September 10, 1914 - Stanitsa Besstrashnaya, Kuban Oblast - Dmitry Lavrinenko is born
January(?) 1(?), 1931 - Voznesens'k - Kuban Oblast - Graduates from the School of peasant youths
May 1(?), 1938 - Ulyanovsk (S Kazan) - Finishes training at Ulyanovsk Tank Academy - promoted to Lieutenant =(START)
September 17, 1939 - Western Ukraine / Ternopil(?) - assigned to West Ukraine - participates in the poland campaign (enters through Ternopil?)
September 22, 1939 - Lvov - End of the battle of Lvov - city delivered to the soviets
June 28, 1940 - Bessarabia - Lavrinenko is transfered to Bessarabia
June(?) 1(?), 1941 - Vinnitsa, Central Ukraine - Marries his girlfriend Nina in Vinnitsa in the Summer
June 22, 1941 - Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Western Ukraine - Assigned to Stanislav, as tank platoon commander of the 15th Tank Division of the 16th Mechanized Corps
June 22, 1941 - Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Western Ukraine - Assigned to Stanislav, as tank platoon commander of the 15th Tank Division of the 16th Mechanized Corps
July 2, 1941 - Derazhnya, SE of Khmelnitsky, Ukraine - Units of the 16th Mechanized Corps begin withrawing beyond the Dniester River
July 4, 1941 - Derazhnya - The 16th Mechanized Corps is redeployed to the Mozyr region (Gomel region, Belarus). The loading of the division is delayed by lack of rolling stock
July 7, 1941 - ? - The 11th Panzer Division occupies Berdichev
July 8, 1941 - SW of Berdichev - A.D.Sokolov, commander of the 16th Mechanized Corps, with attached units, tries to recapture Berdichev (until July 11)
July 11, 1941 - Zhitomir, Ukraine - The 15th Tank Divison moves north in direction of Mozyr
July 15, 1941 - Kazatin, SE of Berdichev - Sokolov's group leaves the city of Kazatin. Near the village of Komsomolskoye, a battalion of the 15th Tank Division is surrounded, but at night it manages to break through the main units of the division
July 16, 1941 - Ruzhin | Zarudintsky - Parts of the 16th Mechanized Corps retreat to Ruzhin na Zarudintsky (Zhitomir Region)
July 24, 1941 - Skala - Kozhanka, Oratov, E. of Vinnitsa - The Corps retreats to the Skala - Kozhanka defensive Line
August 1(?), 1941 - Uman, Ukraine(?) - The 15th Tank Division is destroyed in the Uman Cauldron as part of P.G.Ponedelin's group
August 14, 1941 - Prudboi, E. of Stalingrad(?) - The 15th Tank Division is disbanded
August 19, 1941 - Prudboi. E. of Stalingrad - The 4th Tank Brigade is formed from the evacuated personnel of the 15th and 20th tank divisions. The brigade receives new KV and T-34 tanks from the assembly line of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant
September 23, 1941 - Prudboi - Personnel and equipment are loaded into trains
September 28, 1941 - Akulovo, SW of Podol'sk, Moscow Region - Arrives at Akulovo, near the Kubinka station, SW of Podol'sk, Moscow Region
October 3, 1941 - NE of Mtsensk(?) - The brigade receives additional light tanks and comes under the operational subordination of the 1st Special Guards Rifle Corps of Major General D.D.Lelyushenko
October 6, 1941 - Mtsensk, NE of Oryol - 4 tanks knocked out (4 total?)
October 11, 1941 - Mtsensk - End of the Battle of Mtsensk - Lavrinenko destroys additional 7 tanks, one anti-tank fun and up to two platoons of german infantry. (11 total)
October 11, 1941 - Mtsensk - End of the Battle of Mtsensk - Lavrinenko destroys additional 7 tanks, one anti-tank fun and up to two platoons of german infantry. (11 total)
October 16, 1941 - Protvino, Serpukhov, S. of Moscow - Lavrinenko alone ambushes a german column at Protvino, destroying 3 anti-tank guns and handing over 13 machine guns, 6 mortars, 10 motorcycles with sidecars and na anti-tank gun with full ammunition to the commandant of the city of Serpukhov
October 20, 1941 - Chismena, E. of Volokolamsk - The Brigade is transfered near Moscow to the Volokolamsk direction, arriving at Chismenaon the 19th. Lavrinenko arrives on 20th
November 12, 1941 - Skirmanovo - Soviet offensive to capture a dangerous salient near Skirmanovo
November 17, 1941 - Lystsevo, Volokolamsk - Allocated to support the 1073rd Infantry regiment of the 316th Rifle Division - 6 tanks knocked out - Volokolamsk Highway - 17 total
November 19, 1941 - Gusenevo, Volokolamsk - 7 tanks knocked out - Volokolamsk Highway - 24 total
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Lavrinenko (on the left), and crew |
November 19, 1941 - Gusenevo, Volokolamsk - 7 tanks knocked out - Volokolamsk Highway - 24 total
December 5, 1941 - ? - Lavrinenko is awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for destroying 37 enemy tanks
December 7, 1941 - Kryukovo, Istra Region - Kryukovo is liberated at night
December 17, 1941 - Goryuny (Anino, E. of Volokolamsk) - 1 tank destroyed (57 total)
December 18, 1941 - Goryuny (Anino, E. of Volokolamsk) - 1 tank destroyed. After liberating Goryuny, he is killed out of his tank by a mine fragment (58 kills total) =(END)
December 17, 1941 - Goryuny (Anino, E. of Volokolamsk) - 1 tank destroyed (57 total)
December 18, 1941 - Goryuny (Anino, E. of Volokolamsk) - 1 tank destroyed. After liberating Goryuny, he is killed out of his tank by a mine fragment (58 kills total) =(END)
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