July 20, 1873 - Palmira, Minas Gerais - Brazil - Alberto Santos-Dumont is born
January(?) 1(?), 1874 - Casal, Valença - Rio de Janeiro - Alberto goes living with his family in Casal, in the coffee farm of his maternal grandfather
February 20, 1877 - Valença, Rio de Janeiro - Baptism in the parish of Santa Teresa, city of Valença, Rio de Janeiro
January(?) 1(?), 1879 - Arindeúva, Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo/Brazil - Alberto moves with the family to Arindeúva, to the coffee farm that his father acquires
January(?) 1(?), 1883 - Campinas, São Paulo - Studies from 1883 to 1885 at the "Colégio Culto à Ciência"
January(?) 1(?), 1885 - São Paulo - Alberto enrolls at Kopke College, São Paulo
January(?) 1(?), 1886 - São Paulo - Alberto is sent to the Morton College, in São Paulo
January(?) 1(?), 1887 - Rio de Janeiro - Alberto goes to Menezes Vieira College, Rio de Janeiro
January(?) 1(?), 1888 - São Paulo - 15-year Alberto witnesses the ascension of a captive balloon at a Fair with great admiration
February 3, 1890 - Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais - Alberto enrolls at the fundamental course of the School of Minas, preparatory to the access tests for the superior course. He is not approved in the exams.
January(?) 1(?), 1891 - Arindeúva, Ribeirão Preto - Henrique Santos Dumont, Alberto's father suffers a stroke after falling from a horse and finds himself unable to take care of the farm's business
February 15, 1891 - Arindeúva, Ribeirão Preto - His father becomes hemiplegic and sells the farm, which had about 5 million coffee trees
April 6, 1891 - Rio de Janeiro(?) - Alberto departs with his family to France, aboard the "Elbe", where his father intended to cure himself from hemiparesis at the thermal baths of Lamalou-le-Bains.
May(?) 1(?), 1891 - Porto, Portugal - Visit to the three sisters living in the city of Porto: Maria, Virginia and Gabriela
June(?) 1(?), 1891 - Paris - Visits with his father an exhibition of machines at the Palace of Industry, and discovers an oil-powered engine
November 1(?), 1891 - São Paulo - On board the "Portugal", he returns with his family to Brazil. He goes living in São Paulo
January(?) 1(?) 1892 - Arindeúva, Ribeirão Preto - The farm is sold to an english group and becomes "Dumont Coffee Company"
February 12, 1892 - São Paulo - Alberto's father takes him to the 3rd Notary Office in the city of São Paulo and has his son's emancipation deed drafted - he is emancipated by his father, who also gives him a fortune in titles =(START)
May 1(?), 1892 - Rio de Janeiro(?) - Departs for Europe with his Family
May(?) 30(?), 1892 - Porto, Portugal - On arrival in Portugal, Alberto's father feels worse of health and returns to Brazil
July 1(?), 1892 - Paris - Santos Dumont moves in to an apartment at Rue d'Edimbourg, Paris. Begins studies at the Sorbonne
July(?) 5(?), 1892 - Parc des Princes, Paris - Santos-Dumont rents the bicycle track of the "Parc des Princes" and organizes a motor-tricycle race and offers the prizes
August 30, 1892 - (While in Paris) - Santos-Dumont's father dies in Rio de Janeiro
November 20, 1892 - Bordeaux(?) - Santos Dumont departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Orénoque"
December 6, 1892 - Rio de Janeiro - The steamer "Orénoque" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
January 1(?), 1893 - Paris - Back in Paris (1892/1893 steamer trip details needed)
June 1(?), 1893 - London, England - In London
January(?) 1(?), 1894 - Bristol, England - Aged 21, spends a season in England, also as a student listening to the sailing lessons at Merchant Venturers' Technical College in the city of Bristol, where some of his cousins were regular students
January(?) 1(?), 1896 - Rio de Janeiro(?) - Returns to Brazil (1895/1896 steamer trip details needed)
January(?) 1(?), 1897 - Rio de Janeiro - Alberto discovers in a bookstore the book of Lachambre and Machuron "André au Pôle Nord en Ballon"
June(?) 1(?), 1897 - Paris - He returns to Paris and for the first time climbs in a spherical balloon, belonging to the "Lachambre et Machuron" firm (1897 steamer trip details needed)
March 23, 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first ascent, accompanied by the French aeronaut Macheron, leaving the Vaugirard Aero Station in Paris and descending on the grounds of the Chateau de La Ferrière, owned by Alphonse de Rotschild
May 30, 1898 - Pérone | Namur, Belgium - Night ascension in which Santos-Dumont's balloon was engulfed by a storm; departure from Pérone and descent near Namur, Belgium
June 1(?), 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris --> Vincennes - At Vaugirard Santos-Dumont ascends with passengers (Baron of Beville and Mademoiselle De Forest) in a spherical balloon. He becomes a volunteer balloon pilot for the firm Lachambre et Machuron. He orders the same firm a small balloon for his own use, which he calls "Brazil". He discovers the engine of the oil-powered tricycle. He participates in the Paris-Amsterdam car race, in a motor vehicle with tricycle engines. He builds his first dirigible balloon, the "Santos Dumont No.1"
July 14, 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont ascends in his first individual spherical
airship, the "Brasil". He flies several times to try the equipment and soon afterwards he builds the "L'Amerique", much bigger and for several passengers
September 18, 1898 - Jardin d'Acclimatation, Paris - Tries to take off for the first time with his airship No.1, at the Jardin d'Acclimatation. He agrees with the spectators to take off in favour of the wind and eventually crashes
September 20, 1898 - Jardin d'Acclimatation| Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The successful experience comes with his airship No.1, starting from the Jardin de Acclimatation until Bois de Boulogne, where he was forced to descend in the field of Bagatelle due to the malfunction of the cuff air pump
September 25, 1898 - Paris | Vicarnes, Chantilly - Ascension of Santos-Dumont performed in a free balloon; the ascent, which lasted for hours, began in Paris and ended at Vicarnes, near Chantilly
January 30, 1899 - Nice - Santos-Dumont arrives in Nice, coming from Paris. He stays at the Cosmopolitan Hotel
January 31, 1899 - Nice - Santos-Dumont signs up for the "Aeronauts Cup", a free balloon competition
March 24, 1899 - Nice - In the car race "Nice - La Turbie", Santos-Dumont finishes in 3rd place
April 15, 1899 - Paris - "Betting lunch" at the Automobile Club of Paris, in which Santos-Dumont bets that, before May 31, 1899, he would land with his airship on the terrace of the Automobile Club
May 11, 1899 - Jardin d'Acclimatation | Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first experience with his airship No.2 at the Jardin de Acclimatation in Paris. Shortly after the start of the ascent, the balloon crashed into the trees, folding in half at the moment of elevation
June 12, 1899 - Jardin des Tuileries, Paris - Santos-Dumont takes the 4th place in the "Aeronauts Cup", flying the 1,800-cubic-foot "America" balloon, his airship descends 325 kilometers from the starting point ("Jardin des Tuileries"), while the winner, the Count of La Vaulx, descends 390 kilometers. Santos-Dumont is the competitor who remained in the air the longest time: 22 hours
June 25, 1899 - Jardin des Tuileries, Paris - Santos-Dumont ascends in the free balloon "Aero Club", starting from the "Jardin des Tuileries" in Paris, where a car show was held
June 29, 1899 - Paris | Sevran - Santos-Dumont ascends with the free balloon "Brasil" of his property, starting from the "Jardin des Tuileries", where a car exhibition was held, and having descended in Sevran. Santos-Dumont took only 7 kilograms of ballast
July 6, 1899 - Paris | Melun - Santos-Dumont ascends with the free balloon "Aero Club", having descended in Melun
November 13, 1899 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first experience with his airship No.3, departing from the Aerostation Park of Vaugirard.On that date, Santos-Dumont rounds the Eiffel Tower for the first time
November 20, 1899 - Ivry - Santos-Dumont ascends with his dirigible balloon no.3, having descended in Ivry
January 1(?), 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont spends January at Nice
March 22, 1900 - Paris - Beginning of the construction of Santos-Dumont's airship No.4
March 24, 1900 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - Creation of the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize" (100,000 francs), to be disputed in the years 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904: - The winner would be the first aeronaut with a dirigible balloon, to complete the course "Saint Cloud-Tower Eiffel-Saint Cloud" (11,000 meters), within 30 minutes
March 29, 1900 - Nice | Vallouns - Santos-Dumont's ascension in the free balloon "Centaur", starting from Nice and descending, in the midst of a violent storm, in Vallouns: the balloon was submitted to a disastrous "drag" upon reaching the ground, with the Balloon's casing being torn apart against the trees. Santos-Dumont suffered deep wounds on the face and generalized minor bruises.
June 16, 1900 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - End of the construction of the Santos-Dumont hangar at the Aéro-Club de France Aeronautics Park in Saint-Cloud. The hangar was 30 meters long by 11 meters high and 7 meters wide
August 1, 1900 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont finishes construction of his airship No.4
September 19, 1900 - Saint-Cloud - Trials with airship No.4 in Saint-Cloud, having the steering rudder broken; this experience was made in the presence of the members of the "International Congress of Aeronautics
December 16, 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont at Nice, recovering from the pneumonia acquired with the experiments of the airship balloon No.4. The aeronaut, sitting on a bicycle saddle, received the wind from the propeller …
December 17, 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont participates in a car trip to La Turbie - during his convalescence in Nice, he builds the triangular keel of his airship No.5
December 26, 1900 - Paris - Santos-Dumont returns to Paris
April 1, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - The Scientific Committee of the Aéro-Club de France unanimously award Santos-Dumont the sum of 4,000 francs, interest of the 100,000 francs of the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize" during the year 1900, since he was the most distinguished aeronaut in that year in the aeronautical activities related to the achievement of said prize
April 13, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont, with the 4,000 francs granted to him by the Aéro-Club de France, instituted the "Santos-Dumont Prize" to be granted to the aeronaut who, without time limit, departed from the Saint Cloud Aerostation Park, rounded the Eiffel Tower and returned to the starting point without touching the ground and using only the on-board means; by the rules of the Santos-Dumont Prize, it could not be granted to its founder nor to any aeronaut who won the award using an aircraft belonging to Santos-Dumont
June 26, 1901 - Paris - Le Matin Newspaper: "Santos-Dumont carried out three ascents on board the "Fatum" free balloon to experiment with the invention of Emmanuel Aimé, called "thermosphere", designed to give greater vertical control in the aerodalic ascents with ballast and gas savings"
July 12, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont decides to change his No.4 by building a new airship (No.5) with better driving conditions, and a more powerful 4-cylinder 12 HP engine. He experiments it by rounding the Eiffel Tower, having first descended in the gardens of the Trocadero to repair the rudder
July 13, 1901 - Paris - In the official attempt to win the "Deutsch de La Meurthe" Prize, Santos-dumonts rounds the Eiffel Tower in his No.5 before descending into the trees in the park of the residence of Baron Edmond de Rotschild. Rotschild's neighbor, Princess Isabel, Countess d'Eu, offers him a lunch with champagne between the trees
July 17, 1901 - (While in Paris) - In the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, the 112 - 1901 bill was signed by the deputies Augusto Severo and Carlos Cavalcanti, who, after being amended, reads as follows: "The Government is authorized to open a loan of 100,000 to the Ministry of Traffic in order to be delivered to Mr. Alberto Santos-Dumont as a prize for the result of his experience with a dirigible balloon. "
July 29, 1901 - Longchamps Racecourse, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Experience with the airship No.5, lasting 15 minutes, in which Santos-Dumont only maneuvered above the Longchamps Racecourse
August 1, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Princess Isabel of Brazil gives Santos-Dumont a medal of Saint Bento, protector against accidents. The Aéro-Club de France awards him a gold medal
August 4, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont's experience with airship No.5, lasting 8 minutes, in which there were difficulties with the cable-drop
August 8, 1901 - Eiffel Tower, Paris - Santos-Dumont, who was making an official attempt to win the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize", when rounding the Eiffel Tower he lost height, colliding with the roof of the Trocadero Hotel. He was hung on the string, being hoisted by the Paris firemen. The No.5 airship was totally unusable, and on the same day he commissioned the construction of No.6, using the remains of No.5
August 11, 1901 - Paris - Santos-Dumont has a letter of thanks to the firefighters of Paris published, for having rescued him when he fell with the No.5 airship on the roofs of the Hotel Trocadero
August 27, 1901 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is judicially summoned by the owner of the hotel to pay 150 francs for damages caused on August 8 with his airship No.5. Two days later, he pays the damages
August 30, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Completion of the construction of Santos-Dumont's airship No.6
September 6, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - First experiment, with his airship No.6. In this ascent, Santos-Dumont collided with a house and his balloon suffered damages in the casing and the rudder
September 7, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - The Aéro-Club Aviation Commission of France attempts to make changes to the regulations of the "Deutsch de la Meurthe" Prize to make it more difficult. Three days later, Santos-Dumont writes to the President of the Aéro-Club de France, protesting against the more difficult rules for obtaining the "Deutsch de La Meurthe" Prize.
September 18, 1901 - Longchamps Racecourse, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Santos-Dumont tries again to win the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize, descending on the Longchamps meadow in the Bois de Boulogne due to technical problems in his Airship No.6
October 19, 1901 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris --> Eiffel Tower (central Paris) - Santos-Dumont wins the "Deutsch de la Meurthe prize" for a half-hour controlled flight around the Eiffel Tower - Prize of 125,000 brazilian francs. With this feat Santos-Dumont proved that man could control his movement through the air. November 5 he resigns from the Aéro-Club de France
November 8, 1901 - Paris - Receives from the hands of the President of the Aéro-Club de France, the Marquis of Dion, the check of 100,000 francs corresponding to the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize. On that day, Santos-Dumont goes to the "Crédit Lyonnais" bank and exchanges the check for 100 banknotes of 1000 francs; goes to the police prefecture and delivers 50,000 francs to be distributed to the poor in Paris
January 29, 1902 - Monte Carlo - Santos-Dumont ascends with No.6 in Monte Carlo, where he spent a season at the invitation of Prince Dino, who had an aerodrome and hangar built for his balloons on the boulevard of La Condanine
February 2, 1902 - Nice - Departs Nice to Paris in order to deal with the construction of his airship No.7. The bad atmospheric conditions prevented him from making ascensions with his airship No.6. I have seized the opportunity to improve his hangar
February 10, 1902 - Paris(?) - Trial of the Santos-Dumont airship no.7
February 14, 1902 - Monaco - End of the Santos-Dumont airship no.6 during a demonstration flight
April 2, 1902 - Cherbourg - Santos-Dumont departs to the United States on the steamship "Deutschland"
April 10, 1902 - New York City - Arrives in New York on board the steamship "Deutschland"
April 13, 1902 - West Orange, New York - Santos-Dumont is received by Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light, in his laboratory in West Orange, N. Y.
April 16, 1902 - The White House, Washington D.C. - Santos-Dumont is received at the White House by Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA
April 17, 1902 - Washington D.C. - Santos-Dumont is honored with a dinner hosted by Dr. Assis Brazil, the Brazilian Minister in Washington
May 1, 1902 - New York City - Santos-Dumont departs to France aboard the steamship "La Sovoie"
May 9, 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Santos-Dumont returns to France
June 22, 1902 - (While in Paris) - Francisca Dumont, Santos-Dumont's mother,suffering with depression, commits suicide in the city of Porto, Portugal
July 14(?), 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Departs to the United States aboard the steamship "La Savole"
July 22, 1902 - New York City - The steamship "La Savole" arrives in New York
August 14, 1902 - New York City - Santos-Dumont leaves New York on the steamship "Touraine"
August(?) 22(?), 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Returns to France
May 21, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - As of May 21, Santos-Dumont made several flights on Balladeuse, the smallest airship ever built. Small, agile and easy to maneuver, it was the sensation of 1903. It had a capacity of only 261 m3 of gas and 12 m of length, being able to develop the speed of 30 km / h with a motor of 3 horsepower
June 23, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont comes down with his airship no.9 on the sidewalk of his residence in Avenue Champs Elisées for a cup of tea
June 24, 1903 - Paris - First night flight
June 26, 1903 - Paris - Carries a boy on his airship
June 27, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont shows Aida de Costa how to operate his personal airship, the No.9
June 29, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - 19-year old Cuban Aida d'Acosta carried out a solitary flight in No. 9, going and returning in the route of Neuilly to Bagatelle. She became the first woman in the world to fly
July 14, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont participates in the review of the troops, flying over the military parade in commemoration of the 114th anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. He stops with his No.9 in front of the authorities' platform and greets the President of France with a salvo of 21 shots given with his revolver. This fact presents itself like the first air parade in a military parade
July 18, 1903 - Paris - Letter to the French War Minister
July 20, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.10
August 20, 1903 - Bordeaux - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Atlantique"
August 24(?), 1903 - Lisbon, Portugal - Port call of the "Atlantique"
August 30(?), 1903 - Dakar, Senegal - Port call of the "Atlantique"
September 5(?), 1903 - Salvador, Brazil - Port call of the "Atlantique"
September 7, 1903 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Atlantique" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
September 15(?), 1903 - São Paulo | Belo Horizonte | Barbacena - Arrives by train to São Paulo - Belo Horizonte - Barbacena
September 23, 1903 - Rio de Janeiro - Farewell to the President of Brazil, and departure to France aboard the steamship "Atlantique"
September 25, 1903 - Salvador - The "Atlantique" stops in Salvador enroute to Europe
September(?) 30(?), 1903 - Dakar - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October(?) 4(?), 1903 - Lisbon - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October(?) 8(?), 1903 - Bordeaux - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October 12, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont returns to Paris
October 25, 1903 - Paris - A free flight test conducted in the presence of the Archduke of Austria ends almost in disaster, the wind being too strong
April 3, 1904 - Paris - It is published in "L'Officie" the decree naming Santos-Dumont as Knight of the Legion of Honor of France
June 9, 1904 - Cherbourg(?) - Airship No.7 is shipped to the United States
June 26, 1904 - New York City - Airship No.7 arrives in New York
June 28, 1904 - Saint-Louis, United States - Santos-Dumont finds the casing of his airship No. 7 torn. The origin of such an incident is uncertain. A similar fact occurred in England also preventing him from exhibiting his airship. He presents the sabotage version. The authorities accuse him of tearing up his own airship so he would not have to undergo a test. He returns to Paris forfeiting the races.
July 1, 1904 - New York City - Passes through New York, coming from Saint Louis with his damaged airship No. 7, on his way back to Europe
July 14, 1904 - Cherbourg(?) - Returns to France
December 29, 1904 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.13
June 12, 1905 - Saint-Cloud - The Santos-Dumont Airship No.14 is taken out of hangar
August 25, 1905 - Deauville-Trouville, Normandy - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.14
January 30, 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - Presentation of the Gordon Bennett Cup
July 18, 1906 - Saint-Cloud - Signs for two races at the Aéro-Club de France: the "Ernest Archedeacon Cup", for who could fly for more than 25 meters in a heavier-than-air aircraft, and the "Aéro-Club Prize", of 1,500 francs, for who could fly for more than 100 meters
July 19, 1906 - Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Presentation of the "14 Bis". Santos-Dumont, cames up with an extravagant device with box structure with 25 HP engine, 12m wingspan and 10m length. "I struggled at first with the greatest difficulties to achieve complete obedience of the airplane, it was the same as throwing an arrow with its tail forward, and on my first flight, after sixty meters, I lost direction and fell ... I couldn't stay more time in the air, not because of the machine, but exclusively of me (...) Continuing my idea of evolution, I hung my airplane in my last balloon, number 14, for that reason, they baptized that one with the name of 14-bis. With this hybrid set, I made several experiments in Bagatelle, becoming accustomed, day by day, to the "governing" of the airplane, and it was only when I felt lord of the maneuvers that I got rid of the balloon "
July 22, 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont assembles his "14-bis" and trials it for the first time
August 1(?), 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine - First attempt to fly in the 14-bis airplane fails because it was underpowered
August 21, 1906 - Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The first free-flight trials of the "14-bis" start at the Polo Ground in the Bois the Boulogne
September 7, 1906 - Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne - Paris - Santos-Dumont swaps the engine from 24 HP to one of 50 HP and manages to rise from the ground for 1 second
September 13, 1906 - Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The 14-bis airplane flies about 7 to 13 meters at the Bagatelle Field.It was reported in the French magazine "La Nature": "September 13, 1906 will henceforth be historical, for, for the first time, a man rose in the air by his own means, Santos-Dumont who, without abandoning his works in the" light as air, "has also made important studies on the" heavier than air "; it was he who managed to "fly" on this memorable day; in front of a large audience ... It rose in space, without balloon, and this is an important victory for the supporters of "heavier than air."
October 23, 1906 - Bagatelle - Santos-Dumont is able to perform the first "mechanical flight" of the world with his "14bis", duly homologated, reaching the distance of 60 meters, level flight at a height that varied between 2 m and 3 m with a duration of 7 s. He wins the Archedeacon prize of 3,000 francs. It was officially proven that humans could fly with a heavier-than-air device, using their own means. It was a promising start: "Soon after, on October 23rd, before the Scientific Committee of the Aero Club and with a large crowd, I made the famous 250-meter flight, which fully confirmed the possibility of a man flying."
November 10, 1906 - Paris - Banquet offered by Aéro-Club de France
November 12, 1906 - Bagatelle - The 14-bis airplane flies 220 meters - wins the Aéro-clube de France Prize. After 3 attempts, the 14 bis, made the second homologated flight of the history of the aviation when traveling 220m, to 6ms of height of the ground in 21s, with an average speed of 41 km/h. Conquered, therefore, the other prize, offered by the Aéro-club de France, beating its record of October 23. The crowd involved the 14 bis and Santos-Dumont was born loaded in triumph by the people who had gone to the Field of Bagatelle. All the world press reported the two great achievements of the Brazilian. This flight became known as "the memorable minute of the history of the air navigation" The international repercussion was enormous.
March 27, 1907 - Saint-Cyr - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.15" to the Press
April 4, 1907 - Saint-Cyr - While attempting to take off with the "14 bis" before the military, Santos-Dumont suffers an accident and is injured in the trial field of Saint Cyr. The aircraft is destroyed.
June 8, 1907 - Bagatelle - First flight of the Airship No.16. It is unbalanced and crashes
September 1(?), 1907 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.17" to the Press
October 17, 1907 - River Seine, Paris - Trials for the "No.18", a hydroplane
November 16, 1907 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.19 Demoiselle" to the Press - Imediate Sensation!
November 17, 1907 - Issy-les-Moulineaux, SW of Paris - Santos-Dumont makes 3 flights in his No.19, the aircraft "Demoiselle"
November 16, 1908 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont's "No.19bis" is taken out of the Hangar
December 23, 1908 - Paris - An aeronautical exhibition is held at the Grand Palais in Paris, which includes Santos-Dumont's "Demoiselle"
December 30, 1908 - Paris - End of the aeronautical exhibition at the Grand Palais
January 7, 1909 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont obtains from the Aéro-club de France a pilot's brevet
April 6, 1909 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont carried out the first experiments with his
Demoiselle No.20: he flies for 2 kms. Begins to break records on the following days
August 22, 1909 - Reims - Aeronautics Meeting at Reims. Santos-Dumont, just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, is ignored by the journalists, as his Demoiselle No.21 is exhibited on the Clément-Bayard Stand
September 13, 1909 - Saint-Cyr - Cross-Country flight with stages of 8km from St.Cyr to Buc, returning the following day
September 17, 1909 - Saint-Cyr(?) - Cross-Country flight of 18km in 16 minutes
October 1(?), 1909 - Paris - The Santos-Dumont No.20 Demoiselle is exhibited on the Clément-Bayard stand at the Paris Aéro Salon
January 4, 1910 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont flies for the last time as a pilot in a "Demoiselle"
March 1(?), 1910 - Paris - Santos-Dumont announces that he was retiring from aviation. He secluded himself in his house and it was rumoured that he was suffering from a nervous breakdown caused by overwork, but it is probable that he was depressed about the multiple sclerosis from which he was later known to suffer
November 12, 1910 - Bagatelle - In commemoration of his Aéro-Club de France Award, a monument is inaugurated in Bagatelle
January(?) 1(?), 1911 - Bénerville-sur-Mer, Normandy - Santos-Dumont moves to the seaside village of Bénerville, where he takes up astronomy as a hobby
October 19, 1913 - Paris - The monument on the conquest of the Deutsch Prize is inaugurated. The monument is topped by the statue of Icarus. In the monument, it is written: "This monument was erected by the Aero Club of France to commemorate the experiences of Santos-dumont, pioneer of aerial locomotion. October 19, 1901 and October 23, 1906.
October 20, 1913 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is interviewed by Frantz Reichel for the "Lectures pour tous" magazine
October 24, 1913 - Paris - Promoted to the Degree of Commander of the Legion of Honor of France
December 17(?), 1913 - Bordeaux(?) - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Blücher"
December 21(?), 1913 - Lisbon, Portugal - Port call of the "Blücher"
December 25(?), 1913 - Dakar - Port call of the "Blücher"
December 30(?), 1913 - Salvador/Recife - Port call of the "Blücher"
January 2, 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the steamship "Blücher"
February 22, 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Carnival at Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro
July(?) 5(?), 1914 - Bordeaux(?) - Returns to France (1914 steamer trip details needed)
August 7, 1914 - Benerville (close to Deauville), Normandy - Santos-Dumont receives a communication from the French military authorities that warned him: to avoid possible misunderstandings, Benerville's residence would be occupied militarily. When Germany declared war on France, Santos Dumont decided to put himself in the service of his adoptive country. But the French military came to him first. The neighbors had denounced him, for they thought the timid stranger watching the sea with a German-made telescope was a Kaiser spy. Police searched his house and, after checking the misconception, the French government made a formal apology. But Santos Dumont did not forgive the suspicion of being a traitor. In an outburst of rage, he threw all his aeronautical documents, drawings, and congratulatory letters into the fire.
August 11, 1914 - Benerville (close to Deauville), Normandy - Santos-Dumont receives a communique: "I have the honor to inform you that orders have been given to the Division-General of the Paris Military Government for the requisition and placing at the disposal of Maison Morane-Saulnier the automobile which belongs to you. "
August 14, 1914 - Benerville, Normandy - Santos-Dumont gives permission for the military occupation of his house
August 18, 1914 - Paris(?) - Moves back to Paris (?)
October(?) 1(?), 1915 - Cherbourg(?) - Departs to the United States
October 7, 1915 - New York City - Santos-Dumont arrives in New York to participate in the Panamerican Scientific Congress
October 10(?), 1915 - Long Island, New York - Santos-Dumont flies on a Curtiss seaplane at the factory in Long Island, N.Y.
October 28, 1915 - Washington D.C. - The Second Pan-American Scientific Congress is inaugurated in Washington, in which Santos-Dumont speaks on the following theme: "How can the airplane facilitate relations between the Americas?" His lecture has great repercussion. On this occasion, the Air Club of America invites him to represent it at the Pan American Aeronautics Congress the following year, in Santiago, Chile
February 5, 1916 - New York City - Santos-Dumont departs New York for Chile
March 9, 1916 - Santiago, Chile - Santos-Dumont is declared President of Honor of the First Pan-American Aeronautics Conference in Santiago de Chile
April 24, 1916 - Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil - Santos-Dumont actively participates in the commissions that drafted the statutes of the Pan American Aeronautical Federation. He departs Santiago, heading for Brazil, through argentine territory, up the Paraná River, arriving in Foz do Iguaçu on April 24. He visits the Falls. By his suggestion, the National Park of Iguaçú is created
May 3, 1916 - Guarapuava - Arrives at Guarapuava on horseback
May 6, 1916 - Curitiba - Three days later he arrives by train to Curitiba, passing by Ponta Grossa. In Curitiba he is the target of numerous honors
April 14, 1918 - Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont buys a lot on the side of a hill and builds a small house filled with imaginative mechanical gadgetry
April 1(?), 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs Brazil for France aboard the steamship "Lutetia"
April 5(?), 1922 - Off Fernando de Noronha Islands - Exchanges telegrams with Admiral Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral who were aboard the Portuguese cruiser "República", waiting for the second hydroplane to continue the raid to Brazil
May 14, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont makes his last ascent in Paris in the company of the Count of La Vaulx, aboard the balloon "La Cigogne"
May 24, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont offers a dinner in the "Restaurant des Ambassadeurs" to his old friends of the beginnings of aviation. The peace with the Aéro-club de France was sealed.
July 24, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont offers a banquet to aviation personalities, including René Fonck
July 29, 1922 - Marseille(?) - Santos Dumont departs to Brazil aboard the "Lutetia"
August 14, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Lutetia" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
August 18, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont awaits the arrival of the French delegation at the pier
September 4, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont offers a banquet to aviation personalities, including René Fonck
December(?) 1(?), 1922 - Marseille(?) - Departs to Brazil
January(?) 1(?), 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Arrives in Rio de Janeiro
April 23, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs Brazil for Portugal in order to bring back his mother's remains
May(?) 5(?), 1923 - Porto, Portugal(?) - In Portugal in order to bring back to Brazil his mother's remains
August 11, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - His mother's remais are transferred to the Saint John the Baptist Cemetery
August 21, 1923 - (While in Rio de Janeiro) - On the occasion of the centenary of the Independence of Brazil, the French government made a replica of the Saint-Cloud monument that is exposed at the French Pavilion. At the end of the celebrations, that replica was offered to Santos-Dumont. On this date, the construction of the tomb for his parents begins, in which the replica of the monument is placed
October 10, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont transfers the remains of his parents to the tomb he built.
April 6, 1924 - Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro - Letter to Antônio Carvalho, a friend that took care of Santos-Dumont's businesses
November 6, 1924 - ? - Santos-Dumont is made Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium
November 21, 1924 - Biarritz, SW France - Letter to Admiral Gago Coutinho
July 20, 1924 - Glion-Sur-Montreux, Switzerland - Santos-Dumont's health problems worsen and he seeks treatment for "his poor nerves" at the Valmont Clinic in Glion-sur-Montreux, Switzerland
December 15, 1924 - Glion-Sur-Montreux, Switzerland - "Sick here in Switzerland, away from friends, for distraction I have been taking book binding lessons." He was supposedly being beaten by multiple sclerosis
May 24, 1926 - Geneva, Switzerland - Santos-Dumont writes a message to Ambassador Afrânio Melo Franco, Brazil's representative in the League of Nations, calling for the limitation of armaments and proposing the banning of the airplane as a weapon of war
October 11, 1926 - Valmont, Switzerland - Letter to Antônio Prado Jr. from a a Sanatorium in Valmont
January 14, 1928 - Paris - The Aéro-Club de France organizes a banquet, with presence of Santos-Dumont and Blériot
November 17(?), 1928 - Boulogne - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamer "Cap Arcona", via Bilbao, Lisbon and Las Palmas
November 20(?), 1928 - Bilbao, Spain - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Bilbao
November 22(?), 1928 - Lisbon, Portugal - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Lisbon
November 25(?), 1928 - Las Palmas, Canary Islands - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Las Palmas
December 1(?), 1928 - Recife - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Recife
December 3, 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Cap Arcona" arrives at Rio de Janeiro. A Seaplane sent to greet Santos-Dumont crashes, killing all aboard
February 2, 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont departs to France aboard the "Cap Arcona"
February 11, 1929 - Lisbon, Portugal - The "Cap Arcona" arrives in Lisbon
February 13, 1929 - Boulogne - The "Cap Arcona" arrives in Boulogne
December 1(?), 1929 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is promoted to Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor
July 10, 1930 - Paris - Receives the award of Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor of France, at a banquet organized by the Aéro-Club de France at the Hotel Claridge in Paris
October 28, 1930 - Préville, Orthez - Lower Pyrenees, France - Santos-Dumont checks in at the Préville Health House in Orthez, in the Lower Pyrenees
April 14, 1931 - Biarritz(?) - Writes his first Will and Testament
May 28, 1931 - Bordeaux - Departs from Bordeaux aboard the steamship "Lutetia". During the voyage, a suicide attempt is thwarted by his nephew
June 4, 1931 - (while travelling to Brazil) - Santos-Dumont is elected member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, to occupy the chair No.38, whose patron is Tobias Barreto. The chair was vague after the death of José Pereira de Graça Aranha
June 15(?), 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Lutetia" with his nephew Jorge Dumont Villares, who had gone to France to bring back his uncle
September 7, 1931 - Sorocaba - Santos-Dumont appears at the Registry, where the notary Renato Mascarenhas writes a new will, repealing the provisions of the first
May 1(?), 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - In May, Santos Dumont and nephew settle in the "Grand Hôtel La Plage", in Guarujá, then belonging to the municipality of Santos
July 14, 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - Santos-Dumont writes a message to the governor of São Paulo, Pedro de Toledo, during the Constitutionalist Revolution, in which he claims the establishment of the constitutional order in the country ... "as a sincere believer that the political and economic problems that exist now, only within the Magna law can be resolved.
July 23, 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - Alberto Santos-Dumont commits suicide, aged 59 =(END)
May(?) 1(?), 1891 - Porto, Portugal - Visit to the three sisters living in the city of Porto: Maria, Virginia and Gabriela
June(?) 1(?), 1891 - Paris - Visits with his father an exhibition of machines at the Palace of Industry, and discovers an oil-powered engine
November 1(?), 1891 - São Paulo - On board the "Portugal", he returns with his family to Brazil. He goes living in São Paulo
January(?) 1(?) 1892 - Arindeúva, Ribeirão Preto - The farm is sold to an english group and becomes "Dumont Coffee Company"
February 12, 1892 - São Paulo - Alberto's father takes him to the 3rd Notary Office in the city of São Paulo and has his son's emancipation deed drafted - he is emancipated by his father, who also gives him a fortune in titles =(START)
May 1(?), 1892 - Rio de Janeiro(?) - Departs for Europe with his Family
May(?) 30(?), 1892 - Porto, Portugal - On arrival in Portugal, Alberto's father feels worse of health and returns to Brazil
July 1(?), 1892 - Paris - Santos Dumont moves in to an apartment at Rue d'Edimbourg, Paris. Begins studies at the Sorbonne
July(?) 5(?), 1892 - Parc des Princes, Paris - Santos-Dumont rents the bicycle track of the "Parc des Princes" and organizes a motor-tricycle race and offers the prizes
August 30, 1892 - (While in Paris) - Santos-Dumont's father dies in Rio de Janeiro
November 20, 1892 - Bordeaux(?) - Santos Dumont departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Orénoque"
December 6, 1892 - Rio de Janeiro - The steamer "Orénoque" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
January 1(?), 1893 - Paris - Back in Paris (1892/1893 steamer trip details needed)
June 1(?), 1893 - London, England - In London
January(?) 1(?), 1894 - Bristol, England - Aged 21, spends a season in England, also as a student listening to the sailing lessons at Merchant Venturers' Technical College in the city of Bristol, where some of his cousins were regular students
January(?) 1(?), 1896 - Rio de Janeiro(?) - Returns to Brazil (1895/1896 steamer trip details needed)
January(?) 1(?), 1897 - Rio de Janeiro - Alberto discovers in a bookstore the book of Lachambre and Machuron "André au Pôle Nord en Ballon"
June(?) 1(?), 1897 - Paris - He returns to Paris and for the first time climbs in a spherical balloon, belonging to the "Lachambre et Machuron" firm (1897 steamer trip details needed)
March 23, 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first ascent, accompanied by the French aeronaut Macheron, leaving the Vaugirard Aero Station in Paris and descending on the grounds of the Chateau de La Ferrière, owned by Alphonse de Rotschild
May 30, 1898 - Pérone | Namur, Belgium - Night ascension in which Santos-Dumont's balloon was engulfed by a storm; departure from Pérone and descent near Namur, Belgium
June 1(?), 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris --> Vincennes - At Vaugirard Santos-Dumont ascends with passengers (Baron of Beville and Mademoiselle De Forest) in a spherical balloon. He becomes a volunteer balloon pilot for the firm Lachambre et Machuron. He orders the same firm a small balloon for his own use, which he calls "Brazil". He discovers the engine of the oil-powered tricycle. He participates in the Paris-Amsterdam car race, in a motor vehicle with tricycle engines. He builds his first dirigible balloon, the "Santos Dumont No.1"
July 14, 1898 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont ascends in his first individual spherical
The "Brasil", Santos-Dumont's first ballon |
September 18, 1898 - Jardin d'Acclimatation, Paris - Tries to take off for the first time with his airship No.1, at the Jardin d'Acclimatation. He agrees with the spectators to take off in favour of the wind and eventually crashes
September 20, 1898 - Jardin d'Acclimatation| Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The successful experience comes with his airship No.1, starting from the Jardin de Acclimatation until Bois de Boulogne, where he was forced to descend in the field of Bagatelle due to the malfunction of the cuff air pump
September 25, 1898 - Paris | Vicarnes, Chantilly - Ascension of Santos-Dumont performed in a free balloon; the ascent, which lasted for hours, began in Paris and ended at Vicarnes, near Chantilly
January 30, 1899 - Nice - Santos-Dumont arrives in Nice, coming from Paris. He stays at the Cosmopolitan Hotel
January 31, 1899 - Nice - Santos-Dumont signs up for the "Aeronauts Cup", a free balloon competition
March 24, 1899 - Nice - In the car race "Nice - La Turbie", Santos-Dumont finishes in 3rd place
April 15, 1899 - Paris - "Betting lunch" at the Automobile Club of Paris, in which Santos-Dumont bets that, before May 31, 1899, he would land with his airship on the terrace of the Automobile Club
May 11, 1899 - Jardin d'Acclimatation | Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first experience with his airship No.2 at the Jardin de Acclimatation in Paris. Shortly after the start of the ascent, the balloon crashed into the trees, folding in half at the moment of elevation
June 12, 1899 - Jardin des Tuileries, Paris - Santos-Dumont takes the 4th place in the "Aeronauts Cup", flying the 1,800-cubic-foot "America" balloon, his airship descends 325 kilometers from the starting point ("Jardin des Tuileries"), while the winner, the Count of La Vaulx, descends 390 kilometers. Santos-Dumont is the competitor who remained in the air the longest time: 22 hours
June 25, 1899 - Jardin des Tuileries, Paris - Santos-Dumont ascends in the free balloon "Aero Club", starting from the "Jardin des Tuileries" in Paris, where a car show was held
June 29, 1899 - Paris | Sevran - Santos-Dumont ascends with the free balloon "Brasil" of his property, starting from the "Jardin des Tuileries", where a car exhibition was held, and having descended in Sevran. Santos-Dumont took only 7 kilograms of ballast
July 6, 1899 - Paris | Melun - Santos-Dumont ascends with the free balloon "Aero Club", having descended in Melun
November 13, 1899 - Vaugirard, Paris - Santos-Dumont's first experience with his airship No.3, departing from the Aerostation Park of Vaugirard.On that date, Santos-Dumont rounds the Eiffel Tower for the first time
November 20, 1899 - Ivry - Santos-Dumont ascends with his dirigible balloon no.3, having descended in Ivry
January 1(?), 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont spends January at Nice
March 22, 1900 - Paris - Beginning of the construction of Santos-Dumont's airship No.4
March 24, 1900 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - Creation of the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize" (100,000 francs), to be disputed in the years 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904: - The winner would be the first aeronaut with a dirigible balloon, to complete the course "Saint Cloud-Tower Eiffel-Saint Cloud" (11,000 meters), within 30 minutes
March 29, 1900 - Nice | Vallouns - Santos-Dumont's ascension in the free balloon "Centaur", starting from Nice and descending, in the midst of a violent storm, in Vallouns: the balloon was submitted to a disastrous "drag" upon reaching the ground, with the Balloon's casing being torn apart against the trees. Santos-Dumont suffered deep wounds on the face and generalized minor bruises.
June 16, 1900 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - End of the construction of the Santos-Dumont hangar at the Aéro-Club de France Aeronautics Park in Saint-Cloud. The hangar was 30 meters long by 11 meters high and 7 meters wide
August 1, 1900 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont finishes construction of his airship No.4
September 19, 1900 - Saint-Cloud - Trials with airship No.4 in Saint-Cloud, having the steering rudder broken; this experience was made in the presence of the members of the "International Congress of Aeronautics
December 16, 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont at Nice, recovering from the pneumonia acquired with the experiments of the airship balloon No.4. The aeronaut, sitting on a bicycle saddle, received the wind from the propeller …
December 17, 1900 - Nice - Santos-Dumont participates in a car trip to La Turbie - during his convalescence in Nice, he builds the triangular keel of his airship No.5
December 26, 1900 - Paris - Santos-Dumont returns to Paris
April 1, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - The Scientific Committee of the Aéro-Club de France unanimously award Santos-Dumont the sum of 4,000 francs, interest of the 100,000 francs of the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize" during the year 1900, since he was the most distinguished aeronaut in that year in the aeronautical activities related to the achievement of said prize
April 13, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont, with the 4,000 francs granted to him by the Aéro-Club de France, instituted the "Santos-Dumont Prize" to be granted to the aeronaut who, without time limit, departed from the Saint Cloud Aerostation Park, rounded the Eiffel Tower and returned to the starting point without touching the ground and using only the on-board means; by the rules of the Santos-Dumont Prize, it could not be granted to its founder nor to any aeronaut who won the award using an aircraft belonging to Santos-Dumont
June 26, 1901 - Paris - Le Matin Newspaper: "Santos-Dumont carried out three ascents on board the "Fatum" free balloon to experiment with the invention of Emmanuel Aimé, called "thermosphere", designed to give greater vertical control in the aerodalic ascents with ballast and gas savings"
July 12, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont decides to change his No.4 by building a new airship (No.5) with better driving conditions, and a more powerful 4-cylinder 12 HP engine. He experiments it by rounding the Eiffel Tower, having first descended in the gardens of the Trocadero to repair the rudder
July 13, 1901 - Paris - In the official attempt to win the "Deutsch de La Meurthe" Prize, Santos-dumonts rounds the Eiffel Tower in his No.5 before descending into the trees in the park of the residence of Baron Edmond de Rotschild. Rotschild's neighbor, Princess Isabel, Countess d'Eu, offers him a lunch with champagne between the trees
July 17, 1901 - (While in Paris) - In the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, the 112 - 1901 bill was signed by the deputies Augusto Severo and Carlos Cavalcanti, who, after being amended, reads as follows: "The Government is authorized to open a loan of 100,000 to the Ministry of Traffic in order to be delivered to Mr. Alberto Santos-Dumont as a prize for the result of his experience with a dirigible balloon. "
July 29, 1901 - Longchamps Racecourse, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Experience with the airship No.5, lasting 15 minutes, in which Santos-Dumont only maneuvered above the Longchamps Racecourse
August 1, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Princess Isabel of Brazil gives Santos-Dumont a medal of Saint Bento, protector against accidents. The Aéro-Club de France awards him a gold medal
August 4, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont's experience with airship No.5, lasting 8 minutes, in which there were difficulties with the cable-drop
August 8, 1901 - Eiffel Tower, Paris - Santos-Dumont, who was making an official attempt to win the "Deutsch de La Meurthe Prize", when rounding the Eiffel Tower he lost height, colliding with the roof of the Trocadero Hotel. He was hung on the string, being hoisted by the Paris firemen. The No.5 airship was totally unusable, and on the same day he commissioned the construction of No.6, using the remains of No.5
August 11, 1901 - Paris - Santos-Dumont has a letter of thanks to the firefighters of Paris published, for having rescued him when he fell with the No.5 airship on the roofs of the Hotel Trocadero
August 27, 1901 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is judicially summoned by the owner of the hotel to pay 150 francs for damages caused on August 8 with his airship No.5. Two days later, he pays the damages
August 30, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - Completion of the construction of Santos-Dumont's airship No.6
September 6, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - First experiment, with his airship No.6. In this ascent, Santos-Dumont collided with a house and his balloon suffered damages in the casing and the rudder
September 7, 1901 - Saint-Cloud - The Aéro-Club Aviation Commission of France attempts to make changes to the regulations of the "Deutsch de la Meurthe" Prize to make it more difficult. Three days later, Santos-Dumont writes to the President of the Aéro-Club de France, protesting against the more difficult rules for obtaining the "Deutsch de La Meurthe" Prize.
September 18, 1901 - Longchamps Racecourse, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - Santos-Dumont tries again to win the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize, descending on the Longchamps meadow in the Bois de Boulogne due to technical problems in his Airship No.6
October 19, 1901 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris --> Eiffel Tower (central Paris) - Santos-Dumont wins the "Deutsch de la Meurthe prize" for a half-hour controlled flight around the Eiffel Tower - Prize of 125,000 brazilian francs. With this feat Santos-Dumont proved that man could control his movement through the air. November 5 he resigns from the Aéro-Club de France
November 8, 1901 - Paris - Receives from the hands of the President of the Aéro-Club de France, the Marquis of Dion, the check of 100,000 francs corresponding to the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize. On that day, Santos-Dumont goes to the "Crédit Lyonnais" bank and exchanges the check for 100 banknotes of 1000 francs; goes to the police prefecture and delivers 50,000 francs to be distributed to the poor in Paris
January 29, 1902 - Monte Carlo - Santos-Dumont ascends with No.6 in Monte Carlo, where he spent a season at the invitation of Prince Dino, who had an aerodrome and hangar built for his balloons on the boulevard of La Condanine
February 2, 1902 - Nice - Departs Nice to Paris in order to deal with the construction of his airship No.7. The bad atmospheric conditions prevented him from making ascensions with his airship No.6. I have seized the opportunity to improve his hangar
February 10, 1902 - Paris(?) - Trial of the Santos-Dumont airship no.7
February 14, 1902 - Monaco - End of the Santos-Dumont airship no.6 during a demonstration flight
April 2, 1902 - Cherbourg - Santos-Dumont departs to the United States on the steamship "Deutschland"
April 10, 1902 - New York City - Arrives in New York on board the steamship "Deutschland"
April 13, 1902 - West Orange, New York - Santos-Dumont is received by Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light, in his laboratory in West Orange, N. Y.
April 16, 1902 - The White House, Washington D.C. - Santos-Dumont is received at the White House by Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA
April 17, 1902 - Washington D.C. - Santos-Dumont is honored with a dinner hosted by Dr. Assis Brazil, the Brazilian Minister in Washington
May 1, 1902 - New York City - Santos-Dumont departs to France aboard the steamship "La Sovoie"
May 9, 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Santos-Dumont returns to France
June 22, 1902 - (While in Paris) - Francisca Dumont, Santos-Dumont's mother,suffering with depression, commits suicide in the city of Porto, Portugal
July 14(?), 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Departs to the United States aboard the steamship "La Savole"
July 22, 1902 - New York City - The steamship "La Savole" arrives in New York
August 14, 1902 - New York City - Santos-Dumont leaves New York on the steamship "Touraine"
August(?) 22(?), 1902 - Cherbourg(?) - Returns to France
May 21, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - As of May 21, Santos-Dumont made several flights on Balladeuse, the smallest airship ever built. Small, agile and easy to maneuver, it was the sensation of 1903. It had a capacity of only 261 m3 of gas and 12 m of length, being able to develop the speed of 30 km / h with a motor of 3 horsepower
June 23, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont comes down with his airship no.9 on the sidewalk of his residence in Avenue Champs Elisées for a cup of tea
June 24, 1903 - Paris - First night flight
June 26, 1903 - Paris - Carries a boy on his airship
June 27, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont shows Aida de Costa how to operate his personal airship, the No.9
June 29, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - 19-year old Cuban Aida d'Acosta carried out a solitary flight in No. 9, going and returning in the route of Neuilly to Bagatelle. She became the first woman in the world to fly
July 14, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont participates in the review of the troops, flying over the military parade in commemoration of the 114th anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. He stops with his No.9 in front of the authorities' platform and greets the President of France with a salvo of 21 shots given with his revolver. This fact presents itself like the first air parade in a military parade
July 18, 1903 - Paris - Letter to the French War Minister
July 20, 1903 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.10
August 20, 1903 - Bordeaux - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Atlantique"
August 24(?), 1903 - Lisbon, Portugal - Port call of the "Atlantique"
August 30(?), 1903 - Dakar, Senegal - Port call of the "Atlantique"
September 5(?), 1903 - Salvador, Brazil - Port call of the "Atlantique"
September 7, 1903 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Atlantique" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
September 15(?), 1903 - São Paulo | Belo Horizonte | Barbacena - Arrives by train to São Paulo - Belo Horizonte - Barbacena
September 23, 1903 - Rio de Janeiro - Farewell to the President of Brazil, and departure to France aboard the steamship "Atlantique"
September 25, 1903 - Salvador - The "Atlantique" stops in Salvador enroute to Europe
September(?) 30(?), 1903 - Dakar - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October(?) 4(?), 1903 - Lisbon - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October(?) 8(?), 1903 - Bordeaux - Port call of the "Atlantique"
October 12, 1903 - Paris - Santos-Dumont returns to Paris
October 25, 1903 - Paris - A free flight test conducted in the presence of the Archduke of Austria ends almost in disaster, the wind being too strong
April 3, 1904 - Paris - It is published in "L'Officie" the decree naming Santos-Dumont as Knight of the Legion of Honor of France
June 9, 1904 - Cherbourg(?) - Airship No.7 is shipped to the United States
June 26, 1904 - New York City - Airship No.7 arrives in New York
June 28, 1904 - Saint-Louis, United States - Santos-Dumont finds the casing of his airship No. 7 torn. The origin of such an incident is uncertain. A similar fact occurred in England also preventing him from exhibiting his airship. He presents the sabotage version. The authorities accuse him of tearing up his own airship so he would not have to undergo a test. He returns to Paris forfeiting the races.
July 1, 1904 - New York City - Passes through New York, coming from Saint Louis with his damaged airship No. 7, on his way back to Europe
July 14, 1904 - Cherbourg(?) - Returns to France
December 29, 1904 - Saint-Cloud, SW Paris - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.13
June 12, 1905 - Saint-Cloud - The Santos-Dumont Airship No.14 is taken out of hangar
August 25, 1905 - Deauville-Trouville, Normandy - Trials for the newly-built Santos-Dumont No.14
January 30, 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine, W of Paris - Presentation of the Gordon Bennett Cup
July 18, 1906 - Saint-Cloud - Signs for two races at the Aéro-Club de France: the "Ernest Archedeacon Cup", for who could fly for more than 25 meters in a heavier-than-air aircraft, and the "Aéro-Club Prize", of 1,500 francs, for who could fly for more than 100 meters

July 22, 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont assembles his "14-bis" and trials it for the first time
August 1(?), 1906 - Neully-sur-Seine - First attempt to fly in the 14-bis airplane fails because it was underpowered
August 21, 1906 - Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The first free-flight trials of the "14-bis" start at the Polo Ground in the Bois the Boulogne
September 7, 1906 - Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne - Paris - Santos-Dumont swaps the engine from 24 HP to one of 50 HP and manages to rise from the ground for 1 second
September 13, 1906 - Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris - The 14-bis airplane flies about 7 to 13 meters at the Bagatelle Field.It was reported in the French magazine "La Nature": "September 13, 1906 will henceforth be historical, for, for the first time, a man rose in the air by his own means, Santos-Dumont who, without abandoning his works in the" light as air, "has also made important studies on the" heavier than air "; it was he who managed to "fly" on this memorable day; in front of a large audience ... It rose in space, without balloon, and this is an important victory for the supporters of "heavier than air."
October 23, 1906 - Bagatelle - Santos-Dumont is able to perform the first "mechanical flight" of the world with his "14bis", duly homologated, reaching the distance of 60 meters, level flight at a height that varied between 2 m and 3 m with a duration of 7 s. He wins the Archedeacon prize of 3,000 francs. It was officially proven that humans could fly with a heavier-than-air device, using their own means. It was a promising start: "Soon after, on October 23rd, before the Scientific Committee of the Aero Club and with a large crowd, I made the famous 250-meter flight, which fully confirmed the possibility of a man flying."
November 10, 1906 - Paris - Banquet offered by Aéro-Club de France
November 12, 1906 - Bagatelle - The 14-bis airplane flies 220 meters - wins the Aéro-clube de France Prize. After 3 attempts, the 14 bis, made the second homologated flight of the history of the aviation when traveling 220m, to 6ms of height of the ground in 21s, with an average speed of 41 km/h. Conquered, therefore, the other prize, offered by the Aéro-club de France, beating its record of October 23. The crowd involved the 14 bis and Santos-Dumont was born loaded in triumph by the people who had gone to the Field of Bagatelle. All the world press reported the two great achievements of the Brazilian. This flight became known as "the memorable minute of the history of the air navigation" The international repercussion was enormous.
March 27, 1907 - Saint-Cyr - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.15" to the Press
April 4, 1907 - Saint-Cyr - While attempting to take off with the "14 bis" before the military, Santos-Dumont suffers an accident and is injured in the trial field of Saint Cyr. The aircraft is destroyed.
June 8, 1907 - Bagatelle - First flight of the Airship No.16. It is unbalanced and crashes
September 1(?), 1907 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.17" to the Press
October 17, 1907 - River Seine, Paris - Trials for the "No.18", a hydroplane
November 16, 1907 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont presents his "No.19 Demoiselle" to the Press - Imediate Sensation!
November 17, 1907 - Issy-les-Moulineaux, SW of Paris - Santos-Dumont makes 3 flights in his No.19, the aircraft "Demoiselle"
November 16, 1908 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont's "No.19bis" is taken out of the Hangar
December 23, 1908 - Paris - An aeronautical exhibition is held at the Grand Palais in Paris, which includes Santos-Dumont's "Demoiselle"
December 30, 1908 - Paris - End of the aeronautical exhibition at the Grand Palais
January 7, 1909 - Saint-Cloud - Santos-Dumont obtains from the Aéro-club de France a pilot's brevet
April 6, 1909 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont carried out the first experiments with his
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Demoiselle in flight |
August 22, 1909 - Reims - Aeronautics Meeting at Reims. Santos-Dumont, just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, is ignored by the journalists, as his Demoiselle No.21 is exhibited on the Clément-Bayard Stand
September 13, 1909 - Saint-Cyr - Cross-Country flight with stages of 8km from St.Cyr to Buc, returning the following day
September 17, 1909 - Saint-Cyr(?) - Cross-Country flight of 18km in 16 minutes
October 1(?), 1909 - Paris - The Santos-Dumont No.20 Demoiselle is exhibited on the Clément-Bayard stand at the Paris Aéro Salon
January 4, 1910 - Neully-sur-Seine - Santos-Dumont flies for the last time as a pilot in a "Demoiselle"
March 1(?), 1910 - Paris - Santos-Dumont announces that he was retiring from aviation. He secluded himself in his house and it was rumoured that he was suffering from a nervous breakdown caused by overwork, but it is probable that he was depressed about the multiple sclerosis from which he was later known to suffer
November 12, 1910 - Bagatelle - In commemoration of his Aéro-Club de France Award, a monument is inaugurated in Bagatelle
January(?) 1(?), 1911 - Bénerville-sur-Mer, Normandy - Santos-Dumont moves to the seaside village of Bénerville, where he takes up astronomy as a hobby
October 19, 1913 - Paris - The monument on the conquest of the Deutsch Prize is inaugurated. The monument is topped by the statue of Icarus. In the monument, it is written: "This monument was erected by the Aero Club of France to commemorate the experiences of Santos-dumont, pioneer of aerial locomotion. October 19, 1901 and October 23, 1906.
October 20, 1913 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is interviewed by Frantz Reichel for the "Lectures pour tous" magazine
October 24, 1913 - Paris - Promoted to the Degree of Commander of the Legion of Honor of France
December 17(?), 1913 - Bordeaux(?) - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamship "Blücher"
December 21(?), 1913 - Lisbon, Portugal - Port call of the "Blücher"
December 25(?), 1913 - Dakar - Port call of the "Blücher"
December 30(?), 1913 - Salvador/Recife - Port call of the "Blücher"
January 2, 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the steamship "Blücher"
February 22, 1914 - Rio de Janeiro - Carnival at Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro
July(?) 5(?), 1914 - Bordeaux(?) - Returns to France (1914 steamer trip details needed)
August 7, 1914 - Benerville (close to Deauville), Normandy - Santos-Dumont receives a communication from the French military authorities that warned him: to avoid possible misunderstandings, Benerville's residence would be occupied militarily. When Germany declared war on France, Santos Dumont decided to put himself in the service of his adoptive country. But the French military came to him first. The neighbors had denounced him, for they thought the timid stranger watching the sea with a German-made telescope was a Kaiser spy. Police searched his house and, after checking the misconception, the French government made a formal apology. But Santos Dumont did not forgive the suspicion of being a traitor. In an outburst of rage, he threw all his aeronautical documents, drawings, and congratulatory letters into the fire.
August 11, 1914 - Benerville (close to Deauville), Normandy - Santos-Dumont receives a communique: "I have the honor to inform you that orders have been given to the Division-General of the Paris Military Government for the requisition and placing at the disposal of Maison Morane-Saulnier the automobile which belongs to you. "
August 14, 1914 - Benerville, Normandy - Santos-Dumont gives permission for the military occupation of his house
August 18, 1914 - Paris(?) - Moves back to Paris (?)
October(?) 1(?), 1915 - Cherbourg(?) - Departs to the United States
October 7, 1915 - New York City - Santos-Dumont arrives in New York to participate in the Panamerican Scientific Congress
October 10(?), 1915 - Long Island, New York - Santos-Dumont flies on a Curtiss seaplane at the factory in Long Island, N.Y.
October 28, 1915 - Washington D.C. - The Second Pan-American Scientific Congress is inaugurated in Washington, in which Santos-Dumont speaks on the following theme: "How can the airplane facilitate relations between the Americas?" His lecture has great repercussion. On this occasion, the Air Club of America invites him to represent it at the Pan American Aeronautics Congress the following year, in Santiago, Chile
February 5, 1916 - New York City - Santos-Dumont departs New York for Chile
March 9, 1916 - Santiago, Chile - Santos-Dumont is declared President of Honor of the First Pan-American Aeronautics Conference in Santiago de Chile
April 24, 1916 - Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil - Santos-Dumont actively participates in the commissions that drafted the statutes of the Pan American Aeronautical Federation. He departs Santiago, heading for Brazil, through argentine territory, up the Paraná River, arriving in Foz do Iguaçu on April 24. He visits the Falls. By his suggestion, the National Park of Iguaçú is created
May 3, 1916 - Guarapuava - Arrives at Guarapuava on horseback
May 6, 1916 - Curitiba - Three days later he arrives by train to Curitiba, passing by Ponta Grossa. In Curitiba he is the target of numerous honors
April 14, 1918 - Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont buys a lot on the side of a hill and builds a small house filled with imaginative mechanical gadgetry
April 1(?), 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs Brazil for France aboard the steamship "Lutetia"
April 5(?), 1922 - Off Fernando de Noronha Islands - Exchanges telegrams with Admiral Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral who were aboard the Portuguese cruiser "República", waiting for the second hydroplane to continue the raid to Brazil
May 14, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont makes his last ascent in Paris in the company of the Count of La Vaulx, aboard the balloon "La Cigogne"
May 24, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont offers a dinner in the "Restaurant des Ambassadeurs" to his old friends of the beginnings of aviation. The peace with the Aéro-club de France was sealed.
July 24, 1922 - Paris - Santos-Dumont offers a banquet to aviation personalities, including René Fonck
July 29, 1922 - Marseille(?) - Santos Dumont departs to Brazil aboard the "Lutetia"
August 14, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Lutetia" arrives in Rio de Janeiro
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Santos-Dumont (left) with René Fonck (middle) |
September 4, 1922 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont offers a banquet to aviation personalities, including René Fonck
December(?) 1(?), 1922 - Marseille(?) - Departs to Brazil
January(?) 1(?), 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Arrives in Rio de Janeiro
April 23, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Departs Brazil for Portugal in order to bring back his mother's remains
May(?) 5(?), 1923 - Porto, Portugal(?) - In Portugal in order to bring back to Brazil his mother's remains
August 11, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - His mother's remais are transferred to the Saint John the Baptist Cemetery
August 21, 1923 - (While in Rio de Janeiro) - On the occasion of the centenary of the Independence of Brazil, the French government made a replica of the Saint-Cloud monument that is exposed at the French Pavilion. At the end of the celebrations, that replica was offered to Santos-Dumont. On this date, the construction of the tomb for his parents begins, in which the replica of the monument is placed
October 10, 1923 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont transfers the remains of his parents to the tomb he built.
April 6, 1924 - Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro - Letter to Antônio Carvalho, a friend that took care of Santos-Dumont's businesses
November 6, 1924 - ? - Santos-Dumont is made Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium
November 21, 1924 - Biarritz, SW France - Letter to Admiral Gago Coutinho
July 20, 1924 - Glion-Sur-Montreux, Switzerland - Santos-Dumont's health problems worsen and he seeks treatment for "his poor nerves" at the Valmont Clinic in Glion-sur-Montreux, Switzerland
December 15, 1924 - Glion-Sur-Montreux, Switzerland - "Sick here in Switzerland, away from friends, for distraction I have been taking book binding lessons." He was supposedly being beaten by multiple sclerosis
May 24, 1926 - Geneva, Switzerland - Santos-Dumont writes a message to Ambassador Afrânio Melo Franco, Brazil's representative in the League of Nations, calling for the limitation of armaments and proposing the banning of the airplane as a weapon of war
October 11, 1926 - Valmont, Switzerland - Letter to Antônio Prado Jr. from a a Sanatorium in Valmont
January 14, 1928 - Paris - The Aéro-Club de France organizes a banquet, with presence of Santos-Dumont and Blériot
November 17(?), 1928 - Boulogne - Departs to Brazil aboard the steamer "Cap Arcona", via Bilbao, Lisbon and Las Palmas
November 20(?), 1928 - Bilbao, Spain - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Bilbao
November 22(?), 1928 - Lisbon, Portugal - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Lisbon
November 25(?), 1928 - Las Palmas, Canary Islands - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Las Palmas
December 1(?), 1928 - Recife - The "Cap Arcona" stops at Recife
December 3, 1928 - Rio de Janeiro - The "Cap Arcona" arrives at Rio de Janeiro. A Seaplane sent to greet Santos-Dumont crashes, killing all aboard
February 2, 1929 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont departs to France aboard the "Cap Arcona"
February 11, 1929 - Lisbon, Portugal - The "Cap Arcona" arrives in Lisbon
February 13, 1929 - Boulogne - The "Cap Arcona" arrives in Boulogne
December 1(?), 1929 - Paris - Santos-Dumont is promoted to Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor
July 10, 1930 - Paris - Receives the award of Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor of France, at a banquet organized by the Aéro-Club de France at the Hotel Claridge in Paris
October 28, 1930 - Préville, Orthez - Lower Pyrenees, France - Santos-Dumont checks in at the Préville Health House in Orthez, in the Lower Pyrenees
April 14, 1931 - Biarritz(?) - Writes his first Will and Testament
May 28, 1931 - Bordeaux - Departs from Bordeaux aboard the steamship "Lutetia". During the voyage, a suicide attempt is thwarted by his nephew
June 4, 1931 - (while travelling to Brazil) - Santos-Dumont is elected member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, to occupy the chair No.38, whose patron is Tobias Barreto. The chair was vague after the death of José Pereira de Graça Aranha
June 15(?), 1931 - Rio de Janeiro - Santos-Dumont arrives in Rio de Janeiro aboard the "Lutetia" with his nephew Jorge Dumont Villares, who had gone to France to bring back his uncle
September 7, 1931 - Sorocaba - Santos-Dumont appears at the Registry, where the notary Renato Mascarenhas writes a new will, repealing the provisions of the first
May 1(?), 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - In May, Santos Dumont and nephew settle in the "Grand Hôtel La Plage", in Guarujá, then belonging to the municipality of Santos
July 14, 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - Santos-Dumont writes a message to the governor of São Paulo, Pedro de Toledo, during the Constitutionalist Revolution, in which he claims the establishment of the constitutional order in the country ... "as a sincere believer that the political and economic problems that exist now, only within the Magna law can be resolved.
July 23, 1932 - Guarujá, São Paulo - Alberto Santos-Dumont commits suicide, aged 59 =(END)
Very complete and very interesting chronology of the life of Alberto Santos Dumont. Good investigation. Nice work. Congratulations.