Saturday 4 December 2021

Flor da Rosa (1509) | Timeline

The Flor da Rosa (Flower of the Rose), also known as "Flor da Roza" or "Flor de la Roza" was a Portuguese ship from the India Route. It was launched in 1509 and was part of the 11th Indies Armada of Dom Fernando Coutinho. It sank in 1528 off the island of Madagascar. It was on board this ship that on December 16, 1515, Viceroy Afonso de Albuquerque died.

January(?) 1(?), 1509 - Ribeira das Naus, Lisbon, Portugal - The "Flor da Rosa" is launched at Ribeira das Naus, River Tagus, Lisbon =(START)
March 12, 1509 - Lisbon - D.Fernando Coutinho, Constable of Portugal, sails for India with a fleet of 16 ships. The "Flor da Rosa" is the flagship
August 26, 1509 - Island of Mozambique - The fleet arrives at the Island of Mozambique
October 24(?), 1509 - Kannur (Cannanore, India) - Reaches Cananor, India
October 28, 1509 - Cochin - Albuquerque and the Constable of Portugal arrive in Cochin
December 29, 1509 - Off Calicut - The governor of India is given an order to give the steward of the ship "Flor da Rosa" supplies for his crew
January 3, 1510 - Calicut - Failed attack to Calicut. The Constable of Portugal, Marechal D.Fernando Coutinho is among the killed in battle. The "Flor da Rosa" becomes part of Albuquerque's fleet. During the retreat, Afonso de Albuquerque is gravely wounded with a lance through his throat, another lance in his left arm and shrapnel in his chest. He is taken to the beach while most of the city is in flames
January 7, 1510 - Cochin - Albuquerque returns to Cochin to recover from his wounds
February 6, 1510 - Cannanore (Kannur, India) - Albuquerque arrives at Cannanore with his fleet
February 10, 1510 - Cannanore - Albuquerque sails to Angediva with 23 ships and 1,800 men, with intention of going to Socotra
March 1, 1510 - Goa - The fleet reaches the mouth of the Mandovi River
March 4, 1510 - Panaji, Goa - Albuquerque assaults and takes Panaji Fort, which controled the access to Goa. Goan officials submit the city to the portuguese on the next day
May 17, 1510 - Goa - Almost surrounded by 40,000 men and under daily cannon fire, Albuquerque embarks to leave Goa, however, the monsoon makes it impossible to leave Mandovi River
August 1(?), 1510 - Goa - Finally, Albuquerque is able to leave the Mandovi River. He sets sail to Angediva Island.
August 4(?), 1510 - Angediva Island, South Goa - Albuquerque waits for more ships and men at Angediva Island
August 25, 1510 - Cannanore - Albuquerque begins to issue "mandates" of payments from the "Frol de la Mar"
September 22, 1510 - Cannanore - Last "mandate" issued from Cannanore
September 28, 1510 - Cochin - "Mandate" issued from Cochin
October 10, 1510 - Cochin - Council at Cochin: Magellan gives advices to Afonso de Albuquerque against another attack on Goa
October 16, 1510 - Cannanore - Returns to Cannanore
November 4, 1510 - Cannanore - Albuquerque sets sail to Goa with 26 ships
November 20, 1510 - Goa - Albuquerque reappears in the Mandovi River with his fleet
November 25, 1510 - Goa - Capture of Goa. During the next 3 days, 6,000 "moors" are killed
April 20, 1511 - Goa - Afonso de Albuquerque sets sail to Malacca. He takes the risk of taking his flagship "Frol de la Mar" in urgent need of refit. Ferdinand Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães) goes on the expedition
April 24, 1511 - Cannanore - Albuquerque loads the ships with cambaia (Khambhat) fabrics, which would be needed for trading with Malacca
April 27, 1511 - Cannanore - Sails to Cochin
April 30, 1511 - Cochin - Albuquerque arrives at Cochin
September 10, 1512 - Cochin - Albuquerque departs for Goa with 14 ships and 1,700 soldiers
September 18, 1512 - Cannanore - Arrives at Cannanore
September 25, 1512 - Cochin - Returns to Cochin
October 8, 1512 - Cannanore - At Cannanore, supplying the ships that would return to Portugal
October 18, 1512 - Off Baticala (Bhatkal) - On board the "Santo António", Albuquerque writes to the King
November 6, 1512 - Goa - Albuquerque issues mandates from Goa
November 14, 1512 - Banastarim, Goa - Siege of Banastarim
February 18, 1513 - Goa - Albuquerque sets sail to the Red Sea with an Armada of 19 ships and 1,700 men, one of the ships is the "Flor da Rosa" of captain Manuel de Lacerda
March(?) 10(?), 1513 - Island of Socotra, Horn of Africa - Dead calms on the crossing force Albuquerque to anchor at Socotra to supply the ships with fresh water
March 26, 1513 - Aden, Yemen - Albuquerque lays siege to Aden. However, the assault fails when the ladders break while climbing the walls. Somehow in the future, even with easy chances to take the city, the portuguese loose interest in it
April 3, 1513 - Mouth of the Red Sea - As the fleet enters the Red Sea, the portuguese celebrate with all flags, artillery and trumpets
May 1(?), 1513 - Kamarān Island, W. of Yemen, Red Sea - With contrary winds that prevent him from going to Jeddah, Albuquerque takes refuge in Kamarān Island
July 1(?), 1513 - Kamarān Island - Unable to reach Jeddah, Albuquerque destroys the harbour before setting sail to India
July 15, 1513 - Mouth of the Red Sea - The wind changes direction and the fleet is able to exit the Red Sea
August 4, 1513 - Off Aden - Albuquerque recognizes that he can't do anything else and decides to sail to India
August 16, 1513 - Diu - Albuquerque reaches Diu. The Lord of the City receives the portuguese with diplomacy and supplies their ships. A factory is established
August 19, 1513 - Diu - Apparently in great friendship, the Lord of Diu and the portuguese bid farewell to each other
September 20, 1513 - Goa - Returns to Goa, via Chaul
November 15, 1513 - Calicut - Albuquerque arrives in Calicut
November 27, 1513 - Cannanore - Albuquerque takes residency in Cannanore. Letter to King Manuel
January 1, 1514 - Cochin - Short trip to Cochin
January 4, 1514 - Cannanore - Back in Cannanore
February 4, 1514 - Calicut - 3 days in Calicut
February 9, 1514 - Cannanore - Back in Cannanore
February 21, 1514 - Goa - Arrives in Goa, staying until November, much busy with administration
November 27, 1514 - Cannanore - Back in Cannanore
December 2, 1514 - Calicut - 3 more days in Calicut
December 10, 1514 - Cochin - Returns to Cochin to spend the rest of the year
January 8, 1515 - Calicut - 5 days in Calicut
January 23, 1515 - Goa - Arrives in Goa
February 21, 1515 - Goa - Albuquerque sets sail to Hormuz with a fleet of 27 ships, 1,500 portuguese and 600 malabars
March(?) 10, 1515 - Muscat, Oman - The fleet arrives at Muscat after a huge thunderstorm. The oar ships of the King of Hormuz are unmolested
March(?) 15(?), 1515 - Quriyat (Curiati), SE of Muscat - Stop for 2 days at Quriyat to replenish the ships with fresh water
March 26, 1515 - Hormuz, Iran - Albuquerque reaches Hormuz to strenghten his domination
November 18, 1515 - Hormuz, Iran - Albuquerque departs to India aboard the "Flor da Rosa"
December 1, 1515 - Qalhat, SE of Muscat - Brief stop at Qalhat. On the same day Albuquerque finds a portuguese ships with news that the new Governor, Lopo Soares de Albergaria, had arrived in Goa on September 8th
December 6, 1515 - Indian Ocean, close to Dabul - Letter to King Manuel, asking him to protect and reward his son Brás
December 16, 1515 - In sight of the port of Goa - Afonso de Albuquerque expires, with Goa in sight, aged 63
March(?) 1(?), 1516(?) - Goa - Sets sail for Portugal (date unkown...for now. The ship returned to Goa on December 16th, 1515 and sailed back to India on April 23rd, 1519)
October(?) 1(?), 1516(?) - Lisbon, Portugal - Arrives in Lisbon (date unknown...for now)
April 23, 1519 - Lisbon, Portugal - Sails for India in Jorge de Albuquerque's Indies fleet of 14 ships
September(?) 1(?), 1519 - Island of Mozambique(?) - Four ships sail directly to India, but the rest has to winter in Mozambique
January(?) 1(?), 1527 - Cochin(?) - Sets sail for Portugal
April 18, 1528 - Lisbon, Portugal - Sails for India in the 13-ships armada of the new Governor Nuno da Cunha
May 6, 1528 - near the Canary Islands - Nuno da Cunha looses a ship and 150 crewmen due to a collision
May 11, 1528 - Santiago Island, Cape Verde - Stopover in Santiago Island to load cattle, bread and some vegetables
May(?) 20(?), 1528 - Coast of Guinea - Flat calms off the coast of Guinea
July 4(?), 1528 - Off Cape of Good Hope - The fleet is dispersed during one night and one day of storm at the Cape of Good Hope
July 6, 1528 - Cape Agulhas, South Africa - As soon as the ships rejoin, a new 24-hour storm ensues
August 23, 1528 - St.Augustine's Bay, Madagascar - Anchors in St.Augustine's Bay, Madagascar, after facing bad weather since the Cape of Good Hope
August 26, 1528 - St.Augustine's Bay, Madagascar - A storm causes the flagship "Flor da Rosa" to be dragged by its anchors and violently thrown. A short time later, as the anchor slings were made of linen, they broke. The crew also dropped 3 more spare anchors that were in the hold to the sea, but all the moorings ended up breaking due to the humidity and the material they were made of. The "Flor da Rosa" runs aground on a sand bank. Crew and cargo are transferred to the "Santa Catarina do Monte Sinai" and another ship. The flagship, beyond quick repair, is burned =(END)

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