Sunday 27 September 2015

Francesco da Milano | Timeline

Francesco da Milano, also known as Il divino, Francesco da Parigi, etc.) (18 August 1497 – 2 January 1543) was an Italian lutenist and composer. He was born in Monza, near Milan, and worked for the papal court for almost all of his career. Francesco was heralded throughout Europe as the foremost lute composer of his time. More of his music is preserved than of any other lutenist of the period, and his work continued to influence composers for more than a century after his death. (Intro from Wikipedia).

August 18, 1497 - Monza - Francesco Canova da Milano is born.
January(?) 1(?), 1514 - Rome - Da Milano becomes member of the Papal House in Rome =(START)
October (?) 1(?), 1516 - Rome - Da Milano and his father become private musicians to Pope Leo X
January 16, 1526 - Rome - Da Milano performs to the Pope Clemente VII and Isabella d'Este
January(?) 1(?), 1528 - Milan - Da Milano obtains a Canonry in S. Lazaro Maggiore in Milan
January(?) 1(?), 1530 - Murano, Venice - Travels to Venice
January(?) 1(?), 1531 - Itria, Lazio - Da Milano starts serving Cardinal Ippolito de Medici
August 10, 1535 - Itria, Lazio - Death of Cardinal Ippolito de Medici. Francesco looses his employer.
January(?) 1(?), 1538 - Massa (Southeast La Spezia) - Francesco is listed as a member of the household of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, a famous patron of the arts
June 18, 1538 - Nice, France - Da Milano is part of the Entourage of Pope Paul III in the Truce of Nice
July 1, 1538 - Milan - Da Milano marries Clara Tizzoni and moves to Milan
January(?) 1(?), 1539 - Rome - Da Milano starts working again in the Papal Court
January 2, 1543 - Milan - Francesco da Milano dies in Milan =(END)

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