Hotel Rydberg"
July 15, 1861 - Motala - Arrives at Motala
July 16, 1861 - Töreboda, Sjötorp, Lake Vänern - Travelling to Gothemburg
July 17, 1861 - Gothemburg, Sweden - Arrives in Gothemburg
July 18, 1861 - Gothemburg - Jules Verne boards the norwegian paddlewheel steamship "Viken" to Stavern (Norway)
July 19, 1861 - Christiania (Oslo), Norway - Arrives in Christiania (Oslo) via Larvik, Horten, Vallo, Moss and Drobak
July 21, 1861 - Eidsvoll - Excursion to Eidsvoll
July 23, 1861 - Sandvika - Visit to Sandvika
July 24, 1861 - Drammen - Visit to Drammen
July 25, 1861 - Kongsberg - Visit to Kongsberg
July 26, 1861 - Tinnes | Notodden - Visit to Tinnes and Notodden
July 27, 1861 - Dalen - Excursion to Telemark, in Dalen
July 28, 1861 - Rjukan (Vestfjorddalen) - Visit to Rjukan
July 29, 1861 - Gaustatoppen, near Rjukan - Visit to Mount Gausta
July 30, 1861 - Dalen - Returns to Dalen on the way back to Christiania
July 31, 1861 - Drammen - Returns to Drammen on the way back to Christiania
August 1, 1861 - Christiania (Oslo) - Returns to Christiania
August 2, 1861 - Helsingborg | Helsingør | Copenhagen, Denmark - Stop at Helsingborg. Visit to Helsingør. Arrives in Copenhagen
August 4, 1861 - While in Copenhagen - His son, Michel, is born in Paris
August 6, 1861 - Korsør, Denmark - Reaches Korsør by train and embarks to Kiel
August 7, 1861 - Kiel, Germany - Arrives in Kiel on the "Hermod", a steamship ship carrying mail
August 8, 1861 - Paris - Jules Verne returns to Paris
January(?) 1(?), 1862 - Paris - Verne and Nadar establish the "Société pour la recherche de la navigation aérienne" (later "La Société d'encouragement de la locomotion aérienne au moyen du plus lourd que l'air" (The Society for the Encouragement of Aerial Locomotion by Means of Heavier than Air Machines)
October 23, 1862 - Paris - Jules Verne signs the first of his six contracts with Hetzel
January(?) 1(?), 1863 - Paris - Pierre-Jules Hetzel rejects Verne's book "Paris au XXe siècle"
January 31, 1863 - Paris - Publication of the adventure novel "Cinq semaines en Ballon"
October 4, 1863 - Paris - Nadar's ballon, "Le Géant", makes its first flight from the Champ-de-Mars
October 18, 1863 - Paris - Second flight of "Le Géant"
March 20, 1864 - Paris - The first issues with the story of "Captain Hatteras" are published
August 1, 1864 - Chantenay (Nantes) - Trip to Chantenay
November 25, 1864 - Paris - Publication of the science fiction novel "Voyage au centre de la Terre"
September 14, 1865 - Paris - Publication of the novel "De la Terre à la Lune, trajet direct en 97 heures 20 minutes"
September 18, 1865 - Le Crotoy - Verne and family spend 9 weeks in the fishing village of Le Crotoy
March 1(?), 1866 - Le Crotoy - The family moves to Le Crotoy
September 10, 1866 - Bordeaux - Jules Verne arrives on a sailing boat to Bordeaux
September 25, 1866 - Le Crotoy - Returns from the Bordeaux boat trip
November 26, 1866 - Paris - Publication of the complete "Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras"
February 1(?), 1867 - Paris - Jules Verne settles in Paris
March 18, 1867 - Brest - Departs to Liverpool, England
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The "Great Eastern" |
April 9, 1867 - New York - Arrives in New York
April 11, 1867 - Buffalo - Train trip to Buffalo
April 12, 1867 - Niagara Falls - Visit to Niagara Falls
April 13, 1867 - Buffalo - Returns to Buffalo by train
April 15, 1867 - Brooklyn, New York - Arrives in Brookly, New York
April 17, 1867 - Pier 37, New York - Departs to Brest on board the "Great Eastern"
April 30, 1867 - Brest - The "Great Eastern" arrives in Brest
May(?) 5(?), 1867 - Paris - Jules Verne visits the 1867 Exposition Universelle, where he studies the model of "Plongeur", the first submarine in the world to be propelled by mechanical (rather than human) power. He also takes notes about the most recent discovery: the diving suit (speculative date)
November 1(?), 1867 - Nantes - Visit to his parents
June 1(?), 1868 - Dover - Boat trip to Dover
August 1(?), 1868 - Gravesend | London - Boat Trip to Gravesend and London
October 1(?), 1868 - Baden-Baden - Excursion to Baden-Baden
December 15, 1868 - Nantes - Visit to his parents
January 1(?), 1869 - Chantenay - Boat trip on the Loire River to Chantenay
February 1(?), 1869 - Nantes - Jules Verne leaves Nantes
March 1(?), 1869 - Le Crotoy - Moves definitively to Le Crotoy
March 20, 1869 - While in Le Crotoy - Issues with the first chapters of "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers: Tour du monde sous-marin" (20,000 leagues under the sea) are published
June 15, 1869 - South Coast of England - Boat trip on the south coast of England
July 1(?), 1869 - Le Havre - Boat trip to Le Havre
August 1(?), 1869 - Cherbourg - Boat trip to Cherbourg
November 1(?), 1869 - Amiens - Jules Verne moves to Amiens
March 1(?), 1870 - Sion, Switzerland - In Sion, Switzerland, from February to April
June 1(?), 1870 - Paris - Arrives in Paris on the "Saint-Michel", sailing by River Seine
June 10(?), 1870 - Paris - The publication of all the issues of "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers: Tour du monde sous-marin" (20,000 leagues under the sea) is completed
July 1(?), 1870 - Calais, Gravelines, Dunkerque - Boat trip
July 19, 1870 - While sailing on the English Channel - France declares WAR to Prussia
August 9, 1870 - Paris - Made a Chevalier de la "Légion d'honneur"
August 31, 1870 - Nantes - Visit to his parents
January 28, 1871 - While in Paris - France and Prussia sign a treaty in Versailles in which France looses Alsace-Lorraine and has to pay 5 million francs to Prussia
March 28, 1871 - Paris - The Commune is proclaimed in Paris
June 1(?), 1871 - Paris - Visit to the city during the Commune of Paris
November 1(?), 1871 - Amiens - Returns to Amiens
November 3, 1871 - Nantes - Jules Verne travels to Nantes to see his father for the last time. Pierre Verne dies
November 16, 1871 - Paris - Publication of "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers: Tour du monde sous-marin" complete in a luxury edition, with 111 illustrations by Alphonse de Neuville and Édouard Riou. The book is widely acclaimed
June 28, 1872 - Amiens - Jules Verne is received as a member of the Amiens Academy
November 6, 1872 - Paris - Publication of the adventure novel "Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours"
November 7, 1874 - Paris - Premiere of "Cinq semaines en Ballon" at the theâtre de la Porte-Saint-Martin
June 1(?), 1877 - Nantes - Returns to in Nantes in 1877 to occupy himself with his "rebel son" Michel. There he buys his third yacht "Saint-Michel III"
July 23, 1877 - Le Havre - Cruise on the Normandy coast
August 16, 1877 - Pornic, W. of Nantes - Lunch at Arnaud's place
April 9, 1878 - Saint-Nazaire - Jules Verne sells his yacht "Saint-Michel" to the Lucas brothers, pilots from Saint-Nazaire. He replaces it with a steam sailing ship of 100-tons, baptized as "Saint-Michel III"
May 25, 1878 - Nantes - Departs to the Mediterranean on board the "Saint-Michel III"
June 3, 1878 - Vigo, Spain - Anchors at Vigo
June 6, 1878 - Lisbon, Portugal - Anchors at Lisbon. Jules Verne has dinner with writers Pinheiro Chagas, Ramalho Ortigão and the ilustrator Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro in Hotel Bragança in Lisbon
June 7, 1878 - Cadiz, Spain - Stop at Cadiz
June 19, 1878 - Gibraltar - The "Saint-Michel III" anchors at Gibraltar
June 22, 1878 - Oran, Algeria - Bad weather delays his arrival to Oran
July 1, 1878 - Marseille - Jules Verne arrives in Marseille from Algiers, on board an ocean liner, while the crew of the "Saint-Michel III" sail to Nantes
July 22, 1878 - While in Nantes(?) - The "Saint-Michel III" returns to Nantes, its home port
June 28, 1879 - While in Nantes(?) - The "Saint-Michel III" sets sail to Boulogne
July 2, 1879 - Boulogne - Jules Verne and his guests embark on the "Saint-Michel III" to Scotland
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Saint-Michel III |
July 22, 1879 - Great Yarmouth - Stop in Great Yarmouth
July 23, 1879 - Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland - Departs to France
July 24, 1879 - Great Yarmouth - Stop in Great Yarmouth
July 29, 1879 - Le Havre - Departs to Lorient on his steam yacht
August 1, 1879 - Brest - Stop in Brest
August 3, 1879 - Saint-Nazaire - The "Saint-Michel III" anchors at Saint-Nazaire
August 18, 1879 - Saint-Nazaire(?) - Departs to Lorient on his steam yacht
August 19, 1879 - Lorient - Attends the launch of the ironclad battleship "Dévastation"
August 23, 1879 - Chantenay - Letter to Pierre-Jules Hetzel
August 26, 1879 - Nantes - Departs in another cruise to St.Michel and St.Nazaire
September 16, 1879 - Nantes - Departs on his steam yacht to the Coast of Normandy
September 20, 1879 - Le Tréport, Normandy - Arrives at Le Tréport, Normandy
September 22, 1879 - Le Tréport, Normandy - Sea trip from Le Tréport
January(?) 1(?), 1880 - While in Amiens - Triumph of "Michael Strogoff" in the theatres
June 1, 1881 - Nantes - Departs on his steam yacht "Saint-Michel III" to the North Sea
June 5, 1881 - Rotterdam - Reaches Rotterdam
June 11, 1881 - Wilhelmshaven - Resumes voyage and reaches Wilhelmshaven
June 17, 1881 - Kiel - The "Saint-Michel III" leaves Rendsburg and arrives at Kiel the same evening
June 19, 1881 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Arrival in Copenhagen
June 26, 1881 - Copenhagen - The "Saint-Michel III" departs back to France
June 28, 1881 - Kiel - Returns to Kiel to sail through the Eider Channal (Ejderkanalen)
July 4(?), 1881 - Wilhelmshaven - Returning to France and stopping at the same places of the outward journey
July 6(?), 1881 - Rotterdam - Returning to France and stopping at the same places of the outward journey
July 17, 1881 - Nantes - Returns from the North Sea
July 29, 1881 - Les Sables d'Olonne - Expedition to Les Sables d'Olonne
August 6, 1881 - Ramsgate, England - Arrives at Ramsgate
August 9, 1881 - Nantes - Returns from Ramsgate
March 15, 1884 - While in Amiens - Michel Verne marries in Nîmes. His parents are not present
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Verne collecting authentic information from the best sources about the underwater world”. from L’Algerie Pittoresque,Jun 15, 1884 |
May 18, 1884 - Vigo, Spain - Reaches Vigo in bad weather. The "Saint-Michel III" has its engine repaired
May 22, 1884 - Lisbon, Portugal - The "Saint-Michel III" anchors at Lisbon
June 4, 1884 - Gibraltar - Arrives in Gibraltar
June 10, 1884 - Annaba, Algeria - Arrives in Annaba, where the "Bey" of the city puts special wagon at his disposal
June 18, 1884 - Mellieha, Malta - In strong wings, Jules Verne is forced to anchor near Mellieha in Malta. His brother Paul comes ashore to look for a pilot and is arrested (Malta was in quarantine)
June 19, 1884 - La Valletta, Malta - The winds change direction and Jules Verne takes the "Saint-Michel III" to La Valletta's Grand Harbour
June 28, 1884 - Naples, Italy - Jules Verne arrives in Naples
July 3, 1884 - Anzio, Italy - Jules Verne leaves the "Saint-Michel III" in Anzio and departs by train to Nantes, via Rome
July 7, 1884 - Rome, Italy - Jules Verne and wife are received by Pope Leo XIII
July 15(?), 1884 - Amiens - Returns to Amiens by train, via Florence, Venice and Milan
February 15, 1885 - Amiens - Jules Verne decides to sell the "Saint-Michel III" due to maintenance costs
June 16, 1885 - While in Amiens - "Mathias Sandorf", a novel inspired by his latest Mediterranean cruise, begins being published in "Le Temps"
July 1(?), 1885 - Amiens - Jules Verne sells the "Saint-Michel III" to maritime broker Martial Noé
September 20, 1885 - While in Amiens - The last issue of "Mathias Sandorf" is published in "le Temps"
March 9, 1886 - Amiens - Jules Verne is shot in the left leg by his nephew Gaston, who had mental problems
February 15, 1887 - While in Amiens - Death of his mother, Sophie Allotte de la Fuye, in Nantes. Jules Verne sells the "Saint-Michel III"
January 1, 1888 - Amiens - Jules Verne enters politics and is elected town councilor of Amiens
February 20, 1890 - While in Amiens - Michel Verne marries Jeanne Reboul in Paris. Again, his parents are not present
January(?) 1(?), 1892 - Amiens - Promoted to an Officier de la Légion d'honneur
October 20, 1895 - Amiens - Visited by the italian novelist and journalist Edmondo De Amicis
August 27, 1897 - While in Amiens - His brother, Paul Verne, dies in Paris
January(?) 1(?), 1901 - Amiens - Jules Verne writes the first draft of "Le Phare du bout du monde" (The Lighthouse at the End of the World)
January(?) 1(?), 1902 - Amiens - Jules Verne is diagnosed with cataracts
January(?) 1(?), 1904 - Amiens - Publication of "Maître du Monde" (Master of the World)
March 24, 1905 - Amiens - Jules Verne dies, aged 77 =(END)