May 4, 1897 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Alfredo da Rocha Vianna, Jr. is born
May 8, 1898 - Rio de Janeiro - Alfredo is baptized at the Santana Church
January(?) 1(?), 1908 - Rio de Janeiro - Alfredo begins playing the "cavaquinho" with his family. Some time later, he switches to the flute. Recognizing the boy's talent, his family decides to put him to study music
January(?) 1(?), 1911 - Rio de Janeiro - Musical debut as flutist of the group "Choro Carioca". Irineu de Almeida, a music teacher, takes Alfredo to the carnival group "Filhas da Jardineira"
January(?) 1(?), 1912 - Rio de Janeiro - 15-year-old Alfredo becomes harmony director of the Japanese Paladins Ranch (Carnival group). He begins playing as part of the "suburban trio"
January(?) 1(?), 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Alfredo registers his first song: the tango "Dominante". He begins being known under the nickname "Pixinguinha"
August 22, 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Irineu de Almeida, Pixinhguinha's teacher, dies
January(?) 1(?), 1915 - Rio de Janeiro - First recording for "Falhauber" with the group "Choro Carioca", playing the brazilian tango "São João Debaixo d'água", written by his teacher, Irineu de Almeida
July 3, 1915 - Rio de Janeiro - "Choro de Cordas" plays during a ball at the "Sociedade Fidalgos da Cidade Nova", conducted by the "brilliant 18-year-old flutist" Pixinguinha =(START)
July 3, 1915 - Rio de Janeiro - "Choro de Cordas" plays during a ball at the "Sociedade Fidalgos da Cidade Nova", conducted by the "brilliant 18-year-old flutist" Pixinguinha =(START)
January(?) 1(?), 1917 - Rio de Janeiro - A huge musical success is launched: "Pelo Telefone" by Donga and Mauro de Almeida - The first Carnivalesque success. One of the musicians is Pixinguinha, who starts performing as flutist at the Cine Palais, invited by trumpeteer Luís de Souza
September 13, 1917 - Rio de Janeiro - Alfredo da Rocha Vianna, Pixinguinha's father, dies aged 56
January(?) 1(?), 1918 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha and his friend Donga are summoned by the owner of the Cinema Palais in Rio de Janeiro to form a small orchestra to play in the waiting room. The "Oito Batutas" are born. (*) "Oito Batutas" meaning Eight Batons
April 7, 1919 - Rio de Janeiro - Debut of the "Oito Batutas" at the Cinema Palais in Rio de Janeiro
May 29, 1919 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil's 1x0 football victory over Uruguay inspires Pixinguinha to create his first classic choro: "Um a zero" (1-0)
October 1(?), 1919 - Rio de Janeiro - The cinema orchestra stops performing in the Cine Palais due to the outbreak of spanish flu
January 1(?), 1920 - Belo Horizonte - Recitals in the State of Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte and two small cities - Poços de Caldas and São João da Boa Vista
June 16, 1920 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" begin their participation in the Theatre Season, in the operetta "Flor Tapuia", João Caetano Theatre
September 1(?), 1920 - Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - The group performs before the King of Belgium
June 1(?), 1921 - Salvador - Northeast Tour - performances in Salvador
July 1(?), 1921 - Recife - Northeast Tour - performances in Recife
October 3, 1921 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" perform at the residency of President Epitácio Pessoa, as attraction of the reception to french general Charles Mangin, hero of World War One. General Cândido Rondon is one of the more enthusiastic in the audience
January 19, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" depart to France aboard the ship "Massilia"
February 11, 1922 - Bordeaux, France - The "Oito Batutas" arrive in Bordeaux. They board a train to Paris
February 12, 1922 - Paris - Arrival in Paris
March(?) 1(?), 1922 - Paris - Performance of the group before members of the brazilian royal family in exile in Paris since the fall of Monarchy in November 1889
June 23(?), 1922 - Paris - The "Oito Batutas" depart from Paris
August 1, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" return to Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Lutetia"
September 7, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" participate in the first radio transmission in Brazil, which includes a speech by the President, Epitácio Pessoa
December 1, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" depart to Buenos Aires, Argentina
December 5(?), 1922 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - The "Oito Batutas" arrive in Buenos Aires
December 7, 1922 - Buenos Aires - The argentine season begins with enormous success
March 27, 1923 - Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires - Premiere of the group in the "Teatro Español" of Chivilcoy
April 1(?), 1923 - Buenos Aires - The "Oito Batutas" depart from Buenos Aires
January(?) 1(?), 1925 - São Paulo | Guaratinguetá | Campinas | Santos - Performances in São Paulo, Guaratinguetá, Campinas and Santos
July 31, 1926 - Rio de Janeiro - Premiere of the play "Tudo preto" at Teatro Rialto, staged by Companhia Negra de Revistas, organized by the scenographer Jaime Silva and the singer, composer and actor De Chocolat (author of the play) - a play with cast and orchestra (directed by Pixinguinha) entirely formed by black actors/musicians
January 5, 1927 - Brás, São Paulo - Pixinguinha marries Jandira Aimoré (Albertina Nunes Pereira), known as "Betty"
August 1(?), 1927 - Florianópolis - Southern Tour - Premiere of the "Oito Batutas" at the "Álvaro de Carvalho Theatre", Florianópolis
January(?) 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the choro "Lamentos" by the typical orquestra Pixinguinha-Donga.
May 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Beginning of the activities of the "Oito Batutas" as a fixed attraction in the Assírius bar / restaurant, located in the basement of the Municipal Theater
December 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the choro "Carinhoso" by the typical orchestra Pixinguinha-Donga
February 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the famous samba "Gavião calçudo" (Pixinguinha composition with lyrics by Cícero de Almeida)
March 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Jornal" publishes an interview with young Ary Barroso, who responds like this when asked about his favorite composer: “Firstly, the admirable Pixinguinha, the man of the ravishing melodies”
June(?) 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is approved in a contest promoted by the label RCA Victor Talking Machine Company of Brazil, with "Carinhoso", and starts working at it with the assignments of writing arrangements and orchestrations and also conducting the label's orchestra. He would be the pioneer of orchestration for Brazilian popular music, with innovative new ideas
January 27, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of "For you to like me (taí)", with Carmen Miranda. It is launched in February, establishing her nationally during the year
May 21, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha organizes the "Afternoon of Brazilian Folklore", at Teatro Lírico, with participation of Carmen Miranda
June 21, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of "Os home implica comigo" with Carmen Miranda
January(?) 1(?), 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - End of the "Oito Batutas". Pixinguinha, Donga and João da Bahiana form the new group "Guarda Velha"
December 14, 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - Velha Guarda records "Sonhei que era Feliz" with Carmen Miranda
January 28, 1932 - Rio de Janeiro - Velha Guarda performs at Cine Eldorado, with Carmen Miranda, Almirante, Lamartine and T.B.T. Trio, to promote the carnival songs of RCA Victor
April 12, 1932 - Rio de Janeiro - In Rio de Janeiro, Noel Rosa's samba "Adeus" is recorded by the group "Guarda Velha" conducted by Pixinguinha
March 1(?), 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha enrolls at the National Institute of Music for music theory classes
August 9, 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Orestes Barbosa, "A Hora" Newspaper: “Pixinguinha is today the most perfect orchestrator of the City's records..."
October 1(?), 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha receives the certificate of conclusion of the Music Theory Course
January(?) 1(?), 1934 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha joins the public service, as the organizer (Maestro) of the Municipal Guard Band. A job he doesn't enjoy much because of the lack of commitment from the musicians
January(?) 1(?), 1935 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha and Betty adopt a little boy, who is registered as Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Neto (Neto=portuguese for grandson)
January(?) 1(?), 1937 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is hired to work at Rádio Mayrink Veiga as a flutist, arranger and conductor. At that time, he started to perform in a quintet.
May 28, 1937 - While in Rio de Janeiro - Orlando Silva records Pixinguinha's "Carinhoso" and "Rosa"
January(?) 1(?), 1938 - Rio de Janeiro - RCA Victor launches the "lundu" Yaô (composition by Pixinguinha in partnership with Gastão Vianna), which comes out with the title of "African Yaou" and is performed by the singer Patrício Teixeira. Filled with words of “African origin”, the lyrics can be seen as an example of the black language that prevailed in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of the 20th century, as a true dialect remaining from the times of slavery.
January(?) 1(?), 1939 - Ramos, Rio de Janeiro - Moves to a new house in Ramos, Rio de Janeiro
July 1(?), 1940 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha's mother Raimunda dies
August 7, 1940 - Rio de Janeiro - English conductor Leopold Stokowski arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Uruguay", to conduct his All American Youth Orchestra in two concerts at the Municipal Theater. The conductor takes advantage of his stay in Rio de Janeiro to collect local material for the Pan American Folklore Congress and, thus, asks for help from Heitor Villa-Lobos to enlist artists who could record copies of the most authentic Brazilian music. Among the regimented artists are Donga, Cartola, Zé Espinguela, Luís Americano, Pixinguinha and the comedian Jararaca. 40 recordings are made in a complete studio set up inside the ship's great hall. Of the 40 recordings made on board, 17 are selected to be released commercially in the United States, on the album "Brazilian native music", which comes out on the Columbia label
January(?) 1(?), 1941 - Rio de Janeiro - The march "Alá-la-ô", composed by Haroldo Lobo and Nássara with a brilliant arrangement by Pixinguinha, is one of the carnival songs awarded in the annual contest of the Prefecture of the Federal District. Pixinguinha starts drinking and is rarely seen. He leaves Radio Mayrink Veiga and starts to delay the payment of the installments of the house . His debt grows and he is threatened with losing the house where he lives with Betty and Alfredinho.
January(?) 1(?), 1942 - Rio de Janeiro - Last recordings of Pixinguinha playing the flute. From then on, he would only play tenor saxophone in his recordings and performances. Flutist and composer Benedito Lacerda, proposes to Pixinguinha a way to return to the work and remuneration routine. It is Lacerda who obtains, with the Irmãos Vitale publisher, the necessary amount for Pixinguinha to pay the debt that accumulated with the installments overdue. The money is obtained as an advance for the records that would be made on RCA Victor by the new duo: Lacerda on the flute, Pixinguinha on the tenor sax - the agreement with the record company provided for 25 records, but the total number of records released by the duet are 17 (i.e. 34 phonograms). The agreement also provided that Lacerda would be Pixinguinha's partner in all the songs they recorded, even those composed by Pixinguinha before their meeting, such as "Um a zero", "Sofres como queres" and "Oito Batutas", among others. The deal is accepted by Pixinguinha, who would not only return to active duty, but also pay off the installments he owed.
July 1(?), 1945 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is invited by the broadcaster, composer and singer Almirante to sign a contract with the most popular radio station in the country: Rádio Nacional
March 26, 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the lundu Benguelê, a partnership between Pixinguinha and Gastão Vianna
May 1, 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The album "Victor" by the vocal ensemble "Anjos do Inferno" arrives in stores, including the first recording of the lundu Benguelê, March 26th
July 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - Almirante goes on a collision course with Radio Nacional and transfers to Rádio Tupi, taking Pixinguinha along with him. The new house would host an Almirante program that would feature Pixinguinha as the attraction.
September 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The first record of the duet Pixinguinha-Benedito Lacerda comes out, bringing the choros "Um a zero" and "Sofres como queres", both by Pixinguinha - co-signed by Lacerda.
October 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The record containing the choros "Naquele tempo" and "Segura ele", comes out
November 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The record containing the choros "Vou vivendo" and "Cheguei", comes out
October 8, 1947 - Rio de Janeiro - The program “O Pessoal da Velha Guarda"(The staff of the Old Guard), created by Almirante (screenwriter and presenter), premieres on Radio Tupi, with Pixinguinha as its central figure - who acts as musical director and instrumentalist of two of the three groups that are interspersed during the 30 minutes of the program: Velha Guarda Personnel Orchestra (which performs arrangements by Pixinguinha, conducted by him) and the duet with Benedito Lacerda. The staff of Velha Guarda airs weekly for five years, until 1952
January(?) 1(?), 1948 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha has his first heart problem, without major consequences
August 11, 1948 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha pays the last installment of his house, paying off the debt he had contracted in 1939
January(?) 1(?), 1950 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha re-records the Yaô lundu (his composition with Gastão Vianna), as a singer, accompanied by Benedito Lacerda
October 2, 1951 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is appointed “teacher of music and singing, standard J, of the permanent staff of the Prefecture of the Federal District”
October 10(?), 1951 - Recife | Fortaleza | Manaus - Pixinguinha tours alongside Benedito and Almirante through cities in the Northeast (Fortaleza and Recife) and the North (Manaus).
October 15, 1951 - Fortaleza - Em Fortaleza para comemorar o aniversário da Ceará Radio Clube, acompanhado de Almirante e Benedito Lacerda
March 1(?), 1953 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha starts going to what will be his “office” from day to day: the bar "Gouveia", which has the official name of "Whiskeria Gouveia"
April 23, 1954 - São Paulo - Pixinguinha's 57th birthday is celebrated with a special program produced and presented by Almirante on Rádio Record de São Paulo. The broadcast marks the opening of the 1st Festival of Velha Guarda, an event conceived by Almirante, co-produced by him with the Record Group and included in the celebrations of the IV Centenary of São Paulo
April 24, 1954 - São Paulo - The Festival continues with the presentation of Pixinguinha and Velha Guarda at the Arthur Azevedo Theater, with live transmission by Radio Record
April 25, 1954 - São Paulo - The 1st Festival of "Velha Guarda" (Old Guard) ends with a great show at Ibirapuera Park, with Pixinguinha, Almirante and Velha Guarda. With the success of the Festival, Rádio Record makes it possible for Almirante, Pixinguinha and Velha Guarda to remain in São Paulo during the month of May, when the broadcaster opens a schedule in its programming for Almirante to present special editions of the program The staff of Velha Guarda , produced and presented by him on Rádio Tupi, between 1947 and 52.
April 1(?), 1955 - São Paulo - II Velha Guarda Festival, again broadcast by Record's São Paulo broadcasters and, this time, with a four-day program
June 11, 1955 - Rio de Janeiro - The seven tracks of the 10-inch LP "A Velha Guarda", released by Sinter, are recorded in a single session
July 1(?), 1955 - Rio de Janeiro - The Velha Guarda Group is the attraction of the show "O Samba nasce no Coração"(Samba is born in the heart), produced by Zilco Ribeiro and directed by Lúcio Rangel at the Casablanca nightclub, in Praia Vermelha (Urca), Rio de Janeiro
May 30, 1956 - Rio de Janeiro - Belarmino Barreto Street, in Ramos, where Pixinguinha lived with Betty since 1939, is renamed Pixinguinha Street, by initiative of Odilon Braga, one of the founders of the National Democratic Union Party (UDN)
November 27, 1957 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha meets the American composer and trumpeter Louis Armstrong, at a lunch at the Laranjeiras Palace offered by the President of the Republic, Juscelino Kubitschek
February(?) 1(?), 1961 - Rio de Janeiro - The President of Brazil, Jânio Quadros, appoints Pixinguinha as a member of the newly created National Music Council. The nomination was at the request of professor Mozart de Araújo, also an adviser, after realizing that among his peers there was not even a representative of popular music.
October 14, 1963 - While in Rio de Janeiro - Critic Alex Viany finishes filming "Sol sobre a lama" in Salvador. The soundtrack of the movie is composed by Pixinguinha in partnership with Vinicius de Moraes.
June 25, 1964 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha falls ill at home and is rushed to Hospital Getúlio Vargas, where he is diagnosed with pulmonary edema. The next day, when cardiac complications worsen his clinical condition, he is transferred to the Instituto de Cardiologia Aloísio de Castro, where he remains hospitalized for 50 days.
October 6, 1966 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha participates in the series "Depoimentos para a Posteridade"(Testimonials for Posterity), from the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS), recording testimony about his own trajectory. Pixinguinha retires as a server in the former state of Guanabara
July 23, 1967 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha receives the diploma of Commander of the Order of Bossa from the Jazz and Bossa Club (a jazzophile club led by the playboy Jorginho Guinle who met at the Café-Concerto Casa Grande). He takes his saxophone out of the case and plays "Carinhoso", accompanied by Tom Jobim at the piano
September 1(?), 1967 - Brasília - Pixinguinha is one of those present at the Itamaraty Palace - alongside Tom, Vinicius de Moraes, Gilberto Gil and Elis Regina, among others - at a lunch offered to the artists by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Magalhães Pinto
November 30, 1967 - Rio de Janeiro - Awarded the Order of Labor Merit by the Minister of Labor, Jarbas Passarinho
January 1(?), 1920 - Belo Horizonte - Recitals in the State of Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte and two small cities - Poços de Caldas and São João da Boa Vista
June 16, 1920 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" begin their participation in the Theatre Season, in the operetta "Flor Tapuia", João Caetano Theatre
September 1(?), 1920 - Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - The group performs before the King of Belgium
June 1(?), 1921 - Salvador - Northeast Tour - performances in Salvador
July 1(?), 1921 - Recife - Northeast Tour - performances in Recife
October 3, 1921 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" perform at the residency of President Epitácio Pessoa, as attraction of the reception to french general Charles Mangin, hero of World War One. General Cândido Rondon is one of the more enthusiastic in the audience
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The "Oito Batutas", 1922 (Pixinguinha on the far left) |
February 11, 1922 - Bordeaux, France - The "Oito Batutas" arrive in Bordeaux. They board a train to Paris
February 12, 1922 - Paris - Arrival in Paris
March(?) 1(?), 1922 - Paris - Performance of the group before members of the brazilian royal family in exile in Paris since the fall of Monarchy in November 1889
June 23(?), 1922 - Paris - The "Oito Batutas" depart from Paris
August 1, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" return to Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Lutetia"
September 7, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" participate in the first radio transmission in Brazil, which includes a speech by the President, Epitácio Pessoa
December 1, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Oito Batutas" depart to Buenos Aires, Argentina
December 5(?), 1922 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - The "Oito Batutas" arrive in Buenos Aires
December 7, 1922 - Buenos Aires - The argentine season begins with enormous success
March 27, 1923 - Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires - Premiere of the group in the "Teatro Español" of Chivilcoy
April 1(?), 1923 - Buenos Aires - The "Oito Batutas" depart from Buenos Aires
January(?) 1(?), 1925 - São Paulo | Guaratinguetá | Campinas | Santos - Performances in São Paulo, Guaratinguetá, Campinas and Santos
July 31, 1926 - Rio de Janeiro - Premiere of the play "Tudo preto" at Teatro Rialto, staged by Companhia Negra de Revistas, organized by the scenographer Jaime Silva and the singer, composer and actor De Chocolat (author of the play) - a play with cast and orchestra (directed by Pixinguinha) entirely formed by black actors/musicians
January 5, 1927 - Brás, São Paulo - Pixinguinha marries Jandira Aimoré (Albertina Nunes Pereira), known as "Betty"
August 1(?), 1927 - Florianópolis - Southern Tour - Premiere of the "Oito Batutas" at the "Álvaro de Carvalho Theatre", Florianópolis
January(?) 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the choro "Lamentos" by the typical orquestra Pixinguinha-Donga.
May 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Beginning of the activities of the "Oito Batutas" as a fixed attraction in the Assírius bar / restaurant, located in the basement of the Municipal Theater
December 1(?), 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the choro "Carinhoso" by the typical orchestra Pixinguinha-Donga
February 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the famous samba "Gavião calçudo" (Pixinguinha composition with lyrics by Cícero de Almeida)
March 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Jornal" publishes an interview with young Ary Barroso, who responds like this when asked about his favorite composer: “Firstly, the admirable Pixinguinha, the man of the ravishing melodies”
June(?) 1(?), 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is approved in a contest promoted by the label RCA Victor Talking Machine Company of Brazil, with "Carinhoso", and starts working at it with the assignments of writing arrangements and orchestrations and also conducting the label's orchestra. He would be the pioneer of orchestration for Brazilian popular music, with innovative new ideas
January 27, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of "For you to like me (taí)", with Carmen Miranda. It is launched in February, establishing her nationally during the year
May 21, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha organizes the "Afternoon of Brazilian Folklore", at Teatro Lírico, with participation of Carmen Miranda
June 21, 1930 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of "Os home implica comigo" with Carmen Miranda
January(?) 1(?), 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - End of the "Oito Batutas". Pixinguinha, Donga and João da Bahiana form the new group "Guarda Velha"
December 14, 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - Velha Guarda records "Sonhei que era Feliz" with Carmen Miranda
January 28, 1932 - Rio de Janeiro - Velha Guarda performs at Cine Eldorado, with Carmen Miranda, Almirante, Lamartine and T.B.T. Trio, to promote the carnival songs of RCA Victor
April 12, 1932 - Rio de Janeiro - In Rio de Janeiro, Noel Rosa's samba "Adeus" is recorded by the group "Guarda Velha" conducted by Pixinguinha
March 1(?), 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha enrolls at the National Institute of Music for music theory classes
August 9, 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Orestes Barbosa, "A Hora" Newspaper: “Pixinguinha is today the most perfect orchestrator of the City's records..."
October 1(?), 1933 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha receives the certificate of conclusion of the Music Theory Course
January(?) 1(?), 1934 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha joins the public service, as the organizer (Maestro) of the Municipal Guard Band. A job he doesn't enjoy much because of the lack of commitment from the musicians
January(?) 1(?), 1935 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha and Betty adopt a little boy, who is registered as Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Neto (Neto=portuguese for grandson)
January(?) 1(?), 1937 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is hired to work at Rádio Mayrink Veiga as a flutist, arranger and conductor. At that time, he started to perform in a quintet.
May 28, 1937 - While in Rio de Janeiro - Orlando Silva records Pixinguinha's "Carinhoso" and "Rosa"
January(?) 1(?), 1938 - Rio de Janeiro - RCA Victor launches the "lundu" Yaô (composition by Pixinguinha in partnership with Gastão Vianna), which comes out with the title of "African Yaou" and is performed by the singer Patrício Teixeira. Filled with words of “African origin”, the lyrics can be seen as an example of the black language that prevailed in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of the 20th century, as a true dialect remaining from the times of slavery.
January(?) 1(?), 1939 - Ramos, Rio de Janeiro - Moves to a new house in Ramos, Rio de Janeiro
July 1(?), 1940 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha's mother Raimunda dies
August 7, 1940 - Rio de Janeiro - English conductor Leopold Stokowski arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Uruguay", to conduct his All American Youth Orchestra in two concerts at the Municipal Theater. The conductor takes advantage of his stay in Rio de Janeiro to collect local material for the Pan American Folklore Congress and, thus, asks for help from Heitor Villa-Lobos to enlist artists who could record copies of the most authentic Brazilian music. Among the regimented artists are Donga, Cartola, Zé Espinguela, Luís Americano, Pixinguinha and the comedian Jararaca. 40 recordings are made in a complete studio set up inside the ship's great hall. Of the 40 recordings made on board, 17 are selected to be released commercially in the United States, on the album "Brazilian native music", which comes out on the Columbia label
January(?) 1(?), 1941 - Rio de Janeiro - The march "Alá-la-ô", composed by Haroldo Lobo and Nássara with a brilliant arrangement by Pixinguinha, is one of the carnival songs awarded in the annual contest of the Prefecture of the Federal District. Pixinguinha starts drinking and is rarely seen. He leaves Radio Mayrink Veiga and starts to delay the payment of the installments of the house . His debt grows and he is threatened with losing the house where he lives with Betty and Alfredinho.
January(?) 1(?), 1942 - Rio de Janeiro - Last recordings of Pixinguinha playing the flute. From then on, he would only play tenor saxophone in his recordings and performances. Flutist and composer Benedito Lacerda, proposes to Pixinguinha a way to return to the work and remuneration routine. It is Lacerda who obtains, with the Irmãos Vitale publisher, the necessary amount for Pixinguinha to pay the debt that accumulated with the installments overdue. The money is obtained as an advance for the records that would be made on RCA Victor by the new duo: Lacerda on the flute, Pixinguinha on the tenor sax - the agreement with the record company provided for 25 records, but the total number of records released by the duet are 17 (i.e. 34 phonograms). The agreement also provided that Lacerda would be Pixinguinha's partner in all the songs they recorded, even those composed by Pixinguinha before their meeting, such as "Um a zero", "Sofres como queres" and "Oito Batutas", among others. The deal is accepted by Pixinguinha, who would not only return to active duty, but also pay off the installments he owed.
July 1(?), 1945 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is invited by the broadcaster, composer and singer Almirante to sign a contract with the most popular radio station in the country: Rádio Nacional
March 26, 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - Recording of the lundu Benguelê, a partnership between Pixinguinha and Gastão Vianna
May 1, 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The album "Victor" by the vocal ensemble "Anjos do Inferno" arrives in stores, including the first recording of the lundu Benguelê, March 26th
July 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - Almirante goes on a collision course with Radio Nacional and transfers to Rádio Tupi, taking Pixinguinha along with him. The new house would host an Almirante program that would feature Pixinguinha as the attraction.
September 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The first record of the duet Pixinguinha-Benedito Lacerda comes out, bringing the choros "Um a zero" and "Sofres como queres", both by Pixinguinha - co-signed by Lacerda.
October 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The record containing the choros "Naquele tempo" and "Segura ele", comes out
November 1(?), 1946 - Rio de Janeiro - The record containing the choros "Vou vivendo" and "Cheguei", comes out
October 8, 1947 - Rio de Janeiro - The program “O Pessoal da Velha Guarda"(The staff of the Old Guard), created by Almirante (screenwriter and presenter), premieres on Radio Tupi, with Pixinguinha as its central figure - who acts as musical director and instrumentalist of two of the three groups that are interspersed during the 30 minutes of the program: Velha Guarda Personnel Orchestra (which performs arrangements by Pixinguinha, conducted by him) and the duet with Benedito Lacerda. The staff of Velha Guarda airs weekly for five years, until 1952
January(?) 1(?), 1948 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha has his first heart problem, without major consequences
August 11, 1948 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha pays the last installment of his house, paying off the debt he had contracted in 1939
January(?) 1(?), 1950 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha re-records the Yaô lundu (his composition with Gastão Vianna), as a singer, accompanied by Benedito Lacerda
October 2, 1951 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha is appointed “teacher of music and singing, standard J, of the permanent staff of the Prefecture of the Federal District”
October 10(?), 1951 - Recife | Fortaleza | Manaus - Pixinguinha tours alongside Benedito and Almirante through cities in the Northeast (Fortaleza and Recife) and the North (Manaus).
October 15, 1951 - Fortaleza - Em Fortaleza para comemorar o aniversário da Ceará Radio Clube, acompanhado de Almirante e Benedito Lacerda
March 1(?), 1953 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha starts going to what will be his “office” from day to day: the bar "Gouveia", which has the official name of "Whiskeria Gouveia"
April 23, 1954 - São Paulo - Pixinguinha's 57th birthday is celebrated with a special program produced and presented by Almirante on Rádio Record de São Paulo. The broadcast marks the opening of the 1st Festival of Velha Guarda, an event conceived by Almirante, co-produced by him with the Record Group and included in the celebrations of the IV Centenary of São Paulo
April 24, 1954 - São Paulo - The Festival continues with the presentation of Pixinguinha and Velha Guarda at the Arthur Azevedo Theater, with live transmission by Radio Record
April 25, 1954 - São Paulo - The 1st Festival of "Velha Guarda" (Old Guard) ends with a great show at Ibirapuera Park, with Pixinguinha, Almirante and Velha Guarda. With the success of the Festival, Rádio Record makes it possible for Almirante, Pixinguinha and Velha Guarda to remain in São Paulo during the month of May, when the broadcaster opens a schedule in its programming for Almirante to present special editions of the program The staff of Velha Guarda , produced and presented by him on Rádio Tupi, between 1947 and 52.
April 1(?), 1955 - São Paulo - II Velha Guarda Festival, again broadcast by Record's São Paulo broadcasters and, this time, with a four-day program
June 11, 1955 - Rio de Janeiro - The seven tracks of the 10-inch LP "A Velha Guarda", released by Sinter, are recorded in a single session
July 1(?), 1955 - Rio de Janeiro - The Velha Guarda Group is the attraction of the show "O Samba nasce no Coração"(Samba is born in the heart), produced by Zilco Ribeiro and directed by Lúcio Rangel at the Casablanca nightclub, in Praia Vermelha (Urca), Rio de Janeiro
May 30, 1956 - Rio de Janeiro - Belarmino Barreto Street, in Ramos, where Pixinguinha lived with Betty since 1939, is renamed Pixinguinha Street, by initiative of Odilon Braga, one of the founders of the National Democratic Union Party (UDN)
November 27, 1957 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha meets the American composer and trumpeter Louis Armstrong, at a lunch at the Laranjeiras Palace offered by the President of the Republic, Juscelino Kubitschek
February(?) 1(?), 1961 - Rio de Janeiro - The President of Brazil, Jânio Quadros, appoints Pixinguinha as a member of the newly created National Music Council. The nomination was at the request of professor Mozart de Araújo, also an adviser, after realizing that among his peers there was not even a representative of popular music.
October 14, 1963 - While in Rio de Janeiro - Critic Alex Viany finishes filming "Sol sobre a lama" in Salvador. The soundtrack of the movie is composed by Pixinguinha in partnership with Vinicius de Moraes.
June 25, 1964 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha falls ill at home and is rushed to Hospital Getúlio Vargas, where he is diagnosed with pulmonary edema. The next day, when cardiac complications worsen his clinical condition, he is transferred to the Instituto de Cardiologia Aloísio de Castro, where he remains hospitalized for 50 days.
October 6, 1966 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha participates in the series "Depoimentos para a Posteridade"(Testimonials for Posterity), from the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS), recording testimony about his own trajectory. Pixinguinha retires as a server in the former state of Guanabara
July 23, 1967 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha receives the diploma of Commander of the Order of Bossa from the Jazz and Bossa Club (a jazzophile club led by the playboy Jorginho Guinle who met at the Café-Concerto Casa Grande). He takes his saxophone out of the case and plays "Carinhoso", accompanied by Tom Jobim at the piano
September 1(?), 1967 - Brasília - Pixinguinha is one of those present at the Itamaraty Palace - alongside Tom, Vinicius de Moraes, Gilberto Gil and Elis Regina, among others - at a lunch offered to the artists by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Magalhães Pinto
November 30, 1967 - Rio de Janeiro - Awarded the Order of Labor Merit by the Minister of Labor, Jarbas Passarinho
December 1(?), 1967 - Rio de Janeiro - Tribute to Pixinguinha TV Tupi, on the program of singer and actress Bibi Ferreira
January 10, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
January 11, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
January 17, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
April 22, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha participates for the second time in the series Testimonials for Posterity
April 26, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - Celebrates his anniversary at Tijucana Steakhouse, which opens its doors to 200 guests, including the governor of Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro), Negrão de Lima.
May 18, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - The Museum of Image and Sound promotes a great concert in honor of Pixinguinha at the Municipal Theater. Installed in the presidential box (with Betty, Donga, João da Bahiana and Lúcio Rangel), Pixinguinha sees his songs interpreted by Radamés Gnattali, Jacob do Bandolim, the Época de Ouro ensemble and other attractions. The show results in the LP Pixinguinha 70.
January 1(?), 1969 - Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha and Betty move to a villa in Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro
February 1(?), 1969 - Rio de Janeiro - French filmmaker Pierre Barouh, who films old and new guard artists of Brazilian popular music, arrives in Rio de Janeiro. One of the first to be filmed by Barouh is Pixinguinha
October 29, 1969 - Porto Alegre - Arrives in Porto Alegre to be honored by the "Palestrina Musical Highschool"
October 30, 1969 - Porto Alegre - Performance in Porto Alegre alongside Clementina de Jesus Pixinguinha suffers an accident after a TV interview: a Kombi that took him home crashes into another car and he suffers a cut in his mouth - later, he would say to "Jornal do Brasil" newspaper: “The stitches become calluses that hurt me a lot when I play. There's no way ”.
January(?) 1(?), 1970 - Inhaúma, Rio de Janeiro - Financial difficulties make Pixinguinha and Betty have to move again, this time to Inhaúma
January(?) 1(?), 1971 - Rio de Janeiro - LP Som Pixinguinha, produced by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, comes out, with Pixinguinha interpreting compositions of his own (except Odeon, by Ernesto Nazareth). Launched at the Gouveia bar, the album features the latest recordings made by Pixinguinha
May 1(?), 1972 - Rio de Janeiro - Suffering from cardiac complications, Betty is admitted to the Institute of Assistance of Servants of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with no prospect of recovery. During her hospitalization, Pixinguinha has a heart attack, being taken by his son to the same hospital. In order not to worry his wife, he would exchange the hospital's pajamas for a suit when visiting Betty, so that she would think he was coming from home
June 7, 1972 - Rio de Janeiro - His wife Jandira Aimoré (Albertina Nunes Pereira), known as "Betty" dies in hospital, aged 73
February 17, 1973 - Rio de Janeiro - On the morning of February 17, two Saturdays before the carnival, Pixinguinha is visited by poet and producer Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, photographer Walter Firmo and musician Eduardo Marques. They talk nicely, listen to music and, at the time of farewell, Pixinguinha cries. In the afternoon, he wears his brown suit and leaves Inhaúma, accompanied by his son Alfredinho, towards the Church of Our Lady of Peace, in Ipanema, to baptize the son of his friend Euclides Souza Lima. As a gift for the baby, he takes a handwritten score of "Carinhoso". However, as he prepares to sign his name in the church book, Pixinguinha falls on the altar, struck by a heart attack and dies, aged 75 =(END)
January 10, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
January 11, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
January 17, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - In studio with Clementina de Jesus and João da Bahiana to record the LP "Gente da Antiga"
April 22, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - Pixinguinha participates for the second time in the series Testimonials for Posterity
April 26, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - Celebrates his anniversary at Tijucana Steakhouse, which opens its doors to 200 guests, including the governor of Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro), Negrão de Lima.
May 18, 1968 - Rio de Janeiro - The Museum of Image and Sound promotes a great concert in honor of Pixinguinha at the Municipal Theater. Installed in the presidential box (with Betty, Donga, João da Bahiana and Lúcio Rangel), Pixinguinha sees his songs interpreted by Radamés Gnattali, Jacob do Bandolim, the Época de Ouro ensemble and other attractions. The show results in the LP Pixinguinha 70.

February 1(?), 1969 - Rio de Janeiro - French filmmaker Pierre Barouh, who films old and new guard artists of Brazilian popular music, arrives in Rio de Janeiro. One of the first to be filmed by Barouh is Pixinguinha
October 29, 1969 - Porto Alegre - Arrives in Porto Alegre to be honored by the "Palestrina Musical Highschool"
October 30, 1969 - Porto Alegre - Performance in Porto Alegre alongside Clementina de Jesus Pixinguinha suffers an accident after a TV interview: a Kombi that took him home crashes into another car and he suffers a cut in his mouth - later, he would say to "Jornal do Brasil" newspaper: “The stitches become calluses that hurt me a lot when I play. There's no way ”.
January(?) 1(?), 1970 - Inhaúma, Rio de Janeiro - Financial difficulties make Pixinguinha and Betty have to move again, this time to Inhaúma
January(?) 1(?), 1971 - Rio de Janeiro - LP Som Pixinguinha, produced by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, comes out, with Pixinguinha interpreting compositions of his own (except Odeon, by Ernesto Nazareth). Launched at the Gouveia bar, the album features the latest recordings made by Pixinguinha
May 1(?), 1972 - Rio de Janeiro - Suffering from cardiac complications, Betty is admitted to the Institute of Assistance of Servants of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with no prospect of recovery. During her hospitalization, Pixinguinha has a heart attack, being taken by his son to the same hospital. In order not to worry his wife, he would exchange the hospital's pajamas for a suit when visiting Betty, so that she would think he was coming from home
June 7, 1972 - Rio de Janeiro - His wife Jandira Aimoré (Albertina Nunes Pereira), known as "Betty" dies in hospital, aged 73
February 17, 1973 - Rio de Janeiro - On the morning of February 17, two Saturdays before the carnival, Pixinguinha is visited by poet and producer Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, photographer Walter Firmo and musician Eduardo Marques. They talk nicely, listen to music and, at the time of farewell, Pixinguinha cries. In the afternoon, he wears his brown suit and leaves Inhaúma, accompanied by his son Alfredinho, towards the Church of Our Lady of Peace, in Ipanema, to baptize the son of his friend Euclides Souza Lima. As a gift for the baby, he takes a handwritten score of "Carinhoso". However, as he prepares to sign his name in the church book, Pixinguinha falls on the altar, struck by a heart attack and dies, aged 75 =(END)