Saturday 6 July 2019

John Calvin | Timeline

John Calvin (French: Jean Calvin; born Jehan Cauvin; 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism, aspects of which include the doctrines of predestination and of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation, in which doctrines Calvin was influenced by and elaborated upon the Augustinian and other Christian traditions. Various Congregational, Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which look to Calvin as the chief expositor of their beliefs, have spread throughout the world. (Intro from Wikipedia)

July 10, 1509 - Noyon, SW Saint-Quentin, Picardy, France - Jehan Cauvin is born
January(?) 1(?), 1529 - Bourges - Enters the University of Bourges =(START)
January 1, 1532 - Bourges - Calvin receives his licentiate in law and publishes his first book, a commentary on Seneca's "De Clementia"
October 1(?), 1533 - Paris - Calvin moves to Paris and breaks from the Roman Catholic Church
November 1, 1533 - Paris - Calvin addresses the Collège Royal on the need for reform and renewal in the Roman Catholic Church
November 2, 1533 - Paris - Calvin, considered offensive, leaves Paris to hide
November(?) 17(?), 1533 - Angoulême (NE Bordeaux) - Calvin takes refuge in Angoulême
March(?) 1(?), 1534 - Noyon, SW St-Quentin - Calvin switches his place of refuge
August(?) 1(?), 1534 - Orléans - Calvin switches his place of refuge for the second time
October 17, 1534 - Orléans - Calvin is forced to flee France during the "Affair des Placards", an incident where anti-catholic posters appear in Paris and other cities
January(?) 1(?), 1535 - Basel, Switzerland - In Basel, Switzerland, Calvin joins Nicolas Cop, a swiss reformist and rector of the University of Paris in 1533
March 1(?), 1536 - Basel - Publishes the first edition of "Institutio Christianae Religionis"
March(?) 15(?), 1536 - Ferrara, Italy - Serves for some time as secretary for Princess Renée of France
June 1(?), 1536 - Paris - In Paris with his brother. Upon learning of the Edict of Coucy, Calvin decides to leave France
August(?) 1, 1536 - Geneva, Switzerland - Calvin departs for Strasbourg, but due to military maneuvers, he turns to the south
January(?) 1(?), 1537 - Geneva - Calvin, a man of law, begins to serve as "pastor"
January 16, 1537 - Geneva - Calvin and another french reformer, Guillaume Farel present a reorganization of the Church to the city council, which is accepted
November 26, 1537 - Geneva - Calvin and Farel debate again with the Council over the reorganization of the Church. Being french, the two ministers begin to be questioned about their loyalty, as France was seeking an alliance with Geneva
February 3, 1538 - Geneva - Elections for the Council: A coalition of Liberals, "Patriotes" and secret catholics captures the majority
April 23, 1538 - Geneva - Calvin and Farel are deposed by the Council and ordered to leave Geneva in 3 days
September 1(?), 1538 - Strassburg (Strasbourg, France) - Calvin accepts to lead a Church of french refugees in Strassburg by the city's leading reformers
March 1(?), 1540 - Strassburg - His "Commentary on Romans" is published
August 1, 1540 - Strassburg - Calvin marries the widow Idelette Stordeur de Bure
September 21, 1540 - Worms - The Council of Basel contacts Calvin during a conference to settle religious disputes in Worms
June(?) 25(?), 1541 - Strassburg (Strasbourg, France) - Strassburg "lends" Calvin to Geneva for 6 months
September 13, 1541 - Geneva, Switzerland - Calvin arrives in Geneva, with an escort and a wagon for his family
July 28, 1542 - Geneva - Idelette gives birth to a son
March 29, 1549 - Geneva - His wife Idelette dies
February 6, 1564 - Geneva - John Calvin's last sermon
May 27, 1564 - Geneva - John Calvin dies, aged 54 =(END)

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