April(?) 1(?), 1867 - Mont Clare, Pennsylvania - Harry Alonzo Longabaugh is born in the Spring of 1867
January(?) 1(?), 1880 - West Vincent Township, Pennsylvania - Harry is sent to work as a hired servant for the Wilmer Ralston family in neighboring West Vincent Township, aged 13
January 31, 1881 - West Vincent Township - Harry purchases a one-dollar library card from the Young Men's Literary Union. He had started reading books on his free time at the Ralstons' farm
January(?) 1(?), 1882 - Phoenixville, Pennsylvania - After two years, Harry moves back in with his parents
June 1(?), 1882 - Phoenixville - Harry leaves home to seek employment in Philadelphia, New York or Boston
July 26, 1882 - Phoenixville - Harry returns home without managing to secure a job to his liking or there were none available
August 30, 1882 - near Cortez, Colorado - At age 15, Harry travels alone from the train depot in Phoenixville to western Colorado at the invitation of his cousin George
January(?) 1(?), 1886 - near Miles City, Montana - Working as a cowboy for N Bar N Ranch (he might have known Robert Leroy Parker there)
September(?) 1(?), 1886 - near Miles City - As many cowboys like him, Harry is probably laid off by the N Bar N because of the drought
November 16, 1886 - While in the Black Hills, South Dakota(?) - Arctic wind blows in, lowering temperatures to twenty below, and six inches of snow
December 6(?), 1886 - While in the Black Hills - Second major blizzard
January 9, 1887 - While in the Black Hills - Third major blizzard. Temperatures plummet to as low as 68 degrees below zero
January 15, 1887 - While in the Black Hills - Temperatures in Eastern Montana reach 46 degrees below zero
January 28, 1887 - While in the Black Hills - Heavy snow falls uninterruptedly for 72 hours
February 25(?), 1887 - Black Hills, South Dakota - The weather finally improves. As the snows melt, it is estimated that 90% of range stock in Montana and Wyoming had perished in the cold. Many human corpses are also found. Desperate for work, Harry decides to ride from the Black Hills to the N Bar N ranch to see whether he could get his old job back
February 28, 1887 - Sundance, Wyoming - On his way to N Bar N ranch, Harry steals a gun, a horse, and saddle from a ranch in Sundance, Wyoming =(START)
April 8, 1887 - Miles City, Montana - Harry is captured by the authorities
April 12, 1887 - near Duluth, Minnesota - Sheriff Ryan, accompanied by a shackled and handcuffed Longabaugh, boards a Northern Pacific train heading for St.Paul, Minnesota. During the trip, near Duluth, Sheriff Ryan retires to the restroom in the back of the coach. Harry hurriedly picks the locks on his shackles and handcuffs and makes his escape by leaping off the moving train
June 6, 1887 - Powderville, Montana - Harry is found and arrested again
June 22, 1887 - Sundance, Wyoming - Sheriff Ryan arrives at Sundance with Longabaugh and puts him in a jail cell there
August 2, 1887 - Sundance - The fall judicial term of the US District court for the Territory of Wyoming is called into session
August 3, 1887 - Sundance - Harry Longabaugh is indicted by the grand jury on 3 counts of grand larceny
August 5, 1887 - Sundance - Longabaugh is brought before the court and sentenced to 18 months in jail by Judge William L. Maginnis. He adopts the nickname "Sundance Kid" during this time in jail
May 1, 1888 - Sundance - Harry and another prisoner jump the jailor, when he was delivering the evening meal. Harry is overpowered but the other prisoner, Jim O'Connor, escapes for a few hours
January 1(?), 1889 - Sundance - One month before his scheduled release date, a petition is filed requesting a full pardon for horse thief Harry Longabaugh
February 5, 1889 - Sundance - Longabaugh is released and heads to the nearest town of Deadwood. Governor Thomas Moonlight declared that: “He is still under 21 years of age, and his behavior has been good since confinement, showing an earnest desire to reform. Therefore, I do hereby grant Harry Longabaugh a full and complete pardon.”
May 17, 1889 - Oil Creek, 35 miles N. of Sundance - While in dugout with other three wanted men, they are surprised by lawmen who had come to arrest one of them, Bob Minor. He draws his revolver but Deputy Sheriff James Swisher is faster on the draw and kills him. Sundance Kid and the others keep their hands away from their revolvers
July(?) 1(?), 1889 - Lavinia, 50 miles N. of Billings, Montana - Sundance Kid finds a job as a cowboy with the John T. Murphy Cattle Company near Lavinia, Montana
April(?) 1(?), 1890 - Malta, Valley County, Montana - In the Spring he moves to a ranch near Malta in Valley County, Montana, where he breaks wild broncos
August(?) 1(?), 1890 - High River, Alberta, Canada - Works at the Bar U Ranch in Alberta, Canada
August 1(?), 1891 - High River - Sundance Kid has a warrant sworn out against him in Calgary on the charge of "cruelty to animals", but nothing happens
November 1(?), 1891 - High River - Sundance Kid is the best man at Everett Johnson's marriage in High River. He is also hired on part-time with a railroad contractor who was building track from Calgary to Fort MacLeod
January(?) 1(?), 1892 - Calgary, Canada - After saving some money, Sundance Kid buys into a saloon at the Grand Hotel in Calgary with partner Frank Hamilton. The partnership soon goes sour, however, when the two men become embroiled in a dispute over a horse that Harry had purchased from Hamilton. Sundance Kid pulls his gun on his partner, grabs what money from the till he thought was owed him, and head out of town. He drifts back to Montana, likely working for a ranch breaking horses before being laid off
May(?) 1(?), 1892 - Miles City, Montana - Returns to Miles City and meets Bill Madden, a man who may have been involved in the Telluride bank robbery with Robert Parker (Butch Cassidy)
November 1(?), 1892 - Malta, Valley County, Montana - Sundance Kid and Bill Madden spend hours in Alex Black's Saloon making plans to rob a train
November 29, 1892 - near Malta, Valley County, Montana - Sundance kid takes part in a train robbery. His two accomplices, Bill Madden and Harry Bass, are caught two days later, implicating Sundance Kid in the robbery
December 25, 1892 - While in Wyoming - While Sundance Kid escapes to familiar territory, Madden is sentenced to 8 years in the state penitenciary. Bass is sentenced to 10 years
February 20, 1893 - While in Montana - Bankruptcy of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, rattles investors and the public
May 5, 1893 - While in Montana - "Industrial Black Friday" - Railroad and industrial stocks plummet and several major companies and banks go bankrupt. - It sparkles the "Panic of 1893"
January(?) 1(?), 1895 - Wolf Point, Montana - After a long time keeping a low profile somewhere in Montana, Sundance Kid returns to work at the N Bar N, which relocated to Wolf Point, Montana, with its herd rebuilt after the devastating blizzards of 1886-87. Sundance shares the bunkhouse with another two cowboys that would be famous: Kid Curry, a gunfighter and Charles M. Russell, an artist
April(?) 1(?), 1895 - Little Snake River Valley, Wyoming - Sundance Kid rides south and finds work as a horse wrangler, using the name of "Harry Alonzo". He builds an excelent reputation in his job and with the townspeople
January(?) 1(?), 1896 - Little Snake River Valley - Harry and his boss become involved in a confrontation, which results in his arrest. He whacks Deputy Sheriff Perkins in the face with the handcuffs. No charges come of the arrest, although Perkins starts to make inquiries about this "Harry Alonzo", sending one of them to the Pinkerton Detective Agency, that sends men under cover to Wyoming right away
November 26, 1896 - Brown's Park, Wyoming - Thanksgiving celebration at the Bassett ranch, among the 35 visitors was Butch Cassidy
January 9, 1897 - Snake River Valley, Wyoming - The Craig, Colorado, Courier reports that “Harry Alonzo and Bert Charter went to the Lower Snake River last Monday to establish a winter camp and look after the cattle of the Reader company till spring"
June 28, 1897 - Belle Fourche, South Dakota - Harvey and Lonnie Logan, Tom O'Day, "Flatnose" George Currie, Walt Punteney and the Sundance Kid rob a bank in Belle Fourche, South Dakota
June 30(?), 1897 - Newcastle, Wyoming - The outlaws make a dash for Wyoming. Sundance reaches Newcastle by foot, after sheriff Fuller shoots his horse under him
May(?) 1(?), 1898 - near Steamboat Springs, Colorado - In the Spring, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Elzy Lay, the two Logan brothers and other desperadoes assemble near Steamboat Springs, Colorado, to discuss the prospects of forming a volunteer unit and offering their services to the US Army
June(?) 1(?), 1898 - near Alma, New Mexico - Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and Elzy Lay drift south and find work at the WS Ranch, near Alma, New Mexico
July 14, 1898 - Humboldt, Nevada - Sundance Kid, Logan and Currie rob the Southern Pacific passenger train No.1 and take $26,000 in cash and pieces of jewelry
April 3, 1899 - Elko, Nevada - Sundance Kid reappears almost a year later at Elko, Nevada. Together with Harvey Logan and George Currie, they burst into the Club Saloon while the bartender was counting the day's receipts. The three men race out of the saloon with anywhere from $500 to $3,000
June 2, 1899 - near Wilcox, Wyoming - The gang robs a Union Pacific Overland Flyer passenger train near Wilcox, Wyoming. Sundance Kid, George Currie, Harvey and Lonnie Logan, Ben Kilpatrick and Will "News" Carver execute the robbery, planned by Butch Cassidy, and leave with between $30,000 and $50,000. The robbery earns the Wild Bunch Gang a great deal of notoriety and resulted in a massive manhunt
June 5, 1899 - After the robbery, the gang splits in two groups. Sundance, Harvey Logan and Currie head north. Converse County sheriff Josiah Hazen surprises them but is shot and killed by Harvey Logan
September 19, 1900 - Winnemucca, Nevada - Cassidy, Sundance and Will "News" Carver are seen enjoying a shot of whiskey at a saloon in Winnemucca. At noon, they rob the First National Bank, taking $32,640 with them
November 1(?), 1900 - Fort Worth, Texas - Butch, Sundance, Harvey Logan, Will Carver
and Ben Kilpatrick take up residence in the Maddox Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas
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"Forth Worth Five" (Sundance Kid on the left, Butch Cassidy on the right) |
November 21, 1900 - Fort Worth - At John Swartz's studio, Sundance Kid poses alongside Butch Cassidy, Logan, Carver, and Ben Kilpatrick in Fort Worth, Texas for the now-famous "Fort Worth Five" photograph. The Pinkerton Agency obtained a copy of the photograph and began to use it for wanted posters
December 1, 1900 - Fort Worth - The outlaws attend Will Carver's marriage with Callie May Hunt
January 1, 1901 - New Orleans, Louisiana - Celebrates New Year's Eve with Etta Place in New Orleans
January 10(?), 1901 - Phoenixville, Pennsylvania - Sundance and Etta Place travel by train to his childhood town in Pennsylvania. His parents were already dead, but they are received by his sister Samanna. He introduces Etta Place as his wife
January 15(?), 1901 - Buffalo, New York - Sundance and Etta Place take a train to Buffalo, New York, and check into the Invalids Hotel, a holistic facility specialized in turkish baths and remedies for chronic diseases
January 22(?), 1901 - Niagara Falls - After their discharge from the Medical center, Sundance and Etta treat themselves to a honeymoon at Niagara Falls
February 1, 1901 - New York City - Sundance and Etta Place arrive in New York City by train. They are joined at Mrs.Catherine Taylor's boardinghouse by Etta's "brother" James Ryan (Butch Cassidy)
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Sundance Kid and Etta Place February 3, 1901 |
February 10, 1901 - New York City - Snowstorm
February 13, 1901 - New York City - Thousands of New Yorkers and tourists gather at the Battery to witness a spectacle of nature’s fury. A warm front upstate had caused gigantic blocks of ice to float down the Hudson River to the harbor. When these massive chunks rounded the Battery, they encountered huge blocks of ice flowing from the East River. The two ice floes converged, trapping as many as one hundred vessels of various sizes, from tugboats to ocean liners.
February 20, 1901 - Pier 32, New York City - They book passage on the british passenger/cargo steamer "SS Herminius" to Buenos Aires, Argentina
February 21, 1901 - Pier 32, New York City - They depart for Buenos Aires, Argentina aboard the "SS Herminius"
March 23, 1901 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and Etta Place arrive in the port of Buenos Aires
April(?) 1(?), 1901 - Cholila, Chubut, Argentina (150km S. of Bariloche) - Cassidy, Sundance and Etta Place settle at Cholila, a place that reminds them of Montana, with grasslands, lakes and snow-covered mountains
June 1(?), 1901 - near Cholila, Argentina - Butch and Sundance purchase 16 colts for $855
July 3, 1901 - While in Cholila, Argentina - Kid Curry and a group of men rob a Great Northern train near Wagner, Montana, stealing more than $60,000 in cash (equivalent to $1,840,000 in 2019). The gang split up, but a posse led by Sheriff Elijah Briant catches up with "News" Carver and kills him
October 1(?), 1901 - Rawson, Chubut, Argentina - Butch and Sundance register their brands at Rawson, capital of Chubut
March 3, 1902 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Etta Place and Sundance Kid depart for New York aboard the "SS Soldier Prince". He was suffering from his recurring illness or injury and decided to seek medical attention
April 2, 1902 - A day from New York - Butch files the necessary documents to petition the Registry of the Colonial Land Department in Buenos Aires for the purchase of four leagues - over 25,000 acres - of governmental land in the territory of Chubut, in the names of James Ryan and Harry A. Place.
April 3, 1902 - New York City - Etta Place and Sundance Kid arrive in New York City
May(?) 1(?), 1902 - Mont Clare, Pennsylvania - Visit to his sister Samanna. Sundance invites his two nephews to visit him in Cholila
June 1(?), 1902 - New York City - Etta Place and Sundance Kid return to New York City
June 25, 1902 - New York City - Shopping at the luxury store Tiffany & Co.
July 10, 1902 - New York City - Etta Place and Sundance Kid board the freighter "Honorius" to Buenos Aires
August 9, 1902 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Etta Place and Sundance Kid arrive in Buenos Aires and check in Hotel Europa
August 13, 1902 - Buenos Aires - Etta Place and Sundance Kid board the steamer "SS Chubut" to return to their ranch
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Sundance Kid, Etta Place, and Butch Cassidy, at Cholila |
August(?) 1(?), 1904 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Etta Place and Sundance Kid board a steamship for the United States
September(?) 1(?), 1904 - New York City - Etta Place and Sundance Kid arrive in New York City
October(?) 1(?), 1904 - St.Louis, Missouri - Etta Place and Sundance Kid attend the 1904 World's Fair and Exposition in St.Louis (April 30th to December 1st, 1904)
November(?) 1(?), 1904 - Fort Worth, Texas - Visit to Etta's family at Fort Worth, Texas
December 20, 1904 - New York City - Etta Place and Sundance Kid depart for Buenos Aires
January(?) 20(?), 1905 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Etta Place and Sundance Kid arrive in Buenos Aires
February 1(?), 1905 - Cholila, Chubut, Argentina - Back at Cholila
February 14, 1905 - While in Cholila - Two English-speaking bandits hold up the "Banco de Tarapacá y Argentino" in Río Gallegos, 700 miles (1,100 km) south of Cholila near the Strait of Magellan, taking $100,000 worth of cash and silver. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were at Cholila at the time, but the Rio Gallegos holdup was going to turn their lives upside down
May 1, 1905 - Cholila, Argentina - Cassidy and Sundance Kid sell the Cholila ranch and leave, fearing that law enforcement had located them. The Pinkerton Agency had known their location for some time, but the snow and the hard winter of Patagonia had prevented their agent Frank Dimaio from making an arrest. Governor Julio Lezana issued an arrest warrant, but Sheriff Eduardo Humphreys, a Welsh-Argentine who was friendly with Cassidy and enamored of Place, tips them off. Before leaving, Butch Cassidy writes a letter to their friend and neighbor John C.Perry, a fellow immigrant and former sheriff in Crockett County, Texas
May 9, 1905 - San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina - The trio then flees north to San Carlos de Bariloche, where they embark on the steamer "Condor" across Nahuel Huapí Lake and into Chile
June 28, 1905 - Valparaíso, Chile - Butch, Sundance and Etta Place arrive in Valparaíso, Chile
July(?) 1(?), 1905 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Instead of returning to the US through San Francisco, Sundance and Etta Place travel to Buenos Aires by the trans-Andean train
July 22, 1905 - Colón, Panamá - Sundance and Etta Place depart to New York City aboard the "SS Seguranca"
July 29, 1905 - New York City - Sundance and Etta Place arrive in New York City
December 1(?), 1905 - Villa Mercedes, 640km W. of Buenos Aires, Argentina - Butch, Sundance and Etta reunite in the town of Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina
December 19, 1905 - Villa Mercedes - Cassidy, Sundance, Place, and an unknown male associate robbed the Banco de la Nación Argentina branch in Villa Mercedes, 400 miles (640 km) west of Buenos Aires, taking 14,000 pesos (about $90,000). The outlaws flee and exchange fire with their pursuers, until one of them is wounded. They pause to take care of this person, then continues to a relay point with fresh horses and supplies
January(?) 1(?), 1906 - Antofagasta, Chile - The trio crosses the Salado River on a raft and heads for the Port City of Antofagasta, Chile. Etta Place completely disappears from records. Some historians believe she decided she had enough of life on the run and returned to the US, but others believe that Etta was the one that was wounded after the Villa Mercedes robbery. If that's the case, it is probable that Etta died of blood loss after crossing to Chile
January 10, 1906 - While in Antofagasta, Chile - Three North American men are arrested in Neuquén Territory—between Villa Mercedes and Cholila, Chubut province—for the robbery of the bank in Villa Mercedes.
January 13, 1906 - While in Antofagasta - The authorities realize they had the wrong men and they are released from custody
April 1(?), 1906 - Cholila, Argentina - Sundance returns to Cholila to oversee the sale of 200 sheep and 30 mares that Dan Gibbon had been caring for
May(?) 1(?), 1906 - Northern Argentina | La Paz, Bolivia - Using the alias of "Enrique Brown", Sundance Kid finds a job working for Roy Letson, a railroad construction contractor. Sundance breaks mules and drives them from Northern Argentina to a camp near La Paz
September 23, 1906 - While in Bolivia - In the US, the headline of the "New York Herald" is "Yankee desperadoes hold up the Argentine Republic". The article presents a largely fictional account of the Villa Mercedes bank robbery, falsely accusing Butch and Sundance, among other things, of killing the bank manager, which never happened. The article also says that Harvey Logan participated in that robbery - That would be impossible because he was killed on June 7, 1904
November 1(?), 1907 - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia - The two take a leave of absence from the Concordia Mine and travel to Santa Cruz in late 1907, a frontier town in Bolivia's eastern savannah, still wanting to settle down as respectable ranchers
August 1(?), 1908 - near Esmoraca, Bolivia - By August, Butch and Sundance - using the aliases of George Lowe and Frank Smith - are working or were permitted to stay at the camp of a gold ore dredging operation near Esmoraca
November 3, 1908 - San Vicente, Southern Bolivia - A courier was carrying the payroll for the Aramayo Franke and Cia Silver Mine on November 3, 1908, near the small mining town of San Vicente in southern Bolivia, when he is attacked by two masked American bandits believed to be Cassidy and Sundance Kid
November 6, 1908 - San Vicente - Witnesses see them three days later in San Vicente, where they lodge in a small boarding house owned by miner Bonifacio Casasola. Casasola became suspicious of them because they had a mule from the Aramayo Mine, identifiable from the company's brand. He notifies a nearby telegraph officer, who notifies the Abaroa cavalry regiment stationed nearby. The unit dispatches three soldiers under the command of Captain Justo Concha, and they notifiy the local authorities
November 7, 1908 - San Vicente - A bolivian soldier approaches the hideout and his shot in the neck by Cassidy. A brief gunfire ensues with both outlaws trapped inside by many armed villagers and a few soldiers. Both of them wounded in the arm (Sundance was shot 3 times in the arm), they decide to end their adventures right there instead of spending the rest of their lives in a bolivian prison. Two shots are heard inside the house: Butch Cassidy shoots Sundance, aged 40/41, between his eyes and then turns his gun to his own forehead, killing himself, aged 42 =(END)
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