September 9, 1828 - Yasnaya Polyana, 12km SW of Tula, Russian Empire - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is born to an aristocratic russian family
September 10, 1828 - Yasnaya Polyana - Lev is baptized
August 4, 1830 - Yasnaya Polyana - Countess Mariya Tolstaya, his mother, dies when Lev is only 2 years old
August 16, 1836 - Yasnaya Polyana - Nikolai Tolstoy proposes marriage to Lev's aunt Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, "Toinette"
January 10, 1837 - Yasnaya Polyana - The Tolstoy Family leaves for Moscow by coach during the peak of winter
January 14, 1837 - Moscow - Tolstoy family arrives in Moscow after a difficult 4-day trip in the snow
June 21, 1837 - Moscow - Count Nikolai Ilych Tolstoy, his father, has an attack of apoplexy in the street while in Tula and dies. Lev was 9 years old
May 25, 1838 - Moscow - His grandmother, Pelageya Nikolayevna, dies
July 6, 1838 - Moscow - The Tolstoy children leave for Yasnaya Polyana to live with their Aunt Toinette
September 10, 1839 - Moscow - Aunt Toinette and the three orphans return to Moscow to attend the ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of Holy Savior Cathedral by Tsar Nicholas I, and to congratulate the eldest Tolstoy son, who had just been admitted to the Department of Philosophy at Moscow University
January 12, 1840 - Yasnaya Polyana - Back at Yasnaya Polyana, Lev writes his first poems and offers them to Aunt Toinette
November 9, 1841 - Yasnaya Polyana - His Aunt Aline dies. The children pass into the care of their Aunt Pelagya Yushkov
November 21(?), 1841 - Kazan - After a journey of two weeks by barge and carriage, the four children arrive to their Aunt Pelagya Yushkov's house
January(?) 1(?), 1843 - Kazan - Enrolls in an Oriental languages program at the University of Kazan
January(?) 1(?), 1844 - Kazan - Begins studying Oriental Languages at Kazan University
August 25, 1845 - Kazan - Letter to Aunt Toinette: "I do not know whether this will please you or not" [...] "but I have changed departments and became a student of Law"
March 1(?), 1847 - Kazan - Laid up in the Kazan Hospital with illness
April 12, 1847 - Kazan - Petition to the Rector of Kazan University: "Prevented from continuing my studies in the university on account of ill-health and family affairs, I humbly beg your Excellency to issue an order authorizing the omission of my name from the roll of university students and the return of all my documents"
June(?) 1(?), 1847 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns home without graduating. Spends Summer at Yasnaya Polyana
November(?) 1(?), 1847 - Saint-Petersburg - Moves to Saint-Petersburg
February 13, 1848 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to his brother
January(?) 1(?), 1849 - Saint-Petersburg - Intends to take law finals. Sells part of the family property to cover gambling debt
March 1(?), 1850 - Moscow - Moves back to Moscow. Tolstoy drinks and gambles every day
April 1(?), 1851 - Yasnaya Polyana - Nikolay, his eldest brother and army officer, arrives from the Caucasus
April 20, 1851 - Yasnaya Polyana - Departs to the Caucasus with his brother Nikolay, via Moscow =(START)
April 21(?), 1851 - Moscow - Tolstoy and Nikolay spend 2 weeks in Moscow
May 5(?), 1851 - Kazan - Tolstoy and Nikolay depart to the Caucasus, reaching Kazan to visit V.T.Yushkov, their guardian-aunt's husband and Madame Zagoskin, a friend of this aunt's. They stay in Kazan for a week
May 15(?), 1851 - Saratov - Tolstoy and Nikolay reach Saratov on horseback
May 25(?), 1851 - Astrakhan - Tolstoy and Nikolay hire a fishing boat and reach Astrakhan
May 30(?), 1851 - Starogladovskaya, NE of Grozny, Chechnya - Tolstoy and Nikolay reach their destination at Starigladovskaya
June 11, 1851 - Stariy Yurt, Goryachevodsk (near Pyatigorsk, Caucasus) - Both brothers move to Stariy Yurt, a fortified camp in Goryachevodsk
July 1(?), 1851 - Stariy Yurt, Goryachevodsk - Letter to his aunt
August 1(?), 1851 - Starogladovskaya - Stationed at Starogladovskaya
September 25, 1851 - Starogladovskaya - Departs to Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia
October 2, 1851 - Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia) - Arrives at Tiflis after a 7-day trip
December 23, 1851 - Tiflis - Letter to his brother Sergej
January 6, 1852 - Tiflis - Letter to his Aunt
January 20(?), 1852 - Starogladovskaya, NE of Grozny, Chechnya - Returns to Starogladovsk, as a non-commissioned officer
May 1(?), 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Tolstoy gets leave of absence and goes to Pyatigorsk, to drink the waters and to be treated for rheumatism
June 24, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Letter to his brother Sergej
July 2, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Tolstoy finishes his first novel "Childhood", and sends the manuscript to the editor of "The Contemporary" in Saint-Petersburg
August 5, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Departs to his post in Starogladovsk
August 7, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to his post in Starogladovks
August 28, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Receives a letter from N.Nekrasov, the editor of "The Contemporary", who is very impressed with Tostoy's writings
September 5, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Another letter from the editor of "The Contemporary" arrives
September 6, 1852 - While in Starogladovskaya - "Childhood", Tolstoy's first novel, is published in the November 1852 issue of "The Contemporary" russian newspaper
September 30, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter from N.Nekrasov
October 28, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter to his aunt Tatyana
October 30, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter from N.Nekrasov
December 24, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Tolstoy finishes writing "The Invaders"
December 26, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Sends "The Invaders" manuscript to the editor of "The Contemporary"
January 19, 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel', E. of Grozny - Tolstoy is despatched with a howitzer to the fort and village of Nizhny Gerzel'
February 18, 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel', E. of Grozny - Tolstoy is almost killed in combat when an enemy shell explodes near him
March 1(?), 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel' - Marches against Imam Shamil, leader of the caucasian resistance to Imperial Russia
April 1, 1853 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to Starogladovskaya
June 13, 1853 - On the way to Grozny, Chechnya - Tolstoy joins the 5th and 6th squads of Kurinsky and a company of battalion of the line with two cannons, setting out for the fortress of Grozny. Before reaching the fortress, they are attacked by a group of 25 chechen horsemen
July 15, 1853 - Pyatigorsk - Goes to Pyatigorsk
October 1(?), 1853 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to Starogladovskaya
January 13, 1854 - Starogladovskaya - Tolstoy passes his officer's examination and prepares for his departure from the Caucasus
January 19, 1854 - Starogladovskaya - Departs to Yasnaya Polyana
February 2, 1854 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana, where an order to join the Danube army was awaiting him
March(?) 1(?), 1854 - Kursk - Passes through Kursk on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 5(?), 1854 - Poltava, Ukraine - Passes through Poltava on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 9(?), 1854 - Balta, Ukraine - Passes through Balta on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 12(?), 1854 - Kishinev (Chisinau, Moldavia) - Passes through Kishinev on his way to Bucharest
March 14, 1854 - Bucharest, Romania - Reaches Bucharest
April(?) 1(?), 1854 - Oltenița, SE of Bucharest - Attached to a battery at Oltenița for two weeks
May(?) 1(?), 1854 - Moldavia | Wallachia | Bessarabia - Journeying through Moldavia, Wallachia and Bessarabia for a week, by order of General Serzhputovsky
July 20, 1854 - Silistra, Danube, Bulgaria - Retreat from Silistra
October 1(?), 1854 - While in Bucharest - "Boyhood", Tolstoy's second novel, is published in the russian literary journal "The Contemporary"
October 17, 1854 - While in Bucharest - The Allied Siege of Sevastopol begins
November 1, 1854 - Kishinev - Departs to Sevastopol
November 2, 1854 - Odessa - Reaches Odessa on his way to Sevastopol
November 4(?), 1854 - Kherson - Reaches Kherson on his way to Sevastopol
November 7, 1854 - Sevastopol - Reaches Sevastopol. Assigned to the 3rd light battery of the 14th Artillery Brigade
November 15, 1854 - near Sevastopol - Leaves Sevastopol for a week-long trip through the forward defense lines. "The heroism of the troops beggars description" he writes to his brother Sergej
November 23, 1854 - Simferopol - Moves to Simferopol. Diary: "I became convinced that Russia must either fall or be transformed. Nothing works the way it should, we do not prevent the enemy from consolidating his position, although it could easily be done. And we ourselves stand there facing him with inferior forces, without retrenching, with no hope of reinforcements, commanded by generals like Gorchakov, who have taken leave of their senses, their common sense and their initiative, and we are relying on St.Nicholas to send storms and foul weather to drive away the intruder. The Cossacks are ready to plunder, but not to fight; the hussars and uhlans prove their military prowess in drunken carouses and debauchery; the infantry is conspicuous only for its thievery and money-grubbing. A sorry state of affairs for the army and the country. I spent a couple of hours talking to some english and french casualties. Every soldier among them is proud of his position and he has good weapons and knows how to use them, he is young, he has ideas about politics and art and this gives him a feeling of dignity. On our side: senseless training, useless weapons, ill treatment, delay everywhere, ignorance and shocking hygiene and food stifle the last spark of pride in a man and even give him, by comparison, too high an opinion of the enemy"
December 1(?), 1854 - Esky-Ord, near Simferopol - Tolstoy is informed that the Tsar refused permission to publish his observations on his gazette. He and his battery are sent to the rear, to Esky-Ord, near Simferopol
December 19, 1854 - Esky-Ord, near Simferopol - Tolstoy writes to N.Nekrasov, offering the texts he originally intended for his gazette to "The Contemporary"
April 30, 1855 - Sevastopol - Letter to N.Nekrasov
June 1(?), 1855 - While in Bakhchysarai - Publication of "Sevastopol in December"
June 15, 1855 - Bakhchysarai, between Sevastopol and Simferopol - Tolstoy receives a letter from Panayev and a copy of "The Contemporary", with his printed tale "Sebastopol In December"
August 16, 1855 - Chornaya River, Crimea - Battle of the Chernaya - Allied victory
September 9, 1855 - Sevastopol - End of the siege of Sevastopol - allied victory
November 21, 1855 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg as a despatch bearer
February 2, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Tolstoy receives news of his brother Dmitri's death
March 25, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to his brother Sergej
May 17, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Moscow
May 25, 1856 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Visit to Dr.Bers and his wife Mademoiselle Islenev. (One of their daughters would be Tolstoy's wife six years later)
May 28, 1856 - Yasnaya Polyana - Arrives at Yasnaya Polyana
September 15, 1856 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to his brother Sergej
November 10, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to his brother Sergej
November 26, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Retires from military service
December 5, 1856 - Moscow - Letter to his Aunt Tatyana
January 1(?), 1857 - Moscow - "Youth", Tolstoy's third novel, is published in the russian literary journal "The Contemporary"
January 24, 1857 - Moscow - Departs to Saint-Petersburg
January 29, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Tolstoy departs from Saint-Petersburg and travels by mail post to Warsaw
February 21, 1857 - Paris, France - Tolstoy arrives in Paris by train
March 1(?), 1857 - Dijon, France - Trip to Dijon with Turgenev
April 6, 1857 - Paris - Witnesses a man being guillotined in a public execution in Paris, which makes an indelible impression upon him
April 9, 1857 - Geneva, Switzerland - Arrives in Geneva, Switzerland
May 15, 1857 - Clarens | Montreux - Tolstoy travels by steamer from Clarens to Montreux
May 28, 1857 - Avants, near Montreux - Spends the night at Avants
July 8, 1857 - Lucerne, Switzerland - Tolstoy reaches Lucerne
July 12, 1857 - Baden-Baden - First day at the Spa in Baden-Baden
July 31, 1857 - Baden-Baden - Turgenev arrives in Baden-Baden. Tolstoy pleads for another loan
August 8, 1857 - Stettin, Germany (Szczecin, Poland) - Departs to Saint-Petersburg
August 11, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg by boat
August 19, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Tula by train
August(?) 25(?), 1857 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
October 17, 1857 - Moscow - Moves to Moscow with his brother Nikolay and sister Marie
October 23, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Saint-Petersburg for a few days
October 30, 1857 - Moscow - Returns to Moscow
November 1, 1857 - Moscow - Letter to Botkin
December 7, 1857 - Moscow - Letter from Turgenev
December 28, 1857 - Moscow - Tolstoy goes to a banquet held by Professor Kavelin to unite all the literary factions in favor of the abolition of serfdom
January 1(?), 1858 - Moscow - Tolstoy is visited by Countess Aleksandra Alekseyevna Tolstaya
February 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
February 15(?), 1858 - Moscow - Arrives in Moscow
March 1(?), 1858 - Saint-Petersburg - in Saint-Petersburg for a fortnight
April 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
May 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Afanasy Fet
September 1, 1858 - Tula - Attends a meeting for the election of representatives to the Tula Committee for the Improvement of the Status of the Peasantry
September 4, 1858 - Tula - End of the meeting in Tula
October 24, 1858 - Moscow - Letter to his friend "Fetinka"
December 21, 1858 - out of Moscow - Tolstoy goes hunting with his friends. He shoots a bear. Next day, is attacked and wounded in his forehead and cheek by another bear
December 25, 1858 - Moscow - Letter to his aunt informing her of the incident with the bear
February 4, 1859 - Moscow - Speech to the Moscow Society of the Lovers of Russian Literature
April 1(?), 1859 - Saint-Petersburg - 10-day visit to his friend A.A.Tolstaya
April 30(?), 1859 - Yasnaya Polyana - Spends the Summer at Yasnaya Polyana
August 1(?), 1859 - Moscow - Returns to Moscow
December(?) 1(?), 1860 - Yasnaya Polyana - Creates a school with the remaining property
April(?) 1(?), 1860 - Yasnaya Polyana - Visit from Afanasy Fet
June 11, 1860 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Germany
June 15, 1860 - Berlin, Germany - Arrives in Berlin
July 15, 1860 - Dresden, Germany - Visits Auerbach in Dresden
August 1(?), 1860 - Bad Kissingen - Instead of joining his brothers at Soden, Tolstoy arrives at Bad Kissingen to inspect the schools
August 26 1860 - Soden, near Frankfurt - Tolstoy arrives in Soden to join his brother Nikolay, who was seriously ill with tuberculosis
September 19, 1860 - Hyères, France - His brother Nikolay dies of phthisis in his arms. Tolstoy is deeply impacted and begins thinking of marrying
September(?) 25(?), 1860 - Marseille, France - Visits a few schools in Marseille while mourning the loss of his brother
October(?) 15(?), 1860 - Hyères, France - Stays in Hyères until the end of the year
January 1(?), 1861 - Nice, France - Travels to Nice
January 10(?), 1861 - Florence, Italy - Arrives in Florence. Meets amnestied Decembrist Prince Sergey Volkonsky
January 15(?), 1861 - Livorno, Italy - Travels to Livorno on his way to southern Italy
January 20(?), 1861 - Naples - Arrives in Naples
January 25(?), 1861 - Rome - Arrives in Rome. Meets painter Nikolay Ge
February 1(?), 1861 - Paris, France - Revisits Paris. Meets Victor Hugo
February 19, 1861 - While in Paris - Emancipation of the serfs in the Russian Empire
March 2, 1861 - London, England - Tolstoy arrives in London
March 11, 1861 - London - Attends a reading of "A Christmas Carol" and "Boots at the Holly Tree Inn" at St.James's Hall, Piccadilly
March 14, 1861 - London - Attends a speech by Lord Palmerston at the House of Parliament on "the relative size and needs of the british and french fleets"
March 17, 1861 - Brussels - Arrives in Brussels. Visits the french anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, then living in exile
March 26(?), 1861 - Brussels - Letter to Herzen
April(?) 1(?), 1861 - Antwerp - Arrives in Antwerp
April(?) 8(?), 1861 - Frankfurt - Arrives in Frankfurt
April(?) 10(?), 1861 - Eisenach - Arrives in Eisenach
April 13, 1861 - Weimar - Visit to Weimar
April 15, 1861 - Jena - Visit to Jena
April 16(?), 1861 - Dresden - Arrives in Dresden
April 20(?), 1861 - Berlin - Visit to Berlin before returning to Russia
April 26, 1861 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg
May 5, 1861 - Moscow - Passing through Moscow on his return from Saint-Petersburg to Yasnaya Polyana
July 1(?), 1861 - Yasnaya Polyana - Diary: "The post of arbitrator has given me little material for observation and has definitely spoiled my relations with the landowners, besides upsetting my health"
January(?) 1(?), 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Essay "The School at Yasnaya Polyana"
February 12, 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to the Provincial Court of Justice on peasant affairs
March 9, 1862 - Tula - Tolstoy accepts the office of Peace Mediator of the Krapivenskiy District
April 30, 1862 - Tula - Tolstoy hands over his duties as Peace Mediator of the Krapivenskiy District, under the pretext of illness
May 20(?), 1862 - Kazan - Goes to Samara with his servant Aleksey and two schoolboys. Stops in Kazan to visit Vladimir Ivanovich Yuskhov
May 27, 1862 - Samara - Reaches Samara
August 26, 1862 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Visit to Sofya Andreevna Behrs
September 17, 1862 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Tolstoy proposes marriage to Sofya Andreevna Behrs
September 23, 1862 - Moscow - Tolstoy marries Sofya Andreevna Behrs
October 20(?), 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofia Andreevna
January 1(?), 1863 - Yasnaya Polyana - Publication of the short novel "The Cossacks"
September 28, 1863 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy is born
April 22, 1864 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 28, 1864 - Pirogovo - Begins writing "War and Peace"
August 9, 1864 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
August 11, 1864 - Novoselki - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 26, 1864 - near Telyatinki, WSW of Tula - While hunting for hare in the country near Telyatinki, Tolstoy is thrown from his horse going over a ravine. He looses consciousness after hitting the ground so hard. When he awakes, a thought hit him: "I am a writer!"
September 27, 1864 - near Telyatinski - A doctor is brought from Tula and manages to put his arm in the right place
October 4, 1864 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Tatiana Sukhotina Tolstaya is born
November 24, 1864 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 27, 1864 - Moscow - After travelling to Moscow for treatment, Tolstoy attends a performance of Rossini's "Moses" at the Great Moscow Theater
November 28, 1864 - Moscow - Surgery to put his shoulder in the right place
December 11, 1864 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
February 1(?), 1865 - Moscow - The first part of the draft of "War and Peace" is published in the periodical "Russkiy Vestnik (the russian messenger). Tolstoy, however, is not satisfied with this version
July 27, 1865 - Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October(?) 1(?), 1865 - Borodino, W. of Moscow - Visits the battlefield of Borodino
January(?) 1(?), 1866 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins rewriting "War and Peace"
May 22, 1866 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy is born
November 11, 1866 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 18, 1867 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 28, 1867 - Moscow - Letter to Afanasy Fet: "Intellectually you are superior to everybody else who's around me. You're the only one who can give [my mind] this 'different kind of bread' for it to be satiated with"
June 1, 1869 - Moscow(?) - Son Lev Lvovich Tolstoy is born
August 30, 1869 - Moscow(?) - Letter to Atanasy Fet: "I am convinced that Schopenhauer is the most genial of men. Here is the whole universe reflected with an extraordinary clearness and beauty"
September 1, 1869 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 2, 1869 - Arzamas - Overnight stay at Arzamas on his way to Samara
November 1(?), 1869 - While in Samara(?) - Publication of the rewritten "War and Peace"
February 12, 1871 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Daughter Maria Lvovna Tolstaya is born
June 11, 1871 - While sailing on the Volga - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 23, 1871 - Karalyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna: "I feel I've entered a scythian state of mind, where everything is interesting and new"
July 16, 1871 - Karalyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 1(?), 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Re-starts School
June 13, 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Peter Lvovich Tolstoy is born
July 14, 1872 - Farmstead at Tananyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 1(?), 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Confined to Yasnaya Polyana by investigating Magistrate
March 19, 1873 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins writing "Anna Karenina"
May 1(?), 1873 - Samara - The Tolstoy family spends the summer of 1873 on their newly purchased 7,000-acre estate in Samara
November 9, 1873 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Peter Lvovich Tolstoy dies in infancy
January 15, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Speaks on learning to read
April 22, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Nikolai Lvovich Tolstoy is born
June 20, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - His aunt Tatyana dies
February 20, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Nikolai Lvovich Tolstoy dies in infancy
April 1(?), 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - First installment of "Anna Karenina" published
June(?) 1(?), 1875 - Samara - Summer at Samara
November 1, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Daughter Varvára is born, but dies shortly after
November 9, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to his brother Sergej
April 1(?), 1876 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to Afanasy Fet: "You are one of the very few people I came to know in my lifetime who, while retaining totally rational attitude to life, have always stood on its edge, staring into nirvana. [People like you] see life clearer for peering into timelessness, for it is this way they greatly strengthen their [earthly] vision"
September 5, 1876 - Kazan - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 10(?), 1876 - Samara - Visit to Samara
September 15(?), 1876 - Orenburg - Visit to Orenburg
December 15(?), 1876 - Moscow - Meets Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky
January 2, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky
January 16, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
April 1(?), 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Final installments of "Anna Karenina" are published
May 28, 1877 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 26, 1877 - Optina, SSW of Kaluga - letter from Optina monastery
December 6, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Andrei Lvovich Tolstoy is born
February 9, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
March 1(?), 1878 - Petropavlovsk, W. of Kazan - Visit to Petropavlovsk fortress
March 7, 1878 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 14, 1878 - While sailing on the Volga - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 18, 1878 - Samara Farmstead - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 1(?), 1878 - Optina, SSW of Kaluga - Tolstoy visits Optina Monastery
August 7, 1878 - Yasnaya Polyana - Turgenev visits Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana
August 28, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 8, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1879 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy begins writing a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion, titled "A confession"
December 1(?), 1879 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy breaks from Church attendance
January(?) 1(?), 1880 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy finishes writing "A Confession"
August 28, 1880 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 8, 1880 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1881 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Michael Lvovich Tolstoy is born
July 4, 1881 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1882 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Publication of "A Confession"
May 1(?), 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy gives Sofya Andreevna complete charge of the publication of all his writings published before 1881 (including royalties), while he himself renounces his rights to virtually all his later writings
May 21, 1883 - Tula - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
May 25, 1883 - Samara farmstead - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 29, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 30, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 1(?), 1883 - Moscow - First meeting with Vladimir Chertkov in Moscow
November 10, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1884 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Publication of "What I believe"
July 18, 1884 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya is born
December 12, 1884 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofia Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1885 - While in Yasnaya Polyana - Following Tolstoy's initiative, Chertkov organizes and finances a publishing house specialized in the release of art and moralizing literature for people
February 22, 1885 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 15, 1885 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
October 12, 1885 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 20, 1885 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1886 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Publication of the non-fiction work "What is to be done?" and the novel "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"
April 9, 1886 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1888 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Ivan Lvovich Tolstoy is born
February 2, 1888 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to P.I.Birjukov
March 24, 1889 - Spasskoye, E. of Tula - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
April 29, 1890 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Fëdor Alekseevich Zheltov
June 12, 1890 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter from writer Ivan Bunin
January(?) 1(?), 1891 - Samara - Organising famine relief in Samara
April 1, 1891 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 1(?), 1894 - Moscow - Meets Ivan Bunin
May 23, 1894 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Fëdor Alekseevich Zheltov
January(?) 1(?), 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Ivan Lvovich Tolstoy dies, aged 7
April 26, 1895 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 10, 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to Morrison Davidson
November 2, 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins writing the short novel "Hadji Murat"
January 12, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Ernest Crosby
September 26, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 12, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
January(?) 1(?), 1897 - While in Yasnaya Polyana - Vladimir Chertkov departs for England
May 12, 1897 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
March 22, 1898 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 11, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
September 18, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Last letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
October 19, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
February 15, 1899 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 27, 1899 - Moscow - Letter to his brother Sergej
December 31, 1900 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 20, 1901 - Moscow - Letter to Pëtr Vasil'evich Verigin
February 1(?), 1901 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church
March 15, 1901 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy writes the article "To the Tsar and his associates"
September 1(?), 1901 - Yalta, Crimea - Tolstoy arrives at Countess Panina's estate in Yalta to live for a few months
January(?) 1(?), 1902 - Yalta, Crimea - Letter describing and denouncing Nicholas II's activities in China
February 2, 1902 - Yalta, Crimea - Letter on Religious relation to Life
April 22, 1902 - Sevastopol - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 25, 1902 - Sevastopol - Photographed in Sevastopol
October 8, 1903 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1904 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy finishes writing the short novel "Hadji Murat"
August 14, 1904 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 16, 1905 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 6, 1905 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Tanya, nearly 40-years-old, gives birth to a living, normal child
November 27, 1906 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Masha dies of pneumonia
April 4, 1907 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 4, 1907 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to M.P.Novikov
July 1(?), 1908 - Yasnaya Polyana - Vladimir Chertkov returns to Russia, following a pardon granted by the Tsar to all political exiles in 1905)
December 14, 1908 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Tarak Nakh Das, known as "A Letter to a Hindu"
January(?) 1(?), 1909 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy leaves all his copyrights in the control of Chertkov and his youngest daughter Sasha (Sonya is furious)
June 23, 1909 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 7, 1909 - Yasnaya Polyana - Begins a correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi
May 8, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
July 14, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 1, 1910 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 7, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
September 11, 1910 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 20(?), 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Sonya enters into Tolstoy’s study with a child’s cap pistol and shoots Chertkov’s picture, which she then tears into pieces and flushes down the toilet. When Tolstoy comes into the room, she fires the pistol again, just to frighten him. Diary: "Another day, Sonya shrieked, “I shall kill Chertkov! I’ll have him poisoned! It’s either him or me!"
October 3, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy suffers violent convulsions. After five convulsions, he falls asleep
October 10(?), 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy receives a letter from Chertkov and refuses to let Sonya see it. Sonya flies into a rage and renews her accusations about the secret will. “Not only does her behavior toward me fail to express her love, but its evident object is to kill me"
October 24, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to M.P.Novikov
October 28, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy awakes to the sound of Sonya riffling through his desk drawers. He couldn't take it anymore. Accompanied by his doctor, Dr.Makovitsky, Tolstoy boards a train heading south to live his last days. He leaves a letter to his wife: "Do not seek me. I feel that I must retire from the trouble of life. Perpetual guests, perpetual visits and visitors, perpetual cinematograph operators, beset me at Yasnaya Polyana, and poison my life. I want to recover from the trouble of the world. It is necessary for my soul and my body which have lived 82 years upon this earth"
October 29, 1910 - Shamardino Convent - After a 26 hours journey, Tolstoy reaches Shamardino Convent, where his sister Maria was a nun. He decides to spend the remainder of his life there
October 31, 1910 - Shamardino Convent - Sasha arrives and together with Dr.Makovitsky convince a feverish Tolstoy to run away to the Caucasus by train
November 1, 1910 - Astapovo - Too ill to travel, Tolstoy is taken into the train station of Astapovo
November 2, 1910 - Astapovo - Sonya arrives at Astapovo but is not allowed to enter the stationmaster's house
November 7, 1910 - Astapovo - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy dies of pneumonia at Astapovo train station, aged 82 =(END)
July 6, 1838 - Moscow - The Tolstoy children leave for Yasnaya Polyana to live with their Aunt Toinette
September 10, 1839 - Moscow - Aunt Toinette and the three orphans return to Moscow to attend the ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of Holy Savior Cathedral by Tsar Nicholas I, and to congratulate the eldest Tolstoy son, who had just been admitted to the Department of Philosophy at Moscow University
January 12, 1840 - Yasnaya Polyana - Back at Yasnaya Polyana, Lev writes his first poems and offers them to Aunt Toinette
November 9, 1841 - Yasnaya Polyana - His Aunt Aline dies. The children pass into the care of their Aunt Pelagya Yushkov
November 21(?), 1841 - Kazan - After a journey of two weeks by barge and carriage, the four children arrive to their Aunt Pelagya Yushkov's house
January(?) 1(?), 1843 - Kazan - Enrolls in an Oriental languages program at the University of Kazan
January(?) 1(?), 1844 - Kazan - Begins studying Oriental Languages at Kazan University
August 25, 1845 - Kazan - Letter to Aunt Toinette: "I do not know whether this will please you or not" [...] "but I have changed departments and became a student of Law"
March 1(?), 1847 - Kazan - Laid up in the Kazan Hospital with illness
April 12, 1847 - Kazan - Petition to the Rector of Kazan University: "Prevented from continuing my studies in the university on account of ill-health and family affairs, I humbly beg your Excellency to issue an order authorizing the omission of my name from the roll of university students and the return of all my documents"
June(?) 1(?), 1847 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns home without graduating. Spends Summer at Yasnaya Polyana
November(?) 1(?), 1847 - Saint-Petersburg - Moves to Saint-Petersburg
February 13, 1848 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to his brother
January(?) 1(?), 1849 - Saint-Petersburg - Intends to take law finals. Sells part of the family property to cover gambling debt
March 1(?), 1850 - Moscow - Moves back to Moscow. Tolstoy drinks and gambles every day
April 1(?), 1851 - Yasnaya Polyana - Nikolay, his eldest brother and army officer, arrives from the Caucasus
April 20, 1851 - Yasnaya Polyana - Departs to the Caucasus with his brother Nikolay, via Moscow =(START)
April 21(?), 1851 - Moscow - Tolstoy and Nikolay spend 2 weeks in Moscow
May 5(?), 1851 - Kazan - Tolstoy and Nikolay depart to the Caucasus, reaching Kazan to visit V.T.Yushkov, their guardian-aunt's husband and Madame Zagoskin, a friend of this aunt's. They stay in Kazan for a week
May 15(?), 1851 - Saratov - Tolstoy and Nikolay reach Saratov on horseback
May 25(?), 1851 - Astrakhan - Tolstoy and Nikolay hire a fishing boat and reach Astrakhan
May 30(?), 1851 - Starogladovskaya, NE of Grozny, Chechnya - Tolstoy and Nikolay reach their destination at Starigladovskaya
June 11, 1851 - Stariy Yurt, Goryachevodsk (near Pyatigorsk, Caucasus) - Both brothers move to Stariy Yurt, a fortified camp in Goryachevodsk
July 1(?), 1851 - Stariy Yurt, Goryachevodsk - Letter to his aunt
August 1(?), 1851 - Starogladovskaya - Stationed at Starogladovskaya
September 25, 1851 - Starogladovskaya - Departs to Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia
October 2, 1851 - Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia) - Arrives at Tiflis after a 7-day trip
December 23, 1851 - Tiflis - Letter to his brother Sergej
January 6, 1852 - Tiflis - Letter to his Aunt
January 20(?), 1852 - Starogladovskaya, NE of Grozny, Chechnya - Returns to Starogladovsk, as a non-commissioned officer
May 1(?), 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Tolstoy gets leave of absence and goes to Pyatigorsk, to drink the waters and to be treated for rheumatism
June 24, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Letter to his brother Sergej
July 2, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Tolstoy finishes his first novel "Childhood", and sends the manuscript to the editor of "The Contemporary" in Saint-Petersburg
August 5, 1852 - Pyatigorsk - Departs to his post in Starogladovsk
August 7, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to his post in Starogladovks
August 28, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Receives a letter from N.Nekrasov, the editor of "The Contemporary", who is very impressed with Tostoy's writings
September 5, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Another letter from the editor of "The Contemporary" arrives
September 6, 1852 - While in Starogladovskaya - "Childhood", Tolstoy's first novel, is published in the November 1852 issue of "The Contemporary" russian newspaper
September 30, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter from N.Nekrasov
October 28, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter to his aunt Tatyana
October 30, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Letter from N.Nekrasov
December 24, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Tolstoy finishes writing "The Invaders"
December 26, 1852 - Starogladovskaya - Sends "The Invaders" manuscript to the editor of "The Contemporary"
January 19, 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel', E. of Grozny - Tolstoy is despatched with a howitzer to the fort and village of Nizhny Gerzel'
February 18, 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel', E. of Grozny - Tolstoy is almost killed in combat when an enemy shell explodes near him
March 1(?), 1853 - Nizhny Gerzel' - Marches against Imam Shamil, leader of the caucasian resistance to Imperial Russia
April 1, 1853 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to Starogladovskaya
June 13, 1853 - On the way to Grozny, Chechnya - Tolstoy joins the 5th and 6th squads of Kurinsky and a company of battalion of the line with two cannons, setting out for the fortress of Grozny. Before reaching the fortress, they are attacked by a group of 25 chechen horsemen
July 15, 1853 - Pyatigorsk - Goes to Pyatigorsk
October 1(?), 1853 - Starogladovskaya - Returns to Starogladovskaya
January 13, 1854 - Starogladovskaya - Tolstoy passes his officer's examination and prepares for his departure from the Caucasus
January 19, 1854 - Starogladovskaya - Departs to Yasnaya Polyana
February 2, 1854 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana, where an order to join the Danube army was awaiting him
March(?) 1(?), 1854 - Kursk - Passes through Kursk on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 5(?), 1854 - Poltava, Ukraine - Passes through Poltava on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 9(?), 1854 - Balta, Ukraine - Passes through Balta on his way to Bucharest
March(?) 12(?), 1854 - Kishinev (Chisinau, Moldavia) - Passes through Kishinev on his way to Bucharest
March 14, 1854 - Bucharest, Romania - Reaches Bucharest
April(?) 1(?), 1854 - Oltenița, SE of Bucharest - Attached to a battery at Oltenița for two weeks
May(?) 1(?), 1854 - Moldavia | Wallachia | Bessarabia - Journeying through Moldavia, Wallachia and Bessarabia for a week, by order of General Serzhputovsky
July 20, 1854 - Silistra, Danube, Bulgaria - Retreat from Silistra
October 1(?), 1854 - While in Bucharest - "Boyhood", Tolstoy's second novel, is published in the russian literary journal "The Contemporary"
October 17, 1854 - While in Bucharest - The Allied Siege of Sevastopol begins
November 1, 1854 - Kishinev - Departs to Sevastopol
November 2, 1854 - Odessa - Reaches Odessa on his way to Sevastopol
November 4(?), 1854 - Kherson - Reaches Kherson on his way to Sevastopol
November 7, 1854 - Sevastopol - Reaches Sevastopol. Assigned to the 3rd light battery of the 14th Artillery Brigade
November 15, 1854 - near Sevastopol - Leaves Sevastopol for a week-long trip through the forward defense lines. "The heroism of the troops beggars description" he writes to his brother Sergej
November 23, 1854 - Simferopol - Moves to Simferopol. Diary: "I became convinced that Russia must either fall or be transformed. Nothing works the way it should, we do not prevent the enemy from consolidating his position, although it could easily be done. And we ourselves stand there facing him with inferior forces, without retrenching, with no hope of reinforcements, commanded by generals like Gorchakov, who have taken leave of their senses, their common sense and their initiative, and we are relying on St.Nicholas to send storms and foul weather to drive away the intruder. The Cossacks are ready to plunder, but not to fight; the hussars and uhlans prove their military prowess in drunken carouses and debauchery; the infantry is conspicuous only for its thievery and money-grubbing. A sorry state of affairs for the army and the country. I spent a couple of hours talking to some english and french casualties. Every soldier among them is proud of his position and he has good weapons and knows how to use them, he is young, he has ideas about politics and art and this gives him a feeling of dignity. On our side: senseless training, useless weapons, ill treatment, delay everywhere, ignorance and shocking hygiene and food stifle the last spark of pride in a man and even give him, by comparison, too high an opinion of the enemy"
December 1(?), 1854 - Esky-Ord, near Simferopol - Tolstoy is informed that the Tsar refused permission to publish his observations on his gazette. He and his battery are sent to the rear, to Esky-Ord, near Simferopol
December 19, 1854 - Esky-Ord, near Simferopol - Tolstoy writes to N.Nekrasov, offering the texts he originally intended for his gazette to "The Contemporary"
April 30, 1855 - Sevastopol - Letter to N.Nekrasov
June 1(?), 1855 - While in Bakhchysarai - Publication of "Sevastopol in December"
June 15, 1855 - Bakhchysarai, between Sevastopol and Simferopol - Tolstoy receives a letter from Panayev and a copy of "The Contemporary", with his printed tale "Sebastopol In December"
August 16, 1855 - Chornaya River, Crimea - Battle of the Chernaya - Allied victory
September 9, 1855 - Sevastopol - End of the siege of Sevastopol - allied victory
November 21, 1855 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg as a despatch bearer
February 2, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Tolstoy receives news of his brother Dmitri's death
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Lev Tolstoy, 1856 |
May 17, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Moscow
May 25, 1856 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Visit to Dr.Bers and his wife Mademoiselle Islenev. (One of their daughters would be Tolstoy's wife six years later)
May 28, 1856 - Yasnaya Polyana - Arrives at Yasnaya Polyana
September 15, 1856 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to his brother Sergej
November 10, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to his brother Sergej
November 26, 1856 - Saint-Petersburg - Retires from military service
December 5, 1856 - Moscow - Letter to his Aunt Tatyana
January 1(?), 1857 - Moscow - "Youth", Tolstoy's third novel, is published in the russian literary journal "The Contemporary"
January 24, 1857 - Moscow - Departs to Saint-Petersburg
January 29, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Tolstoy departs from Saint-Petersburg and travels by mail post to Warsaw
February 21, 1857 - Paris, France - Tolstoy arrives in Paris by train
March 1(?), 1857 - Dijon, France - Trip to Dijon with Turgenev
April 6, 1857 - Paris - Witnesses a man being guillotined in a public execution in Paris, which makes an indelible impression upon him
April 9, 1857 - Geneva, Switzerland - Arrives in Geneva, Switzerland
May 15, 1857 - Clarens | Montreux - Tolstoy travels by steamer from Clarens to Montreux
May 28, 1857 - Avants, near Montreux - Spends the night at Avants
July 8, 1857 - Lucerne, Switzerland - Tolstoy reaches Lucerne
July 12, 1857 - Baden-Baden - First day at the Spa in Baden-Baden
July 31, 1857 - Baden-Baden - Turgenev arrives in Baden-Baden. Tolstoy pleads for another loan
August 8, 1857 - Stettin, Germany (Szczecin, Poland) - Departs to Saint-Petersburg
August 11, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg by boat
August 19, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Tula by train
August(?) 25(?), 1857 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
October 17, 1857 - Moscow - Moves to Moscow with his brother Nikolay and sister Marie
October 23, 1857 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Saint-Petersburg for a few days
October 30, 1857 - Moscow - Returns to Moscow
November 1, 1857 - Moscow - Letter to Botkin
December 7, 1857 - Moscow - Letter from Turgenev
December 28, 1857 - Moscow - Tolstoy goes to a banquet held by Professor Kavelin to unite all the literary factions in favor of the abolition of serfdom
January 1(?), 1858 - Moscow - Tolstoy is visited by Countess Aleksandra Alekseyevna Tolstaya
February 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
February 15(?), 1858 - Moscow - Arrives in Moscow
March 1(?), 1858 - Saint-Petersburg - in Saint-Petersburg for a fortnight
April 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Returns to Yasnaya Polyana
May 1(?), 1858 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Afanasy Fet
September 1, 1858 - Tula - Attends a meeting for the election of representatives to the Tula Committee for the Improvement of the Status of the Peasantry
September 4, 1858 - Tula - End of the meeting in Tula
October 24, 1858 - Moscow - Letter to his friend "Fetinka"
December 21, 1858 - out of Moscow - Tolstoy goes hunting with his friends. He shoots a bear. Next day, is attacked and wounded in his forehead and cheek by another bear
December 25, 1858 - Moscow - Letter to his aunt informing her of the incident with the bear
February 4, 1859 - Moscow - Speech to the Moscow Society of the Lovers of Russian Literature
April 1(?), 1859 - Saint-Petersburg - 10-day visit to his friend A.A.Tolstaya
April 30(?), 1859 - Yasnaya Polyana - Spends the Summer at Yasnaya Polyana
August 1(?), 1859 - Moscow - Returns to Moscow
December(?) 1(?), 1860 - Yasnaya Polyana - Creates a school with the remaining property
April(?) 1(?), 1860 - Yasnaya Polyana - Visit from Afanasy Fet
June 11, 1860 - Saint-Petersburg - Departs to Germany
June 15, 1860 - Berlin, Germany - Arrives in Berlin
July 15, 1860 - Dresden, Germany - Visits Auerbach in Dresden
August 1(?), 1860 - Bad Kissingen - Instead of joining his brothers at Soden, Tolstoy arrives at Bad Kissingen to inspect the schools
August 26 1860 - Soden, near Frankfurt - Tolstoy arrives in Soden to join his brother Nikolay, who was seriously ill with tuberculosis
September 19, 1860 - Hyères, France - His brother Nikolay dies of phthisis in his arms. Tolstoy is deeply impacted and begins thinking of marrying
September(?) 25(?), 1860 - Marseille, France - Visits a few schools in Marseille while mourning the loss of his brother
October(?) 15(?), 1860 - Hyères, France - Stays in Hyères until the end of the year
January 1(?), 1861 - Nice, France - Travels to Nice
January 10(?), 1861 - Florence, Italy - Arrives in Florence. Meets amnestied Decembrist Prince Sergey Volkonsky
January 15(?), 1861 - Livorno, Italy - Travels to Livorno on his way to southern Italy
January 20(?), 1861 - Naples - Arrives in Naples
January 25(?), 1861 - Rome - Arrives in Rome. Meets painter Nikolay Ge
February 1(?), 1861 - Paris, France - Revisits Paris. Meets Victor Hugo
February 19, 1861 - While in Paris - Emancipation of the serfs in the Russian Empire
March 2, 1861 - London, England - Tolstoy arrives in London
March 11, 1861 - London - Attends a reading of "A Christmas Carol" and "Boots at the Holly Tree Inn" at St.James's Hall, Piccadilly
March 14, 1861 - London - Attends a speech by Lord Palmerston at the House of Parliament on "the relative size and needs of the british and french fleets"
March 17, 1861 - Brussels - Arrives in Brussels. Visits the french anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, then living in exile
March 26(?), 1861 - Brussels - Letter to Herzen
April(?) 1(?), 1861 - Antwerp - Arrives in Antwerp
April(?) 8(?), 1861 - Frankfurt - Arrives in Frankfurt
April(?) 10(?), 1861 - Eisenach - Arrives in Eisenach
April 13, 1861 - Weimar - Visit to Weimar
April 15, 1861 - Jena - Visit to Jena
April 16(?), 1861 - Dresden - Arrives in Dresden
April 20(?), 1861 - Berlin - Visit to Berlin before returning to Russia
April 26, 1861 - Saint-Petersburg - Returns to Saint-Petersburg
May 5, 1861 - Moscow - Passing through Moscow on his return from Saint-Petersburg to Yasnaya Polyana
July 1(?), 1861 - Yasnaya Polyana - Diary: "The post of arbitrator has given me little material for observation and has definitely spoiled my relations with the landowners, besides upsetting my health"
January(?) 1(?), 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Essay "The School at Yasnaya Polyana"
February 12, 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to the Provincial Court of Justice on peasant affairs
March 9, 1862 - Tula - Tolstoy accepts the office of Peace Mediator of the Krapivenskiy District
April 30, 1862 - Tula - Tolstoy hands over his duties as Peace Mediator of the Krapivenskiy District, under the pretext of illness
May 20(?), 1862 - Kazan - Goes to Samara with his servant Aleksey and two schoolboys. Stops in Kazan to visit Vladimir Ivanovich Yuskhov
May 27, 1862 - Samara - Reaches Samara
August 26, 1862 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Visit to Sofya Andreevna Behrs
September 17, 1862 - Pokrovskoye, near Moscow - Tolstoy proposes marriage to Sofya Andreevna Behrs
September 23, 1862 - Moscow - Tolstoy marries Sofya Andreevna Behrs
October 20(?), 1862 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofia Andreevna
January 1(?), 1863 - Yasnaya Polyana - Publication of the short novel "The Cossacks"
September 28, 1863 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy is born
April 22, 1864 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 28, 1864 - Pirogovo - Begins writing "War and Peace"
August 9, 1864 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
August 11, 1864 - Novoselki - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 26, 1864 - near Telyatinki, WSW of Tula - While hunting for hare in the country near Telyatinki, Tolstoy is thrown from his horse going over a ravine. He looses consciousness after hitting the ground so hard. When he awakes, a thought hit him: "I am a writer!"
September 27, 1864 - near Telyatinski - A doctor is brought from Tula and manages to put his arm in the right place
October 4, 1864 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Tatiana Sukhotina Tolstaya is born
November 24, 1864 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 27, 1864 - Moscow - After travelling to Moscow for treatment, Tolstoy attends a performance of Rossini's "Moses" at the Great Moscow Theater
November 28, 1864 - Moscow - Surgery to put his shoulder in the right place
December 11, 1864 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
February 1(?), 1865 - Moscow - The first part of the draft of "War and Peace" is published in the periodical "Russkiy Vestnik (the russian messenger). Tolstoy, however, is not satisfied with this version
July 27, 1865 - Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October(?) 1(?), 1865 - Borodino, W. of Moscow - Visits the battlefield of Borodino
January(?) 1(?), 1866 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins rewriting "War and Peace"
May 22, 1866 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy is born
November 11, 1866 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 18, 1867 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 28, 1867 - Moscow - Letter to Afanasy Fet: "Intellectually you are superior to everybody else who's around me. You're the only one who can give [my mind] this 'different kind of bread' for it to be satiated with"
June 1, 1869 - Moscow(?) - Son Lev Lvovich Tolstoy is born
August 30, 1869 - Moscow(?) - Letter to Atanasy Fet: "I am convinced that Schopenhauer is the most genial of men. Here is the whole universe reflected with an extraordinary clearness and beauty"
September 1, 1869 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 2, 1869 - Arzamas - Overnight stay at Arzamas on his way to Samara
November 1(?), 1869 - While in Samara(?) - Publication of the rewritten "War and Peace"
February 12, 1871 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Daughter Maria Lvovna Tolstaya is born
June 11, 1871 - While sailing on the Volga - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 23, 1871 - Karalyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna: "I feel I've entered a scythian state of mind, where everything is interesting and new"
July 16, 1871 - Karalyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 1(?), 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Re-starts School
June 13, 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Peter Lvovich Tolstoy is born
July 14, 1872 - Farmstead at Tananyk - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 1(?), 1872 - Yasnaya Polyana - Confined to Yasnaya Polyana by investigating Magistrate
March 19, 1873 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins writing "Anna Karenina"
May 1(?), 1873 - Samara - The Tolstoy family spends the summer of 1873 on their newly purchased 7,000-acre estate in Samara
November 9, 1873 - Yasnaya Polyana - Son Peter Lvovich Tolstoy dies in infancy
January 15, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Speaks on learning to read
April 22, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Nikolai Lvovich Tolstoy is born
June 20, 1874 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - His aunt Tatyana dies
February 20, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Nikolai Lvovich Tolstoy dies in infancy
April 1(?), 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - First installment of "Anna Karenina" published
June(?) 1(?), 1875 - Samara - Summer at Samara
November 1, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Daughter Varvára is born, but dies shortly after
November 9, 1875 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to his brother Sergej
April 1(?), 1876 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to Afanasy Fet: "You are one of the very few people I came to know in my lifetime who, while retaining totally rational attitude to life, have always stood on its edge, staring into nirvana. [People like you] see life clearer for peering into timelessness, for it is this way they greatly strengthen their [earthly] vision"
September 5, 1876 - Kazan - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 10(?), 1876 - Samara - Visit to Samara
September 15(?), 1876 - Orenburg - Visit to Orenburg
December 15(?), 1876 - Moscow - Meets Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky
January 2, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky
January 16, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
April 1(?), 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Final installments of "Anna Karenina" are published
May 28, 1877 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 26, 1877 - Optina, SSW of Kaluga - letter from Optina monastery
December 6, 1877 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Andrei Lvovich Tolstoy is born
February 9, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
March 1(?), 1878 - Petropavlovsk, W. of Kazan - Visit to Petropavlovsk fortress
March 7, 1878 - Saint-Petersburg - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 14, 1878 - While sailing on the Volga - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
June 18, 1878 - Samara Farmstead - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 1(?), 1878 - Optina, SSW of Kaluga - Tolstoy visits Optina Monastery
August 7, 1878 - Yasnaya Polyana - Turgenev visits Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana
August 28, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 8, 1878 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1879 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy begins writing a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion, titled "A confession"
December 1(?), 1879 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy breaks from Church attendance
January(?) 1(?), 1880 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy finishes writing "A Confession"
August 28, 1880 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 8, 1880 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1881 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Michael Lvovich Tolstoy is born
July 4, 1881 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1882 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Publication of "A Confession"
May 1(?), 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy gives Sofya Andreevna complete charge of the publication of all his writings published before 1881 (including royalties), while he himself renounces his rights to virtually all his later writings
May 21, 1883 - Tula - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
May 25, 1883 - Samara farmstead - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 29, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 30, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 1(?), 1883 - Moscow - First meeting with Vladimir Chertkov in Moscow
November 10, 1883 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
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Leo Tolstoy, 1884 |
July 18, 1884 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya is born
December 12, 1884 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofia Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1885 - While in Yasnaya Polyana - Following Tolstoy's initiative, Chertkov organizes and finances a publishing house specialized in the release of art and moralizing literature for people
February 22, 1885 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 15, 1885 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
October 12, 1885 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 20, 1885 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1886 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Publication of the non-fiction work "What is to be done?" and the novel "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"
April 9, 1886 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1888 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Ivan Lvovich Tolstoy is born
February 2, 1888 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to P.I.Birjukov
March 24, 1889 - Spasskoye, E. of Tula - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
April 29, 1890 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Fëdor Alekseevich Zheltov
June 12, 1890 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter from writer Ivan Bunin
January(?) 1(?), 1891 - Samara - Organising famine relief in Samara
April 1, 1891 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 1(?), 1894 - Moscow - Meets Ivan Bunin
May 23, 1894 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Fëdor Alekseevich Zheltov
January(?) 1(?), 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Son Ivan Lvovich Tolstoy dies, aged 7
April 26, 1895 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 10, 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Letter to Morrison Davidson
November 2, 1895 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy begins writing the short novel "Hadji Murat"
January 12, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Ernest Crosby
September 26, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 12, 1896 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
January(?) 1(?), 1897 - While in Yasnaya Polyana - Vladimir Chertkov departs for England
May 12, 1897 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
March 22, 1898 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 11, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
September 18, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Last letter to Timofej Mikhajlovich Bondarev
October 19, 1898 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
February 15, 1899 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 27, 1899 - Moscow - Letter to his brother Sergej
December 31, 1900 - Moscow - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 20, 1901 - Moscow - Letter to Pëtr Vasil'evich Verigin
February 1(?), 1901 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church
March 15, 1901 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy writes the article "To the Tsar and his associates"
September 1(?), 1901 - Yalta, Crimea - Tolstoy arrives at Countess Panina's estate in Yalta to live for a few months
January(?) 1(?), 1902 - Yalta, Crimea - Letter describing and denouncing Nicholas II's activities in China
February 2, 1902 - Yalta, Crimea - Letter on Religious relation to Life
April 22, 1902 - Sevastopol - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
July 25, 1902 - Sevastopol - Photographed in Sevastopol
October 8, 1903 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January(?) 1(?), 1904 - Yasnaya Polyana(?) - Tolstoy finishes writing the short novel "Hadji Murat"
August 14, 1904 - Pirogovo - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
January 16, 1905 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
November 6, 1905 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Tanya, nearly 40-years-old, gives birth to a living, normal child
November 27, 1906 - Yasnaya Polyana - Daughter Masha dies of pneumonia
April 4, 1907 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 4, 1907 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to M.P.Novikov
July 1(?), 1908 - Yasnaya Polyana - Vladimir Chertkov returns to Russia, following a pardon granted by the Tsar to all political exiles in 1905)
December 14, 1908 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Tarak Nakh Das, known as "A Letter to a Hindu"
January(?) 1(?), 1909 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy leaves all his copyrights in the control of Chertkov and his youngest daughter Sasha (Sonya is furious)
June 23, 1909 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
October 7, 1909 - Yasnaya Polyana - Begins a correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi
May 8, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
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Leo Tolstoy, 1908 |
September 1, 1910 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 7, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
September 11, 1910 - Kochety estate, 30km E. of Orel - Letter to Sofya Andreevna
September 20(?), 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Sonya enters into Tolstoy’s study with a child’s cap pistol and shoots Chertkov’s picture, which she then tears into pieces and flushes down the toilet. When Tolstoy comes into the room, she fires the pistol again, just to frighten him. Diary: "Another day, Sonya shrieked, “I shall kill Chertkov! I’ll have him poisoned! It’s either him or me!"
October 3, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy suffers violent convulsions. After five convulsions, he falls asleep
October 10(?), 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy receives a letter from Chertkov and refuses to let Sonya see it. Sonya flies into a rage and renews her accusations about the secret will. “Not only does her behavior toward me fail to express her love, but its evident object is to kill me"
October 24, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Letter to M.P.Novikov
October 28, 1910 - Yasnaya Polyana - Tolstoy awakes to the sound of Sonya riffling through his desk drawers. He couldn't take it anymore. Accompanied by his doctor, Dr.Makovitsky, Tolstoy boards a train heading south to live his last days. He leaves a letter to his wife: "Do not seek me. I feel that I must retire from the trouble of life. Perpetual guests, perpetual visits and visitors, perpetual cinematograph operators, beset me at Yasnaya Polyana, and poison my life. I want to recover from the trouble of the world. It is necessary for my soul and my body which have lived 82 years upon this earth"
October 29, 1910 - Shamardino Convent - After a 26 hours journey, Tolstoy reaches Shamardino Convent, where his sister Maria was a nun. He decides to spend the remainder of his life there
October 31, 1910 - Shamardino Convent - Sasha arrives and together with Dr.Makovitsky convince a feverish Tolstoy to run away to the Caucasus by train
November 1, 1910 - Astapovo - Too ill to travel, Tolstoy is taken into the train station of Astapovo
November 2, 1910 - Astapovo - Sonya arrives at Astapovo but is not allowed to enter the stationmaster's house
November 7, 1910 - Astapovo - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy dies of pneumonia at Astapovo train station, aged 82 =(END)
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