March 14, 1879 - Ulm, Württenberg - Albert Einstein is born to a family of non-observant Ashkenazi jews
July(?) 1(?), 1880 - Munich - Einstein family moves to Munich, where Einstein's father, a salesman and engineer, founds "Elektrotechnische Fabrik J.Einstein & Cie" with his uncle
November 18, 1881 - Munich - Sister Maria is born
January(?) 1(?), 1884 - Munich - Albert receives a compass from his father, which spaks his imagination
October 1, 1885 - Munich - Albert enrolls in Munich's Petersschule, and also begins receiving home lessons in Judaism and violin
October 1, 1888 - Munich - Albert enrolls in Luitpold Gymnasium
June(?) 1(?), 1894 - Munich - Albert's parents move to Pavia, Italy. He stays in Luitpold
![]() |
Albert Einstein, 1894 |
December 30, 1894 - Pavia, Italy - Albert drops out of Luitpold Gymnasium and joins his parents in Pavia, Italy
October 20(?), 1895 - Aarau, Switzerland - Albert fails the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School (today, Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich). Enrolls in Aarau's Argovian Gymnasium to finish High School
January 1(?), 1896 - Aarau - Renounces Württemberg citizenship to avoid military service
October 1(?), 1896 - Aarau - Albert completes his high school exams
October 25(?), 1896 - Zurich - Enrolls at the math and physics program of the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich
October 1(?), 1898 - Zurich - Albert passes the intermediate test for the Diploma. Falls in love with one of his colleagues, Mileva Marić
August 1(?), 1899 - Milan, Italy - Letter to Mileva Marić: “… the climate here does not suit me at all, and while I miss work, I find myself filled with dark thoughts – in other words, I miss having you nearby to kindly keep me in check and prevent me from meandering"
August 1(?), 1899 - Milan, Italy - Letter to Mileva Marić: “… the climate here does not suit me at all, and while I miss work, I find myself filled with dark thoughts – in other words, I miss having you nearby to kindly keep me in check and prevent me from meandering"
July 1(?), 1900 - Zurich - Receives his academic teaching diploma from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School
December 1(?), 1900 - Zurich - Einstein's first paper, "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen" ("Conclusions from the Capillarity Phenomena") is published in the journal "Annalen der Physik" =(START)
February 21, 1901 - Zurich - Einstein acquires Swiss citizenship =(changeflag)
May 5, 1901 - Como, Italy - Meets Mileva Marić at Como
May 20(?), 1901 - Winterthur, Switzerland - Works as a teacher in Winterthur
May 28, 1901 - Winterthur - Letter to Mileva Marić, asking her about "the boy" and "our little son"
September 1(?), 1901 - Shaffhausen, Switzerland - Works as a teacher in Schaffhausen
November 13, 1901 - Shaffhausen(?) - Letter from Mileva Marić, referring to the unborn child as "Lieserl"
December 1(?), 1901 - Bern, Switzerland - Einstein applies for a position at the Bernese patent-office which he is granted, initially on probation
December 12, 1901 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "... and be happy about our Lieserl, whom I secretly (so Dollie doesn't notice) prefer to imagine a Hanserl"
January 27, 1902 - While in Bern - Daughter Lieserl is born in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, before Einstein and Mileva were married
February 1(?), 1902 - Bern, Switzerland - Moves to Bern
February 4, 1902 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "... now you see that it really is a Lieserl, just as you'd wished. Is she healthy and does she cry properly? [...] I love her so much and don't even know her yet!"
June 23, 1902 - Bern - Becomes technical expert, third class
October 10, 1902 - While in Bern - His father, Hermann Einstein, dies in Milan, aged 55
January 6, 1903 - Bern - Einstein marries Mileva Marić
May 2, 1903 - Bern - Einstein joins the Naturforschende Gesellschaft Zürich (Society of Natural Sciences Zurich)
September 19, 1903 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "as what is the child registered? we must take precautions that problems don't arise for her later" (Lieserl had scarlet fever)
September 20(?), 1903 - While in Bern - Lieserl dies in infancy
May 14, 1904 - Bern - First son, Hans Albert Einstein, is born
April 30, 1905 - Zurich - Einstein completes his thesis, with Alfred Kleiner, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro-forma advisor
June 9, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light"
July 18, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid, as Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat"
August(?) 1(?), 1905 - Novi Sad, Serbia - Summer in Kać and Novi Sad, visiting Mileva's parents
September 26, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"
November 21, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", in which he deduces his most famous equation: E = mc2
January 15, 1906 - Zurich - He is awarded a PhD by the University of Zürich, with his dissertation "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions"
April 1(?), 1906 - Bern - Einstein is promoted to technical expert, second class, at the patent-office in Bern
January(?) 1(?), 1908 - Bern - Einstein is invited to teach theoretical physics at the University of Bern
February 11, 1909 - Zurich - Lecture to members of "Physikalische Gesellschaft Zurich" on Electrodynamics and the Principle of Relativity
July 6, 1909 - Bern - Submits his resignation to the patent office
July 8, 1909 - Bern - Einstein is bestowed an honorary Doctorate by the University of Geneva
October 15, 1909 - Bern - Begins teaching at the University of Zurich
October 30(?), 1909 - Salzburg, Austria-Hungary - Attends a conference on Physics
December 2, 1909 - Zurich - Einstein becomes a member of "Physikalische Gesellschaft Zurich"
December 11, 1909 - Bern - Lecture "On the role of Atomic Theory in the New Physics"
July 28, 1910 - Zurich - Second son, Eduard Einstein, is born
November 14, 1910 - Zurich - Einstein becomes a member of the "Naturforschende Gesellschaft" of Zurich
January 6, 1911 - While in Zurich - Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria formally approves the appointment of Einstein at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague
February 1(?), 1911 - Leiden - Visits Lorentz in Leiden
April 1, 1911 - Prague, Austria-Hungary - Einstein becomes a full professor at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, accepting Austrian citizenship
October 30, 1911 - Brussels, Belgium - First Solvay Conference, on "Radiation and the Quanta"
November 3, 1911 - Brussels - End of the First Solvay Conference
April 1(?), 1912 - Zurich - Einstein begins a relationship with his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal
July 25, 1912 - Zurich - Returns to Zurich to his "Alma Mater"
November 12, 1912 - While in Zurich - Kaiser Wilhelm II approves Einstein's membership of the Prussian Academy of Sciences
September 1(?), 1913 - Kać, near Novi Sad, Serbia - The Einsteins visit Mileva's parents
September 21, 1913 - Novi Sad, Serbia - Einstein's two sons are baptized in the local Serbian Orthodox Church. After it they depart to Vienna
September 23, 1913 - Vienna, Austria - Presents a paper before the "Naturforscherversammlung"
December 7, 1913 - Zurich - Einstein accepts the offer of the "berliners"
April 1(?), 1914 - Berlin - Einstein moves to Berlin while Mileva stays in Zürich
July 2, 1914 - Berlin - Speech to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
July 29, 1914 - While in Berlin - Mileva moves back to Zurich with her two sons
June 1(?), 1915 - Göttingen - Einstein arrives in Göttingen to give six lectures on general relativity in the local University
November 4, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 11, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 18, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 25, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
December 18, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein is elected corresponding member of the Royal Society of Göttingen
March 2, 1916 - Göttingen - Arrives in Göttingen to stay a few days with David Hilbert
May 5, 1916 - Berlin - Einstein is elected President of the German Physical Society
October 1, 1917 - Berlin - Takes the management of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics
February 21, 1918 - Berlin - Publishes the paper "On Gravitational Waves"
January 1(?), 1919 - Zurich - Lecture cicle at the University of Zurich (until February)
February 14, 1919 - Berlin - Einstein and Mileva Marić divorce
May 29, 1919 - Berlin - A Solar eclipse happens, having been predicted by Einstein in 1911. Worldwide fame!
June 2, 1919 - Berlin - Einstein marries Elsa Löwenstein
October 23, 1919 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Max Planck
October 26, 1919 - Leiden - Letter to his mother, Pauline Einstein
November 7, 1919 - While in Berlin - Einstein is on the cover of TIME magazine. Revolution in science! Newton dethroned!
November 12, 1919 - Rostock - Einstein receives a honorary doctoral degree from the University of Rostock
December 5, 1919 - Berlin - Letter to Mileva Marić
April 9, 1920 - Berlin - Einstein becomes member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
May 5, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Lecture at the University of Leiden on "Ether and the Theory of Relativity
May 20, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Lecture at the University of Leiden. Einstein becomes member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
June 13, 1920 - Oslo, Norway - Arrives in Oslo, Norway, for lectures on the theory of Relativity
June 15, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 17, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 18, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 22, 1920 - Oslo - Departs to Denmark
June 26, 1920 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Lecture on Relativity at the Technical University of Copenhagen
August 24, 1920 - While in Berlin - During a meeting organized by the Working Team of German Scientists for the Preservation of Pure Science, Einstein (who was not present) is attacked as an "obvious plagiarist" and his relativity theory denounced as a big bluff. A student even shouts: "One should jump at the throat of this jew!"
August 27, 1920 - Berlin - Einstein defends himself publicly and accuses his critics of anti-Semitism
September 23, 1920 - Bad Nauheim (N. of Frankfurt) - Meeting of scientists - Tense discussion with 1905 Nobel Prize winner, Philipp Lenard, on the merits of relativity
October 27, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Inaugural speech as guest professor at the University of Leiden
January 7, 1921 - Prague - Lecture at the Urania Theatre in Prague
January 8, 1921 - Prague - Post-lecture discussion
January 9, 1921 - Vienna, Austria - Arrives in Vienna
January 10, 1921 - Vienna - Three lectures at the University of Vienna (from 10th to 15th)
January 19, 1921 - Berlin - Letter to the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament
February 12, 1921 - Rotterdam - Einstein embarks on the "S.S. Rotterdam" for the United States, via boulogne and Plymouth
February 20(?), 1921 - Cherbourg - "S.S. Rotterdam" stops at Cherbourg
February 28, 1921 - Plymouth, England - "S.S. Rotterdam" stops at Plymouth. Chaim Weizmann embarks to the United States
March 23, 1921 - Ellis Island, New York - Einstein arrives at Ellis Island, New York
April 2, 1921 - New York City - Einstein disembarks in New York
May 2, 1921 - Chicago - Arrives in Chicago. Lecture in the University of Chicago on May 3rd, 4th and 5th
May 9, 1921 - Princeton, New Jersey - Receives a honorary doctorate from Princeton University. Lectures until May 13th
May 17, 1921 - Boston - Einstein arrives in Boston
May 18, 1921 - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Einstein visits Harvard University
May 25, 1921 - Cleveland, Ohio - 2-day visit to Cleveland
May 30, 1921 - New York City - Einstein departs to Germany, via England
June 8, 1921 - Liverpool, England - Einstein arrives in Liverpool
June 9, 1921 - Manchester - Addresses jewish students on the Hebrew University at the University of Manchester
June 10, 1921 - London - Arrives in London, where he is the guest of the former Labour Lord Chancellor and fellow of the Royal Society, Richard (Viscount) Haldane, who accompanies him to a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and then co-hosts a dinner for the Einsteins at his house in Queen Anne’s Gate
June 13, 1921 - London - Lecture at the King's College. Einstein lays a wreath on Isaac Newton's grave in Westminster Abbey
June 17, 1921 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
July 1(?), 1921 - Berlin - Publishes the essay "My First Impression of the U.S.A"
July 15(?), 1921 - Wustrow - Travels to Wustrow to rest
August 5(?), 1921 - Kiel - Continues his vacations in Kiel
September 29, 1921 - While in Berlin - Becomes a foreign member of the "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome"
March 13, 1922 - Berlin - Letter to the Secretary's Office of the Prussian Academy of Sciences
March 28, 1922 - Berlin - Departs to France
March 30, 1922 - Paris - Arrives in Paris
March 31, 1922 - Paris - Lecture at the "College de France"
April 6, 1922 - Paris - Presentation to the "Societé Française de Philosophie"
April 7, 1922 - Paris - Meets Rothschild
April 9, 1922 - near Dormans, France - Visit to the devastated regions of World War I
April 15, 1922 - Paris - Departs from Paris
April 22, 1922 - Berlin - Einstein informs the Legation Councillor Soehring at the Foreign Office that he was travelling to Japan and China in October
October 2, 1922 - Berlin - Departs to Marseille, then to Japan
October 4, 1922 - Zurich - Letter to Michele Besso
October 7, 1922 - Marseille - Einstein arrives in Marseille and embarks in the japanese ocean liner "S.S. Kitano Maru"
October 9, 1922 - Marseille - "S.S. Kitano Maru" departs to Japan
October 10, 1922 - Strait of Messina - "S.S. Kitano Maru" passes the volcanic Stromboli Island and the Strait of Messina
October 12, 1922 - Port Said, Egypt - Arrival at Port Said at noon
October 14, 1922 - Suez Canal - "S.S. Kitano Maru" crosses the Suez Canal
October 15, 1922 - Red Sea - "S.S. Kitano Maru" enters the Red Sea
October 18, 1922 - Gulf of Aden - "S.S. Kitano Maru" reaches the end of the Red Sea and enters in the Gulf of Aden
October 20, 1922 - Horn of Africa (Somalia) - Steams past the Horn of Africa
October 28, 1922 - Colombo, Sri Lanka - "S.S. Kitaro Maru" docks at Colombo, Sri Lanka
November 2, 1922 - Singapore - Arrival at Singapore
November 9, 1922 - Hong Kong - Arrival in Hong Kong
November 13, 1922 - Shanghai - Arrival in Shanghai - receives Nobel telegram from Sweden
November 17, 1922 - Kobe, Japan - Einstein arrives in Japan for the first time
November 18, 1922 - Kyoto | Tokyo - Car tour around Kyoto. Reaches Tokyo by train
November 19, 1922 - Tokyo - Lecture in the University of Tokyo
November 24, 1922 - Tokyo - Lecture in Tokyo
December 2, 1922 - Sendai - Arrives in Sendai
December 7, 1922 - Nagoya - Arrival at Nagoya railway station
December 10, 1922 - While in Kyoto - In Stockholm, Sweden, Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 - He is represented by the german ambassador
December 13, 1922 - Kobe - Trip to Kobe. Back in Kyoto by train
December 14, 1922 - Kyoto - Einstein participates in a student reception at the Imperial University
December 20, 1922 - Miyajima - Arrives at Miyajima
December 23, 1922 - Shimonoseki | Moji - Arrives in Moji, via Shimonoseki
December 24, 1922 - Fukuoka - Arrives in Fukuoka
December 27, 1922 - China Sea | Shimonoseki - Tour aboard a steamship on China Sea. Walk through Shimonoseki
December 29, 1922 - Yokohama(?) - Departs to Palestine
December 31, 1922 - Shanghai - Returns to Shanghai
January 5, 1923 - Hong Kong - Returns to Hong Kong
January 10, 1923 - Singapore - Letters to Max Planck and Niels Bohr. Einstein returns to Singapore
January 13, 1923 - Malacca, Malaysia - Visit to Malacca
January 14, 1923 - Penang - Arrival at Penang
January 19, 1923 - Colombo | Negombo, Sri Lanka - Returns to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Trip to Negombo
January 31, 1923 - Red Sea | Suez Canal - Einstein enters the Suez Canal
February 1, 1923 - Port Said, Egypt - Einstein disembarks in Port Said
February 2, 1923 - Jerusalem - Travels through Palestine and reaches Jerusalem at the end of the day
February 4, 1923 - Jericho - Visit to Jericho
February 5, 1923 - Jerusalem - Formal reception in Jerusalem. Einstein begins a detailed visit of Jerusalem
February 8, 1923 - Tel Aviv - Arrival in Tel Aviv. Einstein is named honorary citizen of the City
February 9, 1923 - Rishon LeZion - Visit to to Rishon LeZion
February 10, 1923 - Haifa - Arrives in Haifa
February 11, 1923 - Nazareth | Lake Tiberias - Einstein Visits Nazareth, then Lake Tiberias (until 12th)
February 13, 1923 - Jerusalem - Returns to Jerusalem, via Nablus
February 14, 1923 - Port Said, Egypt - Returns to Port Said by train
February 16, 1923 - Port Said - Departs to Spain aboard the "Ormuz"
February 22, 1923 - Barcelona - The "Ormuz" arrives in Barcelona, after stops in Toulon and Marseille
March 1, 1923 - Madrid - Departs from Barcelona and arrives in Madrid
March 3, 1923 - Madrid - Lecture at the University of Madrid
March 5, 1923 - Madrid - Einstein is made member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences in Madrid
March 6, 1923 - Toledo - Excursion to Toledo
March 7, 1923 - Madrid - Audience with the King and the Queen Mother. Third lecture at the University of Madrid
March 8, 1923 - Madrid - Receives a honorary Doctorate from the University of Madrid
March 9, 1923 - Escorial - Excursion to the Escorial
March 12, 1923 - Zaragoza - Trip to Zaragoza
March 21, 1923 - Berlin - Returns home after his long tour
April 21, 1923 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel
May 2, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Mileva Marić
May 16, 1923 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
June 7, 1923 - Berlin - Einstein is admitted to the order "Pour le Mérite"
June 27, 1923 - Kiel - Returns to Kiel
July 9, 1923 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Departs from Kiel to Gothenburg, via Copenhagen
July 11, 1923 - Gothenburg, Sweden - Einstein's speech to the King of Sweden
July 15, 1923 - Berlin - Returns from Gothenburg
July 26, 1923 - Berlin - Einstein signs his last will and Testament
August 6, 1923 - Lautrach Castle (near Austria) - Letter to Elsa Einstein
August 22, 1923 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
September 1, 1923 - Kiel - Vacations with his sons in Kiel
September 20, 1923 - Leverkusen - Visit to Leverkusen
September 21, 1923 - Bonn - Attends a physicists convention in Bonn
September 24, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Arrives in Leiden
October 11, 1923 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
November 8, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Visit to Leiden
December 13, 1923 - Amsterdam - Receives the Genootschap Medal from the University of Amsterdam
December 21, 1923 - Eindhoven, Netherlands - Lecture in Eindhoven
December 25, 1923 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin. Letter to Marie Curie
February 29, 1924 - Berlin - Letter to Chaim Weizmann
May 1(?), 1924 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel for rest
May 30, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
June 6, 1924 - Wittenberg - Visit to Wittenberg
June 7, 1924 - Göttingen - Visit to Göttingen
June 11, 1924 - Hildesheim - Visit to Hildesheim
June 12, 1924 - Braunschweig (Brunswick) - Visit to Braunschweig (Brunswick)
June 25, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 21, 1924 - Geneva - Meets Marie Curie in Geneva
July 29, 1924 - Zurich - Visit to Zurich. Continues to Lautrach
July 30, 1924 - Lautrach Castle (near Austria) - Arrives in Lautrach
August 19, 1924 - Benzingen - Letter to Elsa Einstein
August 28, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
September 27, 1924 - Vienna, Austria - In Vienna (League of Nations business)
September 29, 1924 - Zurich - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 1, 1924 - Luzern - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 9, 1924 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 27, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
March 1, 1925 - Berlin - Einstein signs his last will and Testament (2)
March 5, 1925 - Hamburg - Boards the "Cap Polonio" to South America
March 6, 1925 - Boulogne, France - Stop at Boulogne harbour
March 8, 1925 - Bilbao, Spain - Stop at Bilbao, Spain
March 9, 1925 - Corunna | Vigo - Stop in Corunna. Afternoon spent in Vigo
March 11, 1925 - Lisbon, Portugal - Visit to Lisbon, Portugal
March 13, 1925 - Off Tenerife, Canary Islands - The ship steams off Tenerife
March 14, 1925 - Off Fogo Island, Cape Verde - Fogo Island is sighted
March 17, 1925 - Line of the Equator - Crosses the Line of the Equator
March 19, 1925 - South Atlantic Ocean - Lecture to officers aboard the ship
March 22, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Einstein arrives in Rio de Janeiro, which makes a hege impression on him
March 24, 1925 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Arrival in Buenos Aires, with a quick stop in Montevideo
March 28, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Lecture in the University of Buenos Aires
April 1, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Flight over Buenos Aires in a Junkers Hydroplane
April 2, 1925 - La Plata - Visit to La Plata
April 3, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Lecture in the University of Buenos Aires
April 11, 1925 - Córdoba, Argentina - Visit to Córdoba
April 14, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Returns to Buenos Aires
April 24, 1925 - Montevideo, Uruguay - Departs from Buenos Aires on 23th and arrives in Montevideo early in the morning of 24th
April 25, 1925 - Montevideo - Lecture in the University of Montevideo
May 1, 1925 - Montevideo - Departs from Montevideo aboard the french steamer "Valdivia"
May 4, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Returns to Rio de Janeiro
May 8, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Lecture in the School of Engineering
May 12, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs from Rio de Janeiro on board the "Cap Norte"
May 27, 1925 - Bilbao, Spain - The "Cap Norte" arrives in Bilbao. Letter to Mileva Marić
May 31, 1925 - Hamburg - Arrives in Hamburg
June 5, 1925 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 28, 1925 - Geneva, Switzerland - League of Nations meetings in Geneva
August 2, 1925 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel for rest
August 31, 1925 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
November 30, 1925 - While in Berlin - Einstein is awarded the Copley Medal from London's Royal Society
December 1(?), 1925 - Leiden - Debate with Niels Bohr at Paul Ehrenfest's house
December 7, 1925 - Leiden - Letter to Elsa Einstein
December 23, 1925 - Berlin - Letter to Mileva Marić
January 14, 1926 - Paris - Letter to Elsa Einstein
January 15, 1926 - Paris - Meets Marie Curie in Paris
January 22, 1926 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
February 12, 1926 - While in Berlin - Einstein is awarded the gold medal from the Royal Astronomical Society
March 25, 1926 - Paris - Meetings in Paris
March 31, 1926 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 10, 1926 - Stuttgart - Overnight stay in Stuttgart on his way to Zurich
July 11, 1926 - Zurich - Arrives in Zurich
July 21, 1926 - Geneva, Switzerland - Arrives in Geneva after spending some days in the Swiss Alps
July 30, 1926 - Montana Vermala, Switzerland - Resting for a few days in a mountain hotel
August 11, 1926 - Zurich - Returns to Zurich
August 16, 1926 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
September 26, 1926 - Düsseldorf - Overnight stay in Düsseldorf on his way to Leiden
September 27, 1926 - Leiden - Arrives at Paul Ehrenfest's house in Leiden
October 10, 1926 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel
October 14, 1926 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
October 24, 1927 - Brussels, Belgium - The Third Solvay Conference begins
October 29, 1927 - Brussels - The Third Solvay Conference ends
February 10, 1928 - Leiden, Netherlands - Einstein rushes to Leiden to deliver a eulogy over the grave of his mentor, Dutch physicist H.A.Lorentz
March 1(?), 1928 - Davos, Switzerland - Einstein colapses with a serious heart condition
April 13, 1928 - Berlin - Elsa and Einstein interview Helen Dukas, who becomes Einstein's secretary for the rest of his life
January 1(?), 1929 - Gatow, near Berlin - Stay at the country retreat of his friend János Plesch in Gatow
January 30, 1929 - Gatow - Publishes the paper "On the Unified Field Theory"
March 14, 1929 - Gatow - 50th Anniversary in Gatow
June 28, 1929 - Berlin - Einstein receives the Max Planck Medal of the German Physical Society from Max Planck himself
July 28, 1929 - Zurich - Attends a Zionist congress in Zurich
August 11, 1929 - Zurich - The Zionist congress ends
November 8, 1929 - Paris - Einstein is awarded with honorary doctorate from the Sorbonne University
November 12(?), 1929 - Caputh, Potsdam - Einstein moves to a wooden summer house at Caputh, near Potsdam
November 18, 1929 - Caputh - Leter to his sister: "The little house in Caputh is a flop, but a very nice one"
November 11, 1930 - Caputh - The US Government grants the Refrigerator patent to Einstein
November 30, 1930 - Berlin - Departs by train to Cologne
December 1, 1930 - Cologne - Arrives in Cologne. Departs to Liège, Belgium
December 2, 1930 - Antwerp - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas departs to the United States aboard the "S.S.Belgenland"
December 11, 1930 - New York City - Arrives in New York
December 14, 1930 - New York City - Departs to California, via Cuba and Panama Canal
December 21, 1930 - Havana, Cuba - Stop at Havana
December 30, 1930 - San Diego, California - Arrival in San Diego
January 2, 1931 - Pasadena - Lectures in Pasadena
January 30, 1931 - Los Angeles - Gala Premiere of "City Lights" at the Los Angeles Theater. Albert Einstein is guest of honor
February 28, 1931 - Grand Canyon, Arizona - Visit to the Grand Canyon
March 4, 1931 - New York City - Einstein arrives in New York and departs on the same day back to Europe aboard the "S.S.Deutschland"
March 15, 1931 - Hamburg | Berlin - The "S.S.Deutschland" arrives in Hamburg. Departs to Berlin. Tea with Charlie Chaplin
April 30, 1931 - Hamburg - Departs to England on board the "S.S.Albert Ballin"
May 1, 1931 - Southampton - "S.S.Albert Ballin" arrives in Southampton
May 2(?), 1931 - Oxford - Arrives in Oxford for a 4 weeks stay
May 23, 1931 - Oxford - Receives the Honorary Doctorate of Science from Oxford University
May 28, 1931 - Southampton - Departs from Southampton on board "S.S.Hamburg"
July 1(?), 1931 - Caputh, Potsdam - Returns to Caputh
November 11, 1931 - Berlin - Dinner given by Professor von Laue for Nobel Prize Laureates
December 2, 1931 - Antwerp - Einstein and Elsa Depart to the United States on board "MS Portland"
December 20(?), 1931 - Panama - "MS Portland" reaches Panama
December 25(?), 1931 - El Salvador - "MS Portland" stops in El Salvador
December 30(?), 1931 - Los Angeles - "MS Portland" arrives in Los Angeles
December 31, 1931 - Pasadena - Arrives in Pasadena
March 4, 1932 - Los Angeles - Departs to Germany on board "MS San Francisco"
March 17, 1932 - While in the North Atlantic Ocean - In memory of the 100th anniversary of Goethe's death, the Imperial German Academy of Natural Scientists in Halle, vote to invite Einstein to become a member
March 29, 1932 - Hamburg - "MS San Francisco" arrives in Hamburg
March 30(?), 1932 - Caputh, Potsdam - Returns to Caputh
April 20, 1932 - Cambridge - Arrives in Cambridge
April 29, 1932 - Oxford - Arrives in Oxford. Stays until June 1st
December 6, 1932 - Caputh, Potsdam - Einstein and Elsa leave Caputh
December 10, 1932 - Bremerhaven - Einstein departs again for the United States aboard the "MS Oakland"
December 11, 1932 - Antwerp - Stops in Antwerp
December 14, 1932 - Antwerp - Continues voyage to the United States
January(?) 1(?), 1933 - Panama - "MS Oakland" reaches Panama
January 9, 1933 - Los Angeles - "MS Oakland" arrives in Los Angeles, via Panama Canal
January 23, 1933 - Pasadena - Einstein's second lecture in Pasadena
March 11, 1933 - Pasadena - Departs to New York, with another desert excursion
March 18, 1933 - New York - Arrives by train to New York, via Chicago. Departs to Antwerp on board "S.S.Belgenland"
March 20, 1933 - While in the North Atlantic - Einstein's summer house in Caputh is searched by the Nazis as there was supposed to be a weapon arsenal of the communist party
March 25(?), 1933 - While in the North Atlantic - Einstein and Elsa are told that their Caputh home has been broken into
March 28, 1933 - Antwerp - Einstein arrives in Antwerp. He writes a letter resigning from the Prussian Academy of sciences, and turns his passport at the German Consulate, renouncing german nationality
April 1, 1933 - De Haan, near Ostend - Einstein rents house at De Haan, near Ostend
April 15(?), 1933 - While in De Haan - His flat in Berlin is searched by the Nazis
May 25(?), 1933 - Ostend - Ferry to Dover
May 26, 1933 - Dover - Arrives in England
June 1(?), 1933 - Oxford - Short stay in Oxford - Delivers a Herbert Spencer lecture about the development of the theoretical system
July 1(?), 1933 - While back in De Haan - Einstein looses his german citizenship and his fortune is seized
August 1(?), 1933 - While in De Haan - Einstein's sailing ship is confiscated in Caputh
September 8, 1933 - Cromer, Norfolk - Arrives at a safehouse in Cromer, Norfolk, when Hitler was offering a bounty on his head
October 3, 1933 - London - "Civilization and Science" speech for 10,000 people at the Royal Albert Hall
October 7, 1933 - Southampton - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas set sail to the United States on board "S.S. Westernland"
October 17, 1933 - New York City - Einstein returns to the United States
October 20(?), 1933 - Princeton, New Jersey - Einstein makes Princeton his new base
February 1(?), 1934 - While in Princeton - Einstein's sailing boat is sold to a private person after being offered for sale by the municipality of Caputh
October 8, 1934 - New York City - Einstein receives a "Honoris Causa" doctorate in Science from Yeshiva College
January(?) 1(?), 1935 - While in Princeton(?) - Einstein's summer house in Caputh is confiscated
May 15, 1935 - Philadelphia - Einstein is awarded the Franklin Medal
May 25, 1935 - New York - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas depart to Bermuda on board the "S.S.Queen of Bermuda"
May 27, 1935 - Hamilton, Bermuda - Arrives in Hamilton, Bermuda
June 1, 1935 - Hamilton - Departs to New York
June 3, 1935 - New York - Returns to New York
June 20, 1935 - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Einstein receives a honorary doctorate in Science from Harvard
September 1(?), 1935 - Princeton, New Jersey - Moves to a new house in Princeton
December 20, 1936 - Princeton - Elsa Einstein dies after painful illness, aged 60
July 12, 1939 - Peconic Bay, Long Island - Leó Szilárd visits Einstein to explain the possibility of atomic bombs
August 2, 1939 - Peconic Bay - Szilárd and Einstein send a letter to President Roosevelt
March 7, 1940 - Princeton - Second letter to Roosevelt
April 25, 1940 - Princeton - Third letter to Roosevelt
October 1, 1940 - Princeton - Einstein and Helen Dukas swear the oath on the American Constitution, receiving american citizenship =(changeflag)
April 1(?), 1941 - Brooklyn, New York - Visits the Sperry Company in Brooklyn, New York
December 10, 1945 - New York City - Einstein delivers a speech at the Fifth Nobel Anniversary Dinner, Hotel Astor, New York
January(?) 1(?), 1946 - Oxford, chester county, Pennsylvania - Visit to Lincoln University
December 1(?), 1948 - Brooklyn, New York - Einstein is admitted to Jewish Hospital for removal of intestinal cysts, however, an abdominal aortic aneurysm is discovered. Surgeon Rudolph Nissen is able to prolong Einstein's life by wrapping the aneurysm with cellophane, to induce fibrosis in the vessel, decreasing the risk of rupture. Einstein recovers well
January 1(?), 1949 - Princeton - Einstein is discharged from Hospital and publishes his Autobiographic notes
March 18, 1950 - Princeton - Einstein signs his Last Will and Testament (3)
January 1, 1952 - Princeton - After Chaim Weizmann's death, Einstein refuses an invitation to become the President of Israel
April 17, 1955 - Princeton - Einstein is taken to hospital with internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He refuses surgery, saying "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly"
April 18, 1955 - Princeton, New Jersey - Albert Einstein dies, aged 76 =(END)
February 21, 1901 - Zurich - Einstein acquires Swiss citizenship =(changeflag)
May 5, 1901 - Como, Italy - Meets Mileva Marić at Como
May 20(?), 1901 - Winterthur, Switzerland - Works as a teacher in Winterthur
May 28, 1901 - Winterthur - Letter to Mileva Marić, asking her about "the boy" and "our little son"
September 1(?), 1901 - Shaffhausen, Switzerland - Works as a teacher in Schaffhausen
November 13, 1901 - Shaffhausen(?) - Letter from Mileva Marić, referring to the unborn child as "Lieserl"
December 1(?), 1901 - Bern, Switzerland - Einstein applies for a position at the Bernese patent-office which he is granted, initially on probation
December 12, 1901 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "... and be happy about our Lieserl, whom I secretly (so Dollie doesn't notice) prefer to imagine a Hanserl"
January 27, 1902 - While in Bern - Daughter Lieserl is born in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, before Einstein and Mileva were married
February 1(?), 1902 - Bern, Switzerland - Moves to Bern
February 4, 1902 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "... now you see that it really is a Lieserl, just as you'd wished. Is she healthy and does she cry properly? [...] I love her so much and don't even know her yet!"
June 23, 1902 - Bern - Becomes technical expert, third class
October 10, 1902 - While in Bern - His father, Hermann Einstein, dies in Milan, aged 55
January 6, 1903 - Bern - Einstein marries Mileva Marić
May 2, 1903 - Bern - Einstein joins the Naturforschende Gesellschaft Zürich (Society of Natural Sciences Zurich)
September 19, 1903 - Bern - Letter to Mileva Marić: "as what is the child registered? we must take precautions that problems don't arise for her later" (Lieserl had scarlet fever)
September 20(?), 1903 - While in Bern - Lieserl dies in infancy
May 14, 1904 - Bern - First son, Hans Albert Einstein, is born
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Albert Einstein, 1905 |
June 9, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light"
July 18, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid, as Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat"
August(?) 1(?), 1905 - Novi Sad, Serbia - Summer in Kać and Novi Sad, visiting Mileva's parents
September 26, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"
November 21, 1905 - Zurich - Publishes the paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", in which he deduces his most famous equation: E = mc2
January 15, 1906 - Zurich - He is awarded a PhD by the University of Zürich, with his dissertation "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions"
April 1(?), 1906 - Bern - Einstein is promoted to technical expert, second class, at the patent-office in Bern
January(?) 1(?), 1908 - Bern - Einstein is invited to teach theoretical physics at the University of Bern
February 11, 1909 - Zurich - Lecture to members of "Physikalische Gesellschaft Zurich" on Electrodynamics and the Principle of Relativity
July 6, 1909 - Bern - Submits his resignation to the patent office
July 8, 1909 - Bern - Einstein is bestowed an honorary Doctorate by the University of Geneva
October 15, 1909 - Bern - Begins teaching at the University of Zurich
October 30(?), 1909 - Salzburg, Austria-Hungary - Attends a conference on Physics
December 2, 1909 - Zurich - Einstein becomes a member of "Physikalische Gesellschaft Zurich"
December 11, 1909 - Bern - Lecture "On the role of Atomic Theory in the New Physics"
July 28, 1910 - Zurich - Second son, Eduard Einstein, is born
November 14, 1910 - Zurich - Einstein becomes a member of the "Naturforschende Gesellschaft" of Zurich
January 6, 1911 - While in Zurich - Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria formally approves the appointment of Einstein at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague
February 1(?), 1911 - Leiden - Visits Lorentz in Leiden
April 1, 1911 - Prague, Austria-Hungary - Einstein becomes a full professor at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, accepting Austrian citizenship
October 30, 1911 - Brussels, Belgium - First Solvay Conference, on "Radiation and the Quanta"
November 3, 1911 - Brussels - End of the First Solvay Conference
April 1(?), 1912 - Zurich - Einstein begins a relationship with his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal
July 25, 1912 - Zurich - Returns to Zurich to his "Alma Mater"
November 12, 1912 - While in Zurich - Kaiser Wilhelm II approves Einstein's membership of the Prussian Academy of Sciences
September 1(?), 1913 - Kać, near Novi Sad, Serbia - The Einsteins visit Mileva's parents
September 21, 1913 - Novi Sad, Serbia - Einstein's two sons are baptized in the local Serbian Orthodox Church. After it they depart to Vienna
September 23, 1913 - Vienna, Austria - Presents a paper before the "Naturforscherversammlung"
December 7, 1913 - Zurich - Einstein accepts the offer of the "berliners"
April 1(?), 1914 - Berlin - Einstein moves to Berlin while Mileva stays in Zürich
July 2, 1914 - Berlin - Speech to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
July 29, 1914 - While in Berlin - Mileva moves back to Zurich with her two sons
June 1(?), 1915 - Göttingen - Einstein arrives in Göttingen to give six lectures on general relativity in the local University
November 4, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 11, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 18, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
November 25, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein presents a paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences
December 18, 1915 - Berlin - Einstein is elected corresponding member of the Royal Society of Göttingen
March 2, 1916 - Göttingen - Arrives in Göttingen to stay a few days with David Hilbert
May 5, 1916 - Berlin - Einstein is elected President of the German Physical Society
October 1, 1917 - Berlin - Takes the management of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics
February 21, 1918 - Berlin - Publishes the paper "On Gravitational Waves"
January 1(?), 1919 - Zurich - Lecture cicle at the University of Zurich (until February)
February 14, 1919 - Berlin - Einstein and Mileva Marić divorce
May 29, 1919 - Berlin - A Solar eclipse happens, having been predicted by Einstein in 1911. Worldwide fame!
June 2, 1919 - Berlin - Einstein marries Elsa Löwenstein
October 23, 1919 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Max Planck
October 26, 1919 - Leiden - Letter to his mother, Pauline Einstein
November 7, 1919 - While in Berlin - Einstein is on the cover of TIME magazine. Revolution in science! Newton dethroned!
November 12, 1919 - Rostock - Einstein receives a honorary doctoral degree from the University of Rostock
December 5, 1919 - Berlin - Letter to Mileva Marić
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Albert Einstein, 1920 |
May 5, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Lecture at the University of Leiden on "Ether and the Theory of Relativity
May 20, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Lecture at the University of Leiden. Einstein becomes member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
June 13, 1920 - Oslo, Norway - Arrives in Oslo, Norway, for lectures on the theory of Relativity
June 15, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 17, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 18, 1920 - Oslo - Lecture in Oslo
June 22, 1920 - Oslo - Departs to Denmark
June 26, 1920 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Lecture on Relativity at the Technical University of Copenhagen
August 24, 1920 - While in Berlin - During a meeting organized by the Working Team of German Scientists for the Preservation of Pure Science, Einstein (who was not present) is attacked as an "obvious plagiarist" and his relativity theory denounced as a big bluff. A student even shouts: "One should jump at the throat of this jew!"
August 27, 1920 - Berlin - Einstein defends himself publicly and accuses his critics of anti-Semitism
September 23, 1920 - Bad Nauheim (N. of Frankfurt) - Meeting of scientists - Tense discussion with 1905 Nobel Prize winner, Philipp Lenard, on the merits of relativity
October 27, 1920 - Leiden, Netherlands - Inaugural speech as guest professor at the University of Leiden
January 7, 1921 - Prague - Lecture at the Urania Theatre in Prague
January 8, 1921 - Prague - Post-lecture discussion
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Einstein, Vienna, 1921 |
January 10, 1921 - Vienna - Three lectures at the University of Vienna (from 10th to 15th)
January 19, 1921 - Berlin - Letter to the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament
February 12, 1921 - Rotterdam - Einstein embarks on the "S.S. Rotterdam" for the United States, via boulogne and Plymouth
February 20(?), 1921 - Cherbourg - "S.S. Rotterdam" stops at Cherbourg
February 28, 1921 - Plymouth, England - "S.S. Rotterdam" stops at Plymouth. Chaim Weizmann embarks to the United States
March 23, 1921 - Ellis Island, New York - Einstein arrives at Ellis Island, New York
April 2, 1921 - New York City - Einstein disembarks in New York
May 2, 1921 - Chicago - Arrives in Chicago. Lecture in the University of Chicago on May 3rd, 4th and 5th
May 9, 1921 - Princeton, New Jersey - Receives a honorary doctorate from Princeton University. Lectures until May 13th
May 17, 1921 - Boston - Einstein arrives in Boston
May 18, 1921 - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Einstein visits Harvard University
May 25, 1921 - Cleveland, Ohio - 2-day visit to Cleveland
May 30, 1921 - New York City - Einstein departs to Germany, via England
June 8, 1921 - Liverpool, England - Einstein arrives in Liverpool
June 9, 1921 - Manchester - Addresses jewish students on the Hebrew University at the University of Manchester
June 10, 1921 - London - Arrives in London, where he is the guest of the former Labour Lord Chancellor and fellow of the Royal Society, Richard (Viscount) Haldane, who accompanies him to a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and then co-hosts a dinner for the Einsteins at his house in Queen Anne’s Gate
June 13, 1921 - London - Lecture at the King's College. Einstein lays a wreath on Isaac Newton's grave in Westminster Abbey
June 17, 1921 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
July 1(?), 1921 - Berlin - Publishes the essay "My First Impression of the U.S.A"
July 15(?), 1921 - Wustrow - Travels to Wustrow to rest
August 5(?), 1921 - Kiel - Continues his vacations in Kiel
September 29, 1921 - While in Berlin - Becomes a foreign member of the "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome"
March 13, 1922 - Berlin - Letter to the Secretary's Office of the Prussian Academy of Sciences
March 28, 1922 - Berlin - Departs to France
March 30, 1922 - Paris - Arrives in Paris
March 31, 1922 - Paris - Lecture at the "College de France"
April 6, 1922 - Paris - Presentation to the "Societé Française de Philosophie"
April 7, 1922 - Paris - Meets Rothschild
April 9, 1922 - near Dormans, France - Visit to the devastated regions of World War I
April 15, 1922 - Paris - Departs from Paris
April 22, 1922 - Berlin - Einstein informs the Legation Councillor Soehring at the Foreign Office that he was travelling to Japan and China in October
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Einstein and Elsa, aboard the "S.S. Kitano Maru" 1922 |
October 4, 1922 - Zurich - Letter to Michele Besso
October 7, 1922 - Marseille - Einstein arrives in Marseille and embarks in the japanese ocean liner "S.S. Kitano Maru"
October 9, 1922 - Marseille - "S.S. Kitano Maru" departs to Japan
October 10, 1922 - Strait of Messina - "S.S. Kitano Maru" passes the volcanic Stromboli Island and the Strait of Messina
October 12, 1922 - Port Said, Egypt - Arrival at Port Said at noon
October 14, 1922 - Suez Canal - "S.S. Kitano Maru" crosses the Suez Canal
October 15, 1922 - Red Sea - "S.S. Kitano Maru" enters the Red Sea
October 18, 1922 - Gulf of Aden - "S.S. Kitano Maru" reaches the end of the Red Sea and enters in the Gulf of Aden
October 20, 1922 - Horn of Africa (Somalia) - Steams past the Horn of Africa
October 28, 1922 - Colombo, Sri Lanka - "S.S. Kitaro Maru" docks at Colombo, Sri Lanka
November 2, 1922 - Singapore - Arrival at Singapore
November 9, 1922 - Hong Kong - Arrival in Hong Kong
November 13, 1922 - Shanghai - Arrival in Shanghai - receives Nobel telegram from Sweden
November 17, 1922 - Kobe, Japan - Einstein arrives in Japan for the first time
November 18, 1922 - Kyoto | Tokyo - Car tour around Kyoto. Reaches Tokyo by train
November 19, 1922 - Tokyo - Lecture in the University of Tokyo
November 24, 1922 - Tokyo - Lecture in Tokyo
December 2, 1922 - Sendai - Arrives in Sendai
December 7, 1922 - Nagoya - Arrival at Nagoya railway station
December 10, 1922 - While in Kyoto - In Stockholm, Sweden, Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 - He is represented by the german ambassador
December 13, 1922 - Kobe - Trip to Kobe. Back in Kyoto by train
December 14, 1922 - Kyoto - Einstein participates in a student reception at the Imperial University
December 20, 1922 - Miyajima - Arrives at Miyajima
December 23, 1922 - Shimonoseki | Moji - Arrives in Moji, via Shimonoseki
December 24, 1922 - Fukuoka - Arrives in Fukuoka
December 27, 1922 - China Sea | Shimonoseki - Tour aboard a steamship on China Sea. Walk through Shimonoseki
December 29, 1922 - Yokohama(?) - Departs to Palestine
December 31, 1922 - Shanghai - Returns to Shanghai
January 5, 1923 - Hong Kong - Returns to Hong Kong
January 10, 1923 - Singapore - Letters to Max Planck and Niels Bohr. Einstein returns to Singapore
January 13, 1923 - Malacca, Malaysia - Visit to Malacca
January 14, 1923 - Penang - Arrival at Penang
January 19, 1923 - Colombo | Negombo, Sri Lanka - Returns to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Trip to Negombo
January 31, 1923 - Red Sea | Suez Canal - Einstein enters the Suez Canal
February 1, 1923 - Port Said, Egypt - Einstein disembarks in Port Said
February 2, 1923 - Jerusalem - Travels through Palestine and reaches Jerusalem at the end of the day
February 4, 1923 - Jericho - Visit to Jericho
February 5, 1923 - Jerusalem - Formal reception in Jerusalem. Einstein begins a detailed visit of Jerusalem
February 8, 1923 - Tel Aviv - Arrival in Tel Aviv. Einstein is named honorary citizen of the City
February 9, 1923 - Rishon LeZion - Visit to to Rishon LeZion
February 10, 1923 - Haifa - Arrives in Haifa
February 11, 1923 - Nazareth | Lake Tiberias - Einstein Visits Nazareth, then Lake Tiberias (until 12th)
February 13, 1923 - Jerusalem - Returns to Jerusalem, via Nablus
February 14, 1923 - Port Said, Egypt - Returns to Port Said by train
February 16, 1923 - Port Said - Departs to Spain aboard the "Ormuz"
February 22, 1923 - Barcelona - The "Ormuz" arrives in Barcelona, after stops in Toulon and Marseille
March 1, 1923 - Madrid - Departs from Barcelona and arrives in Madrid
March 3, 1923 - Madrid - Lecture at the University of Madrid
March 5, 1923 - Madrid - Einstein is made member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences in Madrid
March 6, 1923 - Toledo - Excursion to Toledo
March 7, 1923 - Madrid - Audience with the King and the Queen Mother. Third lecture at the University of Madrid
March 8, 1923 - Madrid - Receives a honorary Doctorate from the University of Madrid
March 9, 1923 - Escorial - Excursion to the Escorial
March 12, 1923 - Zaragoza - Trip to Zaragoza
March 21, 1923 - Berlin - Returns home after his long tour
April 21, 1923 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel
May 2, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Mileva Marić
May 16, 1923 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
June 7, 1923 - Berlin - Einstein is admitted to the order "Pour le Mérite"
June 27, 1923 - Kiel - Returns to Kiel
July 9, 1923 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Departs from Kiel to Gothenburg, via Copenhagen
July 11, 1923 - Gothenburg, Sweden - Einstein's speech to the King of Sweden
July 15, 1923 - Berlin - Returns from Gothenburg
July 26, 1923 - Berlin - Einstein signs his last will and Testament
August 6, 1923 - Lautrach Castle (near Austria) - Letter to Elsa Einstein
August 22, 1923 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
September 1, 1923 - Kiel - Vacations with his sons in Kiel
September 20, 1923 - Leverkusen - Visit to Leverkusen
September 21, 1923 - Bonn - Attends a physicists convention in Bonn
September 24, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Arrives in Leiden
October 11, 1923 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
November 8, 1923 - Leiden, Netherlands - Visit to Leiden
December 13, 1923 - Amsterdam - Receives the Genootschap Medal from the University of Amsterdam
December 21, 1923 - Eindhoven, Netherlands - Lecture in Eindhoven
December 25, 1923 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin. Letter to Marie Curie
February 29, 1924 - Berlin - Letter to Chaim Weizmann
May 1(?), 1924 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel for rest
May 30, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
June 6, 1924 - Wittenberg - Visit to Wittenberg
June 7, 1924 - Göttingen - Visit to Göttingen
June 11, 1924 - Hildesheim - Visit to Hildesheim
June 12, 1924 - Braunschweig (Brunswick) - Visit to Braunschweig (Brunswick)
June 25, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 21, 1924 - Geneva - Meets Marie Curie in Geneva
July 29, 1924 - Zurich - Visit to Zurich. Continues to Lautrach
July 30, 1924 - Lautrach Castle (near Austria) - Arrives in Lautrach
August 19, 1924 - Benzingen - Letter to Elsa Einstein
August 28, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
September 27, 1924 - Vienna, Austria - In Vienna (League of Nations business)
September 29, 1924 - Zurich - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 1, 1924 - Luzern - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 9, 1924 - Leiden, Netherlands - Letter to Elsa Einstein
October 27, 1924 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
March 1, 1925 - Berlin - Einstein signs his last will and Testament (2)
March 5, 1925 - Hamburg - Boards the "Cap Polonio" to South America
March 6, 1925 - Boulogne, France - Stop at Boulogne harbour
March 8, 1925 - Bilbao, Spain - Stop at Bilbao, Spain
March 9, 1925 - Corunna | Vigo - Stop in Corunna. Afternoon spent in Vigo
March 11, 1925 - Lisbon, Portugal - Visit to Lisbon, Portugal
March 13, 1925 - Off Tenerife, Canary Islands - The ship steams off Tenerife
March 14, 1925 - Off Fogo Island, Cape Verde - Fogo Island is sighted
March 17, 1925 - Line of the Equator - Crosses the Line of the Equator
March 19, 1925 - South Atlantic Ocean - Lecture to officers aboard the ship
March 22, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Einstein arrives in Rio de Janeiro, which makes a hege impression on him
March 24, 1925 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Arrival in Buenos Aires, with a quick stop in Montevideo
March 28, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Lecture in the University of Buenos Aires
April 1, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Flight over Buenos Aires in a Junkers Hydroplane
April 2, 1925 - La Plata - Visit to La Plata
April 3, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Lecture in the University of Buenos Aires
April 11, 1925 - Córdoba, Argentina - Visit to Córdoba
April 14, 1925 - Buenos Aires - Returns to Buenos Aires
April 24, 1925 - Montevideo, Uruguay - Departs from Buenos Aires on 23th and arrives in Montevideo early in the morning of 24th
April 25, 1925 - Montevideo - Lecture in the University of Montevideo
May 1, 1925 - Montevideo - Departs from Montevideo aboard the french steamer "Valdivia"
May 4, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Returns to Rio de Janeiro
May 8, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Lecture in the School of Engineering
May 12, 1925 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs from Rio de Janeiro on board the "Cap Norte"
May 27, 1925 - Bilbao, Spain - The "Cap Norte" arrives in Bilbao. Letter to Mileva Marić
May 31, 1925 - Hamburg - Arrives in Hamburg
June 5, 1925 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 28, 1925 - Geneva, Switzerland - League of Nations meetings in Geneva
August 2, 1925 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel for rest
August 31, 1925 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
November 30, 1925 - While in Berlin - Einstein is awarded the Copley Medal from London's Royal Society
December 1(?), 1925 - Leiden - Debate with Niels Bohr at Paul Ehrenfest's house
December 7, 1925 - Leiden - Letter to Elsa Einstein
December 23, 1925 - Berlin - Letter to Mileva Marić
January 14, 1926 - Paris - Letter to Elsa Einstein
January 15, 1926 - Paris - Meets Marie Curie in Paris
January 22, 1926 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
February 12, 1926 - While in Berlin - Einstein is awarded the gold medal from the Royal Astronomical Society
March 25, 1926 - Paris - Meetings in Paris
March 31, 1926 - Berlin - Back in Berlin
July 10, 1926 - Stuttgart - Overnight stay in Stuttgart on his way to Zurich
July 11, 1926 - Zurich - Arrives in Zurich
July 21, 1926 - Geneva, Switzerland - Arrives in Geneva after spending some days in the Swiss Alps
July 30, 1926 - Montana Vermala, Switzerland - Resting for a few days in a mountain hotel
August 11, 1926 - Zurich - Returns to Zurich
August 16, 1926 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
September 26, 1926 - Düsseldorf - Overnight stay in Düsseldorf on his way to Leiden
September 27, 1926 - Leiden - Arrives at Paul Ehrenfest's house in Leiden
October 10, 1926 - Kiel - Arrives in Kiel
October 14, 1926 - Berlin - Returns to Berlin
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Third Solvay Conference, 1927 (Einstein at the center) |
October 29, 1927 - Brussels - The Third Solvay Conference ends
February 10, 1928 - Leiden, Netherlands - Einstein rushes to Leiden to deliver a eulogy over the grave of his mentor, Dutch physicist H.A.Lorentz
March 1(?), 1928 - Davos, Switzerland - Einstein colapses with a serious heart condition
April 13, 1928 - Berlin - Elsa and Einstein interview Helen Dukas, who becomes Einstein's secretary for the rest of his life
January 1(?), 1929 - Gatow, near Berlin - Stay at the country retreat of his friend János Plesch in Gatow
January 30, 1929 - Gatow - Publishes the paper "On the Unified Field Theory"
March 14, 1929 - Gatow - 50th Anniversary in Gatow
June 28, 1929 - Berlin - Einstein receives the Max Planck Medal of the German Physical Society from Max Planck himself
July 28, 1929 - Zurich - Attends a Zionist congress in Zurich
August 11, 1929 - Zurich - The Zionist congress ends
November 8, 1929 - Paris - Einstein is awarded with honorary doctorate from the Sorbonne University
November 12(?), 1929 - Caputh, Potsdam - Einstein moves to a wooden summer house at Caputh, near Potsdam
November 18, 1929 - Caputh - Leter to his sister: "The little house in Caputh is a flop, but a very nice one"
November 11, 1930 - Caputh - The US Government grants the Refrigerator patent to Einstein
November 30, 1930 - Berlin - Departs by train to Cologne
December 1, 1930 - Cologne - Arrives in Cologne. Departs to Liège, Belgium
December 2, 1930 - Antwerp - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas departs to the United States aboard the "S.S.Belgenland"
December 11, 1930 - New York City - Arrives in New York
December 14, 1930 - New York City - Departs to California, via Cuba and Panama Canal
December 21, 1930 - Havana, Cuba - Stop at Havana
December 30, 1930 - San Diego, California - Arrival in San Diego
January 2, 1931 - Pasadena - Lectures in Pasadena
January 30, 1931 - Los Angeles - Gala Premiere of "City Lights" at the Los Angeles Theater. Albert Einstein is guest of honor
February 28, 1931 - Grand Canyon, Arizona - Visit to the Grand Canyon
March 4, 1931 - New York City - Einstein arrives in New York and departs on the same day back to Europe aboard the "S.S.Deutschland"
March 15, 1931 - Hamburg | Berlin - The "S.S.Deutschland" arrives in Hamburg. Departs to Berlin. Tea with Charlie Chaplin
April 30, 1931 - Hamburg - Departs to England on board the "S.S.Albert Ballin"
May 1, 1931 - Southampton - "S.S.Albert Ballin" arrives in Southampton
May 2(?), 1931 - Oxford - Arrives in Oxford for a 4 weeks stay
May 23, 1931 - Oxford - Receives the Honorary Doctorate of Science from Oxford University
May 28, 1931 - Southampton - Departs from Southampton on board "S.S.Hamburg"
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Nobel Prize Laureates, Berlin, 1931 |
November 11, 1931 - Berlin - Dinner given by Professor von Laue for Nobel Prize Laureates
December 2, 1931 - Antwerp - Einstein and Elsa Depart to the United States on board "MS Portland"
December 20(?), 1931 - Panama - "MS Portland" reaches Panama
December 25(?), 1931 - El Salvador - "MS Portland" stops in El Salvador
December 30(?), 1931 - Los Angeles - "MS Portland" arrives in Los Angeles
December 31, 1931 - Pasadena - Arrives in Pasadena
March 4, 1932 - Los Angeles - Departs to Germany on board "MS San Francisco"
March 17, 1932 - While in the North Atlantic Ocean - In memory of the 100th anniversary of Goethe's death, the Imperial German Academy of Natural Scientists in Halle, vote to invite Einstein to become a member
March 29, 1932 - Hamburg - "MS San Francisco" arrives in Hamburg
March 30(?), 1932 - Caputh, Potsdam - Returns to Caputh
April 20, 1932 - Cambridge - Arrives in Cambridge
April 29, 1932 - Oxford - Arrives in Oxford. Stays until June 1st
December 6, 1932 - Caputh, Potsdam - Einstein and Elsa leave Caputh
December 10, 1932 - Bremerhaven - Einstein departs again for the United States aboard the "MS Oakland"
December 11, 1932 - Antwerp - Stops in Antwerp
December 14, 1932 - Antwerp - Continues voyage to the United States
January(?) 1(?), 1933 - Panama - "MS Oakland" reaches Panama
January 9, 1933 - Los Angeles - "MS Oakland" arrives in Los Angeles, via Panama Canal
January 23, 1933 - Pasadena - Einstein's second lecture in Pasadena
March 11, 1933 - Pasadena - Departs to New York, with another desert excursion
March 18, 1933 - New York - Arrives by train to New York, via Chicago. Departs to Antwerp on board "S.S.Belgenland"
March 20, 1933 - While in the North Atlantic - Einstein's summer house in Caputh is searched by the Nazis as there was supposed to be a weapon arsenal of the communist party
March 25(?), 1933 - While in the North Atlantic - Einstein and Elsa are told that their Caputh home has been broken into
March 28, 1933 - Antwerp - Einstein arrives in Antwerp. He writes a letter resigning from the Prussian Academy of sciences, and turns his passport at the German Consulate, renouncing german nationality
April 1, 1933 - De Haan, near Ostend - Einstein rents house at De Haan, near Ostend
April 15(?), 1933 - While in De Haan - His flat in Berlin is searched by the Nazis
May 25(?), 1933 - Ostend - Ferry to Dover
May 26, 1933 - Dover - Arrives in England
June 1(?), 1933 - Oxford - Short stay in Oxford - Delivers a Herbert Spencer lecture about the development of the theoretical system
July 1(?), 1933 - While back in De Haan - Einstein looses his german citizenship and his fortune is seized
August 1(?), 1933 - While in De Haan - Einstein's sailing ship is confiscated in Caputh
September 8, 1933 - Cromer, Norfolk - Arrives at a safehouse in Cromer, Norfolk, when Hitler was offering a bounty on his head
October 3, 1933 - London - "Civilization and Science" speech for 10,000 people at the Royal Albert Hall
October 7, 1933 - Southampton - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas set sail to the United States on board "S.S. Westernland"
October 17, 1933 - New York City - Einstein returns to the United States
October 20(?), 1933 - Princeton, New Jersey - Einstein makes Princeton his new base
February 1(?), 1934 - While in Princeton - Einstein's sailing boat is sold to a private person after being offered for sale by the municipality of Caputh
October 8, 1934 - New York City - Einstein receives a "Honoris Causa" doctorate in Science from Yeshiva College
January(?) 1(?), 1935 - While in Princeton(?) - Einstein's summer house in Caputh is confiscated
May 15, 1935 - Philadelphia - Einstein is awarded the Franklin Medal
May 25, 1935 - New York - Einstein, Elsa and Helen Dukas depart to Bermuda on board the "S.S.Queen of Bermuda"
May 27, 1935 - Hamilton, Bermuda - Arrives in Hamilton, Bermuda
June 1, 1935 - Hamilton - Departs to New York
June 3, 1935 - New York - Returns to New York
June 20, 1935 - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Einstein receives a honorary doctorate in Science from Harvard
September 1(?), 1935 - Princeton, New Jersey - Moves to a new house in Princeton
December 20, 1936 - Princeton - Elsa Einstein dies after painful illness, aged 60
July 12, 1939 - Peconic Bay, Long Island - Leó Szilárd visits Einstein to explain the possibility of atomic bombs
August 2, 1939 - Peconic Bay - Szilárd and Einstein send a letter to President Roosevelt
March 7, 1940 - Princeton - Second letter to Roosevelt
April 25, 1940 - Princeton - Third letter to Roosevelt
October 1, 1940 - Princeton - Einstein and Helen Dukas swear the oath on the American Constitution, receiving american citizenship =(changeflag)
April 1(?), 1941 - Brooklyn, New York - Visits the Sperry Company in Brooklyn, New York
December 10, 1945 - New York City - Einstein delivers a speech at the Fifth Nobel Anniversary Dinner, Hotel Astor, New York
January(?) 1(?), 1946 - Oxford, chester county, Pennsylvania - Visit to Lincoln University
December 1(?), 1948 - Brooklyn, New York - Einstein is admitted to Jewish Hospital for removal of intestinal cysts, however, an abdominal aortic aneurysm is discovered. Surgeon Rudolph Nissen is able to prolong Einstein's life by wrapping the aneurysm with cellophane, to induce fibrosis in the vessel, decreasing the risk of rupture. Einstein recovers well
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Einsten, discharged from Hospital |
March 18, 1950 - Princeton - Einstein signs his Last Will and Testament (3)
January 1, 1952 - Princeton - After Chaim Weizmann's death, Einstein refuses an invitation to become the President of Israel
April 17, 1955 - Princeton - Einstein is taken to hospital with internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He refuses surgery, saying "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly"
April 18, 1955 - Princeton, New Jersey - Albert Einstein dies, aged 76 =(END)
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