October 2, 1869 - Porbandar, Gujarat, British India - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is born
January(?) 1(?), 1874 - Porbandar - Gandhi's father, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi, leaves Porbandar to become a counsellor to the ruler of the state of Rajkot, Thakur Sahib
January(?) 1(?), 1876 - (While in Porbandar) - Karamchand becomes "diwan" of Rajkot. His family departs to Rajkot later
January(?) 1(?), 1878 - Rajkot, Gujarat - 9-year-old Mohandas enters school in Rajkot
January(?) 1(?), 1880 - Rajkot - 11-year-old Mohandas enters Rajkot's High School
May 1, 1883 - Rajkot - 13-year-old Mohandas is married to 14-year-old Kasturbai "Kasturba" Kapadia
January(?) 1(?), 1885 - Rajkot - His father, Karamchand, dies. Later that year, 16-year-old Mohandas and 17-year-old Kasturba have their first baby (which survives only a few days)
November 1(?), 1887 - Ahmedabad - 18-year-old Mohandas graduates from High School
January 1(?), 1888 - Bhavnagar, Gujarat - Enrolls at Samaldas College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat
June(?) 1(?), 1888 - Porbandar, Gujarat - Drops out and returns to his family in Porbandar
August 10, 1888 - Porbandar - Gandhi departs to Bombay (Mumbai)
August 23, 1888 - While in Bombay - First son, Harilal, is born in Delhi
September 4, 1888 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi sails to London
September 29, 1888 - Southampton, England - Gandhi reaches Southampton, England
November 6, 1888 - London, England - Enrolled at the Inner Temple, Inn of Court
September(?) 1(?), 1889 - Paris - Visits Paris Exhibition
November 1(?), 1889 - London - Introduced to Mme.Blavatsky and Annie Besant (Theosophical Society)
September 19, 1890 - London - Joins the Vegetarian Society and becomes member of the executive committee
February 20, 1891 - London - First speech at the Vegetarian Society
February 21, 1891 - London - Article: "(alcohol) that enemy of mankind, that curse of civilization"
March 26, 1891 - London - Gandhi becomes a member of the London Theosophical Society
May 27, 1891 - London, England - Gandhi is "called to the bar" (after arguing in court on behalf of other party) =(START)
June 12, 1891 - London - Sails to Aden on board "S.S.Oceania"
June 30, 1891 - Aden, Yemen - At Aden, Gandhi boards another ship to India, the "S.S.Assam"
July 5, 1891 - Bombay (Mumbai) - "S.S.Assam" reaches Bombay. Gandhi receives news of his mother's death
November 16, 1891 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Applies for admission as advocate of the Bombay High Court
October 28, 1892 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Second son, Manilal, is born
April 13, 1893 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi sails for South Africa on board "S.S. Safari", to be a lawyer to the cousin of Dada Abdullah, a wealthy muslim merchant
May 8, 1893 - Zanzibar - "S.S.Safari" reaches Zanzibar
May 17, 1893 - Zanzibar - Gandhi continues his voyage to Durban on board "S.S.Admiral"
May 24, 1893 - Durban, South Africa - "S.S.Admiral" reaches Durban
May 25, 1893 - Durban - Attends the Durban Court
May 26, 1893 - Durban - Leaves the court after refusing to remove his turban
June 7, 1893 - Pietermaritzburg - Gandhi is thrown off the first class carriage of the train at Pietermaritzburg Station
December 1(?), 1893 - Pietermaritzburg - "Natal Mercury" publishes an article about the Bill to defranchise the Indians. Indians in South Africa persuade Gandhi to stay and lead them in the struggle against colonial rule.
May 25, 1894 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi completes his work at Natal and prepares to return to India
August 22, 1894 - Durban - Helps founding the Natal Indian Congress
September 3, 1894 - Durban - Gandhi is admitted as an advocate of the Supreme Court of Natal.
September 19, 1894 - Durban - Gandhi's first case in South Africa, defending Gope Maharaj. He wins
December 16, 1895 - Durban - Publishes the book "The Indian Franchise: An appeal to Every Indian in South Africa"
January 23, 1896 - Durban - Applies to be appointed as interpreter in Gujarati
June 5, 1896 - Durban - Gandhi sails to Calcutta
July 4, 1896 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi reaches Calcutta
July 9, 1896 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Gandhi reaches Rajkot and begins writing the "Green Pamphlet"
August 14, 1896 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Gandhi publishes "Green Pamphlet"
September 1(?), 1896 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech complaining that the whites in the British Colony of South Africa were degrading Indian Hindus and Muslims to "a level of Kaffir" (black people)
November 16, 1896 - Poona - Public lecture, chaired by Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
November 30, 1896 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to Durban with his family, on board "S.S.Courland"
December 18, 1896 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi returns to Durban with his family
December 19, 1896 - Durban - "S.S.Courtland" and "S.S.Naderi" (which sailed together from India) are placed under quarentine, after the Natal Government declares Bombay an infected port
December 25, 1896 - Durban - Christmas dinner speech aboard "S.S.Courtland", criticizing western values
January 2, 1897 - While aboard "S.S.Courtland" in Durban - Third son, Ramdas, is born
January 13, 1897 - Durban - Gandhi finally lands in Durban, where he is attacked by a mob of white settlers due to his anti-South African Government speeches
August 1(?), 1898 - Durban - Gandhi objects to Durban Town council for refusing trading licenses to Indians on racial grounds
April 25, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Indians in Transvaal are ordered to move to other locations
October 11, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Establishes Indian Ambulance Corps during the Boer War. Gandhi felt that if indians demanded the rights as british citizens then it was also their duty to participate in the defense of the Empire
December 14, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Departs to the front with the Indian Corps
December 15, 1899 - Colenso, South Africa - Stretcher-bearer at the Battle of Colenso - Boer victory
December 17, 1899 - Estcourt, South Africa - The Indian Ambulance Corps is moved to Estcourt
December 19, 1899 - Estcourt - The Indian Ambulance Corps is disbanded
January 7, 1900 - Estcourt - Ambulance Corps is reformed and stationed at Estcourt
May 22, 1900 - Durban - Third son, Devdas, is born. Gandhi assists Kasturba in the deliverance of their new son
August 14, 1900 - Durban - Defends indentured indian, Chellagadu, charged for absenting from work without permission
March 25, 1901 - Durban - Wires High Commissioner objecting to rigorous enforcement of anti-Indian regulations, such as exclusion from walking on footpaths, and requests repeal or modification of laws
May 21, 1901 - While in Durban - Gandhi's mentor, Raychandbhai, dies in Bombay
June 22, 1901 - Durban - Requests Sir Bhownagree in London that British Committee and East India Association set up joint action group supporting Indians in South Africa against racism
October 15, 1901 - Durban - Attends farewell meetings and receives address from Natal Indian Congress and gifts from well wishers
October 18, 1901 - Durban - Sails with his family for India
October 30, 1901 - Port Louis, Mauritius - Disembarks at Port Louis, Mauritius. Attends reception by Indian community
November 19, 1901 - Port Louis - Departs Mauritius for India
December 14, 1901 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Reaches Rajkot via Porbandar
December 27, 1901 - Rajkot - Moves resolutions on South Africa at Indian Congress session. Leaves Rajkot for Calcutta, via Bombay
January 19, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Begins addressing meetings on indians in South Africa
January 27, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech about the experience of Indian Ambulance Corps in South Africa
January 28, 1902 - Rangoon (Yangon), Burma - Sails to Rangoon, Burma
February 2, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
February 22, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Meets Annie Besant in Calcutta
February 26, 1902 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Settles down to practice in Rajkot
April 22, 1902 - Rajkot - Writes article in the "Times of India" on the Natal Bill to impose a tax on the children of indentured Indians
May 1, 1902 - Rajkot - Works as secretary, of Plague Committee in Rajkot
May 3, 1902 - Rajkot - Asks Natal Indian Congress for funds to pursue South Africa's cause in India
July 10, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sets up practice in Bombay
November 3, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi is recalled to South Africa
November 20, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to South Africa
December 12, 1902 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi arrives in Durban
December 28, 1902 - Chamberlain, South Africa - Leads deputation to Chamberlain
January 1(?), 1903 - Chamberlain - Excluded from deputation to Chamberlain on grounds that he is not a resident of the Transvaal
January 7, 1903 - Chamberlain(?) - Addresses petition to the Viceroy advising discontinuance of indentured labour. Writes to Dadabhai Naoroji on same matter
February 16, 1903 - Johannesburg - Settles down in Johannesburg
May 6, 1903 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting in Johannesburg protests against segregation of Indians
June 4, 1903 - Johannesburg - First Issue of "Indian Opinion" published
November 9, 1903 - Johannesburg - Indians ordered out of Johannesburg locations and are allocated unacceptable sites
December 11, 1903 - Johannesburg - Indians protest at mass meeting against Licensing Laws
February 11, 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi alerts Johannesburg's Medical Officer of Health to overcrowding, and sanitary conditions in Indian locations. Warns that plague may break out
February 20, 1904 - Johannesburg - Writes again to Medical Officer of Health on health hazards in Indian living locations
March 18, 1904 - Johannesburg - Plague breaks out. Gandhi informs the Medical Officer of Health that dead and dying Indians are being dumped
March 19, 1904 - Johannesburg - The Town Council allocates a warehouse for a makeshift hospital but declines to bear any further responsibility. The Indian community equips the "hospital" and takes over nursing of patients
Gandhi publishes his correspondence with Medical Officer of Health on plague
April 5, 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi publishes his correspondence with Medical Officer of Health on plague
May 11, 1904 - Johannesburg - Supreme Court rules that Law 3 of 1885 restricts only Indian residential rights to locations, not businesses
October 1(?), 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi assumes financial responsibility for press of Indian Opinion
October 10(?), 1904 - Durban - Travels to Durban
November 10, 1904 - While in Durban - Europeans hold anti-Asiatic convention in Transvaal
November 11, 1904 - Durban - British Indian Association protests against convention
December 1(?), 1904 - Near Durban - Establishes "Phoenix Settlement"
January 10, 1905 - Durban - Speech at the opening of a new library in Durban
February 17, 1905 - Cape Town, South Africa - Visits Cape Town with Parsee Rustomjee
March 4, 1905 - Johannesburg - First lecture on Hindu religion at the Theosophical Society, Johannesburg
June 9(?), 1905 - Durban - Visit to Durban and Phoenix Settlement
July 8, 1905 - Durban - Gandhi writes in "Indian Opinion" for abolition of salt-tax in India
August 19, 1905 - Johannesburg - Calls for united opposition to Bengal partition and supported boycott of British goods
October 24, 1905 - Potchefstroom - Leads deputation to Lord Selborne
November 25, 1905 - Johannesburg - Protest against Poll Tax
January 1, 1906 - Johannesburg - Poll tax on Indians 18 years and over enforced in Natal
January 20, 1906 - While in Johannesburg - The Editor of "Indian opinion", M.H. Nazar, dies
February 27, 1906 - While in Johannesburg - Zulu rebellion breaks out
March 21, 1906 - Johannesburg - Addresses coloured people's meeting in Johannesburg
March 30, 1906 - Johannesburg - Supports the coloured people's petition to the Imperial Government for franchise rights. Dr Abdurrahman of the African People's Organization (APO) takes up the grievances of coloured people with Lord Selbome
March 31, 1906 - Johannesburg - Opposes introduction of indentured Indian labour on Johannesburg mines
April 23, 1906 - Durban - Appeals to the Indian community to take over responsibility of Indian Opinion
April 24, 1906 - Durban - Natal Indian Congress (NIC) meeting decides to form Ambulance Corps
June 2, 1906 - Durban - Adresses meeting of Indians in Durban to raise funds for ambulance work
June 22, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is given the rank of Sergent-Major by the Government. Departs to the front on June 23rd
June 23, 1906 - Ambulance duty at the front
July 19, 1906 - Stretcher-Bearer Corps disbanded
July 20, 1906 - Durban - Gandhi speaks at congress reception in Durban. Takes the vow of Brahmcharya
August 22, 1906 - While in Durban - The Transvaal government promulgates a new Act compelling registration of the colony's indian and chinese populations
September 1, 1906 - Pretoria - Draft of Asiatic Bill restricting their entry into Transvaal and enforcing the carrying of passes bearing finger prints is introduced in Transvaal. Gandhi condemns it as "crime against humanity", and christens it "The Black Act". Indians react to it as an affront to their dignity
September 9, 1906 - Pretoria - Addresses meeting at Hamidia Islamic Society and advises that a deputation be sent to London to protest against the Pass Bill
September 11, 1906 - Johannesburg - Mass protest meeting held in Johannesburg. Gandhi uses his nonviolent posture for the first time
September 19, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi accuses Transvaal Government of waging war on Indian women and children by demanding they carry passes
September 21, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi condemns the "Transvaal Leader" for alleging that Indians were bringing women of indifferent character as wives. British Indian Association decides to send Gandhi and O.H. Ally to London
October 1, 1906 - Johannesburg - Departs to Cape Town
October 3, 1906 - Cape Town - Gandhi sails for England on board "S.S. Armadale Castle" as a member of the Indian Delegation
October 20, 1906 - Southampton, England - "S.S.Armadale Castle" arrives in England
October 21, 1906 - London, England - Gandhi reaches London
November 7, 1906 - Westminster - Addresses members of the Parliament
November 28, 1906 - London, England - Meets Under-Secretary of State for Colonies, Winston Churchill, in London
December 1, 1906 - London(?) - Gandhi and Ally leave England for South Africa
December 3, 1906 - While sailing to South Africa - Churchill informs House of Commons that Secretary of State for Colonies declined to approve Transvaal ordinance
December 12, 1906 - While sailing to South Africa - Transvaal granted self-government
December 18, 1906 - Cape Town, South Africa - Gandhi returns to South Africa
December 20, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi returns to Johannesburg
December 26, 1906 - Durban - Reception in Durban
January 2, 1907 - near Durban - Visits Phoenix Settlement
February 17, 1907 - While in Durban - Churchill informs House of Commons that Natal Government has been refused leave to introduce legislation excluding Asiatics from trading licenses
March 2, 1907 - While in Durban - British Indian Association protests to Register of Asiatics against the taking of fingerprints by police
March 8, 1907 - Volksrust - Visits Volksrust
March 11, 1907 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting at Gaiety Theatre, Johannesburg protests against treatment of Indians
March 19, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - The ordinance, which failed to gain royal assent, is reintroduced as the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Bill by the now independent Transvaal Government
March 22, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - Asiatic Registration Bill passed in Transvaal Parliament
March 29, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - Indians protest against Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) and offer to register voluntarily if Act is withdrawn
April 4, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi leads a deputation to General Jan Christian Smuts (Transvaal Interior Minister) and presents him with the resolutions adopted at the March 29 mass meeting
May 10, 1907 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
June 7, 1907 - While in Johannesburg - British Indian Association meeting decides to send deputation to Prime Minister General Botha to urge acceptance of compromise proposal. General Botha declines to meet deputation
July 1, 1907 - While in Volksrust - First permit office is opened in the Transvaal and Indians are notified that they have to register within three months
July 3, 1907 - While in Volksrust - Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) published
July 9, 1907 - While in Pretoria - British Indian Association petitions Transvaal parliament on Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
July 14, 1907 - Johannesburg - Addresses meeting of Hamidia Islamic Society
July 24, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi arrives in Pretoria and calls at Khamisa's shop where applications for registration certificates were being received secretly
July 28, 1907 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting at Hamidia Islamic Society Hall protests against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) and declares day of Hartal in Transvaal
July 31, 1907 - Pretoria - Mass meeting held in Pretoria
August 8, 1907 - Pretoria(?) - Gandhi writes to General Smuts and suggests amendment to Asiatic Act
August 31, 1907 - Pretoria(?) - Ally and family leave Transvaal in protest against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
September 4, 1907 - Durban - Speech at a Natal Indian Congress meeting
September 21, 1907 - Johannesburg - Petition against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) is addressed to Colonial Secretary and circulated for signatures
September 22, 1907 - Johannesburg - Begins addressing meetings of Hamidia Islamic Society and Chinese Association until October 6th
October 15, 1907 - Johannesburg - Repudiates charge of intimidation against pickets in court.
October 20, 1907 - Johannesburg - Attends meetings of Hamidia Islamic Society and South Indians. (Addresses 17 meetings between July and December)
November 14, 1907 - Johannesburg - Defends first satyagrahi, Ramsundar Pandit, who is sentenced to one month's imprisonment. Indians declare hartal in Johannesburg
November 15, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi defends pickets at trial in Pretoria
November 30, 1907 - Johannesburg - By closing date of registration only 511 of the total population of over 13000 register by closing date. Struggle is named Satyagraha
December 28, 1907 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends himself and others on charges of picketing. Ordered to leave Transvaal, he defies the order and addresses crowds outside court
January 1, 1908 - Fordsburg - Transvaal Immigration Restriction Act (No. 15) of 1907 comes into force; mass meeting is held at Surti Mosque, Fordsburg
January 3, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends two Pathan satyagrahis - Nawab and Samandar Khan
January 4, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA informs the government that if Indians are not issued licenses because they have not registered under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA), they will trade without licenses. Smuts declares Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) will not be repealed and refuses to meet with Gandhi
January 8, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi tells Reuters that if Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) is suspended, Indians will register voluntarily
January 10, 1908 - Pretoria - Awarded two months' simple imprisonment for refusal to obtain registration - Gandhi is arrested and brought before a Magistrate for failing either to register or to leave the Transvaal in pursuance of official notice served on him. Gandhi tells the Judge during trial that as a leader he merited heaviest sentence; he is sentenced to two months' simple imprisonment
January 20, 1908 - Pretoria - Cartwright meets Gandhi in prison with a compromise from Smuts
January 28, 1908 - Pretoria - Cartwright meets Gandhi in prison with a compromise from Smuts
January 30, 1908 - Pretoria - Agreement signed with General Smuts on voluntary registration - Taken to Pretoria on January 30, 1908 for meeting General Smuts who assured that the Asiatic Act would be repealed after voluntary registration by Indians. Following the compromise Gandhi is released the same day.
February 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi writes to Smuts rejecting legalization of voluntary registrants under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) and proposes it be done under amendment to Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
February 3, 1908 - Johannesburg - Meets Smuts, who in Chamney's presence, confirms that Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) will be repealed if Asiatics register voluntarily
February 8, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts confirms that there will be no arrests for violation of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) but states that the aim of the compromise is to reduce the Asiatic population
February 10, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is assaulted by Mir Alam Khan. Gandhi sends Smuts draft bill to amend Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) and proposes repeal of Peace Preservation Ordinance and Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
February 29, 1908 - Johannesburg - Three thousand four hundred Asiatics register voluntarily
March 5, 1908 - Durban - Attempted assault on Gandhi by pathans at a NIC meeting in Durban
March 6, 1908 - Durban - Gandhi meets Pathans in Durban in a futile attempt to reconcile with them
May 9, 1908 - Johannesburg - On the last day of voluntary registration, 8700 Indians had registered and 6000 are accepted by the Government
May 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chamney announces that all Asiatics entering the colony after May 9 had to register under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA), Gandhi objects, on grounds that that is violation of compromise
May 13, 1908 - Johannesburg - Transvaal Municipal Consolidation Bill empowers municipalities to grant licenses to traders and hawkers and denies them the right of appeal to law courts.
May 14, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi writes to Cartwright and Lane, saying that the period of three months in compromise was never intended to apply to Asiatics returning to Colony or possessing right of re-entry; urges Smuts to accept voluntary registration of new arrivals and repeal Act
May 15, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts rejects Gandhi's request
May 16, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi accuses Smuts of "foul play"
May 17, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chairman of BIA, Essop Mia is assaulted by Pathans
May 18, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi demands that Smuts publicly announce repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) - Smuts declines
May 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi demands again that Smuts publicly announce repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) - Smuts declines
May 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA Chairman states that they consider Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) dead
May 26, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA writes to Smuts that voluntary registration certificates will be withdrawn because of breach of compromise. Gandhi, Bawazeer, Naidoo and Quinn write to Chamney for return of applications
May 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - British Indian Association endorses resumption of Satyagraha
June 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is informed telephonically of Cabinet meeting to consider the Indian issue
June 6, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet; discuss validation of voluntary registrations and Gandhi's draft amendment of TIRA. Gandhi tells Smuts that if TARA is not repealed he will appeal to Supreme Court for return of applications
June 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi informs Smuts of decision to apply to Supreme Court for return of certificates
June 13, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts meets Gandhi to discuss differences and promises to reply within a week. Gandhi states that amendment of TIRA should uphold rights of pre-war refugees, holders of Dutch certificates and of educated Indians
June 20, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet
June 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet again. Gandhi rejects the amendment to Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) because it declares the three categories of persons, pre-war refugees, Dutch certificate holders and educated immigrants, prohibited immigrants and blocks judicial review of voluntary registrants. Smuts, in turn, announces decision to retain TARA. Gandhi announces his intention to move Supreme Court for return of the certificates
June 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - Aswat files for return of certificates to Supreme Court. Gandhi and Essop Mia submit affidavits that Smuts had promised to repeal TARA
June 24, 1908 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting confirms resistance to TARA
June 26, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chamney and Smuts file counter affidavits, denying that Government had promised to repeal Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
July 2, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi warns that certificates (passes) will be burnt. Aswat's petition is rejected by the Supreme Court. Gandhi releases his correspondence with Smuts (Smuts had refused him permission to do so)
July 5, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts sends new compromise offer through white mediators conceding re-entry of Dutch certificate holders and right of appeal against the Registrar's ruling on applications for registration, provided Indians give up claim to rights of educated Asiatics. Indians turned down compromise
July 7, 1908 - Johannesburg - Traders applying for trading licences are subjected to giving thumbprints under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
July 21, 1908 - Johannesburg - Satyagraha begins; satyagrahis are imprisoned for unlicensed hawking. Sorabji Shapurji is defended by Gandhi - supporters at trial are assaulted by the police. Shapurji is sentenced to one month's imprisonment
July 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Bawazeer, chairman of Hamidia Islamic Society is arrested and convicted. Fifty percent of Indian hawkers in the Transvaal trade without licences in defiance
July 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - Indians declare Hartal in support of Bawazeer
July 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - Hanlal Gandhi is arrested for hawking without license
August 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - The Chinese Association joins the passive resistance
August 10, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends Harilal. At mass meeting Gandhi accuses Smuts of being responsible for the suicide of a Chinese and "murder" of Thambi Naidoo's stillborn son
August 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Officials of the Natal Indian Congress including Dawad Mohamed, Parsee Rustomjee, Anglia and Randera enter Johannesburg without permits
August 14, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi makes a further appeal to Smuts to repeal Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) failing which he warns that registration certificates will be burnt
August 16, 1908 - Johannesburg - Breach of faith and bonfire of certificate - Indians burn their passes at mass meeting in Johannesburg
August 18, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi meets with Smuts, Botha, and members of the Progressive Party
August 20, 1908 - Johannesburg - Indians reject amendments to Bill at meeting. Gandhi sends Smuts an ultimatum demanding repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
August 21, 1908 - Johannesburg - A new Asiatic Registration Amendment Bill (ARAB) is introduced. Indians reject new Bill
August 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - More certificates are burnt at mass meeting - the Pathans who had assaulted Gandhi join in the pass burning
August 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - The NIC officials are arrested in Anjuman Islamic Hall, Pretoria and deported
September 15, 1908 - Pretoria - Defending a case in Pretoria Court
October 7, 1908 - Volksrust, South Africa - Gandhi is arrested at Volksrust
October 14, 1908 - Volksrust - Awarded two months' rigourous imprisonment for entry into the Transvaal without permit
October 25, 1908 - Johannesburg - Taken to Johannesburg to testify in Daya Lala's case
December 12, 1908 - Volksrust - Gandhi is released
August 23, 1888 - While in Bombay - First son, Harilal, is born in Delhi
September 4, 1888 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi sails to London
September 29, 1888 - Southampton, England - Gandhi reaches Southampton, England
November 6, 1888 - London, England - Enrolled at the Inner Temple, Inn of Court
September(?) 1(?), 1889 - Paris - Visits Paris Exhibition
November 1(?), 1889 - London - Introduced to Mme.Blavatsky and Annie Besant (Theosophical Society)
September 19, 1890 - London - Joins the Vegetarian Society and becomes member of the executive committee
February 20, 1891 - London - First speech at the Vegetarian Society
February 21, 1891 - London - Article: "(alcohol) that enemy of mankind, that curse of civilization"
March 26, 1891 - London - Gandhi becomes a member of the London Theosophical Society
May 27, 1891 - London, England - Gandhi is "called to the bar" (after arguing in court on behalf of other party) =(START)
June 12, 1891 - London - Sails to Aden on board "S.S.Oceania"
June 30, 1891 - Aden, Yemen - At Aden, Gandhi boards another ship to India, the "S.S.Assam"
July 5, 1891 - Bombay (Mumbai) - "S.S.Assam" reaches Bombay. Gandhi receives news of his mother's death
November 16, 1891 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Applies for admission as advocate of the Bombay High Court
October 28, 1892 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Second son, Manilal, is born
April 13, 1893 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi sails for South Africa on board "S.S. Safari", to be a lawyer to the cousin of Dada Abdullah, a wealthy muslim merchant
May 8, 1893 - Zanzibar - "S.S.Safari" reaches Zanzibar
May 17, 1893 - Zanzibar - Gandhi continues his voyage to Durban on board "S.S.Admiral"
May 24, 1893 - Durban, South Africa - "S.S.Admiral" reaches Durban
May 25, 1893 - Durban - Attends the Durban Court
May 26, 1893 - Durban - Leaves the court after refusing to remove his turban
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Gandhi, South Africa, 1893 |
December 1(?), 1893 - Pietermaritzburg - "Natal Mercury" publishes an article about the Bill to defranchise the Indians. Indians in South Africa persuade Gandhi to stay and lead them in the struggle against colonial rule.
May 25, 1894 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi completes his work at Natal and prepares to return to India
August 22, 1894 - Durban - Helps founding the Natal Indian Congress
September 3, 1894 - Durban - Gandhi is admitted as an advocate of the Supreme Court of Natal.
September 19, 1894 - Durban - Gandhi's first case in South Africa, defending Gope Maharaj. He wins
December 16, 1895 - Durban - Publishes the book "The Indian Franchise: An appeal to Every Indian in South Africa"
January 23, 1896 - Durban - Applies to be appointed as interpreter in Gujarati
June 5, 1896 - Durban - Gandhi sails to Calcutta
July 4, 1896 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi reaches Calcutta
July 9, 1896 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Gandhi reaches Rajkot and begins writing the "Green Pamphlet"
August 14, 1896 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Gandhi publishes "Green Pamphlet"
September 1(?), 1896 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech complaining that the whites in the British Colony of South Africa were degrading Indian Hindus and Muslims to "a level of Kaffir" (black people)
November 16, 1896 - Poona - Public lecture, chaired by Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
November 30, 1896 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to Durban with his family, on board "S.S.Courland"
December 18, 1896 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi returns to Durban with his family
December 19, 1896 - Durban - "S.S.Courtland" and "S.S.Naderi" (which sailed together from India) are placed under quarentine, after the Natal Government declares Bombay an infected port
December 25, 1896 - Durban - Christmas dinner speech aboard "S.S.Courtland", criticizing western values
January 2, 1897 - While aboard "S.S.Courtland" in Durban - Third son, Ramdas, is born
January 13, 1897 - Durban - Gandhi finally lands in Durban, where he is attacked by a mob of white settlers due to his anti-South African Government speeches
August 1(?), 1898 - Durban - Gandhi objects to Durban Town council for refusing trading licenses to Indians on racial grounds
April 25, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Indians in Transvaal are ordered to move to other locations
October 11, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Establishes Indian Ambulance Corps during the Boer War. Gandhi felt that if indians demanded the rights as british citizens then it was also their duty to participate in the defense of the Empire
December 14, 1899 - Pietermaritzburg(?) - Departs to the front with the Indian Corps
December 15, 1899 - Colenso, South Africa - Stretcher-bearer at the Battle of Colenso - Boer victory
December 17, 1899 - Estcourt, South Africa - The Indian Ambulance Corps is moved to Estcourt
December 19, 1899 - Estcourt - The Indian Ambulance Corps is disbanded
January 7, 1900 - Estcourt - Ambulance Corps is reformed and stationed at Estcourt
May 22, 1900 - Durban - Third son, Devdas, is born. Gandhi assists Kasturba in the deliverance of their new son
August 14, 1900 - Durban - Defends indentured indian, Chellagadu, charged for absenting from work without permission
March 25, 1901 - Durban - Wires High Commissioner objecting to rigorous enforcement of anti-Indian regulations, such as exclusion from walking on footpaths, and requests repeal or modification of laws
May 21, 1901 - While in Durban - Gandhi's mentor, Raychandbhai, dies in Bombay
June 22, 1901 - Durban - Requests Sir Bhownagree in London that British Committee and East India Association set up joint action group supporting Indians in South Africa against racism
October 15, 1901 - Durban - Attends farewell meetings and receives address from Natal Indian Congress and gifts from well wishers
October 18, 1901 - Durban - Sails with his family for India
October 30, 1901 - Port Louis, Mauritius - Disembarks at Port Louis, Mauritius. Attends reception by Indian community
November 19, 1901 - Port Louis - Departs Mauritius for India
December 14, 1901 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Reaches Rajkot via Porbandar
December 27, 1901 - Rajkot - Moves resolutions on South Africa at Indian Congress session. Leaves Rajkot for Calcutta, via Bombay
January 19, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Begins addressing meetings on indians in South Africa
January 27, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech about the experience of Indian Ambulance Corps in South Africa
January 28, 1902 - Rangoon (Yangon), Burma - Sails to Rangoon, Burma
February 2, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
February 22, 1902 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Meets Annie Besant in Calcutta
February 26, 1902 - Rajkot, Gujarat - Settles down to practice in Rajkot
April 22, 1902 - Rajkot - Writes article in the "Times of India" on the Natal Bill to impose a tax on the children of indentured Indians
May 1, 1902 - Rajkot - Works as secretary, of Plague Committee in Rajkot
May 3, 1902 - Rajkot - Asks Natal Indian Congress for funds to pursue South Africa's cause in India
July 10, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sets up practice in Bombay
November 3, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi is recalled to South Africa
November 20, 1902 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to South Africa
December 12, 1902 - Durban, South Africa - Gandhi arrives in Durban
December 28, 1902 - Chamberlain, South Africa - Leads deputation to Chamberlain
January 1(?), 1903 - Chamberlain - Excluded from deputation to Chamberlain on grounds that he is not a resident of the Transvaal
January 7, 1903 - Chamberlain(?) - Addresses petition to the Viceroy advising discontinuance of indentured labour. Writes to Dadabhai Naoroji on same matter
February 16, 1903 - Johannesburg - Settles down in Johannesburg
May 6, 1903 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting in Johannesburg protests against segregation of Indians
June 4, 1903 - Johannesburg - First Issue of "Indian Opinion" published
November 9, 1903 - Johannesburg - Indians ordered out of Johannesburg locations and are allocated unacceptable sites
December 11, 1903 - Johannesburg - Indians protest at mass meeting against Licensing Laws
February 11, 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi alerts Johannesburg's Medical Officer of Health to overcrowding, and sanitary conditions in Indian locations. Warns that plague may break out
February 20, 1904 - Johannesburg - Writes again to Medical Officer of Health on health hazards in Indian living locations
March 18, 1904 - Johannesburg - Plague breaks out. Gandhi informs the Medical Officer of Health that dead and dying Indians are being dumped
March 19, 1904 - Johannesburg - The Town Council allocates a warehouse for a makeshift hospital but declines to bear any further responsibility. The Indian community equips the "hospital" and takes over nursing of patients
Gandhi publishes his correspondence with Medical Officer of Health on plague
April 5, 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi publishes his correspondence with Medical Officer of Health on plague
May 11, 1904 - Johannesburg - Supreme Court rules that Law 3 of 1885 restricts only Indian residential rights to locations, not businesses
October 1(?), 1904 - Johannesburg - Gandhi assumes financial responsibility for press of Indian Opinion
October 10(?), 1904 - Durban - Travels to Durban
November 10, 1904 - While in Durban - Europeans hold anti-Asiatic convention in Transvaal
November 11, 1904 - Durban - British Indian Association protests against convention
December 1(?), 1904 - Near Durban - Establishes "Phoenix Settlement"
January 10, 1905 - Durban - Speech at the opening of a new library in Durban
February 17, 1905 - Cape Town, South Africa - Visits Cape Town with Parsee Rustomjee
March 4, 1905 - Johannesburg - First lecture on Hindu religion at the Theosophical Society, Johannesburg
June 9(?), 1905 - Durban - Visit to Durban and Phoenix Settlement
July 8, 1905 - Durban - Gandhi writes in "Indian Opinion" for abolition of salt-tax in India
August 19, 1905 - Johannesburg - Calls for united opposition to Bengal partition and supported boycott of British goods
October 24, 1905 - Potchefstroom - Leads deputation to Lord Selborne
November 25, 1905 - Johannesburg - Protest against Poll Tax
January 1, 1906 - Johannesburg - Poll tax on Indians 18 years and over enforced in Natal
January 20, 1906 - While in Johannesburg - The Editor of "Indian opinion", M.H. Nazar, dies
February 27, 1906 - While in Johannesburg - Zulu rebellion breaks out
March 21, 1906 - Johannesburg - Addresses coloured people's meeting in Johannesburg
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Gandhi, 1906 |
March 31, 1906 - Johannesburg - Opposes introduction of indentured Indian labour on Johannesburg mines
April 23, 1906 - Durban - Appeals to the Indian community to take over responsibility of Indian Opinion
April 24, 1906 - Durban - Natal Indian Congress (NIC) meeting decides to form Ambulance Corps
June 2, 1906 - Durban - Adresses meeting of Indians in Durban to raise funds for ambulance work
June 22, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is given the rank of Sergent-Major by the Government. Departs to the front on June 23rd
June 23, 1906 - Ambulance duty at the front
July 19, 1906 - Stretcher-Bearer Corps disbanded
July 20, 1906 - Durban - Gandhi speaks at congress reception in Durban. Takes the vow of Brahmcharya
August 22, 1906 - While in Durban - The Transvaal government promulgates a new Act compelling registration of the colony's indian and chinese populations
September 1, 1906 - Pretoria - Draft of Asiatic Bill restricting their entry into Transvaal and enforcing the carrying of passes bearing finger prints is introduced in Transvaal. Gandhi condemns it as "crime against humanity", and christens it "The Black Act". Indians react to it as an affront to their dignity
September 9, 1906 - Pretoria - Addresses meeting at Hamidia Islamic Society and advises that a deputation be sent to London to protest against the Pass Bill
September 11, 1906 - Johannesburg - Mass protest meeting held in Johannesburg. Gandhi uses his nonviolent posture for the first time
September 19, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi accuses Transvaal Government of waging war on Indian women and children by demanding they carry passes
September 21, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi condemns the "Transvaal Leader" for alleging that Indians were bringing women of indifferent character as wives. British Indian Association decides to send Gandhi and O.H. Ally to London
October 1, 1906 - Johannesburg - Departs to Cape Town
October 3, 1906 - Cape Town - Gandhi sails for England on board "S.S. Armadale Castle" as a member of the Indian Delegation
October 20, 1906 - Southampton, England - "S.S.Armadale Castle" arrives in England
October 21, 1906 - London, England - Gandhi reaches London
November 7, 1906 - Westminster - Addresses members of the Parliament
November 28, 1906 - London, England - Meets Under-Secretary of State for Colonies, Winston Churchill, in London
December 1, 1906 - London(?) - Gandhi and Ally leave England for South Africa
December 3, 1906 - While sailing to South Africa - Churchill informs House of Commons that Secretary of State for Colonies declined to approve Transvaal ordinance
December 12, 1906 - While sailing to South Africa - Transvaal granted self-government
December 18, 1906 - Cape Town, South Africa - Gandhi returns to South Africa
December 20, 1906 - Johannesburg - Gandhi returns to Johannesburg
December 26, 1906 - Durban - Reception in Durban
January 2, 1907 - near Durban - Visits Phoenix Settlement
February 17, 1907 - While in Durban - Churchill informs House of Commons that Natal Government has been refused leave to introduce legislation excluding Asiatics from trading licenses
March 2, 1907 - While in Durban - British Indian Association protests to Register of Asiatics against the taking of fingerprints by police
March 8, 1907 - Volksrust - Visits Volksrust
March 11, 1907 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting at Gaiety Theatre, Johannesburg protests against treatment of Indians
March 19, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - The ordinance, which failed to gain royal assent, is reintroduced as the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Bill by the now independent Transvaal Government
March 22, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - Asiatic Registration Bill passed in Transvaal Parliament
March 29, 1907 - While in Durban(?) - Indians protest against Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) and offer to register voluntarily if Act is withdrawn
April 4, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi leads a deputation to General Jan Christian Smuts (Transvaal Interior Minister) and presents him with the resolutions adopted at the March 29 mass meeting
May 10, 1907 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
June 7, 1907 - While in Johannesburg - British Indian Association meeting decides to send deputation to Prime Minister General Botha to urge acceptance of compromise proposal. General Botha declines to meet deputation
July 1, 1907 - While in Volksrust - First permit office is opened in the Transvaal and Indians are notified that they have to register within three months
July 3, 1907 - While in Volksrust - Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) published
July 9, 1907 - While in Pretoria - British Indian Association petitions Transvaal parliament on Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
July 14, 1907 - Johannesburg - Addresses meeting of Hamidia Islamic Society
July 24, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi arrives in Pretoria and calls at Khamisa's shop where applications for registration certificates were being received secretly
July 28, 1907 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting at Hamidia Islamic Society Hall protests against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) and declares day of Hartal in Transvaal
July 31, 1907 - Pretoria - Mass meeting held in Pretoria
August 8, 1907 - Pretoria(?) - Gandhi writes to General Smuts and suggests amendment to Asiatic Act
August 31, 1907 - Pretoria(?) - Ally and family leave Transvaal in protest against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
September 4, 1907 - Durban - Speech at a Natal Indian Congress meeting
September 21, 1907 - Johannesburg - Petition against Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) is addressed to Colonial Secretary and circulated for signatures
September 22, 1907 - Johannesburg - Begins addressing meetings of Hamidia Islamic Society and Chinese Association until October 6th
October 15, 1907 - Johannesburg - Repudiates charge of intimidation against pickets in court.
October 20, 1907 - Johannesburg - Attends meetings of Hamidia Islamic Society and South Indians. (Addresses 17 meetings between July and December)
November 14, 1907 - Johannesburg - Defends first satyagrahi, Ramsundar Pandit, who is sentenced to one month's imprisonment. Indians declare hartal in Johannesburg
November 15, 1907 - Pretoria - Gandhi defends pickets at trial in Pretoria
November 30, 1907 - Johannesburg - By closing date of registration only 511 of the total population of over 13000 register by closing date. Struggle is named Satyagraha
December 28, 1907 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends himself and others on charges of picketing. Ordered to leave Transvaal, he defies the order and addresses crowds outside court
January 1, 1908 - Fordsburg - Transvaal Immigration Restriction Act (No. 15) of 1907 comes into force; mass meeting is held at Surti Mosque, Fordsburg
January 3, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends two Pathan satyagrahis - Nawab and Samandar Khan
January 4, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA informs the government that if Indians are not issued licenses because they have not registered under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA), they will trade without licenses. Smuts declares Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) will not be repealed and refuses to meet with Gandhi
January 8, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi tells Reuters that if Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) is suspended, Indians will register voluntarily
January 10, 1908 - Pretoria - Awarded two months' simple imprisonment for refusal to obtain registration - Gandhi is arrested and brought before a Magistrate for failing either to register or to leave the Transvaal in pursuance of official notice served on him. Gandhi tells the Judge during trial that as a leader he merited heaviest sentence; he is sentenced to two months' simple imprisonment
January 20, 1908 - Pretoria - Cartwright meets Gandhi in prison with a compromise from Smuts
January 28, 1908 - Pretoria - Cartwright meets Gandhi in prison with a compromise from Smuts
January 30, 1908 - Pretoria - Agreement signed with General Smuts on voluntary registration - Taken to Pretoria on January 30, 1908 for meeting General Smuts who assured that the Asiatic Act would be repealed after voluntary registration by Indians. Following the compromise Gandhi is released the same day.
February 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi writes to Smuts rejecting legalization of voluntary registrants under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) and proposes it be done under amendment to Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB)
February 3, 1908 - Johannesburg - Meets Smuts, who in Chamney's presence, confirms that Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) will be repealed if Asiatics register voluntarily
February 8, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts confirms that there will be no arrests for violation of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) but states that the aim of the compromise is to reduce the Asiatic population
February 10, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is assaulted by Mir Alam Khan. Gandhi sends Smuts draft bill to amend Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) and proposes repeal of Peace Preservation Ordinance and Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
February 29, 1908 - Johannesburg - Three thousand four hundred Asiatics register voluntarily
March 5, 1908 - Durban - Attempted assault on Gandhi by pathans at a NIC meeting in Durban
March 6, 1908 - Durban - Gandhi meets Pathans in Durban in a futile attempt to reconcile with them
May 9, 1908 - Johannesburg - On the last day of voluntary registration, 8700 Indians had registered and 6000 are accepted by the Government
May 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chamney announces that all Asiatics entering the colony after May 9 had to register under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA), Gandhi objects, on grounds that that is violation of compromise
May 13, 1908 - Johannesburg - Transvaal Municipal Consolidation Bill empowers municipalities to grant licenses to traders and hawkers and denies them the right of appeal to law courts.
May 14, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi writes to Cartwright and Lane, saying that the period of three months in compromise was never intended to apply to Asiatics returning to Colony or possessing right of re-entry; urges Smuts to accept voluntary registration of new arrivals and repeal Act
May 15, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts rejects Gandhi's request
May 16, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi accuses Smuts of "foul play"
May 17, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chairman of BIA, Essop Mia is assaulted by Pathans
May 18, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi demands that Smuts publicly announce repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) - Smuts declines
May 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi demands again that Smuts publicly announce repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) - Smuts declines
May 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA Chairman states that they consider Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) dead
May 26, 1908 - Johannesburg - BIA writes to Smuts that voluntary registration certificates will be withdrawn because of breach of compromise. Gandhi, Bawazeer, Naidoo and Quinn write to Chamney for return of applications
May 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - British Indian Association endorses resumption of Satyagraha
June 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi is informed telephonically of Cabinet meeting to consider the Indian issue
June 6, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet; discuss validation of voluntary registrations and Gandhi's draft amendment of TIRA. Gandhi tells Smuts that if TARA is not repealed he will appeal to Supreme Court for return of applications
June 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi informs Smuts of decision to apply to Supreme Court for return of certificates
June 13, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts meets Gandhi to discuss differences and promises to reply within a week. Gandhi states that amendment of TIRA should uphold rights of pre-war refugees, holders of Dutch certificates and of educated Indians
June 20, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet
June 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Smuts meet again. Gandhi rejects the amendment to Transvaal Immigration Registration Bill (TIRB) because it declares the three categories of persons, pre-war refugees, Dutch certificate holders and educated immigrants, prohibited immigrants and blocks judicial review of voluntary registrants. Smuts, in turn, announces decision to retain TARA. Gandhi announces his intention to move Supreme Court for return of the certificates
June 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - Aswat files for return of certificates to Supreme Court. Gandhi and Essop Mia submit affidavits that Smuts had promised to repeal TARA
June 24, 1908 - Johannesburg - Mass meeting confirms resistance to TARA
June 26, 1908 - Johannesburg - Chamney and Smuts file counter affidavits, denying that Government had promised to repeal Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
July 2, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi warns that certificates (passes) will be burnt. Aswat's petition is rejected by the Supreme Court. Gandhi releases his correspondence with Smuts (Smuts had refused him permission to do so)
July 5, 1908 - Johannesburg - Smuts sends new compromise offer through white mediators conceding re-entry of Dutch certificate holders and right of appeal against the Registrar's ruling on applications for registration, provided Indians give up claim to rights of educated Asiatics. Indians turned down compromise
July 7, 1908 - Johannesburg - Traders applying for trading licences are subjected to giving thumbprints under Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
July 21, 1908 - Johannesburg - Satyagraha begins; satyagrahis are imprisoned for unlicensed hawking. Sorabji Shapurji is defended by Gandhi - supporters at trial are assaulted by the police. Shapurji is sentenced to one month's imprisonment
July 22, 1908 - Johannesburg - Bawazeer, chairman of Hamidia Islamic Society is arrested and convicted. Fifty percent of Indian hawkers in the Transvaal trade without licences in defiance
July 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - Indians declare Hartal in support of Bawazeer
July 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - Hanlal Gandhi is arrested for hawking without license
August 1, 1908 - Johannesburg - The Chinese Association joins the passive resistance
August 10, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi defends Harilal. At mass meeting Gandhi accuses Smuts of being responsible for the suicide of a Chinese and "murder" of Thambi Naidoo's stillborn son
August 12, 1908 - Johannesburg - Officials of the Natal Indian Congress including Dawad Mohamed, Parsee Rustomjee, Anglia and Randera enter Johannesburg without permits
August 14, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi makes a further appeal to Smuts to repeal Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA) failing which he warns that registration certificates will be burnt
August 16, 1908 - Johannesburg - Breach of faith and bonfire of certificate - Indians burn their passes at mass meeting in Johannesburg
August 18, 1908 - Johannesburg - Gandhi meets with Smuts, Botha, and members of the Progressive Party
August 20, 1908 - Johannesburg - Indians reject amendments to Bill at meeting. Gandhi sends Smuts an ultimatum demanding repeal of Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act (TARA)
August 21, 1908 - Johannesburg - A new Asiatic Registration Amendment Bill (ARAB) is introduced. Indians reject new Bill
August 23, 1908 - Johannesburg - More certificates are burnt at mass meeting - the Pathans who had assaulted Gandhi join in the pass burning
August 27, 1908 - Johannesburg - The NIC officials are arrested in Anjuman Islamic Hall, Pretoria and deported
September 15, 1908 - Pretoria - Defending a case in Pretoria Court
October 7, 1908 - Volksrust, South Africa - Gandhi is arrested at Volksrust
October 14, 1908 - Volksrust - Awarded two months' rigourous imprisonment for entry into the Transvaal without permit
October 25, 1908 - Johannesburg - Taken to Johannesburg to testify in Daya Lala's case
December 12, 1908 - Volksrust - Gandhi is released
December 26, 1908 - Durban - Gandhi reaches Durban. Leaves for Phoenix to meet Kasturbai, who was ill
January 10, 1909 - Durban - Kasturba is operated on. Gandhi attends on her
January 18, 1909 - Volksrust | Johannesburg - Gandhi is arrested at Volksrust on his way to Johannesburg for failing to produce registration certificate. Released on bail, returns to Johannesburg
January 29, 1909 - Johannesburg - Departs to Durban
February 3, 1909 - Johannesburg - NIC officials sentenced to six months imprisonment
February 4, 1909 - Phoenix, South Africa - Gandhi takes Kasturba to Phoenix, to recover after her surgery
February 10, 1909 - Volksrust - Harilal Gandhi is sentenced to six months imprisonment
February 25, 1909 - Volksrust - Arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for the third time for three months for failure to produce registration certificate and was sent back to Volksrust Prison
March 11, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Kasturba sends message to Indian women's meeting in Johannesburg: "Had I wings I would fly to the meeting". A letter is published in the press signed by Kasturba and four others
April 3, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Germiston Indian women form Association
April 24, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Chinese refuse to give finger impressions
May 1, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Prime Minister Botha alleges that ninety-seven percent of Indians have registered; Gandhi points out that he was referring to voluntary registrations conducted under satyagraha
May 24, 1909 - Pretoria, South Africa - Gandhi is released
June 21, 1909 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Hajee Habib leave for England, via Cape Town
June 23, 1909 - Cape Town - Sails to England on board the "Kenilworth Castle"
July 10, 1909 - Southampton | London, England - Gandhi arrives in England. Reaches London on the same day
September 7, 1909 - London - Gandhi asks for financial assistance to defray expenses of BIA office rent, Indian Opinion and Polak's costs in India.
September 21, 1909 - While in London - Harilal Gandhi and others are released from Volksrust gaol, case against them is withdrawn
September 22, 1909 - While in London - Meeting of Chinese supports passive resistance and the deputation to England
October 5, 1909 - London - Addresses meeting of Gujaratis in London
November 2, 1909 - London - Speech in London
November 13, 1909 - London - Departs to South Africa on board "SS Kildonan Castle"
November 30, 1909 - Cape Town, South Africa - "SS Kildonan Castle" arrives in South Africa. Gandhi completes his book "Hind Swaraj" during the voyage
December 2, 1909 - Johannesburg - Gandhi returns to Johannesburg
December 11, 1909 - Johannesburg - "Hind Swarajya" published in "Indian Opinion"
March 10, 1910 - Durban - 'Hind Swarajya' proscribed. Sent a copy of English rendering 'Indian Home Rule' to Tolstoy
May 8, 1910 - Durban - 'Letter from Leo Tolstoy
May 30, 1910 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - After buying a piece of land near Johannesburg, Herman Kallenbach, a follower of Gandhi, places it officially at the disposal of the satyagrahis as long as the campaign in the Transvaal lasted
June 23, 1910 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - Gandhi establishes an idealistic community named "Tolstoy Farm" at Kallenbach's land. There he nurtures his policy of peaceful resistance
December 4, 1910 - Johannesburg - Speech about Tolstoy and his message (Tolstoy died on November 20th)
March 12, 1911 - Cape Town - Mass meeting of indians at Cape Town to protest against the Immigration Bill
March 27, 1911 - Cape Town - Interview with General Smuts at Cape Town
April 2, 1911 - Cape Town - Attends meeting of Cape British Indian Union held to demand changes in the Union Immigrants’ Restriction Bill (UIRB)
April 24, 1911 - Kimberley, South Africa - Speech at a meeting of Indians
April 26, 1911 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
May 3, 1911 - Johannesburg - Gandhi meets General Smuts
June 16, 1911 - Durban - Speech at farewell to Sorabji Shapurji
June 21, 1911 - Durban - Meets the Mayor of Durban regarding coronation celebrations
September 3, 1911 - Johannesburg - Addresses meeting held to celebrate Dadabhai Naoroji's birthday
October 24, 1911 - Johannesburg - Letter to Gopalkrishna Gokhale, inviting him to visit South Africa
February 11, 1912 - Kimberley - Mass meeting of Indians at Kimberley to protest against the "Union Immigrants’ Restriction Bill (UIRB)"
June 28, 1912 - Durban - Arrives in Durban
July 7, 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
August 11, 1912 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - Visit to Tolstoy farm
August 31, 1912 - Durban - Travels to Durban with Kasturba, then continues to Phoenix
September 15(?), 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
October 5, 1912 - While in Johannesburg - Gokhale sails from England to South Africa
October 20, 1912 - Cape Town - Travels to Cape Town
October 22, 1912 - Cape Town - Gokhale arrives in Cape Town
October 24, 1912 - Cape Town - Gopalkrishna Gokhale's South Africa tour commences, accompanied by Gandhi
October 25, 1912 - Kimberley - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Kimberley by train
October 28, 1912 - Klerksdorp | Potchefstroom | Krugersdorp - Train stops and receptions with Mayors at Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom and Krugersdorp
October 29, 1912 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Johannesburg
November 8, 1912 - Maritzburg | Durban - Gandhi and Gokhale arrive in Maritzburg. Reach Durban in the same day
November 13, 1912 - Pretoria - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Pretoria, via Volksrust
November 15, 1912 - Johannesburg - Lunch with the Governor-General
November 18, 1912 - Lourenço Marques, Mozambique - Gandhi and Gokhale arrive in Lourenço Marques, Mozambique. Banquet and speeches
November 20, 1912 - Beira, Mozambique - Arrives in Beira by steamer
November 25, 1912 - Island of Mozambique - Visit to the Island of Mozambique
November 27, 1912 - Zanzibar - Visit to Zanzibar with Gokhale
November 29, 1912 - Tongaat, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Tongaat on board "S.S.President". Both men bid farewell to each other
November 30, 1912 - Zanzibar - Return to Zanzibar
December 1, 1912 - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania - Gandhi arrives in Dar Es Salaam
December 7, 1912 - Island of Mozambique - Returns to Mozambique
December 13, 1912 - Delagoa Bay (Maputo Bay, Mozambique) - Gandhi reaches Delagoa Bay. Gokhale reaches Bombay
December 14, 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
December 21, 1912 - Durban - Interview with Sir John Hulett in Durban
January 2, 1913 - Durban - Departs to Johannesburg
January 4, 1913 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
April 24, 1913 - Kimberley - Speech at a meeting of Indians
April 26, 1913 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
July 13, 1913 - Phoenix, South Africa - First penitential fast (7 days)
September 22, 1913 - While in Phoenix(?) - Kasturba and other followers arrested. Kasturba is awarded 3 months in prison
October 9, 1913 - Johannesburg - Attends Johannesburg Hindus' meeting
October 17, 1913 - Newcastle, South Africa - Visit to Newcastle, South Africa
November 6, 1913 - Charlestown, South Africa - Begins the "Great March" (2037 men, 127 women and 57 children). Arrested at Volksrust border
November 7, 1913 - Volksrust - Gandhi appears in Volksrust court. Released on bail
November 8, 1913 - Standerton - Arrested at Standerton. Released on bail
November 9, 1913 - Teakworth, near Greylingstaad - Arrested at Teakworth. Taken for the night to Balfour
November 11, 1913 - Dundee, South Africa - Gandhi is not alowed to rejoin the march and is sentenced to 9 months' imprisonment
December 18, 1913 - Pretoria - Gandhi is released from jail unconditionally, before the completion of the period of imprisonement
January 30, 1914 - Pietermaritzburg - Arrives at Pietermaritzburg
March 30, 1914 - Phoenix, South Africa - Arrives at Phoenix with Kasturba
April 1(?), 1914 - Phoenix, South Africa - Second penitential fast (14 days)
June 26, 1914 - While in Cape Town - Indians' Relief Bill passes
June 27, 1914 - Cape Town - Interview with General Smuts at Cape Town
July 8, 1914 - Durban - Farewell meeting
July 10, 1914 - Pretoria - Farewell meeting
July 13, 1914 - Johannesburg - Mass Meeting in Johannesburg
July 18, 1914 - Cape Town - Gandhi family sails to England on board "S.S.Kinfauns Castle"
August 4, 1914 - Southampton | London, England - "S.S.Kinfauns Castle" arrives in England. Gandhi reaches London
August 8, 1914 - London - Reception in London with presence of friends, including Jinnah
December 19, 1914 - London - Sails for India with Kasturba on board "S.S. Arabia"
January 9, 1915 - Apollo Bunder, Bombay (Mumbai), India - Gandhi arrives in India
February 17, 1915 - Santiniketan, 175km from Calcutta - Visit to Santiniketan
April 5, 1915 - Kumbh Mela, Hardwar - Visit to Kumbh Mela, Hardwar
May 20, 1915 - near Ahmedabad, Gujarat - Gandhi establishes his first ashram, the Kochrab Ashram
June 26, 1915 - Poona - Awarded the "Kaisare Hind" medal
September 11, 1915 - near Ahmedabad, Gujarat - First families join Gandhi's ashram
November 15, 1915 - Ahmedabad - Elected as Vice President of Gujarat Sabha
January 3, 1916 - Surat - Speech at Surat
February 6, 1916 - Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh - Gandhi lectures at Benaras Hindu University
February 19, 1916 - Kirloskar Theater, Poona - Speech at a meeting on death anniversary of Gokhale
June 4, 1916 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Conference of friendly Associations of communities
December 26, 1916 - Lucknow - Meets Jawaharlal Nehru for the first time at Lucknow Congress
March 6, 1917 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
April 10, 1917 - Champaran, Bihar - Gandhi arrives in Champaran and stays at the house of Sant Raut in Amolwa village with a team of eminent lawyers - Travels to Patna with Rajkumar Shukla to investigate condition of indigo farmers
April 18, 1917 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gives a statement in Court about disobedience of prohibitary orders
April 19, 1917 - Champaran, Bihar - Champaran "Satyagraha" (form of nonviolent civil resistance)
June 17, 1917 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - The ashram is relocated to the banks of the River Sabarmati (Sabarmati Ashram)
October 20, 1917 - Bharuch - Presides over the Second Gujarati Education Conference, Bharuch
November 3, 1917 - Godhara - Presides over the First Gujarat Political Conference, Godhara
November 7, 1917 - Godhra - Mahadev Desai joins Gandhi as Secretary
November 13, 1917 - 30km from Dhaka, East Champaran - Gandhi establishes the first ever basic school at Barharwa Lakhansen village, 30 km from Dhaka, East Champaran
November 30, 1917 - Bhitiharwa - Gandhi sets up another basic school at Bhitiharwa
January 17, 1918 - Bhitiharwa - Gandhi sets up another basic school at Bhitiharwa
February 4, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Addresses public meeting in Bombay
February 6, 1918 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrives to Sabarmati Ashram
February 14, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Appointed to arbiter the dispute between Mill-owners and Mill-hands of Ahmedabad
March 15, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Fasting for 3 days in the interest of striking mill workers in Ahmedabad
March 22, 1918 - Nadiad - Addresses the public meeting of 5000 peasants at Nadiad; advises them to not pay land revenue
March 29, 1918 - Indore - Presidential address at Hindi Sahitya Sammelan in Indore
April 1, 1918 - Kathlal - Begins "Kheda Tour". Reaches Kathlal
April 2, 1918 - Limbasi - Meeting at Limbasi
April 4, 1918 - Karamsad - Meeting at Karamsad
April 5, 1918 - Vadathal - Reaches Vadathal
April 6, 1918 - Uttarsanda - Visits Uttarsanda with Vallabhbhai Patel
April 7, 1918 - Navagam - Speech to 3,000 agriculturists
April 8, 1918 - Borsad - Speech to 4,000 people
April 9, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 13, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets Revenue Board members
April 25, 1918 - Delhi - The Viceroy opens the War Conference in Delhi
May 3, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends All-India Congress Committee session
June 9, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
June 24, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Speech against the Governor's conduct at the War Conference
August 11, 1918 - Nadiad - Gandhi falls seriously ill at Nadiad
August 23, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi is transfered to Sheth Ambalal's place in Ahmedabad
October 8, 1918 - Baroda - Travels to Baroda
October 24, 1918 - Lahore - Reception in Lahore
November 1, 1918 - Delhi - Attends a meeting of Delhi citizens
November 20, 1918 - Gujranwala - Visit to Gujranwala
November 23, 1918 - Delhi - Speech at Khilafat Muslim Conference in Delhi
December 9, 1918 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
February 17, 1919 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Speech at Sabarmati
February 24, 1919 - Sabarmati - Gandhi cautions the Viceroy of India with a cable communication that if the british were to pass the Rowlatt Act, he would appeal to indians to start civil disobedience
March 6, 1919 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
March 18, 1919 - Madras - Gandhi reaches Madras
March 21, 1919 - While in Madras - Rowlatt Act is introduced - A legislative act indefinitely extending the emergency measures of preventive detention, incarceration without trial and judicial review enacted in the Defence of India Act 1915 during World War One
March 28, 1919 - Tuticorin - Speech at a meeting at Tuticorin
March 29, 1919 - Nagapatam - Speech at a meeting at Nagapatam
March 30, 1919 - While in Madras - British law officers open fire on an assembly of unarmed people, participating in Satyagraha in Delhi
April 3, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
April 6, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Appeal to the people of Madras - Gandhi asks a crowd to remember not to injure or kill British people, but to express their frustration with peace, to boycott British goods and burn any British clothing they own. He emphasises the use of non-violence to the British and towards each other, even if the other side uses violence
April 10, 1919 - Palwal, S. of Delhi - Gandhi is arrested at Palwal Station
April 11, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi is taken to Bombay, then released
April 13, 1919 - While in Ahmedabad - Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, Punjab. 379 people are killed by british soldiers
April 14, 1919 - Nadiad - First anti-violence fast: against the attempted derail of a train at Nadiad (3 days)
April 21, 1919 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 25, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at Satyagraha meeting in Bombay
August 8, 1919 - Poona - Speech at Deccan Sabha meeting against anti-indian legislation in Transvaal
September 7, 1919 - While in Bombay - First issue of "Navajivan" published
September 21, 1919 - Ahmedabad - Opens a school in Ahmedabad
October 1, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Presides over a public meeting to celebrate the 73rd birthday of Annie Besant
October 8, 1919 - Baroda (Vadodara) - Gandhi begins publishing "Young India", a weekly paper in english
October 11, 1919 - Bhavnagar - Reaches Bhavnagar
October 24, 1919 - Lahore - Travels by train to Lahore where he is warmly welcomed
November 1, 1919 - Delhi - Attends a public meeting of Delhi citizens. It ends in disorder
November 11, 1919 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
November 20, 1919 - Gujranwala - Visits Gujranwala
December 9, 1919 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
December 28, 1919 - Amritsar - Gandhi dissolves All-India-Humanitarian Conference on account of disorder
January 9, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi appears before Disorders Inquiry Committee
January 12, 1920 - Sargodha - Visit to Sargodha
January 16, 1920 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
January 23, 1920 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
February 13, 1920 - Sargodha - Speech on Hindu-Muslim unity
February 25, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Addresses a meeting of mill-hands held to consider formation of a Labour Union
March 3, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi appears in High Court regarding contempt of court case against him
March 19, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Addresses Khilafat Day meeting
March 31, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi attends a competition for spinning-wheel prize
April 9, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a public meeting
July 17, 1920 - Lahore - Speeches in Lahore
July 19, 1920 - Rawalpindi - Speech in Rawalpindi
July 22, 1920 - Karachi - Speech in Karachi
July 23, 1920 - Hyderabad - Speech in Hyderabad
July 28, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
August 2, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns the honours to the Government, commencement of Non-co-operation
August 12, 1920 - Madras - Arrives in Madras for a tour in South India
August 14, 1920 - Ambur | Vellore - Visits Ambur and Vellore
August 16, 1920 - Kumbakonam | Nagore - Speech at Kumbakonam and Nagore
August 17, 1920 - Trichinopoly - Speech at Trichinopoly
August 18, 1920 - Calicut - Speech at Calicut
August 21, 1920 - Bangalore - Reaches Bangalore
August 25, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
August 26, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
September 9, 1920 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi convinces other leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat as well as for dominion status
October 14, 1920 - Kanpur - Speech at Kanpur
October 15, 1920 - Lucknow - Speech at Lucknow
October 18, 1920 - Amritsar - Speech at Amritsar
October 31, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Women's meeting
November 5, 1920 - Poona - Speech at Poona
November 14, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a student's meeting
November 23, 1920 - Agra - Speech at a student's meeting
November 28, 1920 - Allahabad - Speech at public meeting
December 13, 1920 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at the opening of National Madrassa
December 18, 1920 - Nagpur - Speech at a public meeting
December 22, 1920 - Nagpur - Presides over Weaver's conference and Antyaj Conference
January 1, 1921 - Nagpur - Attends the All-India Congress Committee and Working Committee meetings
January 13, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Speech to gujarati students
January 20, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a student's meeting
January 23, 1921 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at a student's meeting
February 6, 1921 - Patna - Speech at the opening ceremony of Bihar National University and National College
February 13, 1921 - Delhi - Speech at the opening ceremony of Tibbia College
February 19, 1921 - Gujranwala - Speech at a mass meeting in Gujranwala
March 16, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a mass meeting in Bombay
March 18, 1921 - Nagpur - Speech at a mass meeting in Nagpur
April 5, 1921 - Masulipatam - Speech at Masulipatam
April 8, 1921 - Madras - Speech at a public meeting
April 10, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a public meeting
April 20, 1921 - Surat - Speech at a public meeting
April 21, 1921 - Chikhli | Sisodra - Gandhi is joined by Vallabhbhai Patel and reach Chikhli. Addresses meeting in Sisodra
April 26, 1921 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
May 1, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
May 27, 1921 - Bijapur - Speech at a public meeting
May 29, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a mass meeting
June 12, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Presides over a public meeting in Ahmedabad
July 1, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a meeting in Bombay
August 16, 1921 - Patna - Reaches Patna
August 31, 1921 - Chittagong, Bangladesh - Speech to railway workers
September 6, 1921 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Meets Rabindranath Tagore
September 15, 1921 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
October 8, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
October 12, 1921 - Surat - Speech at Surat
October 29, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Speech at bonfire of foreign cloth
November 5, 1921 - Delhi - Speech in Delhi
November 9, 1921 - Lahore - Speech in Lahore
November 16, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
November 19, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Second anti-violence fast: against the anarchists' activities on the occasion of the Prince of Wales arrival (4 days)
December 24, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Given the reigns of the Congress in Ahmedabad
February 2, 1922 - Bardoli - Third anti-violence fast: for atonement for violence done in Chauri Chaura incident (5 days)
March 10, 1922 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi is arrested for sedition for the authorship of 3 articles in "Young India"
March 18, 1922 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Gandhi is sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment
March 21, 1922 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Transfered to Yeravda Prison
January 12, 1924 - Poona - Gandhi is released from prison for an appendicitis operation
February 5, 1924 - Poona - Gandhi is released unconditionally but remains in Sasson Hospital
March 11, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay by Train
April 6, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Publication of 'Dakshin Africana Satyagrahano Itihas' in Navajivan
May 29, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Satyagraha Ashram after 26 months
August 17, 1924 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
August 23, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Speech at a mass meeting of labourers
August 29, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
September 4, 1924 - Poona - Speech at a public meeting
September 14, 1924 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
September 17, 1924 - Delhi - First Hindu-Muslim unity fast (21 days) - Gandhi ends fast while listening to the Quran and Gita being read
November 6, 1924 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at the Town Hall of Calcutta
November 10, 1924 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
November 20, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
November 26, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 4, 1924 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
December 9, 1924 - Rawalpindi - Speech in Rawalpindi
December 13, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 20, 1924 - Belgaum - Reaches Belgaum
December 26, 1924 - Belgaum - Presides over the Belgaum Congress
December 31, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends annual session of All-India Muslim League
January 20, 1925 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
January 23, 1925 - Delhi - Presides over the meeting of the All-Party Conference Committee to consider a plan for Hindu-Muslim unity
February 4, 1925 - Rawalpindi - Reaches Rawalpindi
February 9, 1925 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad, via Delhi
February 10, 1925 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - At Sabarmati Ashram
February 25, 1925 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Attends Dahyabhai Patel's marriage at Sabarmati Ashram
February 27, 1925 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
March 5, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
March 7, 1925 - Madras - Reaches Madras
March 8, 1925 - Cochin - Reaches Cochin
March 22, 1925 - Madras - Returns to Madras
March 26, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
May 1, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta, via Nagpur
May 7, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Begins a tour of East Bengal
May 12, 1925 - Chittagong, Bangladesh - Arrives in Chittagong
May 28, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
August 28, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
September 3, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
September 21, 1925 - Patna - Speech at a meeting in Patna
September 22, 1925 - Patna - 'All India Spinners' Association' established
October 17, 1925 - Lucknow - Attends two meetings in Lucknow
November 7, 1925 - While at Anjar - Madeleine Slade joined Satyagraha Ashram, named Mirabehn
November 24, 1925 - Bhuj - Third Penitential Fast (7 days)
November 29, 1925 - Bhuj - The publication of 'Satyana Prayogo athava Atmakatha' commences in Navajivan
December 3, 1925 - While in Sabarmati, Ahmedabad(?) - Publication of the first volume of "The story of my experiments with Truth"
December 23, 1925 - Kanpur - Reaches Kanpur
March 21, 1926 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Annual function of National Music Association
May 14, 1926 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Visit to Bombay
May 20, 1926 - Poona - Reaches Poona
May 22, 1926 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Returns to Sabarmati Ashram
September 18, 1926 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Travels to Bombay to receive the South African Delegation
September 20, 1926 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 23, 1926 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
June 5, 1927 - Bangalore - Reaches Bangalore
September 3, 1927 - Madras - Arrives in Madras. Speech at Provincial Boy Scout's association
November 7, 1927 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails for Ceylon on board "S.S. Colaba"
November 12, 1927 - Colombo, Ceylon - Gandhi arrives in Colombo, Ceylon
November 23, 1927 - Galle, Ceylon - Visit and speech in Galle
November 26, 1927 - Jaffna, Ceylon - Addresses meetings at Jaffna
November 30, 1927 - Ramnad - Departs from Ceylon and arrives at Ramnad
December 1, 1927 - Madras - Returns to Madras
December 21, 1927 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
December 31, 1927 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrives at Sabarmati Ashram
January 1, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - 20-day stay at Sabarmati Ashram
January 27, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Attends his third son's marriage (Ramdas Gandhi) at Sabarmati
February 3, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Boycott of Simon Commission
August 2, 1928 - Bardoli - Gandhi reaches Bardoli
August 13, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Returns to Sabarmati Ashram
November 24, 1928 - Wardha - Reaches Wardha
December 20, 1928 - Nagpur - Gandhi is interviewed at Nagpur Station
December 22, 1928 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Calcutta Congress
January(?) 1(?), 1929 - Publication of the second volume of "The story of my experiments with Truth"
January 5, 1929 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
February 3, 1929 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
February 15, 1929 - Hyderabad - Speech at a meeting of students
March 3, 1929 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
March 8, 1929 - Rangoon (Yangon), Burma - Arrives in Rangoon. Addresses public meetings
March 24, 1929 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
May 28, 1929 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Reaches Sabarmati Ashram
June 27, 1929 - Kausani - Writes introduction to "Anasktiyoga"
August 11, 1929 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meeting with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the All-India Muslim League
September 11, 1929 - Agra - Speech at a public meeting
September 27, 1929 - Lucknow - Speech at a public meeting
October 31, 1929 - While at Meerut - Viceroy Lord Irwin annouces Round Table Conference
November 1, 1929 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
November 3, 1929 - Delhi - Speaks at the Town Hall
November 15, 1929 - Allahabad - Reaches Allahabad
December 23, 1929 - Delhi - Meets the Viceroy in Delhi
December 24, 1929 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
December 27, 1929 - Lahore - Purna Swaraj Resolution adopted at Lahore Congress. The Indian National Congress adopts the objective of complete self-rule
January 2, 1930 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
January 26, 1930 - While in Delhi - The Indian National Congress declares the independence of India
February 15, 1930 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Writes to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, about his intention to break the Salt Law. Speech at a prayer meeting in Sabarmati Ashram
March 2, 1930 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Letter to the Viceroy of India with an ultimatum
March 12, 1930 - Ahmedabad - Salt Satyagraha - Gandhi and followers begin the "Salt march" to Dandi, Gujarat
April 6, 1930 - Dandi, Gujarat - Gandhi and 78 followers complete the 388km march from Ahmedabad to Dandi, Gujarat. Breaks the Salt Law
May 4, 1930 - Surat - Speech at Surat
May 5, 1930 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Gandhi is interned in anticipation of a protest he had organized and sent to Yeravda Prison
May 21, 1930 - While in Yeravda Prison - Protest at Dharasana Salt Works without Gandhi
August 14, 1930 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - T.B. Sapru and M.R. Jasyakar hold talks with Gandhi and other Congress leaders - Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Syed Mahmud, Jairamdas Doulatram and Sarojini Naidu - in Yeravda Prison
January 19, 1931 - While in Yeravda Prison - First Round Table Conference
January 26, 1931 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released from prison
January 28, 1931 - Allahabad - Reaches Allahabad
February 19, 1931 - Delhi - Holds consultations with Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
March 1, 1931 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin
March 5, 1931 - Delhi - The Gandhi-Irwin Pact is signed
March 9, 1931 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
March 15, 1931 - Surat - Speech at Surat
March 16, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
March 19, 1931 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin
March 25, 1931 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
April 6, 1931 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
April 10, 1931 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 15, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay. Bids farewell to Lord Irwin
June 8, 1931 - Bardoli - Jawaharlal Nehru and Abdul Ghaffar Khan meet Gandhi
June 9, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay, accompanied by Nehru
August 29, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to London on board "S.S.Rajputana", to attend the Round Table Conference
September 3, 1931 - Aden - "S.S.Rajputana" reaches Aden
September 6, 1931 - Suez | Port Said, Egypt - "S.S.Rajputana" crosses the Suez and reaches Port Said
September 10, 1931 - Marseille, France - "S.S.Rajputana" reaches Marseille
September 11, 1931 - Calais - Reaches Calais by train
September 12, 1931 - London - Gandhi arrives in London. The second Round Table Conference begins
September 22, 1931 - London - Interview with Charlie Chaplin
September 26, 1931 - Darwen, Lancashire - With textile workers at Darwen, Lancashire
October 3, 1931 - Canterbury - Visit to Canterbury
October 10, 1931 - Chichester - Visit to Chichester
October 17, 1931 - Nottingham - Speech at Nottingham University College
October 18, 1931 - Birmingham - Exhorts indians to return to India and serve their country
October 20, 1931 - London - Returns to London
October 24, 1931 - Oxford - Speech at a meeting of Indian Majlis
October 28, 1931 - London - Returns to London
November 5, 1931 - Buckingham Palace, London - Attended (in his loin-cloth) the Royal reception for the delegates of the Second Round Table Conference at the Buckingham Palace at the invitation of Emperor George V
November 7, 1931 - Oxford - Secret meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm MacDonald at Balliol College, Oxford
November 13, 1931 - London - Declares his opposition to the proposed Communal Award
December 1, 1931 - London - The second Round Table Conference ends
December 3, 1931 - Kingsley Hall - Gandhi plants a tree outside Kingsley Hall
December 5, 1931 - Paris - Arrives in Paris
December 6, 1931 - Villeneuve - Meeting with Romain Rolland
December 8, 1931 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Addresses meetings at Lausanne
December 9, 1931 - Villeneuve - Returns to Villeneuve
December 11, 1931 - Milan, Italy - Arrives in Milan
December 12, 1931 - Rome - Visit to the Vatican. Gandhi meets Mussolini in Rome
December 14, 1931 - Brindisi, Italy - Departs to Bombay on board "S.S.Pilsna"
December 17, 1931 - Port Said, Egypt - Arrives at Port Said
December 28, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to India
January 1, 1932 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Congress Working Committee adopted the resolution of Civil Disobedience
January 4, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Arrested and sent to Yeravda for indefinite period; Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel fellow prisoners
March 10, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Mahadev Desai transfered to Yeravda Prison
August 17, 1932 - While in Yeravda Prison - Prime-Minister Ramsay MacDonald announces the Communal Award
August 18, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Letter to Prime-Minister Ramsay MacDonald declaring his intention to fast unto death against the Communal Award
September 20, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - First anti-untouchability fast (6 days): Communal Award of separate electorates and separate reservation of seats for depressed classes. Fast undertaken at Yeravda Jail. When released a few days later, Gandhi continued his fast at a private house in Poona. The British Government withdrew the clauses in the Communal Award against which Gandhi was protesting
December 3, 1932 - While in Yeravda Prison - Second anti-untouchability fast: sympathetic to Appasaheb Patwardhan (1 day)
February 11, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Gandhi starts publishing a weekly journal called "Harijan" from Yeravda Jail during British rule. He creates three publications: Harijan in English (from 1933 to 1948), Harijan Bandu in Gujarati, and Harijan Sevak in Hindi
May 8, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released from Prison. Third anti-untouchability fast: for the improvement of Harijans' condition (21 days)
July 19, 1933 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad, via Bombay
July 22, 1933 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Gandhi decides to disband the Sabarmati Ashram
August 1, 1933 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrested at Ahmedabad and sent to Sabarmati Prison (later to Yeravda)
August 2, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Transfered to Yeravda Prison
August 16, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Fourth anti-untouchability fast (7 days): to obtain privileges (while in prison) that would enable him to carry on his fight in behalf of the Harijans
August 23, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released unconditionally from prison for health reasons
September 15, 1933 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
September 16, 1933 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Conference with Nehru
September 23, 1933 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
November 8, 1933 - Nagpur - Arrives in Nagpur
November 11, 1933 - Wardha - Returns to Wardha
December 9, 1933 - Bhopal - Arrives at Bhopal
December 10, 1933 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
December 17, 1933 - Masulipatam - Reaches Masulipatam
December 20, 1933 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
January 4, 1934 - Bangalore | Mysore - Gandhi opens a branch of All-India Spinners' Association. Public speeches
January 13, 1934 - Calicut - Arrives in Calicut
January 16, 1934 - Calicut - Meeting with the Zamorin of Calicut
February 12, 1934 - While in Pudupalayam - Jawaharlal Nehru is arrested in Allahabad
February 17, 1934 - Pondicherry - Speech at public meeting
February 19, 1934 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
March 11, 1934 - Patna - Reaches Patna
May 9, 1934 - Puri - Begins completing his tour on foot
May 18, 1934 - Patna - Speech at A.I.C.C. Meeting
June 14, 1934 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
June 25, 1934 - Poona - Bomb thrown at his motorcade in Poona
July 7, 1934 - Karachi - Arrives in Karachi. Addresses Congress workers
July 13, 1934 - Lahore - Meeting with Provincial Congress Leaders
July 19, 1934 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta, via New Delhi
August 7, 1934 - Wardha - Fourth anti-violence fast: against a violent young Congressman (7 days)
October 10, 1934 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
October 30, 1934 - Wardha - Gandhi resigns from Congress Party membership
December 14, 1934 - While in Wardha - 'All India Village Industries' Association' established
December 30, 1934 - Delhi - Speech at an Harijan Industries Exhibition
January 29, 1935 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
May 22, 1935 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
May 31, 1935 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Meets Abdul Ghaffar Khan in Sabarmati Jail
January 9, 1936 - Wardha(?) - Gandhi has some teeth extracted
January 17, 1936 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
January 19, 1936 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Has some more teeth extracted
January 22, 1936 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
February 1, 1936 - While in Ahmedabad - Nehru is elected Congress President
March 8, 1936 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
March 17, 1936 - Delhi - Meets Jawaharlal Nehru
March 28, 1936 - Lucknow - Arrives in Lucknow
April 4, 1936 - Allahabad - Arrives in Allahabad
April 17, 1936 - Wardha - Reaches Wardha
April 30, 1936 - Segaon - Moves to Segaon from Wardha
June 29, 1936 - Wardha - Discussions with Jawaharlal Nehru
August 31, 1936 - Wardha - Gandhi gets malaria. (Sent to hospital until September 11th)
September 12, 1936 - Segaon - Released from Hospital. Returns to Segaon
October 3, 1936 - Segaon - Gandhi receives Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rajendra Prasad in Segaon
October 31, 1936 - Nadiad - Presides over the 12th Gujarati Sahitya Parishad
November 4, 1936 - Segaon - Returns to Segaon
January 7, 1937 - Poona - Arrives in Poona to have discussions with Ahmedabad Mill-owners and labourers
January 24, 1937 - Segaon - Arrives in Segaon
February 26, 1937 - Segaon - Jawaharlal Nehru and other congress leaders arrive
February 28, 1937 - Wardha - Congress Working Committee meeting at Wardha
March 15, 1937 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
March 25, 1937 - Madras - Arrives in Madras with Kasturba
August 4, 1937 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
October 26, 1937 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
December 7, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
December 14, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets Aga Khan and his son
December 21, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets the Maharaja of Rewa
March 11, 1938 - Segaon - Discussions with Vallabhbhai Patel
April 15, 1938 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
April 28, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Jinnah. Issue joint statement
May 1, 1938 - Peshawar - Arrives in Peshawar by car
May 5, 1938 - Khyber Pass - Visit to Khyber Pass
May 11, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
May 19, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Jinnah
October 5, 1938 - Peshawar - Arrives in Peshawar
November 8, 1938 - Abbottabad - Speech at a public meeting
November 14, 1938 - Segaon - Discussions with Vallabhbhai Patel about Rajkot Satyagraha
November 21, 1938 - Segaon - Gandhi receives Nehru
January 2, 1939 - Bardoli - Arrives in Bardoli
January 11, 1939 - Bardoli - Congress Working Committee meeting
January 23, 1939 - Bardoli - Vallabhbhai Patel arrives in Bardoli to discuss Rajkot affairs with Gandhi
March 3, 1939 - Wardha - Commenced fast at Wardha against the breach of trust
March 7, 1939 - Wardha - Brakes the fast; Chief Justice Maurice Gwyer appointed the arbitrator
March 15, 1939 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
April 6, 1939 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
April 16, 1939 - While in Rajkot - Sir Maurice Gwyer declared award in favour of the people of Rajkot; Muslims and Bhayats demonstrate against Gandhi and disrupt a prayer meeting
July 7, 1939 - Abbottabad - Arrives in Abbottabad
July 23, 1939 - Abbottabad - Letter to Adolf Hitler
September 4, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
September 26, 1939 - Simla - Interview with the Viceroy in Simla
October 5, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
October 31, 1939 - Delhi - Congress Ministers resign
November 1, 1939 - Delhi - Joint conference with the Viceroy and Jinnah
November 4, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
February 4, 1940 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
February 5, 1940 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy
February 19, 1940 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
February 28, 1940 - Patna - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
March 5, 1940 - Segaon - Segaon named Sevagram
March 22, 1940 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
April 15, 1940 - Wardha - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
June 26, 1940 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
July 3, 1940 - New Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
August 23, 1940 - Wardha - Meeting with Nehru, Sardar Patel and Maulana Azad
September 12, 1940 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Nehru and Sardar Patel
September 27, 1940 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
October 11, 1940 - Sevagram - Congress Working Committee meeting at Sevagram; Individual Satyagraha proposed
October 17, 1940 - While in Sevagram - At Paunar, Vinoba Bhave chosen as the first Individual Satyagrahi
March 2, 1941 - Sevagram - Reaches Sevagram
July 12, 1941 - Wardha - Discussions with Abdul Gaffar Khan
December 10, 1941 - Bardoli - Reaches Bardoli
December 13, 1941 - While in Bardoli - 'On Constructive Programme' published
December 30, 1941 - Bardoli - The Congress Working Committee at Bardoli accepts Gandhi's request to free him from the responsibility of guiding the Congress
January 15, 1942 - Sevagram - Informed Congress Working Committee at Sevagram that Jawaharlal Nehru would be his political heir
February 18, 1942 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi meets Chiang Kai-Shek
March 27, 1942 - Delhi - Meets Stafford Cripps and advises the Mission to return to England
May 18, 1942 - Sevagram - Discussions with Nehru
July 14, 1942 - Wardha - The Congress Working Committee meeting at Wardha passes a resolution demanding independence from the British Government
August 8, 1942 - Gowalia Tank, Bombay - During the Bombay session of the All-India Congress Committee, Gandhi launches the "Quit India Movement", demanding an end to British Rule in India and urges indians to follow non-violent civil disobedience
August 9, 1942 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - The british arrest Gandhi at the Aga Khan Palace in Poona
August 15, 1942 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Death of Mahadev Desai, cremated at Aga Khan Palace
February 10, 1943 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Objecting to his detention without charges by the British (21 days-fast)
February 22, 1944 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Gandhi's wife "Kasturba" dies after 18 months' imprisonment in Pune. Cremated at Aga Khan Palace
May 6, 1944 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Gandhi is released from prison
September 9, 1944 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meeting with Jinnah
October 1, 1944 - Sevagram - Reaches Sevagram after almost 20 days of talks with Jinnah
April 20, 1945 - Poona - Arrives in Poona
June 14, 1945 - While in Poona - Lord Wavell calls for negotiations
June 15, 1945 - While in Poona - Congress Working Committee members released from Ahmedanagar Fort Prison. Ban on Congress lifted
June 20, 1945 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
June 24, 1945 - Simla - Reaches Simla. Meeting with the Viceroy
July 14, 1945 - Simla - The Viceroy declares the Simla Conference a failure
December 10, 1945 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Discussions with Lord Wavell
February 12, 1946 - Wardha - Speech at the Second Goseva Sangh Conference
February 20, 1946 - Poona - Reaches Poona
March 11, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
March 23, 1946 - While in Bombay - A 3-member british delegation reaches Delhi
April 1, 1946 - Delhi - Meets Cabinet Ministers in Delhi
May 6, 1946 - Simla - Meets Cabinet Ministers and the Viceroy in Simla
May 11, 1946 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
May 12, 1946 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
June 25, 1946 - New Delhi - The Congress Working Committee adopts a resolution to accept the formation of the Constituent Assembly
July 4, 1946 - While in Poona - The Viceroy formed an Interim Government
July 5, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
July 6, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Newly elected All India Congress committee met under presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru
August 16, 1946 - While at Sevagram - Communal riots in Calcutta
August 27, 1946 - New Delhi - Gandhi and Nehru call on the Viceroy
September 2, 1946 - While in New Delhi - A 12 member Interim Government headed by Pandit Nehru formed
September 26, 1946 - New Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
October 10, 1946 - While in Bhopal - Communal violence in Noakhali
October 15, 1946 - While in Bhopal - Muslim League representatives joined the Interim Government
October 27, 1946 - While in Assam - Communal riots in Bihar
November 6, 1946 - Assam - Departs to Noakhali
November 19, 1946 - Madhupur | Srirampur - Handed over the responsibility of Harijan Journals to Kaka Kalelkar, Kishorelal Mashruwala and Narahari Parikh
January 2, 1947 - Srirampur - Bare foot march to Noakhali commences
March 31, 1947 - Delhi - Meets with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel. In the afternoon meets the new Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten
April 1, 1947 - Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten. Addresses the Asian Relations Conference
April 13, 1947 - Patna - Reaches Patna
May 1, 1947 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
May 5, 1947 - Delhi - Calls on Jinnah
May 28, 1947 - New Delhi - Receives the chinese ambassador, who was accompanied by Jawaharlal Nehru
June 1, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
June 2, 1947 - New Delhi - The Congress, the Muslim League and the representatives of the Sikhs accept the plan of Partition
June 6, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
June 13, 1947 - New Delhi - The Congress Working Committee adopted resolution to accept the Partition
June 17, 1947 - New Delhi - Meets Lord Mountbatten and Jinnah
June 26, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
July 1, 1947 - New Delhi - Gandhi, Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel meet Lord Mountbatten
July 9, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
August 1, 1947 - Srinagar - Reaches Srinagar
August 4, 1947 - Jammu - Reaches Jammu
August 6, 1947 - Lahore - Arrives in Lahore
August 9, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
August 13, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - In Calcutta with Shaheed Suhrawardy
August 15, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Independence of India. Gandhi spends the day not celebrating the end of the British rule but appealing for peace among his countrymen by fasting and spinning in Calcutta =(changeflag)
August 31, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Second Hindu-Muslim unity fast (4 days)
September 4, 1947 - New Delhi - Gandhi moves to Delhi to help stem the violent rioting there and in the neighboring province of East Punjab
November 11, 1947 - Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
November 13, 1947 - Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting. Talks with Jawaharlal Nehru
November 16, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 21, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
November 23, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 25, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
November 26, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru. Lord Mountbatten resumes office of Governor-General
November 28, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 30, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 1, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 3, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 5, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 6, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 7, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 8, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 9, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 14, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 16, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 17, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 18, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 19, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 20, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 21, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 22, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 23, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 24, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 25, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 26, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 27, 1947 - Delhi - Gandhi calls on Lord Mountbatten. Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 28, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 29, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 30, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
January 2, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 5, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 6, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 8, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 9, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 10, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 12, 1948 - New Delhi - Gandhi Meets Vallabhbhai Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru. He goes on a fast-unto-death to pressure the indian government to release the payment to Pakistan (6 days)
January 13, 1948 - New Delhi - Third Hindu-Muslim unity fast for restoration of communal peace. Gandhi reads the news of the Kashmir war, while at the same time fasts to death because Muslims could not live safely in Delhi. All his fasts were to convince Hindus. Receives Vallabhbhai Patel
January 14, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 16, 1948 - New Delhi - Frail because of his fasting, Gandhi is visited by Nehru, when his life starts being in danger
January 19, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru, lying in his bed
January 20, 1948 - New Delhi - Visited by Nehru. An assassination attempt against Gandhi during one of his speeches fails
January 21, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 23, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 27, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 28, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 30, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel. As he approaches a prayer meeting, Mahātmā Gandhi is shot three times in the chest by a Hindu nationalist and dies, aged 78 =(END)
January 10, 1909 - Durban - Kasturba is operated on. Gandhi attends on her
January 18, 1909 - Volksrust | Johannesburg - Gandhi is arrested at Volksrust on his way to Johannesburg for failing to produce registration certificate. Released on bail, returns to Johannesburg
January 29, 1909 - Johannesburg - Departs to Durban
February 3, 1909 - Johannesburg - NIC officials sentenced to six months imprisonment
February 4, 1909 - Phoenix, South Africa - Gandhi takes Kasturba to Phoenix, to recover after her surgery
February 10, 1909 - Volksrust - Harilal Gandhi is sentenced to six months imprisonment
February 25, 1909 - Volksrust - Arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for the third time for three months for failure to produce registration certificate and was sent back to Volksrust Prison
March 11, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Kasturba sends message to Indian women's meeting in Johannesburg: "Had I wings I would fly to the meeting". A letter is published in the press signed by Kasturba and four others
April 3, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Germiston Indian women form Association
April 24, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Chinese refuse to give finger impressions
May 1, 1909 - While in prison, Pretoria - Prime Minister Botha alleges that ninety-seven percent of Indians have registered; Gandhi points out that he was referring to voluntary registrations conducted under satyagraha
May 24, 1909 - Pretoria, South Africa - Gandhi is released
June 21, 1909 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Hajee Habib leave for England, via Cape Town
June 23, 1909 - Cape Town - Sails to England on board the "Kenilworth Castle"
July 10, 1909 - Southampton | London, England - Gandhi arrives in England. Reaches London on the same day
September 7, 1909 - London - Gandhi asks for financial assistance to defray expenses of BIA office rent, Indian Opinion and Polak's costs in India.
September 21, 1909 - While in London - Harilal Gandhi and others are released from Volksrust gaol, case against them is withdrawn
September 22, 1909 - While in London - Meeting of Chinese supports passive resistance and the deputation to England
October 5, 1909 - London - Addresses meeting of Gujaratis in London
November 2, 1909 - London - Speech in London
November 13, 1909 - London - Departs to South Africa on board "SS Kildonan Castle"
November 30, 1909 - Cape Town, South Africa - "SS Kildonan Castle" arrives in South Africa. Gandhi completes his book "Hind Swaraj" during the voyage
December 2, 1909 - Johannesburg - Gandhi returns to Johannesburg
December 11, 1909 - Johannesburg - "Hind Swarajya" published in "Indian Opinion"
March 10, 1910 - Durban - 'Hind Swarajya' proscribed. Sent a copy of English rendering 'Indian Home Rule' to Tolstoy
May 8, 1910 - Durban - 'Letter from Leo Tolstoy
May 30, 1910 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - After buying a piece of land near Johannesburg, Herman Kallenbach, a follower of Gandhi, places it officially at the disposal of the satyagrahis as long as the campaign in the Transvaal lasted
June 23, 1910 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - Gandhi establishes an idealistic community named "Tolstoy Farm" at Kallenbach's land. There he nurtures his policy of peaceful resistance
December 4, 1910 - Johannesburg - Speech about Tolstoy and his message (Tolstoy died on November 20th)
March 12, 1911 - Cape Town - Mass meeting of indians at Cape Town to protest against the Immigration Bill
March 27, 1911 - Cape Town - Interview with General Smuts at Cape Town
April 2, 1911 - Cape Town - Attends meeting of Cape British Indian Union held to demand changes in the Union Immigrants’ Restriction Bill (UIRB)
April 24, 1911 - Kimberley, South Africa - Speech at a meeting of Indians
April 26, 1911 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
May 3, 1911 - Johannesburg - Gandhi meets General Smuts
June 16, 1911 - Durban - Speech at farewell to Sorabji Shapurji
June 21, 1911 - Durban - Meets the Mayor of Durban regarding coronation celebrations
September 3, 1911 - Johannesburg - Addresses meeting held to celebrate Dadabhai Naoroji's birthday
October 24, 1911 - Johannesburg - Letter to Gopalkrishna Gokhale, inviting him to visit South Africa
February 11, 1912 - Kimberley - Mass meeting of Indians at Kimberley to protest against the "Union Immigrants’ Restriction Bill (UIRB)"
June 28, 1912 - Durban - Arrives in Durban
July 7, 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
August 11, 1912 - 35km from Johannesburg (17km from Soweto) - Visit to Tolstoy farm
August 31, 1912 - Durban - Travels to Durban with Kasturba, then continues to Phoenix
September 15(?), 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
October 5, 1912 - While in Johannesburg - Gokhale sails from England to South Africa
October 20, 1912 - Cape Town - Travels to Cape Town
October 22, 1912 - Cape Town - Gokhale arrives in Cape Town
October 24, 1912 - Cape Town - Gopalkrishna Gokhale's South Africa tour commences, accompanied by Gandhi
October 25, 1912 - Kimberley - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Kimberley by train
October 28, 1912 - Klerksdorp | Potchefstroom | Krugersdorp - Train stops and receptions with Mayors at Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom and Krugersdorp
October 29, 1912 - Johannesburg - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Johannesburg
November 8, 1912 - Maritzburg | Durban - Gandhi and Gokhale arrive in Maritzburg. Reach Durban in the same day
November 13, 1912 - Pretoria - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Pretoria, via Volksrust
November 15, 1912 - Johannesburg - Lunch with the Governor-General
November 18, 1912 - Lourenço Marques, Mozambique - Gandhi and Gokhale arrive in Lourenço Marques, Mozambique. Banquet and speeches
November 20, 1912 - Beira, Mozambique - Arrives in Beira by steamer
November 25, 1912 - Island of Mozambique - Visit to the Island of Mozambique
November 27, 1912 - Zanzibar - Visit to Zanzibar with Gokhale
November 29, 1912 - Tongaat, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa - Gandhi and Gokhale reach Tongaat on board "S.S.President". Both men bid farewell to each other
November 30, 1912 - Zanzibar - Return to Zanzibar
December 1, 1912 - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania - Gandhi arrives in Dar Es Salaam
December 7, 1912 - Island of Mozambique - Returns to Mozambique
December 13, 1912 - Delagoa Bay (Maputo Bay, Mozambique) - Gandhi reaches Delagoa Bay. Gokhale reaches Bombay
December 14, 1912 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
December 21, 1912 - Durban - Interview with Sir John Hulett in Durban
January 2, 1913 - Durban - Departs to Johannesburg
January 4, 1913 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
April 24, 1913 - Kimberley - Speech at a meeting of Indians
April 26, 1913 - Johannesburg - Returns to Johannesburg
July 13, 1913 - Phoenix, South Africa - First penitential fast (7 days)
September 22, 1913 - While in Phoenix(?) - Kasturba and other followers arrested. Kasturba is awarded 3 months in prison
October 9, 1913 - Johannesburg - Attends Johannesburg Hindus' meeting
October 17, 1913 - Newcastle, South Africa - Visit to Newcastle, South Africa
November 6, 1913 - Charlestown, South Africa - Begins the "Great March" (2037 men, 127 women and 57 children). Arrested at Volksrust border
November 7, 1913 - Volksrust - Gandhi appears in Volksrust court. Released on bail
November 8, 1913 - Standerton - Arrested at Standerton. Released on bail
November 9, 1913 - Teakworth, near Greylingstaad - Arrested at Teakworth. Taken for the night to Balfour
November 11, 1913 - Dundee, South Africa - Gandhi is not alowed to rejoin the march and is sentenced to 9 months' imprisonment
December 18, 1913 - Pretoria - Gandhi is released from jail unconditionally, before the completion of the period of imprisonement
January 30, 1914 - Pietermaritzburg - Arrives at Pietermaritzburg
March 30, 1914 - Phoenix, South Africa - Arrives at Phoenix with Kasturba
April 1(?), 1914 - Phoenix, South Africa - Second penitential fast (14 days)
June 26, 1914 - While in Cape Town - Indians' Relief Bill passes
June 27, 1914 - Cape Town - Interview with General Smuts at Cape Town
July 8, 1914 - Durban - Farewell meeting
July 10, 1914 - Pretoria - Farewell meeting
July 13, 1914 - Johannesburg - Mass Meeting in Johannesburg
July 18, 1914 - Cape Town - Gandhi family sails to England on board "S.S.Kinfauns Castle"
August 4, 1914 - Southampton | London, England - "S.S.Kinfauns Castle" arrives in England. Gandhi reaches London
August 8, 1914 - London - Reception in London with presence of friends, including Jinnah
December 19, 1914 - London - Sails for India with Kasturba on board "S.S. Arabia"
January 9, 1915 - Apollo Bunder, Bombay (Mumbai), India - Gandhi arrives in India
February 17, 1915 - Santiniketan, 175km from Calcutta - Visit to Santiniketan
April 5, 1915 - Kumbh Mela, Hardwar - Visit to Kumbh Mela, Hardwar
May 20, 1915 - near Ahmedabad, Gujarat - Gandhi establishes his first ashram, the Kochrab Ashram
June 26, 1915 - Poona - Awarded the "Kaisare Hind" medal
September 11, 1915 - near Ahmedabad, Gujarat - First families join Gandhi's ashram
November 15, 1915 - Ahmedabad - Elected as Vice President of Gujarat Sabha
January 3, 1916 - Surat - Speech at Surat
February 6, 1916 - Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh - Gandhi lectures at Benaras Hindu University
February 19, 1916 - Kirloskar Theater, Poona - Speech at a meeting on death anniversary of Gokhale
June 4, 1916 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Conference of friendly Associations of communities
December 26, 1916 - Lucknow - Meets Jawaharlal Nehru for the first time at Lucknow Congress
March 6, 1917 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
April 10, 1917 - Champaran, Bihar - Gandhi arrives in Champaran and stays at the house of Sant Raut in Amolwa village with a team of eminent lawyers - Travels to Patna with Rajkumar Shukla to investigate condition of indigo farmers
April 18, 1917 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gives a statement in Court about disobedience of prohibitary orders
April 19, 1917 - Champaran, Bihar - Champaran "Satyagraha" (form of nonviolent civil resistance)
June 17, 1917 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - The ashram is relocated to the banks of the River Sabarmati (Sabarmati Ashram)
October 20, 1917 - Bharuch - Presides over the Second Gujarati Education Conference, Bharuch
November 3, 1917 - Godhara - Presides over the First Gujarat Political Conference, Godhara
November 7, 1917 - Godhra - Mahadev Desai joins Gandhi as Secretary
November 13, 1917 - 30km from Dhaka, East Champaran - Gandhi establishes the first ever basic school at Barharwa Lakhansen village, 30 km from Dhaka, East Champaran
November 30, 1917 - Bhitiharwa - Gandhi sets up another basic school at Bhitiharwa
January 17, 1918 - Bhitiharwa - Gandhi sets up another basic school at Bhitiharwa
February 4, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Addresses public meeting in Bombay
February 6, 1918 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrives to Sabarmati Ashram
February 14, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Appointed to arbiter the dispute between Mill-owners and Mill-hands of Ahmedabad
March 15, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Fasting for 3 days in the interest of striking mill workers in Ahmedabad
March 22, 1918 - Nadiad - Addresses the public meeting of 5000 peasants at Nadiad; advises them to not pay land revenue
March 29, 1918 - Indore - Presidential address at Hindi Sahitya Sammelan in Indore
April 1, 1918 - Kathlal - Begins "Kheda Tour". Reaches Kathlal
April 2, 1918 - Limbasi - Meeting at Limbasi
April 4, 1918 - Karamsad - Meeting at Karamsad
April 5, 1918 - Vadathal - Reaches Vadathal
April 6, 1918 - Uttarsanda - Visits Uttarsanda with Vallabhbhai Patel
April 7, 1918 - Navagam - Speech to 3,000 agriculturists
April 8, 1918 - Borsad - Speech to 4,000 people
April 9, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 13, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets Revenue Board members
April 25, 1918 - Delhi - The Viceroy opens the War Conference in Delhi
May 3, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends All-India Congress Committee session
June 9, 1918 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
June 24, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Speech against the Governor's conduct at the War Conference
August 11, 1918 - Nadiad - Gandhi falls seriously ill at Nadiad
August 23, 1918 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi is transfered to Sheth Ambalal's place in Ahmedabad
October 8, 1918 - Baroda - Travels to Baroda
October 24, 1918 - Lahore - Reception in Lahore
November 1, 1918 - Delhi - Attends a meeting of Delhi citizens
November 20, 1918 - Gujranwala - Visit to Gujranwala
November 23, 1918 - Delhi - Speech at Khilafat Muslim Conference in Delhi
December 9, 1918 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
February 17, 1919 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Speech at Sabarmati
February 24, 1919 - Sabarmati - Gandhi cautions the Viceroy of India with a cable communication that if the british were to pass the Rowlatt Act, he would appeal to indians to start civil disobedience
March 6, 1919 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
March 18, 1919 - Madras - Gandhi reaches Madras
March 21, 1919 - While in Madras - Rowlatt Act is introduced - A legislative act indefinitely extending the emergency measures of preventive detention, incarceration without trial and judicial review enacted in the Defence of India Act 1915 during World War One
March 28, 1919 - Tuticorin - Speech at a meeting at Tuticorin
March 29, 1919 - Nagapatam - Speech at a meeting at Nagapatam
March 30, 1919 - While in Madras - British law officers open fire on an assembly of unarmed people, participating in Satyagraha in Delhi
April 3, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
April 6, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Appeal to the people of Madras - Gandhi asks a crowd to remember not to injure or kill British people, but to express their frustration with peace, to boycott British goods and burn any British clothing they own. He emphasises the use of non-violence to the British and towards each other, even if the other side uses violence
April 10, 1919 - Palwal, S. of Delhi - Gandhi is arrested at Palwal Station
April 11, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi is taken to Bombay, then released
April 13, 1919 - While in Ahmedabad - Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, Punjab. 379 people are killed by british soldiers
April 14, 1919 - Nadiad - First anti-violence fast: against the attempted derail of a train at Nadiad (3 days)
April 21, 1919 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 25, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at Satyagraha meeting in Bombay
August 8, 1919 - Poona - Speech at Deccan Sabha meeting against anti-indian legislation in Transvaal
September 7, 1919 - While in Bombay - First issue of "Navajivan" published
September 21, 1919 - Ahmedabad - Opens a school in Ahmedabad
October 1, 1919 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Presides over a public meeting to celebrate the 73rd birthday of Annie Besant
October 8, 1919 - Baroda (Vadodara) - Gandhi begins publishing "Young India", a weekly paper in english
October 11, 1919 - Bhavnagar - Reaches Bhavnagar
October 24, 1919 - Lahore - Travels by train to Lahore where he is warmly welcomed
November 1, 1919 - Delhi - Attends a public meeting of Delhi citizens. It ends in disorder
November 11, 1919 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
November 20, 1919 - Gujranwala - Visits Gujranwala
December 9, 1919 - Lahore - Returns to Lahore
December 28, 1919 - Amritsar - Gandhi dissolves All-India-Humanitarian Conference on account of disorder
January 9, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi appears before Disorders Inquiry Committee
January 12, 1920 - Sargodha - Visit to Sargodha
January 16, 1920 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
January 23, 1920 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
February 13, 1920 - Sargodha - Speech on Hindu-Muslim unity
February 25, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Addresses a meeting of mill-hands held to consider formation of a Labour Union
March 3, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Gandhi appears in High Court regarding contempt of court case against him
March 19, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Addresses Khilafat Day meeting
March 31, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi attends a competition for spinning-wheel prize
April 9, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a public meeting
July 17, 1920 - Lahore - Speeches in Lahore
July 19, 1920 - Rawalpindi - Speech in Rawalpindi
July 22, 1920 - Karachi - Speech in Karachi
July 23, 1920 - Hyderabad - Speech in Hyderabad
July 28, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
August 2, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns the honours to the Government, commencement of Non-co-operation
August 12, 1920 - Madras - Arrives in Madras for a tour in South India
August 14, 1920 - Ambur | Vellore - Visits Ambur and Vellore
August 16, 1920 - Kumbakonam | Nagore - Speech at Kumbakonam and Nagore
August 17, 1920 - Trichinopoly - Speech at Trichinopoly
August 18, 1920 - Calicut - Speech at Calicut
August 21, 1920 - Bangalore - Reaches Bangalore
August 25, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
August 26, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
September 9, 1920 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi convinces other leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat as well as for dominion status
October 14, 1920 - Kanpur - Speech at Kanpur
October 15, 1920 - Lucknow - Speech at Lucknow
October 18, 1920 - Amritsar - Speech at Amritsar
October 31, 1920 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Women's meeting
November 5, 1920 - Poona - Speech at Poona
November 14, 1920 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a student's meeting
November 23, 1920 - Agra - Speech at a student's meeting
November 28, 1920 - Allahabad - Speech at public meeting
December 13, 1920 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at the opening of National Madrassa
December 18, 1920 - Nagpur - Speech at a public meeting
December 22, 1920 - Nagpur - Presides over Weaver's conference and Antyaj Conference
January 1, 1921 - Nagpur - Attends the All-India Congress Committee and Working Committee meetings
January 13, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Speech to gujarati students
January 20, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a student's meeting
January 23, 1921 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at a student's meeting
February 6, 1921 - Patna - Speech at the opening ceremony of Bihar National University and National College
February 13, 1921 - Delhi - Speech at the opening ceremony of Tibbia College
February 19, 1921 - Gujranwala - Speech at a mass meeting in Gujranwala
March 16, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a mass meeting in Bombay
March 18, 1921 - Nagpur - Speech at a mass meeting in Nagpur
April 5, 1921 - Masulipatam - Speech at Masulipatam
April 8, 1921 - Madras - Speech at a public meeting
April 10, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a public meeting
April 20, 1921 - Surat - Speech at a public meeting
April 21, 1921 - Chikhli | Sisodra - Gandhi is joined by Vallabhbhai Patel and reach Chikhli. Addresses meeting in Sisodra
April 26, 1921 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
May 1, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
May 27, 1921 - Bijapur - Speech at a public meeting
May 29, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a mass meeting
June 12, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Presides over a public meeting in Ahmedabad
July 1, 1921 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Speech at a meeting in Bombay
August 16, 1921 - Patna - Reaches Patna
August 31, 1921 - Chittagong, Bangladesh - Speech to railway workers
September 6, 1921 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Meets Rabindranath Tagore
September 15, 1921 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
October 8, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
October 12, 1921 - Surat - Speech at Surat
October 29, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Speech at bonfire of foreign cloth
November 5, 1921 - Delhi - Speech in Delhi
November 9, 1921 - Lahore - Speech in Lahore
November 16, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
November 19, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Second anti-violence fast: against the anarchists' activities on the occasion of the Prince of Wales arrival (4 days)
December 24, 1921 - Ahmedabad - Given the reigns of the Congress in Ahmedabad
February 2, 1922 - Bardoli - Third anti-violence fast: for atonement for violence done in Chauri Chaura incident (5 days)
March 10, 1922 - Ahmedabad - Gandhi is arrested for sedition for the authorship of 3 articles in "Young India"
March 18, 1922 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Gandhi is sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment
March 21, 1922 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Transfered to Yeravda Prison
January 12, 1924 - Poona - Gandhi is released from prison for an appendicitis operation
February 5, 1924 - Poona - Gandhi is released unconditionally but remains in Sasson Hospital
March 11, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay by Train
April 6, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Publication of 'Dakshin Africana Satyagrahano Itihas' in Navajivan
May 29, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Satyagraha Ashram after 26 months
August 17, 1924 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
August 23, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Speech at a mass meeting of labourers
August 29, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
September 4, 1924 - Poona - Speech at a public meeting
September 14, 1924 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
September 17, 1924 - Delhi - First Hindu-Muslim unity fast (21 days) - Gandhi ends fast while listening to the Quran and Gita being read
November 6, 1924 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Speech at the Town Hall of Calcutta
November 10, 1924 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
November 20, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
November 26, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 4, 1924 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
December 9, 1924 - Rawalpindi - Speech in Rawalpindi
December 13, 1924 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 20, 1924 - Belgaum - Reaches Belgaum
December 26, 1924 - Belgaum - Presides over the Belgaum Congress
December 31, 1924 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends annual session of All-India Muslim League
January 20, 1925 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
January 23, 1925 - Delhi - Presides over the meeting of the All-Party Conference Committee to consider a plan for Hindu-Muslim unity
February 4, 1925 - Rawalpindi - Reaches Rawalpindi
February 9, 1925 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad, via Delhi
February 10, 1925 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - At Sabarmati Ashram
February 25, 1925 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Attends Dahyabhai Patel's marriage at Sabarmati Ashram
February 27, 1925 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
March 5, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
March 7, 1925 - Madras - Reaches Madras
March 8, 1925 - Cochin - Reaches Cochin
March 22, 1925 - Madras - Returns to Madras
March 26, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
May 1, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta, via Nagpur
May 7, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Begins a tour of East Bengal
May 12, 1925 - Chittagong, Bangladesh - Arrives in Chittagong
May 28, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
August 28, 1925 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
September 3, 1925 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
September 21, 1925 - Patna - Speech at a meeting in Patna
September 22, 1925 - Patna - 'All India Spinners' Association' established
October 17, 1925 - Lucknow - Attends two meetings in Lucknow
November 7, 1925 - While at Anjar - Madeleine Slade joined Satyagraha Ashram, named Mirabehn
November 24, 1925 - Bhuj - Third Penitential Fast (7 days)
November 29, 1925 - Bhuj - The publication of 'Satyana Prayogo athava Atmakatha' commences in Navajivan
December 3, 1925 - While in Sabarmati, Ahmedabad(?) - Publication of the first volume of "The story of my experiments with Truth"
December 23, 1925 - Kanpur - Reaches Kanpur
March 21, 1926 - Ahmedabad - Speech at Annual function of National Music Association
May 14, 1926 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Visit to Bombay
May 20, 1926 - Poona - Reaches Poona
May 22, 1926 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Returns to Sabarmati Ashram
September 18, 1926 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Travels to Bombay to receive the South African Delegation
September 20, 1926 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
December 23, 1926 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
June 5, 1927 - Bangalore - Reaches Bangalore
September 3, 1927 - Madras - Arrives in Madras. Speech at Provincial Boy Scout's association
November 7, 1927 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails for Ceylon on board "S.S. Colaba"
November 12, 1927 - Colombo, Ceylon - Gandhi arrives in Colombo, Ceylon
November 23, 1927 - Galle, Ceylon - Visit and speech in Galle
November 26, 1927 - Jaffna, Ceylon - Addresses meetings at Jaffna
November 30, 1927 - Ramnad - Departs from Ceylon and arrives at Ramnad
December 1, 1927 - Madras - Returns to Madras
December 21, 1927 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
December 31, 1927 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrives at Sabarmati Ashram
January 1, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - 20-day stay at Sabarmati Ashram
January 27, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Attends his third son's marriage (Ramdas Gandhi) at Sabarmati
February 3, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Boycott of Simon Commission
August 2, 1928 - Bardoli - Gandhi reaches Bardoli
August 13, 1928 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Returns to Sabarmati Ashram
November 24, 1928 - Wardha - Reaches Wardha
December 20, 1928 - Nagpur - Gandhi is interviewed at Nagpur Station
December 22, 1928 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Calcutta Congress
January(?) 1(?), 1929 - Publication of the second volume of "The story of my experiments with Truth"
January 5, 1929 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
February 3, 1929 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
February 15, 1929 - Hyderabad - Speech at a meeting of students
March 3, 1929 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
March 8, 1929 - Rangoon (Yangon), Burma - Arrives in Rangoon. Addresses public meetings
March 24, 1929 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Returns to Calcutta
May 28, 1929 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Reaches Sabarmati Ashram
June 27, 1929 - Kausani - Writes introduction to "Anasktiyoga"
August 11, 1929 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meeting with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the All-India Muslim League
September 11, 1929 - Agra - Speech at a public meeting
September 27, 1929 - Lucknow - Speech at a public meeting
October 31, 1929 - While at Meerut - Viceroy Lord Irwin annouces Round Table Conference
November 1, 1929 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
November 3, 1929 - Delhi - Speaks at the Town Hall
November 15, 1929 - Allahabad - Reaches Allahabad
December 23, 1929 - Delhi - Meets the Viceroy in Delhi
December 24, 1929 - Lahore - Reaches Lahore
December 27, 1929 - Lahore - Purna Swaraj Resolution adopted at Lahore Congress. The Indian National Congress adopts the objective of complete self-rule
January 2, 1930 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
January 26, 1930 - While in Delhi - The Indian National Congress declares the independence of India
February 15, 1930 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Writes to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, about his intention to break the Salt Law. Speech at a prayer meeting in Sabarmati Ashram
March 2, 1930 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Letter to the Viceroy of India with an ultimatum
March 12, 1930 - Ahmedabad - Salt Satyagraha - Gandhi and followers begin the "Salt march" to Dandi, Gujarat
April 6, 1930 - Dandi, Gujarat - Gandhi and 78 followers complete the 388km march from Ahmedabad to Dandi, Gujarat. Breaks the Salt Law
May 4, 1930 - Surat - Speech at Surat
May 5, 1930 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Gandhi is interned in anticipation of a protest he had organized and sent to Yeravda Prison
May 21, 1930 - While in Yeravda Prison - Protest at Dharasana Salt Works without Gandhi
August 14, 1930 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - T.B. Sapru and M.R. Jasyakar hold talks with Gandhi and other Congress leaders - Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Syed Mahmud, Jairamdas Doulatram and Sarojini Naidu - in Yeravda Prison
January 19, 1931 - While in Yeravda Prison - First Round Table Conference
January 26, 1931 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released from prison
January 28, 1931 - Allahabad - Reaches Allahabad
February 19, 1931 - Delhi - Holds consultations with Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
March 1, 1931 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin
March 5, 1931 - Delhi - The Gandhi-Irwin Pact is signed
March 9, 1931 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
March 15, 1931 - Surat - Speech at Surat
March 16, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
March 19, 1931 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy, Lord Irwin
March 25, 1931 - Karachi - Reaches Karachi
April 6, 1931 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
April 10, 1931 - Ahmedabad - Returns to Ahmedabad
April 15, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay. Bids farewell to Lord Irwin
June 8, 1931 - Bardoli - Jawaharlal Nehru and Abdul Ghaffar Khan meet Gandhi
June 9, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay, accompanied by Nehru
August 29, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Sails to London on board "S.S.Rajputana", to attend the Round Table Conference
September 3, 1931 - Aden - "S.S.Rajputana" reaches Aden
September 6, 1931 - Suez | Port Said, Egypt - "S.S.Rajputana" crosses the Suez and reaches Port Said
September 10, 1931 - Marseille, France - "S.S.Rajputana" reaches Marseille
September 11, 1931 - Calais - Reaches Calais by train
September 12, 1931 - London - Gandhi arrives in London. The second Round Table Conference begins
September 22, 1931 - London - Interview with Charlie Chaplin
September 26, 1931 - Darwen, Lancashire - With textile workers at Darwen, Lancashire
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Gandhi and Charlie Chaplin, 1931 |
October 10, 1931 - Chichester - Visit to Chichester
October 17, 1931 - Nottingham - Speech at Nottingham University College
October 18, 1931 - Birmingham - Exhorts indians to return to India and serve their country
October 20, 1931 - London - Returns to London
October 24, 1931 - Oxford - Speech at a meeting of Indian Majlis
October 28, 1931 - London - Returns to London
November 5, 1931 - Buckingham Palace, London - Attended (in his loin-cloth) the Royal reception for the delegates of the Second Round Table Conference at the Buckingham Palace at the invitation of Emperor George V
November 7, 1931 - Oxford - Secret meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm MacDonald at Balliol College, Oxford
November 13, 1931 - London - Declares his opposition to the proposed Communal Award
December 1, 1931 - London - The second Round Table Conference ends
December 3, 1931 - Kingsley Hall - Gandhi plants a tree outside Kingsley Hall
December 5, 1931 - Paris - Arrives in Paris
December 6, 1931 - Villeneuve - Meeting with Romain Rolland
December 8, 1931 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Addresses meetings at Lausanne
December 9, 1931 - Villeneuve - Returns to Villeneuve
December 11, 1931 - Milan, Italy - Arrives in Milan
December 12, 1931 - Rome - Visit to the Vatican. Gandhi meets Mussolini in Rome
December 14, 1931 - Brindisi, Italy - Departs to Bombay on board "S.S.Pilsna"
December 17, 1931 - Port Said, Egypt - Arrives at Port Said
December 28, 1931 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to India
January 1, 1932 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Congress Working Committee adopted the resolution of Civil Disobedience
January 4, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Arrested and sent to Yeravda for indefinite period; Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel fellow prisoners
March 10, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Mahadev Desai transfered to Yeravda Prison
August 17, 1932 - While in Yeravda Prison - Prime-Minister Ramsay MacDonald announces the Communal Award
August 18, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Letter to Prime-Minister Ramsay MacDonald declaring his intention to fast unto death against the Communal Award
September 20, 1932 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - First anti-untouchability fast (6 days): Communal Award of separate electorates and separate reservation of seats for depressed classes. Fast undertaken at Yeravda Jail. When released a few days later, Gandhi continued his fast at a private house in Poona. The British Government withdrew the clauses in the Communal Award against which Gandhi was protesting
December 3, 1932 - While in Yeravda Prison - Second anti-untouchability fast: sympathetic to Appasaheb Patwardhan (1 day)
February 11, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Gandhi starts publishing a weekly journal called "Harijan" from Yeravda Jail during British rule. He creates three publications: Harijan in English (from 1933 to 1948), Harijan Bandu in Gujarati, and Harijan Sevak in Hindi
May 8, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released from Prison. Third anti-untouchability fast: for the improvement of Harijans' condition (21 days)
July 19, 1933 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad, via Bombay
July 22, 1933 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Gandhi decides to disband the Sabarmati Ashram
August 1, 1933 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Arrested at Ahmedabad and sent to Sabarmati Prison (later to Yeravda)
August 2, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Transfered to Yeravda Prison
August 16, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Fourth anti-untouchability fast (7 days): to obtain privileges (while in prison) that would enable him to carry on his fight in behalf of the Harijans
August 23, 1933 - Yeravda Prison, Poona - Released unconditionally from prison for health reasons
September 15, 1933 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
September 16, 1933 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Conference with Nehru
September 23, 1933 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
November 8, 1933 - Nagpur - Arrives in Nagpur
November 11, 1933 - Wardha - Returns to Wardha
December 9, 1933 - Bhopal - Arrives at Bhopal
December 10, 1933 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
December 17, 1933 - Masulipatam - Reaches Masulipatam
December 20, 1933 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
January 4, 1934 - Bangalore | Mysore - Gandhi opens a branch of All-India Spinners' Association. Public speeches
January 13, 1934 - Calicut - Arrives in Calicut
January 16, 1934 - Calicut - Meeting with the Zamorin of Calicut
February 12, 1934 - While in Pudupalayam - Jawaharlal Nehru is arrested in Allahabad
February 17, 1934 - Pondicherry - Speech at public meeting
February 19, 1934 - Madras - Arrives in Madras
March 11, 1934 - Patna - Reaches Patna
May 9, 1934 - Puri - Begins completing his tour on foot
May 18, 1934 - Patna - Speech at A.I.C.C. Meeting
June 14, 1934 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
June 25, 1934 - Poona - Bomb thrown at his motorcade in Poona
July 7, 1934 - Karachi - Arrives in Karachi. Addresses Congress workers
July 13, 1934 - Lahore - Meeting with Provincial Congress Leaders
July 19, 1934 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta, via New Delhi
August 7, 1934 - Wardha - Fourth anti-violence fast: against a violent young Congressman (7 days)
October 10, 1934 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
October 30, 1934 - Wardha - Gandhi resigns from Congress Party membership
December 14, 1934 - While in Wardha - 'All India Village Industries' Association' established
December 30, 1934 - Delhi - Speech at an Harijan Industries Exhibition
January 29, 1935 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
May 22, 1935 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
May 31, 1935 - Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - Meets Abdul Ghaffar Khan in Sabarmati Jail
January 9, 1936 - Wardha(?) - Gandhi has some teeth extracted
January 17, 1936 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
January 19, 1936 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Has some more teeth extracted
January 22, 1936 - Ahmedabad - Reaches Ahmedabad
February 1, 1936 - While in Ahmedabad - Nehru is elected Congress President
March 8, 1936 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
March 17, 1936 - Delhi - Meets Jawaharlal Nehru
March 28, 1936 - Lucknow - Arrives in Lucknow
April 4, 1936 - Allahabad - Arrives in Allahabad
April 17, 1936 - Wardha - Reaches Wardha
April 30, 1936 - Segaon - Moves to Segaon from Wardha
June 29, 1936 - Wardha - Discussions with Jawaharlal Nehru
August 31, 1936 - Wardha - Gandhi gets malaria. (Sent to hospital until September 11th)
September 12, 1936 - Segaon - Released from Hospital. Returns to Segaon
October 3, 1936 - Segaon - Gandhi receives Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rajendra Prasad in Segaon
October 31, 1936 - Nadiad - Presides over the 12th Gujarati Sahitya Parishad
November 4, 1936 - Segaon - Returns to Segaon
January 7, 1937 - Poona - Arrives in Poona to have discussions with Ahmedabad Mill-owners and labourers
January 24, 1937 - Segaon - Arrives in Segaon
February 26, 1937 - Segaon - Jawaharlal Nehru and other congress leaders arrive
February 28, 1937 - Wardha - Congress Working Committee meeting at Wardha
March 15, 1937 - Delhi - Arrives in Delhi
March 25, 1937 - Madras - Arrives in Madras with Kasturba
August 4, 1937 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
October 26, 1937 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
December 7, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
December 14, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets Aga Khan and his son
December 21, 1937 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Meets the Maharaja of Rewa
March 11, 1938 - Segaon - Discussions with Vallabhbhai Patel
April 15, 1938 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
April 28, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Jinnah. Issue joint statement
May 1, 1938 - Peshawar - Arrives in Peshawar by car
May 5, 1938 - Khyber Pass - Visit to Khyber Pass
May 11, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Returns to Bombay
May 19, 1938 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Jinnah
October 5, 1938 - Peshawar - Arrives in Peshawar
November 8, 1938 - Abbottabad - Speech at a public meeting
November 14, 1938 - Segaon - Discussions with Vallabhbhai Patel about Rajkot Satyagraha
November 21, 1938 - Segaon - Gandhi receives Nehru
January 2, 1939 - Bardoli - Arrives in Bardoli
January 11, 1939 - Bardoli - Congress Working Committee meeting
January 23, 1939 - Bardoli - Vallabhbhai Patel arrives in Bardoli to discuss Rajkot affairs with Gandhi
March 3, 1939 - Wardha - Commenced fast at Wardha against the breach of trust
March 7, 1939 - Wardha - Brakes the fast; Chief Justice Maurice Gwyer appointed the arbitrator
March 15, 1939 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
April 6, 1939 - Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
April 16, 1939 - While in Rajkot - Sir Maurice Gwyer declared award in favour of the people of Rajkot; Muslims and Bhayats demonstrate against Gandhi and disrupt a prayer meeting
July 7, 1939 - Abbottabad - Arrives in Abbottabad
July 23, 1939 - Abbottabad - Letter to Adolf Hitler
September 4, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
September 26, 1939 - Simla - Interview with the Viceroy in Simla
October 5, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
October 31, 1939 - Delhi - Congress Ministers resign
November 1, 1939 - Delhi - Joint conference with the Viceroy and Jinnah
November 4, 1939 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy in Delhi
February 4, 1940 - Delhi - Reaches Delhi
February 5, 1940 - Delhi - Interview with the Viceroy
February 19, 1940 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Reaches Calcutta
February 28, 1940 - Patna - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
March 5, 1940 - Segaon - Segaon named Sevagram
March 22, 1940 - Wardha - Arrives in Wardha
April 15, 1940 - Wardha - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
June 26, 1940 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
July 3, 1940 - New Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
August 23, 1940 - Wardha - Meeting with Nehru, Sardar Patel and Maulana Azad
September 12, 1940 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Discussions with Nehru and Sardar Patel
September 27, 1940 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
October 11, 1940 - Sevagram - Congress Working Committee meeting at Sevagram; Individual Satyagraha proposed
October 17, 1940 - While in Sevagram - At Paunar, Vinoba Bhave chosen as the first Individual Satyagrahi
March 2, 1941 - Sevagram - Reaches Sevagram
July 12, 1941 - Wardha - Discussions with Abdul Gaffar Khan
December 10, 1941 - Bardoli - Reaches Bardoli
December 13, 1941 - While in Bardoli - 'On Constructive Programme' published
December 30, 1941 - Bardoli - The Congress Working Committee at Bardoli accepts Gandhi's request to free him from the responsibility of guiding the Congress
January 15, 1942 - Sevagram - Informed Congress Working Committee at Sevagram that Jawaharlal Nehru would be his political heir
February 18, 1942 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Gandhi meets Chiang Kai-Shek
March 27, 1942 - Delhi - Meets Stafford Cripps and advises the Mission to return to England
May 18, 1942 - Sevagram - Discussions with Nehru
July 14, 1942 - Wardha - The Congress Working Committee meeting at Wardha passes a resolution demanding independence from the British Government
August 8, 1942 - Gowalia Tank, Bombay - During the Bombay session of the All-India Congress Committee, Gandhi launches the "Quit India Movement", demanding an end to British Rule in India and urges indians to follow non-violent civil disobedience
August 9, 1942 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - The british arrest Gandhi at the Aga Khan Palace in Poona
August 15, 1942 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Death of Mahadev Desai, cremated at Aga Khan Palace
February 10, 1943 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Objecting to his detention without charges by the British (21 days-fast)
February 22, 1944 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Gandhi's wife "Kasturba" dies after 18 months' imprisonment in Pune. Cremated at Aga Khan Palace
May 6, 1944 - Aga Khan Palace, Poona - Gandhi is released from prison
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Jinnah and Gandhi, September 1944 |
October 1, 1944 - Sevagram - Reaches Sevagram after almost 20 days of talks with Jinnah
April 20, 1945 - Poona - Arrives in Poona
June 14, 1945 - While in Poona - Lord Wavell calls for negotiations
June 15, 1945 - While in Poona - Congress Working Committee members released from Ahmedanagar Fort Prison. Ban on Congress lifted
June 20, 1945 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Arrives in Bombay
June 24, 1945 - Simla - Reaches Simla. Meeting with the Viceroy
July 14, 1945 - Simla - The Viceroy declares the Simla Conference a failure
December 10, 1945 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Discussions with Lord Wavell
February 12, 1946 - Wardha - Speech at the Second Goseva Sangh Conference
February 20, 1946 - Poona - Reaches Poona
March 11, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
March 23, 1946 - While in Bombay - A 3-member british delegation reaches Delhi
April 1, 1946 - Delhi - Meets Cabinet Ministers in Delhi
May 6, 1946 - Simla - Meets Cabinet Ministers and the Viceroy in Simla
May 11, 1946 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
May 12, 1946 - Simla - Meeting with the Viceroy
June 25, 1946 - New Delhi - The Congress Working Committee adopts a resolution to accept the formation of the Constituent Assembly
July 4, 1946 - While in Poona - The Viceroy formed an Interim Government
July 5, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Reaches Bombay
July 6, 1946 - Bombay (Mumbai) - Newly elected All India Congress committee met under presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru
August 16, 1946 - While at Sevagram - Communal riots in Calcutta
August 27, 1946 - New Delhi - Gandhi and Nehru call on the Viceroy
September 2, 1946 - While in New Delhi - A 12 member Interim Government headed by Pandit Nehru formed
September 26, 1946 - New Delhi - Meeting with the Viceroy
October 10, 1946 - While in Bhopal - Communal violence in Noakhali
October 15, 1946 - While in Bhopal - Muslim League representatives joined the Interim Government
October 27, 1946 - While in Assam - Communal riots in Bihar
November 6, 1946 - Assam - Departs to Noakhali
November 19, 1946 - Madhupur | Srirampur - Handed over the responsibility of Harijan Journals to Kaka Kalelkar, Kishorelal Mashruwala and Narahari Parikh
January 2, 1947 - Srirampur - Bare foot march to Noakhali commences
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Gandhi, Lord and Lady Mountbatten, 1947 |
April 1, 1947 - Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten. Addresses the Asian Relations Conference
April 13, 1947 - Patna - Reaches Patna
May 1, 1947 - Delhi - Returns to Delhi
May 5, 1947 - Delhi - Calls on Jinnah
May 28, 1947 - New Delhi - Receives the chinese ambassador, who was accompanied by Jawaharlal Nehru
June 1, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
June 2, 1947 - New Delhi - The Congress, the Muslim League and the representatives of the Sikhs accept the plan of Partition
June 6, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
June 13, 1947 - New Delhi - The Congress Working Committee adopted resolution to accept the Partition
June 17, 1947 - New Delhi - Meets Lord Mountbatten and Jinnah
June 26, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
July 1, 1947 - New Delhi - Gandhi, Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel meet Lord Mountbatten
July 9, 1947 - New Delhi - Meeting with Lord Mountbatten
August 1, 1947 - Srinagar - Reaches Srinagar
August 4, 1947 - Jammu - Reaches Jammu
August 6, 1947 - Lahore - Arrives in Lahore
August 9, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Arrives in Calcutta
August 13, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - In Calcutta with Shaheed Suhrawardy
August 15, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Independence of India. Gandhi spends the day not celebrating the end of the British rule but appealing for peace among his countrymen by fasting and spinning in Calcutta =(changeflag)
August 31, 1947 - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Second Hindu-Muslim unity fast (4 days)
September 4, 1947 - New Delhi - Gandhi moves to Delhi to help stem the violent rioting there and in the neighboring province of East Punjab
November 11, 1947 - Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting
November 13, 1947 - Delhi - Attends Congress Working Committee meeting. Talks with Jawaharlal Nehru
November 16, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 21, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
November 23, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 25, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
November 26, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru. Lord Mountbatten resumes office of Governor-General
November 28, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
November 30, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 1, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 3, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 5, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 6, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 7, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 8, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 9, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 14, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 16, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
December 17, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 18, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 19, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 20, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 21, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 22, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 23, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 24, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 25, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 26, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 27, 1947 - Delhi - Gandhi calls on Lord Mountbatten. Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
December 28, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 29, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
December 30, 1947 - Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel
January 2, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 5, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 6, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 8, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 9, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 10, 1948 - Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 12, 1948 - New Delhi - Gandhi Meets Vallabhbhai Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru. He goes on a fast-unto-death to pressure the indian government to release the payment to Pakistan (6 days)
January 13, 1948 - New Delhi - Third Hindu-Muslim unity fast for restoration of communal peace. Gandhi reads the news of the Kashmir war, while at the same time fasts to death because Muslims could not live safely in Delhi. All his fasts were to convince Hindus. Receives Vallabhbhai Patel
January 14, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel
January 16, 1948 - New Delhi - Frail because of his fasting, Gandhi is visited by Nehru, when his life starts being in danger
January 19, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru, lying in his bed
January 20, 1948 - New Delhi - Visited by Nehru. An assassination attempt against Gandhi during one of his speeches fails
January 21, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 23, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 27, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 28, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Nehru
January 30, 1948 - New Delhi - Talks with Vallabhbhai Patel. As he approaches a prayer meeting, Mahātmā Gandhi is shot three times in the chest by a Hindu nationalist and dies, aged 78 =(END)
Notável como foi possível reunir tanta informação sobre uma das mais importantes personalidades mundiais do século XX. Parabéns!