September 11, 1611 - Sedan - Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne is born
March 5, 1634 - La Mothe-en-Bassigny, Lorraine - Siege to the city, near Neufchateau =(START)
July 26, 1634 - La Mothe-en-Bassigny - End of the siege to the city, near Neufchâteau - destroyed in 1645
August 8, 1635 - Mainz - The French are able to raise a siege to Mainz, but withraw
September(?) 1(?), 1635 - Metz - The french army returns to Metz to resupply
July 14, 1636 - Saverne (Zabern) - Capture of Saverne - Turenne is seriously wounded
July 26, 1637 - Landrecies, Flanders - Capture of Landrecies
December 17, 1638 - Breisach, Rhine - Breisach surrenders. Turenne at the service of Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar
November 19, 1639 - Cheri, SE Turin - Rear of the French defeats Thomas of Savoy in the Piemontese civil war
May 10, 1640 - Turin - Turenne besieges Turin
September 24, 1640 - Turin - Surrender of Turin in September 20th, defenders leave the city on 24th
September 15, 1641 - Coni (Cuneo) - City captured by Turenne in command
September 24, 1643 - Trino, NE Turin - City captured by Turenne in command
December(?) 1(?), 1643 - France - Called back to France
December 19, 1643 - Paris(?) - Obtains the post of Marshal of France
June 1(?), 1644 - Breisach, Rhine - Turenne crosses the Rhine River. Immediately, Condé arrives and joins him
August 3, 1644 - Freiburg, Baden-Württenberg - 1st attempt to recover Freiburg - French victory, torrential rain
August 5, 1644 - Freiburg - 2nd attempt to recover Freiburg - draw - torrential rain
August 9, 1644 - Freiburg - 3rd attempt to recover Freiburg - city remains in Bavarian hands
August 25, 1644 - Philippsburg - Condé and Turenne put siege to Philippsburg
September 12, 1644 - Philippsburg - Philippsburg Surrenders
September 15(?), 1644 - Worms - Speculative date - Turenne and Condé capture the city
September 17(?), 1644 - Oppenheim - Speculative date - Turenne and Condé capture the city
September 19(?), 1644 - Mainz - Speculative date - Turenne and Condé capture the city
September 21(?), 1644 - Landau - Speculative date - Turenne and Condé capture the city
May 2, 1645 - Herbsthausen, Mergentheim - Turenne is defeated by the Bavarians of Franz von Mercy
August 3, 1645 - Alerheim, Nördlingen - French victory at the Battle of Nördlingen - Franz von Mercy dies
November 18, 1645 - Trier (Trèves) - Capture of Trier, after the Battle of Nördlingen
July 1, 1646 - Metz - Thionville - Turenne's army begins the campaign of 1646
July 20, 1646 - Wesel, Rhine - Turenne crosses the Rhine at Wesel
August 10, 1646 - Hesse Region - between Marburg and Kassel - After marching, Turenne joins Wrangel in Hesse
August 22(?), 1646 - Ascheffenburg, SE of Frankfurt - March of Wrangel and Turenne
September 9, 1646 - Between Donauwörth, Nördlingen and Ulm - March of Wrangel and Turenne
September 20, 1646 - Augsburg - After a long march to Bavaria, Wrangel and Turenne arrive in Augsburg
May 17, 1648 - Zusmarshausen, near Augsburg - Franco-Swedish victory at the Battle of Zusmarshausen
January(?) 25(?), 1650 - Paris - Turenne decides to rescue his brother in arms Condé from prison
February 28, 1650 - Stenay - The duchess of Longueville joins Turenne in Stenay after traveling through Holland disguised as a man
December 15, 1650 - Blanc-Champ / Rethel (Near Somme-Py) - Turenne's army is destroyed at the Battle of Blanc-Champ - 2nd Fronde
March 6, 1651 - ? - Turenne asks forgiveness from the young King Louis XIV and he grants it to him
March 28, 1652 - Jargeau, SE Orléans - Fronde Campaign - Jargeau
April 7, 1652 - Gien, SE Orléans - Fronde Campaign - Gien
July 2, 1652 - Porte Saint-Antoine, Paris - Battle of Faubourg St Antoine - Draw between Turenne and Condé
October 21, 1652 - Paris - Reoccupation of Paris
August 23, 1654 - Arras - Arrival of the French armies of Turenne and Spanish of Condé
August 25, 1654 - Arras - Battle of Arras - Victory of the French led by Turenne
August 12(?), 1655 - Landrecies - Turenne captures Landrecies
August 20(?), 1655 - Condé - Turenne captures Condé
August 25(?), 1655 - St. Ghislain, W. of Mons - Turenne captures St. Ghislain
May 18, 1656 - Valenciennes - Turenne besieges Valenciennes
July 16, 1656 - Valenciennes - Battle of Valenciennes - Juan José de Austria and Condé defeat Turenne
June 11, 1657 - St.Quentin - Sir John Reynolds joins Turenne with 6,000 english soldiers
September 22, 1657 - Mardyck, Flanders - Surrender of Mardyck
May 1, 1658 - Amiens - Turenne leaves his winter camp and leaves for Dunkirk
May 15, 1658 - in sight of Dunkirk - Turenne joins forces with Marshal Castelnau and additional 4,000 english soldiers
June 14, 1658 - Near Dunkirk - Battle of the Dunes - decisive Anglo-French Victory
June 24, 1658 - Dunkirk - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
July 3, 1658 - Furnes - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
July 6, 1658 - Dixmunde | Diksmuide - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
August 4, 1658 - Gravelines - Turenne puts siege on Gravelines
August 30, 1658 - Gravelines - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
September 1(?), 1658 - Oudenarde - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
September 5(?), 1658 - Ypres - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
May 10, 1667 - Turenne receives the command of the French Army
May 24, 1667 - French-Belgian border - Turenne crosses the border with the French army
June 2, 1667 - Charleroi - Turenne occupies the abandoned city and rebuilds fortifications
June 16, 1667 - Ath, SW of Brussels - Turenne bypasses Mons and captures Ath
June 21, 1667 - Tournai - City besieged
June 25, 1667 - Tournai - City captured
July 1, 1667 - Douai - Turenne puts siege to Douai. Lasts until June 7th
July 9(?), 1667 - Dendermonde, NW of Brussels - Turenne surrounds Dendermonde but the garrison manages to defend himself. He withdraws
August 1(?), 1667 - Oudenarde - Turenne passes through Oudenaarde on the way to Lille
August 10, 1667 - Lille - Turenne puts siege on Lille
August 28, 1667 - Lille - Capitulation of Lille in exchange for being able to withdraw freely
September 12, 1667 - Aalst - City conquered
October 13, 1667 - Aalst - The french set up winter camps. Their advance worries English and Dutch
May 5, 1672 - Charleroi - on this date, Turenne's army is stationed in Charleroi
May 11, 1672 - Charleroi - Turenne, with Louis XIV departs from Charleroi and invades the Spanish Netherlands
June 30, 1672 - Utrecht - City captured by the french
July 3, 1672 - Nijmegen - Turenne attacks Nijmegen
July 9, 1672 - Nijmegen - Nijmegen surrenders to Turenne
August 1(?) - ? - Turenne receives orders to suspend invasion and defend positions in Germany
August 15, 1672 - Trier - Turenne puts siege on Trier
August 28, 1672 - Trier - City captured by Turenne
February 5, 1673 - Unna, E. of Dortmund - Capitulation of Unna
February 25, 1673 - Soest - Turenne enters triumphantly in Soest. The city become his Headquarters
June 1, 1673 - Wetzlar, N. of Frankfurt - Turenne sets up camp at Wetzlar
June 1, 1674 - Haguenau - Turenne departs to the Campaign of 1674
June 14, 1674 - Philippsburg - Turenne crosses the Rhine at Philippsburg
June 16, 1674 - Sinsheim, SE of Heidelberg - Battle of Sinsheim - French victory over the Holy Roman Empire
September 26, 1674 - Entzheim, near Strasbourg - Turenne and Churchill attack Entzheim
October 2, 1674 - Neckar River(?) - Starts a two-day march to reach Molsheim
October 4, 1674 - Molsheim - Arrival at Molsheim
December 29, 1674 - Mulhouse - Turenne crushes the imperial cavalry at Mulhouse
May 5, 1675 - Turkheim, near Colmar - City captured by the french
May 22, 1675 - Benfeld - Turenne advances
May 27, 1675 - Achenheim - Strasbourg - Turenne sets up camp at Achenheim
June 8, 1675 - Willstätt - Turenne captures Willstedt and cuts off enemy communications with Strasbourg
July 3, 1675 - Kaiserslautern - Turenne passes through Kaiserslautern
July 23, 1675 - Gamshurst, Achern - Turenne reaches Gamshurst
July 27, 1675 - Sasbach, Ortenau - Death of Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne, hit by a cannonball, aged 63 =(END)
December 15, 1650 - Blanc-Champ / Rethel (Near Somme-Py) - Turenne's army is destroyed at the Battle of Blanc-Champ - 2nd Fronde
March 6, 1651 - ? - Turenne asks forgiveness from the young King Louis XIV and he grants it to him
March 28, 1652 - Jargeau, SE Orléans - Fronde Campaign - Jargeau
April 7, 1652 - Gien, SE Orléans - Fronde Campaign - Gien
July 2, 1652 - Porte Saint-Antoine, Paris - Battle of Faubourg St Antoine - Draw between Turenne and Condé
October 21, 1652 - Paris - Reoccupation of Paris
August 23, 1654 - Arras - Arrival of the French armies of Turenne and Spanish of Condé
August 25, 1654 - Arras - Battle of Arras - Victory of the French led by Turenne
August 12(?), 1655 - Landrecies - Turenne captures Landrecies
August 20(?), 1655 - Condé - Turenne captures Condé
August 25(?), 1655 - St. Ghislain, W. of Mons - Turenne captures St. Ghislain
May 18, 1656 - Valenciennes - Turenne besieges Valenciennes
July 16, 1656 - Valenciennes - Battle of Valenciennes - Juan José de Austria and Condé defeat Turenne
June 11, 1657 - St.Quentin - Sir John Reynolds joins Turenne with 6,000 english soldiers
September 22, 1657 - Mardyck, Flanders - Surrender of Mardyck
May 1, 1658 - Amiens - Turenne leaves his winter camp and leaves for Dunkirk
May 15, 1658 - in sight of Dunkirk - Turenne joins forces with Marshal Castelnau and additional 4,000 english soldiers
June 14, 1658 - Near Dunkirk - Battle of the Dunes - decisive Anglo-French Victory
June 24, 1658 - Dunkirk - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
July 3, 1658 - Furnes - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
July 6, 1658 - Dixmunde | Diksmuide - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
August 4, 1658 - Gravelines - Turenne puts siege on Gravelines
August 30, 1658 - Gravelines - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
September 1(?), 1658 - Oudenarde - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
September 5(?), 1658 - Ypres - City captured after the Battle of the Dunes
May 10, 1667 - Turenne receives the command of the French Army
May 24, 1667 - French-Belgian border - Turenne crosses the border with the French army
June 2, 1667 - Charleroi - Turenne occupies the abandoned city and rebuilds fortifications
June 16, 1667 - Ath, SW of Brussels - Turenne bypasses Mons and captures Ath
June 21, 1667 - Tournai - City besieged
June 25, 1667 - Tournai - City captured
July 1, 1667 - Douai - Turenne puts siege to Douai. Lasts until June 7th
July 9(?), 1667 - Dendermonde, NW of Brussels - Turenne surrounds Dendermonde but the garrison manages to defend himself. He withdraws
August 1(?), 1667 - Oudenarde - Turenne passes through Oudenaarde on the way to Lille
August 10, 1667 - Lille - Turenne puts siege on Lille
August 28, 1667 - Lille - Capitulation of Lille in exchange for being able to withdraw freely
September 12, 1667 - Aalst - City conquered
October 13, 1667 - Aalst - The french set up winter camps. Their advance worries English and Dutch
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Turenne, 1672 |
May 11, 1672 - Charleroi - Turenne, with Louis XIV departs from Charleroi and invades the Spanish Netherlands
June 30, 1672 - Utrecht - City captured by the french
July 3, 1672 - Nijmegen - Turenne attacks Nijmegen
July 9, 1672 - Nijmegen - Nijmegen surrenders to Turenne
August 1(?) - ? - Turenne receives orders to suspend invasion and defend positions in Germany
August 15, 1672 - Trier - Turenne puts siege on Trier
August 28, 1672 - Trier - City captured by Turenne
February 5, 1673 - Unna, E. of Dortmund - Capitulation of Unna
February 25, 1673 - Soest - Turenne enters triumphantly in Soest. The city become his Headquarters
June 1, 1673 - Wetzlar, N. of Frankfurt - Turenne sets up camp at Wetzlar
June 1, 1674 - Haguenau - Turenne departs to the Campaign of 1674
June 14, 1674 - Philippsburg - Turenne crosses the Rhine at Philippsburg
June 16, 1674 - Sinsheim, SE of Heidelberg - Battle of Sinsheim - French victory over the Holy Roman Empire
September 26, 1674 - Entzheim, near Strasbourg - Turenne and Churchill attack Entzheim
October 2, 1674 - Neckar River(?) - Starts a two-day march to reach Molsheim
October 4, 1674 - Molsheim - Arrival at Molsheim
December 29, 1674 - Mulhouse - Turenne crushes the imperial cavalry at Mulhouse
May 5, 1675 - Turkheim, near Colmar - City captured by the french
May 22, 1675 - Benfeld - Turenne advances
May 27, 1675 - Achenheim - Strasbourg - Turenne sets up camp at Achenheim
June 8, 1675 - Willstätt - Turenne captures Willstedt and cuts off enemy communications with Strasbourg
July 3, 1675 - Kaiserslautern - Turenne passes through Kaiserslautern
July 23, 1675 - Gamshurst, Achern - Turenne reaches Gamshurst
July 27, 1675 - Sasbach, Ortenau - Death of Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne, hit by a cannonball, aged 63 =(END)
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