As first lieutenant, Winters parachuted into Normandy in the early hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, and later fought across France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and eventually Germany. After the German surrender in May 1945, he left the 506th and was stationed in France, where senior officers were needed to oversee the return home. In 1951, during the Korean War, Winters was recalled to the Army from the inactive list and briefly served as a regimental planning and training officer on staff at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Winters was issued orders for deployment and was preparing to depart for Korea, but instead left the Army under a provision that allowed officers who had served in World War II but had been inactive since to resign their commission.
Winters was discharged from the Army and returned to civilian life, working first in New Jersey and later in Pennsylvania, where he set up his own company selling chocolate byproducts from The Hershey Company to producers of animal feed. He was a regular guest lecturer at the United States Military Academy at West Point until his retirement in 1997.
Winters was featured in a number of books and was portrayed by English actor Damian Lewis in the 2001 HBO mini-series Band of Brothers. (Intro from Wikipedia)
January 21, 1918 - New Holland, Pennsylvania - Richard Davis Winters is born
June(?), 1(?), 1926 - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - The Winters family moves to Lancaster, Pennsylvania
July(?) 1(?), 1937 - Lancaster - Graduates from Lancaster Boys High School
June 1(?), 1941 - Lancaster - Graduates from Franklin and Marshall College in business and earns a bachelor's degree in science and economics
August 25, 1941 - Camp Croft, South Carolina - Winters enlists in the United States Army =(START)
April 1(?), 1942 - Fort Benning, Georgia - Selected to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS)
July 1, 1942 - (While at Fort Benning, Georgia) - Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR, known as "Easy Company" is formed at Camp Toccoa, Georgia
July 2, 1942 - Fort Benning - Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the infantry after graduating from OCS
July 20, 1942 - (While at Fort Benning, Georgia) - The 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment is officially activated, under Lt.Colonel Robert Sink
August 15(?), 1942 - Camp Toccoa, Georgia - Receives orders to join the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (506th PIR) under Colonel Robert Sink. He is assigned to Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR, known as "Easy Company", under First Lieutenant Herbert Sobel
October 1(?), 1942 - Camp Toccoa - Winters is promoted to First Lieutenant and made acting company executive officer
December 1, 1942 - Camp Toccoa - Easy Company begins a 118 miles field march to Atlanta
December 4, 1942 - Atlanta - Easy company arrives at Atlanta
December 10(?), 1942 - Fort Benning, Georgia - "Easy Company" begins jump training at Fort Benning, Georgia
March 1(?), 1943 - Camp Mackall, North Carolina - Tactical training intensifies at Camp Mackall, North Carolina
June 10, 1943 - Camp Mackall - The 506th PIR is attached to Major General William Lee's 101st "Screaming Eagles" Airborne Division
August 22, 1943 - Camp Shanks, N. of New York City - The 101st Airborne boards trains and heads to Camp Shanks, 30 miles north of New York City
September 3, 1943 - New York City - After 15 months of training, Easy Company boards the transport ship "S.S. Samaria", bound for England
September 15, 1943 - Liverpool, England - Easy Company arrives at Liverpool in the "S.S. Samaria"
September 17, 1943 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Training continues in England
October 30, 1943 - Aldbourne - Winters requires trial by Court Martial when accused of failure to inspect the latrine at the hour that Captain Sobel gave orders to
December 13, 1943 - Aldbourne - First Night jump
March 23, 1944 - Aldbourne - The 2nd and 3rd Battalion of the 506th PIR make a combined jump during an inspection by Prime-minister Churchill, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley and Gen. Maxwell Taylor
May 9, 1944 - Upottery - Rehearsals for the D-Day start, code name "Operation Eagle"
June 2, 1944 - Upottery - The company officers are briefed by Lt.Nixon and Cap.Hester about the details of the drop sites
June 5, 1944 - Upottery - Easy Company rolls down the runway in their C-47 transport aircraft to cross the English Channel
June 6, 1944 - Le Grand Chemin (N. Ste-Marie-du-Mont), France - "D-Day": Winters parachutes over Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy. Due to heavy german "flak" and cloudy sky, the jump planes are scattered and most of the paratroopers land far from their designated drop zones. Later in the day, Winters leads the "Brécourt Manor Assault", disabling 4 german howitzers, killing 20 germans and capturing other 12. First Lieutenant Richard Winters is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross
June 10, 1944 - NE of Carentan - The 101st Airborne links up with the 29th Division coming from Omaha beach. The beachhead is secure
June 12, 1944 - Carentan - The 101st Airborne enters the town of Carentan after two days of heavy fighting
June 13, 1944 - Manoir de Donville, Méautis, SW Carentan - Battle of Bloody Gulch (Part of the Battle of Carentan) - the germans are forced to withraw
June 29, 1944 - ? - The 83rd Infantry Division arrives to relieve the 101st Airborne
July 1, 1944 - Cherbourg - Winters is promoted to Captain
July 2, 1944 - Cherbourg - Winters is presented with the Distinguished Service Cross by General Omar Bradley
July 10, 1944 - Utah Beach, Normandy, France - Easy Company moves to Utah Beach for debarkation back to England
July 11, 1944 - Utah Beach - After camping for one night, Easy Company climbs aboard a Landing Ship Tank to England
July 12, 1944 - Southampton - Easy Company returns to England
July 13, 1944 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Easy Company returns to Aldbourne by train to rest and get replacements
July 14, 1944 - Aldbourne - Lecture to the company "about keeping their feet on the ground and avoiding trouble while they were on furlough"
August 10, 1944 - Aldbourne - General Eisenhower inspects the 101st Airborne
August 19, 1944 - Membury, near Aldbourne - A parachute drop over Chartres is cancelled when General Patton's tanks take the DZ
August 29, 1944 - Aldbourne - Memorial service for the men killed in Normandy
September 1, 1944 - Membury - A parachute drop over Tournai, Belgium, is cancelled when the Guards Armored Division of the British Second Army captures the city
September 14, 1944 - Membury - Easy Company takes buses to Membury Airfield
September 15, 1944 - Membury - Briefing for Operation Market Garden
September 17, 1944 - NW Son (N. Eindhoven) - Parachutes to Holland
September 19, 1944 - Nuenen | Tongelre - Easy company moves to Helmond, riding on the backs of the British Hussars' Cromwell tanks. On the way to Helmond, at Nuenen, they are attacked by the germans and forced to retreat to Tongelre, Eindhoven
September 21, 1944 - Veghel | Uden - Easy company is moved on trucks to Uden, to defend the town against a Panzer attack. At Veghel, the germans attack and the luftwaffe strafes half of the company. Those who arrive at Uden are also attacked. Both separated groups of the company assume the other was annihilated
September 24, 1944 - Uden - There is elation at Uden when both Easy Company groups reunite after surviving the german attacks unscathed
September 25, 1944 - South of Veghel - Colonel Sink orders an attack to the westwards south of Veghel to eliminate a german salient. Easy company is held by an entrenched King Tiger that destroys a few british support shermans
September 26, 1944 - Uden - The germans withraw from the salient. Easy Company returns to Uden
October 2, 1944 - Zetten, "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - The company is moved by truck to the village of Zetten, in an area known as "The Island", to hold a static defensive line in Holland
October 5, 1944 - "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - 2 waffen-SS companies routed (50 killed, 11 captured and 100 wounded)
October 9, 1944 - "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - Richard Winters becomes the battalion executive officer, following the death of the battalion's former executive officer, Major Oliver Horton (Opheusden, October 5th). He is replaced by 1st Lieutenant Fred "Moose" Heyliger
October 17, 1944 - Schoonderlogt, Holland - Schoonderlogt Farm becomes the HQ of the 506th PIR. Winters and Nixon are summoned by Colonel Sink
October 22, 1944 - Renkum (Arnhem) - 125 british paratroopers under Colonel Dobey evacuated (aswell as 5 american pilots and 10 dutch resistance fighters)
October 28, 1944 - Driel - Easy company is positioned at Driel, on the right flank of the 506th PIR
October 31, 1944 - Driel - While walking along a train track with "Moose" Heyliger, giving him counsel, an american sentry accidentally shoots Heylinger
November 26, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand, SE of Reims, France - The Company is pulled off line on November 24th and sent in trucks to France for rest and recuperation
December 1, 1944 - Reims - Every paratrooper of Easy Company gets a pass to Reims, where they mix with the men of the 82nd Airborne
December 6(?), 1944 - Paris - Winters gets a pass to visit Paris. He rides to the end of the metro line on the last run of the day. After spending the night at an hotel and enjoying an hot bath, he returns to Mourmelon by train the next day
December 10, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Letter from "Moose" Heyliger, recovering in hospital
December 16, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - All passes are revoked. Easy Company is informed that a major german offensive has started
December 18, 1944 - Outside Bastogne, Belgium - Short of supplies and ammunition and lacking winter clothes, Easy Company is "truck lifted" to the vicinity of Bastogne, Belgium, to establish a defense ring around the town. When the paratroopers jump out of the trucks, they see streams of defeated american soldiers fleeing from the front. The germans complete the encirclement of Bastogne when Easy Company approaches Foy
December 19, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - Easy Company takes positions in foxholes south of Foy as part of the defense of Bastogne
December 20, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - Dense fog. Winters captures an unarmed german soldier with pants pulled down, relieving himself near his foxhole
December 22, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - The germans offer to accept the surrender of the 101st. General McAuliffe reply to the germans is: "Nuts"
December 23, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - It stops snowing and the sky clear enough for the C-47s to drop some badly needed supplies and ammo
December 26, 1944 - Bastogne perimeter - Patton's 3rd Army, spearheaded by Lt.Col. Creighton Abrams, breaks through to the "battered bastards of Bastogne". No longer surrounded, the 101st is able to evacuate the wounded to the rear and resupply
December 29, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - The weather clears and Easy Company is able to see Foy for the first time
January 2, 1945 - Foy-Bizory road, South of Foy - Easy Company takes the offensive
January 3, 1945 - Bois Jacques, in sight of Foy - The germans shell Easy Company's positions, causing a number of casualties and wounded
January 5, 1945 - South of Foy - In danger of breaking down, Easy Company is pulled back to regimental reserve. 1st Sergeant Lipton complains to Winters about Lt.Dike's lack of actions
January 9, 1945 - West of Foy - Easy Company clears the woods west of Foy
January 13, 1945 - Foy - Easy Company assaults Foy. Winters orders Lt.Speirs to relieve Lt.Dike due the casualties caused by his inaction. The town is taken and some 100 germans (mostly wounded) surrender
January 14, 1945 - South of Foy - 506th PIR is moved to divisional reserves
January 15, 1945 - Noville - Easy Company captures Noville and sets up a perimeter defense
January 16, 1945 - Rachamps - Easy Company captures Rachamps. Lt.Speirs establishes his command post in a convent. That night the nuns bring a choir of girls to sing for the Company
January 17, 1945 - Rachamps - After being relieved by the 17th Airborne Division, the 101st Airborne is moved on trucks to Alsace
January 20, 1945 - Drulingen - On the way to Alsace, the convoy passes Nancy and reaches Drulingen, where the Company stays for the night
February 5, 1945 - Haguenau, Alsace - The 506th PIR relieves the 313th Infantry of the 79th Division in the city of Haguenau
February 15, 1945 - Haguenau - Winters orders a patrol to cross the river and bring german prisoners
February 16, 1945 - Haguenau - Winters calls Sgt.Lipton to HQ to present his honorable discharge as an enlisted man and orders awarding him a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant
February 17, 1945 - Haguenau - Colonel Sink orders another patrol to cross the river and bring more prisoners. With fresh white snow and moonlight, Winters decides that the mission is suicidal, and orders the men to stay still, reporting to Sink on the next day that they had crossed the river but found no prisoners
February 20, 1945 - Haguenau - Easy Company is moved to the reserve. Winters is promoted to Major. Hours later, their command post in Haguenau takes a direct hit from german artillery
February 23, 1945 - Saverne - The 101st Airborne moves to Saverne
February 25, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand, SE of Reims, France - Easy company is pulled off the line and moved to Mourmelon-le-Grand
March 8, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Winters becomes Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion
March 15, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Division parade before General Eisenhower and General Taylor
April 1(?), 1945 - Stürzelberg (Between Düsseldorf and Dormagen) - Easy Company is deployed to the Ruhr Pocket, facing Stürzelberg
April 8, 1945 - Stürzelberg - Winters orders a patrol to the other side of the river
April 11, 1945 - Thalem (Stürzelberg? Dormagen?) - Easy Company surveys the destroyed town while some residents play Beethoven on violins
April 18, 1945 - Dormagen - As 325,000 german soldiers surrender, Easy Company is put to guarding a Displaced Persons' camp at Dormagen
April 22, 1945 - Dormagen - Easy Company boards trains to Bavaria
April 29, 1945 - Buchloe, near Landsberg - The Company stops for the night at Buchloe, in the foothills of the Alps. From there they see the Kaufering concentration camp complex of Landsberg am Lech
April 30, 1945 - Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria - The people of Landsberg is marched to the concentration camp to clean the place and bury the corpses
May 1, 1945 - Munich - Easy Company reaches Munich, then begins moving south through columns of german soldiers walking in the opposite direction
May 4, 1945 - Bad Reichenhall - Easy Company passes Rosenheim and Prien am Chiemsee, on the Munich-Salzburg Autobahn, spending the night at Bad Reichenhall due to to a blown bridge
May 5, 1945 - Berchtesgaden | Berghof - Easy company reaches the alpine retreat of Berchtesgaden
May 6, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - Winters finds Göring's Officers Quarters and Club. It included a cellar with more than 10,000 bottles
May 7, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - Winters takes Cpt.Nixon, an alcoholic, to the cellar
May 8, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - At night, Easy Company moves out to Austria, for occupation duties
May 9, 1945 - Zell am See, Austria - The convoy arrives at Zell am See in the morning. Winters sets up Command Post at Kaprun, 4km south of Zell am See
May 26, 1945 - Zell am See - Winters informs General Chapman of his desire to transfer to the 13th Airborne Division in the Pacific
June 15(?), 1945 - Zell am See - General Maxwell Taylor announces that the 101st Airborne will deploy to the Pacific
June 28, 1945 - Kaprun, Austria - Most of the original Toccoa men say goodbye to Winters before returning to the US
July 30(?), 1945 - Kaprun - Departs to Joigny, France
June(?), 1(?), 1926 - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - The Winters family moves to Lancaster, Pennsylvania
July(?) 1(?), 1937 - Lancaster - Graduates from Lancaster Boys High School
June 1(?), 1941 - Lancaster - Graduates from Franklin and Marshall College in business and earns a bachelor's degree in science and economics
August 25, 1941 - Camp Croft, South Carolina - Winters enlists in the United States Army =(START)
April 1(?), 1942 - Fort Benning, Georgia - Selected to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS)
July 1, 1942 - (While at Fort Benning, Georgia) - Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR, known as "Easy Company" is formed at Camp Toccoa, Georgia
July 2, 1942 - Fort Benning - Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the infantry after graduating from OCS
July 20, 1942 - (While at Fort Benning, Georgia) - The 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment is officially activated, under Lt.Colonel Robert Sink
August 15(?), 1942 - Camp Toccoa, Georgia - Receives orders to join the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (506th PIR) under Colonel Robert Sink. He is assigned to Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR, known as "Easy Company", under First Lieutenant Herbert Sobel
October 1(?), 1942 - Camp Toccoa - Winters is promoted to First Lieutenant and made acting company executive officer
December 1, 1942 - Camp Toccoa - Easy Company begins a 118 miles field march to Atlanta
December 4, 1942 - Atlanta - Easy company arrives at Atlanta
December 10(?), 1942 - Fort Benning, Georgia - "Easy Company" begins jump training at Fort Benning, Georgia
March 1(?), 1943 - Camp Mackall, North Carolina - Tactical training intensifies at Camp Mackall, North Carolina
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Winters at Camp Mackall, 1943 (Colorised by Johhny Sirlande) |
August 22, 1943 - Camp Shanks, N. of New York City - The 101st Airborne boards trains and heads to Camp Shanks, 30 miles north of New York City
September 3, 1943 - New York City - After 15 months of training, Easy Company boards the transport ship "S.S. Samaria", bound for England
September 15, 1943 - Liverpool, England - Easy Company arrives at Liverpool in the "S.S. Samaria"
September 17, 1943 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Training continues in England
October 30, 1943 - Aldbourne - Winters requires trial by Court Martial when accused of failure to inspect the latrine at the hour that Captain Sobel gave orders to
December 13, 1943 - Aldbourne - First Night jump
March 23, 1944 - Aldbourne - The 2nd and 3rd Battalion of the 506th PIR make a combined jump during an inspection by Prime-minister Churchill, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley and Gen. Maxwell Taylor
May 9, 1944 - Upottery - Rehearsals for the D-Day start, code name "Operation Eagle"
June 2, 1944 - Upottery - The company officers are briefed by Lt.Nixon and Cap.Hester about the details of the drop sites
June 5, 1944 - Upottery - Easy Company rolls down the runway in their C-47 transport aircraft to cross the English Channel
June 6, 1944 - Le Grand Chemin (N. Ste-Marie-du-Mont), France - "D-Day": Winters parachutes over Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy. Due to heavy german "flak" and cloudy sky, the jump planes are scattered and most of the paratroopers land far from their designated drop zones. Later in the day, Winters leads the "Brécourt Manor Assault", disabling 4 german howitzers, killing 20 germans and capturing other 12. First Lieutenant Richard Winters is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross
June 10, 1944 - NE of Carentan - The 101st Airborne links up with the 29th Division coming from Omaha beach. The beachhead is secure
June 12, 1944 - Carentan - The 101st Airborne enters the town of Carentan after two days of heavy fighting
June 13, 1944 - Manoir de Donville, Méautis, SW Carentan - Battle of Bloody Gulch (Part of the Battle of Carentan) - the germans are forced to withraw
June 29, 1944 - ? - The 83rd Infantry Division arrives to relieve the 101st Airborne
July 1, 1944 - Cherbourg - Winters is promoted to Captain
July 2, 1944 - Cherbourg - Winters is presented with the Distinguished Service Cross by General Omar Bradley
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Winters at Schoonderlogt |
July 11, 1944 - Utah Beach - After camping for one night, Easy Company climbs aboard a Landing Ship Tank to England
July 12, 1944 - Southampton - Easy Company returns to England
July 13, 1944 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Easy Company returns to Aldbourne by train to rest and get replacements
July 14, 1944 - Aldbourne - Lecture to the company "about keeping their feet on the ground and avoiding trouble while they were on furlough"
August 10, 1944 - Aldbourne - General Eisenhower inspects the 101st Airborne
August 19, 1944 - Membury, near Aldbourne - A parachute drop over Chartres is cancelled when General Patton's tanks take the DZ
August 29, 1944 - Aldbourne - Memorial service for the men killed in Normandy
September 1, 1944 - Membury - A parachute drop over Tournai, Belgium, is cancelled when the Guards Armored Division of the British Second Army captures the city
September 14, 1944 - Membury - Easy Company takes buses to Membury Airfield
September 15, 1944 - Membury - Briefing for Operation Market Garden
September 17, 1944 - NW Son (N. Eindhoven) - Parachutes to Holland
September 19, 1944 - Nuenen | Tongelre - Easy company moves to Helmond, riding on the backs of the British Hussars' Cromwell tanks. On the way to Helmond, at Nuenen, they are attacked by the germans and forced to retreat to Tongelre, Eindhoven
September 21, 1944 - Veghel | Uden - Easy company is moved on trucks to Uden, to defend the town against a Panzer attack. At Veghel, the germans attack and the luftwaffe strafes half of the company. Those who arrive at Uden are also attacked. Both separated groups of the company assume the other was annihilated
September 24, 1944 - Uden - There is elation at Uden when both Easy Company groups reunite after surviving the german attacks unscathed
September 25, 1944 - South of Veghel - Colonel Sink orders an attack to the westwards south of Veghel to eliminate a german salient. Easy company is held by an entrenched King Tiger that destroys a few british support shermans
September 26, 1944 - Uden - The germans withraw from the salient. Easy Company returns to Uden
October 2, 1944 - Zetten, "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - The company is moved by truck to the village of Zetten, in an area known as "The Island", to hold a static defensive line in Holland
October 5, 1944 - "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - 2 waffen-SS companies routed (50 killed, 11 captured and 100 wounded)
October 9, 1944 - "Island" between Waal River and the Rhine - Richard Winters becomes the battalion executive officer, following the death of the battalion's former executive officer, Major Oliver Horton (Opheusden, October 5th). He is replaced by 1st Lieutenant Fred "Moose" Heyliger
October 17, 1944 - Schoonderlogt, Holland - Schoonderlogt Farm becomes the HQ of the 506th PIR. Winters and Nixon are summoned by Colonel Sink
October 22, 1944 - Renkum (Arnhem) - 125 british paratroopers under Colonel Dobey evacuated (aswell as 5 american pilots and 10 dutch resistance fighters)
October 28, 1944 - Driel - Easy company is positioned at Driel, on the right flank of the 506th PIR
October 31, 1944 - Driel - While walking along a train track with "Moose" Heyliger, giving him counsel, an american sentry accidentally shoots Heylinger
November 26, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand, SE of Reims, France - The Company is pulled off line on November 24th and sent in trucks to France for rest and recuperation
December 1, 1944 - Reims - Every paratrooper of Easy Company gets a pass to Reims, where they mix with the men of the 82nd Airborne
December 6(?), 1944 - Paris - Winters gets a pass to visit Paris. He rides to the end of the metro line on the last run of the day. After spending the night at an hotel and enjoying an hot bath, he returns to Mourmelon by train the next day
December 10, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Letter from "Moose" Heyliger, recovering in hospital
December 16, 1944 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - All passes are revoked. Easy Company is informed that a major german offensive has started
December 18, 1944 - Outside Bastogne, Belgium - Short of supplies and ammunition and lacking winter clothes, Easy Company is "truck lifted" to the vicinity of Bastogne, Belgium, to establish a defense ring around the town. When the paratroopers jump out of the trucks, they see streams of defeated american soldiers fleeing from the front. The germans complete the encirclement of Bastogne when Easy Company approaches Foy
December 19, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - Easy Company takes positions in foxholes south of Foy as part of the defense of Bastogne
December 20, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - Dense fog. Winters captures an unarmed german soldier with pants pulled down, relieving himself near his foxhole
December 22, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - The germans offer to accept the surrender of the 101st. General McAuliffe reply to the germans is: "Nuts"
December 23, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - It stops snowing and the sky clear enough for the C-47s to drop some badly needed supplies and ammo
December 26, 1944 - Bastogne perimeter - Patton's 3rd Army, spearheaded by Lt.Col. Creighton Abrams, breaks through to the "battered bastards of Bastogne". No longer surrounded, the 101st is able to evacuate the wounded to the rear and resupply
December 29, 1944 - Bois Jacques, South of Foy - The weather clears and Easy Company is able to see Foy for the first time
January 2, 1945 - Foy-Bizory road, South of Foy - Easy Company takes the offensive
January 3, 1945 - Bois Jacques, in sight of Foy - The germans shell Easy Company's positions, causing a number of casualties and wounded
January 5, 1945 - South of Foy - In danger of breaking down, Easy Company is pulled back to regimental reserve. 1st Sergeant Lipton complains to Winters about Lt.Dike's lack of actions
January 9, 1945 - West of Foy - Easy Company clears the woods west of Foy
January 13, 1945 - Foy - Easy Company assaults Foy. Winters orders Lt.Speirs to relieve Lt.Dike due the casualties caused by his inaction. The town is taken and some 100 germans (mostly wounded) surrender
January 14, 1945 - South of Foy - 506th PIR is moved to divisional reserves
January 15, 1945 - Noville - Easy Company captures Noville and sets up a perimeter defense
January 16, 1945 - Rachamps - Easy Company captures Rachamps. Lt.Speirs establishes his command post in a convent. That night the nuns bring a choir of girls to sing for the Company
January 17, 1945 - Rachamps - After being relieved by the 17th Airborne Division, the 101st Airborne is moved on trucks to Alsace
January 20, 1945 - Drulingen - On the way to Alsace, the convoy passes Nancy and reaches Drulingen, where the Company stays for the night
February 5, 1945 - Haguenau, Alsace - The 506th PIR relieves the 313th Infantry of the 79th Division in the city of Haguenau
February 15, 1945 - Haguenau - Winters orders a patrol to cross the river and bring german prisoners
February 16, 1945 - Haguenau - Winters calls Sgt.Lipton to HQ to present his honorable discharge as an enlisted man and orders awarding him a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant
February 17, 1945 - Haguenau - Colonel Sink orders another patrol to cross the river and bring more prisoners. With fresh white snow and moonlight, Winters decides that the mission is suicidal, and orders the men to stay still, reporting to Sink on the next day that they had crossed the river but found no prisoners
February 20, 1945 - Haguenau - Easy Company is moved to the reserve. Winters is promoted to Major. Hours later, their command post in Haguenau takes a direct hit from german artillery
February 23, 1945 - Saverne - The 101st Airborne moves to Saverne
February 25, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand, SE of Reims, France - Easy company is pulled off the line and moved to Mourmelon-le-Grand
March 8, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Winters becomes Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion
March 15, 1945 - Mourmelon-le-Grand - Division parade before General Eisenhower and General Taylor
April 1(?), 1945 - Stürzelberg (Between Düsseldorf and Dormagen) - Easy Company is deployed to the Ruhr Pocket, facing Stürzelberg
April 8, 1945 - Stürzelberg - Winters orders a patrol to the other side of the river
April 11, 1945 - Thalem (Stürzelberg? Dormagen?) - Easy Company surveys the destroyed town while some residents play Beethoven on violins
April 18, 1945 - Dormagen - As 325,000 german soldiers surrender, Easy Company is put to guarding a Displaced Persons' camp at Dormagen
April 22, 1945 - Dormagen - Easy Company boards trains to Bavaria
April 29, 1945 - Buchloe, near Landsberg - The Company stops for the night at Buchloe, in the foothills of the Alps. From there they see the Kaufering concentration camp complex of Landsberg am Lech
April 30, 1945 - Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria - The people of Landsberg is marched to the concentration camp to clean the place and bury the corpses
May 1, 1945 - Munich - Easy Company reaches Munich, then begins moving south through columns of german soldiers walking in the opposite direction
May 4, 1945 - Bad Reichenhall - Easy Company passes Rosenheim and Prien am Chiemsee, on the Munich-Salzburg Autobahn, spending the night at Bad Reichenhall due to to a blown bridge
May 5, 1945 - Berchtesgaden | Berghof - Easy company reaches the alpine retreat of Berchtesgaden
May 6, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - Winters finds Göring's Officers Quarters and Club. It included a cellar with more than 10,000 bottles
May 7, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - Winters takes Cpt.Nixon, an alcoholic, to the cellar
May 8, 1945 - Berchtesgaden - At night, Easy Company moves out to Austria, for occupation duties
May 9, 1945 - Zell am See, Austria - The convoy arrives at Zell am See in the morning. Winters sets up Command Post at Kaprun, 4km south of Zell am See
May 26, 1945 - Zell am See - Winters informs General Chapman of his desire to transfer to the 13th Airborne Division in the Pacific
June 15(?), 1945 - Zell am See - General Maxwell Taylor announces that the 101st Airborne will deploy to the Pacific
June 28, 1945 - Kaprun, Austria - Most of the original Toccoa men say goodbye to Winters before returning to the US
July 30(?), 1945 - Kaprun - Departs to Joigny, France
August 14, 1945 - Joigny, France - Japan surrenders. Plans to fight in the Pacific are cancelled
September 2, 1945 - Joigny - Japan signs the documents of surrender. Many officers board planes to the US
September 20, 1945 - Joigny - Parachute jump
November 1, 1945 - Marseille - Winters reaches Marseille after a 2-day train trip
November 4, 1945 - Marseille - Winters embarks aboard the "Wooster Victory" to the United States
November 20, 1945 - New York City - The "Wooster Victory" arrives to the United States
November 25, 1945 - Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania - Winters arrives at Indiantown Gap by train and calls his parents
November 29, 1945 - Indiantown Gap - Separated from the Army
November 30, 1945 - Northern Pennsylvania - Winters goes deer hunting with neighbours
December 5(?), 1945 - New York City - Winters travels to New York to meet Lewis Nixon's parents. Nixon's father offers Winters a job
January 22, 1946 - New York City(?) - Officially discharged
January 25(?), 1946 - Edison, New Jersey - Working for Nixon Nitration Works
July 30, 1946 - (While in New Jersey?) - His father, Richard Nagle Winters, dies aged 54
May 16, 1948 - New Brunswick - Winters marries Ethel Estoppey
January(?) 1(?), 1950 - Edison, New Jersey - Winters becomes general manager of Nixon Nitration Works
June 1(?), 1951 - Fort Dix, New Jersey - Recalled to active duty in the Army during the Korean War and was initially ordered to join the 11th Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky but it was changed to Fort Dix, New Jersey, where he was assigned as a regimental planning and training officer
January 3, 1952 - Fort Dix, New Jersey - Winters becomes Major Richard Winters again in the US Army Reserve
September 22, 1952 - Fort Lawton, Washington - In Fort Lawton, Washington, trying to convince General McAuliffe not to send him to Korea
April 1, 1953 - Seattle(?) - Honorable discharge from the US Army
May(?) 1(?), 1953(?) - New Brunswick - Returns to New Jersey where he becomes a production supervisor at a plastics adhesive business in New Brunswick
January(?) 1(?), 1955 - Lebanon, Pennsylvania - Winters quits New Jersey and lands a job with Whitmore Laboratories
January(?) 1(?), 1972 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - He goes into business for himself, starting his own company selling chocolate byproducts from The Hershey Company to producers of animal feed
January(?) 1(?), 1980 - Nashville - Easy Company reunion at Nashville
January(?) 1(?), 1981 - San Diego - Easy Company reunion at San Diego
September 1(?), 1987 - Paris - Returns to Europe for the first time since WW2 with Walter Gordon
January(?) 1(?), 1988 - New Orleans - Easy Company reunion at New Orleans. The veterans meet historian Stephen Ambrose
January(?) 1(?), 1989 - Paris(?) - Members of Easy Company travel with "Band of Brothers" author Stephen Ambrose to various sites where they had fought in Europe
February 1(?), 1990 - Pass Christian, Mississippi - Visit to Walter Gordon with Carwood Lipton
May 1(?), 1990 - Orlando, Florida - Easy Company reunion at Orlando, Florida
July 1(?), 1990 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Four days of interviews with Stephen E. Ambrose
June 22, 1991 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Winters, Lipton and Malarkey return to Aldbourne for the first time after WW2, with historian Stephen E. Ambrose
July 1(?), 1991 - Foy, Belgium - Visit to the site of the assault to Foy
January(?) 1(?), 1997 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Retires and relocates to Hershey, Pennsylvania
April 6, 1998 - West Point, River Hudson, New York - Travels to the U.S. Military Academy to address the Corps of Cadets on the topic of frontline leadership during World War II
April 12, 1998 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - On Easter Sunday in 1998, Winters experiences a bad fall that results in him landing on the back of his neck and suffering a mild concussion
June 1, 2001 - New York City - Easy Company meeting at the Waldorf Astoria
June 2, 2001 - Paris - Charter flight to Paris with HBO Band of Brothers cast
June 6, 2001 - Utah Beach, Normandy - Train to Carentan, then bus to Utah Beach. Winters is one of the 47 veterans who attend the premiere of HBO's series "Band of Brothers"
June 7, 2001 - Paris - Farewell dinner
June 8, 2001 - New York City - Charter flight to New York City
September 22, 2002 - Los Angeles - 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, Ca
October 9, 2002 - Phoenix, Arizona - Easy Company reunion at Phoenix (until October 13th)
January 21, 2003 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - The 506th Regimental Flag with its WWII Battle Streamers is presented to him for his 85th birthday
November 29, 2003 - Hershey - Thanksgiving dinner with author Cole C. Kingseed
September 1(?), 2004 - Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Speaks and presents some of his personal papers at a ceremony
January 20, 2006 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Winters receives a package with his published memories: "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters," co-written by military historian and retired U.S. Army Colonel Cole C. Kingseed
October 1(?), 2007 - Hershey - Dick Winters introduces President George W. Bush to a crowd of about 20,000 during a rally in 2004 at Hersheypark Stadium in Derry Township.
May 16, 2009 - Franklin and Marshall College conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters upon him
January 2, 2011 - Palmyra, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania - Richard Winters dies from complications of Parkinson's disease, aged 92 =(END)
AMBROSE, Stephen E. - "Band of Brothers"
WINTERS, Dick - "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters"
September 2, 1945 - Joigny - Japan signs the documents of surrender. Many officers board planes to the US
September 20, 1945 - Joigny - Parachute jump
November 1, 1945 - Marseille - Winters reaches Marseille after a 2-day train trip
November 4, 1945 - Marseille - Winters embarks aboard the "Wooster Victory" to the United States
November 20, 1945 - New York City - The "Wooster Victory" arrives to the United States
November 25, 1945 - Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania - Winters arrives at Indiantown Gap by train and calls his parents
November 29, 1945 - Indiantown Gap - Separated from the Army
November 30, 1945 - Northern Pennsylvania - Winters goes deer hunting with neighbours
December 5(?), 1945 - New York City - Winters travels to New York to meet Lewis Nixon's parents. Nixon's father offers Winters a job
January 22, 1946 - New York City(?) - Officially discharged
January 25(?), 1946 - Edison, New Jersey - Working for Nixon Nitration Works
July 30, 1946 - (While in New Jersey?) - His father, Richard Nagle Winters, dies aged 54
May 16, 1948 - New Brunswick - Winters marries Ethel Estoppey
January(?) 1(?), 1950 - Edison, New Jersey - Winters becomes general manager of Nixon Nitration Works
June 1(?), 1951 - Fort Dix, New Jersey - Recalled to active duty in the Army during the Korean War and was initially ordered to join the 11th Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky but it was changed to Fort Dix, New Jersey, where he was assigned as a regimental planning and training officer
January 3, 1952 - Fort Dix, New Jersey - Winters becomes Major Richard Winters again in the US Army Reserve
September 22, 1952 - Fort Lawton, Washington - In Fort Lawton, Washington, trying to convince General McAuliffe not to send him to Korea
April 1, 1953 - Seattle(?) - Honorable discharge from the US Army
May(?) 1(?), 1953(?) - New Brunswick - Returns to New Jersey where he becomes a production supervisor at a plastics adhesive business in New Brunswick
January(?) 1(?), 1955 - Lebanon, Pennsylvania - Winters quits New Jersey and lands a job with Whitmore Laboratories
January(?) 1(?), 1972 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - He goes into business for himself, starting his own company selling chocolate byproducts from The Hershey Company to producers of animal feed
January(?) 1(?), 1980 - Nashville - Easy Company reunion at Nashville
January(?) 1(?), 1981 - San Diego - Easy Company reunion at San Diego
September 1(?), 1987 - Paris - Returns to Europe for the first time since WW2 with Walter Gordon
January(?) 1(?), 1988 - New Orleans - Easy Company reunion at New Orleans. The veterans meet historian Stephen Ambrose
January(?) 1(?), 1989 - Paris(?) - Members of Easy Company travel with "Band of Brothers" author Stephen Ambrose to various sites where they had fought in Europe
February 1(?), 1990 - Pass Christian, Mississippi - Visit to Walter Gordon with Carwood Lipton
May 1(?), 1990 - Orlando, Florida - Easy Company reunion at Orlando, Florida
July 1(?), 1990 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Four days of interviews with Stephen E. Ambrose
June 22, 1991 - Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Winters, Lipton and Malarkey return to Aldbourne for the first time after WW2, with historian Stephen E. Ambrose
July 1(?), 1991 - Foy, Belgium - Visit to the site of the assault to Foy
January(?) 1(?), 1997 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Retires and relocates to Hershey, Pennsylvania
April 6, 1998 - West Point, River Hudson, New York - Travels to the U.S. Military Academy to address the Corps of Cadets on the topic of frontline leadership during World War II
April 12, 1998 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - On Easter Sunday in 1998, Winters experiences a bad fall that results in him landing on the back of his neck and suffering a mild concussion
June 1, 2001 - New York City - Easy Company meeting at the Waldorf Astoria
June 2, 2001 - Paris - Charter flight to Paris with HBO Band of Brothers cast
June 6, 2001 - Utah Beach, Normandy - Train to Carentan, then bus to Utah Beach. Winters is one of the 47 veterans who attend the premiere of HBO's series "Band of Brothers"
June 7, 2001 - Paris - Farewell dinner
June 8, 2001 - New York City - Charter flight to New York City
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Winters and Tom Hanks, 2002 |
October 9, 2002 - Phoenix, Arizona - Easy Company reunion at Phoenix (until October 13th)
January 21, 2003 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - The 506th Regimental Flag with its WWII Battle Streamers is presented to him for his 85th birthday
November 29, 2003 - Hershey - Thanksgiving dinner with author Cole C. Kingseed
September 1(?), 2004 - Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Speaks and presents some of his personal papers at a ceremony
January 20, 2006 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Winters receives a package with his published memories: "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters," co-written by military historian and retired U.S. Army Colonel Cole C. Kingseed
October 1(?), 2007 - Hershey - Dick Winters introduces President George W. Bush to a crowd of about 20,000 during a rally in 2004 at Hersheypark Stadium in Derry Township.
May 16, 2009 - Franklin and Marshall College conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters upon him
January 2, 2011 - Palmyra, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania - Richard Winters dies from complications of Parkinson's disease, aged 92 =(END)
AMBROSE, Stephen E. - "Band of Brothers"
WINTERS, Dick - "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters"
he was a amazing man