Some details are sketchy - Concentration Camp visit dates needed
March 19, 1906 - Solingen, Rhine - Otto Adolf Eichmann is born
January(?) 1(?), 1914 - Linz, Austria - The Eichmann family moves to Linz, where Adolf's father started working one year earlier as a commercial manager for the Linz tramway and electrical company
January(?) 1(?), 1925 - Linz, Austria - Works as a sales clerk for the Oberöterreichische Elektrobau AG radio company
January(?) 1(?), 1927 - Upper Austria | Salzburg - Works as a district agent for the Vacuum Oil Company AG
April 1, 1932 - Linz, Austria - Eichmann joins the austrian branch of the NSDAP (Nazi party)
November 9, 1932 - Linz, Austria - Eichmann joins the Schutzstaffel (SS) =(START)
January(?) 1(?), 1933 - Linz, Austria - Eichmann looses his job due to staffing cutbacks at Vacuum Oil
February 1(?), 1933 - Passau, German-Austrian Border - Eichmann leaves for Passau
August 1, 1933 - Klosterlechfeld - Attends a training programme at the SS depot
September 29, 1933 - Passau, German-Austrian Border - Eichmann returns to the Passau border, where he is assigned to lead a 8-man SS liaison team to guide Austrian National Socialists into Germany and smuggle propaganda material from there to Austria
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Adolf Eichmann, as a SS-Scharführer |
January 29, 1934 - Dachau - Eichmann requests transfer to the Sicherheitsdienst (SD:security service) of the SS, to escape "monotony" of military training and service at Dachau
November 1(?), 1934 - Berlin - Eichmann is granted transfer to Leopold von Mildenstein's Jewish Department, Section II/112 of the SD
March 21, 1935 - Berlin - Adolf Eichmann marries Veronika Liebl
September 1, 1935 - Berlin - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Oberscharführer (Staff Sergeant)
September 13, 1935 - Berlin - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Hauptscharführer (Sergeant 1st Class)
May 8, 1936 - Dachau - Himmler and Eichmann inspect Dachau concentration camp
September 26, 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann and Hagen begin their trip to Palestine, travelling via Poland, Romania, Istanbul and Piraeus
June 1(?), 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann destroys his reputation for anonymity when he almost breaks up Rabbi Joachim Prinz's farewell Party, creating a scene that the 2,000 guests were unable to ignore the SS man
July 1, 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann is ordered to Palestine to explore the possibility of deporting Europe's jews to the area
September 29(?), 1937 - Istanbul - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Piraeus
September 30(?), 1937 - Piraeus, Greece - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Haifa
October 2, 1937 - Haifa, Palestine - Eichmann and Hagen arrive in the port of Haifa. The british restrict their stay to 48 hours
October 4, 1937 - Alexandria, Egypt - The "Romania" steamship arrives in Alexandria, Egypt
October 7, 1937 - Cairo - Eichmann and Hagen meet the DNB-representative for Egypt, Gentz and Wilhelm Bormann, a businessman
October 10, 1937 - Cairo - Meetings with Feivel Polkes, of the "Haganah", on 10th and 11th
October 19, 1937 - Alexandria, Egypt - Eichmann and Hagen depart from Egypt
October 21(?), 1937 - Piraeus, Greece(?) - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Istanbul(?)
October 22(?), 1937 - Istanbul(?) - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Berlin?
November 9, 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann is commissioned as an SS-Untersturmführer (second lieutenant)
November 11, 1937 - Nuremberg - Eichmann visits Nuremberg Rally
March 16, 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is posted to Vienna to help organise jewish emigration from Austria
July 1(?), 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Obersturmführer (1st lieutenant)
August 20, 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is appointed to the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna
January 30, 1939 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Haupsturmführer (captain)
May 1(?), 1939 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann leaves Vienna. Until that point, 100,000 jews had left Austria legally and many more smuggled out to Palestine and elsewhere
July 14, 1939 - Prague - Eichmann appears as Walter Stahlecker's "representative" at negotiations with the Protecturate's Government
July 26, 1939 - Prague - Posted in Prague to assist in setting up an emigration office there
October 1(?), 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann is transfered to Berlin to command the Central Office for Jewish Emigration for the entire Reich under Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo
November 4, 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann and his superior, SS-Oberscharführer Hagen report to their superiors about Palestine
December 19, 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann is assigned to head RSHA Referat IV B4 (RSHA Sub-Department IV-B4), tasked with overseeing Jewish affairs and evacuation. Heydrich announced Eichmann to be his "special expert", in charge of arranging for all deportations into occupied Poland. The job entailed co-ordinating with police agencies for the physical removal of the Jews, dealing with their confiscated property, and arranging financing and transport.
January 30, 1940 - Berlin - Special Department R, in Office IV is amalgamated with the Reich Central Office for jewish Emigration and became Department IV D4 in the office for occupied territories. The change broadened Eichmann's remit considerably: in addition to forced jewish emigration, he was now responsible for coordinating plans to relocate jews to the East
February 13, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann’s department organizes forced emigration of Jews of Settin, the first instance of Jews of German nationality being deported from the Old Reich instead of recently annexed territory in the East. 230 people die as a result of this march
April 1(?), 1940 - Posen - Eichmann takes over the Central Resettlement Office with one of his colleagues
June 30, 1940 - Berlin - Hitler approves the Madagascar Plan. Eichmann is charged with the details of it's implementation
August 1, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer (Major)
August 15, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann released a memorandum titled Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagaskar Projekt (Reich Main Security Office: Madagascar Project), calling for the resettlement to Madagascar of a million Jews per year for four years.
March 20, 1941 - Berlin(?) - In a meeting at the ministry of Propaganda, Eichmann announces that it would be possible to deport 15,000 jews from Berlin, if they were joined up with the 60,000 jews that Hitler had approved for deportation
July(?) 14(?), 1941 - Bialystok - Eichmann reaches Bialystok on his way driving to Minsk
July(?) 15(?), 1941 - Minsk - Eichmann witnesses a mass shooting near Minsk
September 13, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Telephone conversation with Franz Rademacher about 8,000 jews interned in Serbia. Eichmann suggests shooting them
October 1(?), 1941 - Belzec - Visit to the Belzec Death Camp
October 10, 1941 - Prague - Eichmann is present in Prague when Heydrich announces the deportations to Lodz, Riga and Minsk
November 9, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Oberturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel). He is ordered by Heydrich to prepare the meeting that would become "the Wannsee Conference"
November 29, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann sends invitations for a ministerial conference to be held on 9 December at the offices of Interpol at 16 Am Kleinen Wannsee
December 9, 1941 - Berlin(?) - The first meeting is cancelled due to the soviet counter-offensive in front of Moscow, ending the prospect of a rapid conquest of the Soviet Union, and Japan's declaration of War to the US (7th)
January 8, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann sends new invitations to a meeting to be held on 20 January
January 20, 1942 - Wannsee - Wannsee Conference
March 6, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann meets Franz Rademacher, from the Foreign Office
May 1(?), 1942 - Bratislava - Eichmann arrives in Bratislava for a round of meetings with Mach and the German Legation
May 27, 1942 - Bratislava - Eichmann receives the news of Heydrich's assassination attempt at Prague
June 11, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann summons the "jewish specialists" from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to Berlin
June 30, 1942 - Paris - Eichmann goes to Paris for two days to be briefed about the situation in France
July 1, 1942 - Paris - Last Paris Conference with Dannecker
July 10, 1942 - Berlin - Dannecker writes to Eichmann, asking what should be done with jewish children whose parents were selected for deportation to Auschwitz
August 28, 1942 - Berlin - Meeting with his "jewish specialists"
October 27, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann attends a conference on sterilization issues
June 28, 1943 - Theresienstadt - Eichmann and other Sipo-SD officers escort delegates of the German Red Cross to Theresienstadt
December 1(?), 1943 - Lódz, Poland - Business trip to Lódz to discuss the exploitation of jewish labour with the head of Ostindustrie, an SS enterprise
March 19, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arrives in Hungary the same day Germany invades the country, and is soon joined by top members of his staff and five or six hundred members of the SD, SS, and Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo; security police)
April 25, 1944 - Budapest - First of a series of meetings with Joel Brand, a hungarian jew and member of the Relief and Rescue Committee
April 28(?), 1944 - Northeastern Hungary - Eichmann tours northeastern Hungary in the last week of April
May 1(?), 1944 - Auschwitz - Eichmann visits Auschwitz to assess the preparations to receive deported hungarian jews
May 14, 1944 - Budapest - From this day, four trains of 3,000 jews per day leave Hungary and travel to the camp at Auschwitz II-Birkenau
June 30, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann is involved in negotiations with Rudolf Kasztner that resulted in the rescue of 1,684 people, who were sent by train to safety in Switzerland in exchange for three suitcases full of diamonds, gold, cash and securities
July 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann, resentful that Kurt Becher and others were becoming involved in Jewish emigration matters, and angered by Himmler's suspension of deportations to the death camps, requests reassignment
July 17, 1944 - Budapest - In spite of the orders to stop, Eichmann personally makes arrangements for additional trains of victims to be sent to Auschwitz
July 19, 1944 - Budapest - In spite of the orders to stop, Eichmann personally makes arrangements for additional trains of victims to be sent to Auschwitz
August 30(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann is assigned to head a commando squad to assist in the evacuation of 10,000 ethnic germans trapped on the hungarian border with Romania in the path of the advancing Red Army. The people they were sent to rescue refused to leave, so instead the soldiers helped evacuate members of a German field hospital trapped close to the front. For this Eichmann was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class
October 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arranges for tens of thousands of Jewish victims to travel by forced marches in appalling conditions from Budapest to Vienna, a distance of 210 kilometres
November 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arranges for tens of thousands of Jewish victims to travel by forced marches in appalling conditions from Budapest to Vienna, a distance of 210 kilometres
December 24, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann flees Budapest just before the soviets complete their encirclement of the city
January 1(?), 1945 - Berlin - Eichmann returns to Berlin, where he arranged for the incriminating records of Department IV-B4 to be burned
March 5, 1945 - Theresienstadt - Eichmann visits Theresienstadt to check out the camp before the next Red Cross visit
April 15(?), 1945 - Prague - Ordered back to Prague
May 1, 1945 - Ebensee, Upper Austria - Eichmann reaches Ebensee
May 8, 1945 - Altaussee area, Austria - Along with many SS officers, Eichmann and family were living in safety in Austria when the war in Europe ends
June(?) 1(?), 1945 - Ulm, South Germany - Eichmann and his adjutant Rudolf Janisch are caught by the americans.
August(?) 1(?), 1945 - Weiden, Upper Palatinate - After the americans see his SS tattoo, he admits he is a Junior Lieutenant called Otto Eckmann
February 5, 1946 - Ober-Dachstetten, Franconia - Eichmann escapes the POW camp and heads north, away from the American Zone and towards the Celle District, with forged papers he received at the camp. The papers identify him as a forest ranger named Otto Heninger
March 12, 1946 - Eversen, Lüneburg Heath (near Bremen) - Eichmann becomes a forestry worker with nobody knowing who he was
January(?) 1(?), 1948 - Altensalzkoth area, Austria - Eichmann turns to Chicken Farming after the company he worked for went bankrupt
June 1, 1950 - The International Committee of the Red Cross issues a passport to Eichmann, under the name "Ricardo Klement"
June 17, 1950 - Genoa, Italy - Eichmann departs to Argentina with two other former SS men aboard the "SS Giovanni C"
July 14, 1950 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Eichmann arrives in Buenos Aires
August(?) 1(?), 1950 - Tucumán, Argentina - Eichmann moves to Tucumán to work for CAPRI, a company that planned hydroelectric power plants.
December 1(?), 1950 - Tucumán - Eichmann writes a coded message to his wife Vera, advising her in code that he was alive and well, and that she should make arrangements to join him in Argentima
April 1(?), 1953 - Buenos Aires - The Capri firm declares bankruptcy and Eichmann moves his family to Buenos Aires
August 19, 1954 - Buenos Aires - Vera Eichmann applies for passports for her two older sons at the German Embassy. She shows her marriage certificate
March 1(?), 1959 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is hired by Mercedes-Benz, still using the alias of "Ricardo Klement"
March 21, 1960 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is identified by israeli agents as he entered his house with a bouquet of flowers to celebrate his Silver wedding anniversary
May 11, 1960 - San Fernando, Buenos Aires - Eichmann is captured by a eight-man Mossad team
May 20, 1960 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is sedated and smuggled out of Argentina aboard an El Al Bristol Britannia
May 21, 1960 - Dakar, Senegal - Stop over Dakar to refuel
May 22, 1960 - Lod Airport, Tel-a-Viv, Israel - The aircraft arrives in Israel and Ben-Gurion announces Eichmann's capture to the Knesset
April 11, 1961 - Jerusalem -
Eichmann's trial before the Jerusalem District Court begins
December 15, 1961 - Jerusalem - Eichmann is sentenced to death by hanging
March 22, 1962 - Appeal hearings take place until 29th
April 30(?), 1962 - Eichmann's wife Vera flies to Israel to see him for a last time
May 29, 1962 - The israeli supreme court rejects the appeal and upholds the District Court's judgement on all counts
June 1, 1962 - Ramla, Israel - Adolf Eichmann is hanged, aged 56 =(END)
July 1, 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann is ordered to Palestine to explore the possibility of deporting Europe's jews to the area
September 29(?), 1937 - Istanbul - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Piraeus
September 30(?), 1937 - Piraeus, Greece - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Haifa
October 2, 1937 - Haifa, Palestine - Eichmann and Hagen arrive in the port of Haifa. The british restrict their stay to 48 hours
October 4, 1937 - Alexandria, Egypt - The "Romania" steamship arrives in Alexandria, Egypt
October 7, 1937 - Cairo - Eichmann and Hagen meet the DNB-representative for Egypt, Gentz and Wilhelm Bormann, a businessman
October 10, 1937 - Cairo - Meetings with Feivel Polkes, of the "Haganah", on 10th and 11th
October 19, 1937 - Alexandria, Egypt - Eichmann and Hagen depart from Egypt
October 21(?), 1937 - Piraeus, Greece(?) - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Istanbul(?)
October 22(?), 1937 - Istanbul(?) - Eichmann and Hagen depart to Berlin?
November 9, 1937 - Berlin - Eichmann is commissioned as an SS-Untersturmführer (second lieutenant)
November 11, 1937 - Nuremberg - Eichmann visits Nuremberg Rally
March 16, 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is posted to Vienna to help organise jewish emigration from Austria
July 1(?), 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Obersturmführer (1st lieutenant)
August 20, 1938 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is appointed to the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna
January 30, 1939 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Haupsturmführer (captain)
May 1(?), 1939 - Vienna, Austria - Eichmann leaves Vienna. Until that point, 100,000 jews had left Austria legally and many more smuggled out to Palestine and elsewhere
July 14, 1939 - Prague - Eichmann appears as Walter Stahlecker's "representative" at negotiations with the Protecturate's Government
July 26, 1939 - Prague - Posted in Prague to assist in setting up an emigration office there
October 1(?), 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann is transfered to Berlin to command the Central Office for Jewish Emigration for the entire Reich under Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo
November 4, 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann and his superior, SS-Oberscharführer Hagen report to their superiors about Palestine
December 19, 1939 - Berlin - Eichmann is assigned to head RSHA Referat IV B4 (RSHA Sub-Department IV-B4), tasked with overseeing Jewish affairs and evacuation. Heydrich announced Eichmann to be his "special expert", in charge of arranging for all deportations into occupied Poland. The job entailed co-ordinating with police agencies for the physical removal of the Jews, dealing with their confiscated property, and arranging financing and transport.
January 30, 1940 - Berlin - Special Department R, in Office IV is amalgamated with the Reich Central Office for jewish Emigration and became Department IV D4 in the office for occupied territories. The change broadened Eichmann's remit considerably: in addition to forced jewish emigration, he was now responsible for coordinating plans to relocate jews to the East
February 13, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann’s department organizes forced emigration of Jews of Settin, the first instance of Jews of German nationality being deported from the Old Reich instead of recently annexed territory in the East. 230 people die as a result of this march
April 1(?), 1940 - Posen - Eichmann takes over the Central Resettlement Office with one of his colleagues
June 30, 1940 - Berlin - Hitler approves the Madagascar Plan. Eichmann is charged with the details of it's implementation
August 1, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer (Major)
August 15, 1940 - Berlin - Eichmann released a memorandum titled Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagaskar Projekt (Reich Main Security Office: Madagascar Project), calling for the resettlement to Madagascar of a million Jews per year for four years.
March 20, 1941 - Berlin(?) - In a meeting at the ministry of Propaganda, Eichmann announces that it would be possible to deport 15,000 jews from Berlin, if they were joined up with the 60,000 jews that Hitler had approved for deportation
July(?) 14(?), 1941 - Bialystok - Eichmann reaches Bialystok on his way driving to Minsk
July(?) 15(?), 1941 - Minsk - Eichmann witnesses a mass shooting near Minsk
September 13, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Telephone conversation with Franz Rademacher about 8,000 jews interned in Serbia. Eichmann suggests shooting them
October 1(?), 1941 - Belzec - Visit to the Belzec Death Camp
October 10, 1941 - Prague - Eichmann is present in Prague when Heydrich announces the deportations to Lodz, Riga and Minsk
November 9, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann is promoted to SS-Oberturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel). He is ordered by Heydrich to prepare the meeting that would become "the Wannsee Conference"
November 29, 1941 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann sends invitations for a ministerial conference to be held on 9 December at the offices of Interpol at 16 Am Kleinen Wannsee
December 9, 1941 - Berlin(?) - The first meeting is cancelled due to the soviet counter-offensive in front of Moscow, ending the prospect of a rapid conquest of the Soviet Union, and Japan's declaration of War to the US (7th)
January 8, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann sends new invitations to a meeting to be held on 20 January
January 20, 1942 - Wannsee - Wannsee Conference
March 6, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann meets Franz Rademacher, from the Foreign Office
May 1(?), 1942 - Bratislava - Eichmann arrives in Bratislava for a round of meetings with Mach and the German Legation
May 27, 1942 - Bratislava - Eichmann receives the news of Heydrich's assassination attempt at Prague
June 11, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann summons the "jewish specialists" from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to Berlin
June 30, 1942 - Paris - Eichmann goes to Paris for two days to be briefed about the situation in France
July 1, 1942 - Paris - Last Paris Conference with Dannecker
July 10, 1942 - Berlin - Dannecker writes to Eichmann, asking what should be done with jewish children whose parents were selected for deportation to Auschwitz
August 28, 1942 - Berlin - Meeting with his "jewish specialists"
October 27, 1942 - Berlin(?) - Eichmann attends a conference on sterilization issues
June 28, 1943 - Theresienstadt - Eichmann and other Sipo-SD officers escort delegates of the German Red Cross to Theresienstadt
December 1(?), 1943 - Lódz, Poland - Business trip to Lódz to discuss the exploitation of jewish labour with the head of Ostindustrie, an SS enterprise
March 19, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arrives in Hungary the same day Germany invades the country, and is soon joined by top members of his staff and five or six hundred members of the SD, SS, and Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo; security police)
April 25, 1944 - Budapest - First of a series of meetings with Joel Brand, a hungarian jew and member of the Relief and Rescue Committee
April 28(?), 1944 - Northeastern Hungary - Eichmann tours northeastern Hungary in the last week of April
May 1(?), 1944 - Auschwitz - Eichmann visits Auschwitz to assess the preparations to receive deported hungarian jews
May 14, 1944 - Budapest - From this day, four trains of 3,000 jews per day leave Hungary and travel to the camp at Auschwitz II-Birkenau
June 30, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann is involved in negotiations with Rudolf Kasztner that resulted in the rescue of 1,684 people, who were sent by train to safety in Switzerland in exchange for three suitcases full of diamonds, gold, cash and securities
July 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann, resentful that Kurt Becher and others were becoming involved in Jewish emigration matters, and angered by Himmler's suspension of deportations to the death camps, requests reassignment
July 17, 1944 - Budapest - In spite of the orders to stop, Eichmann personally makes arrangements for additional trains of victims to be sent to Auschwitz
July 19, 1944 - Budapest - In spite of the orders to stop, Eichmann personally makes arrangements for additional trains of victims to be sent to Auschwitz
August 30(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann is assigned to head a commando squad to assist in the evacuation of 10,000 ethnic germans trapped on the hungarian border with Romania in the path of the advancing Red Army. The people they were sent to rescue refused to leave, so instead the soldiers helped evacuate members of a German field hospital trapped close to the front. For this Eichmann was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class
October 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arranges for tens of thousands of Jewish victims to travel by forced marches in appalling conditions from Budapest to Vienna, a distance of 210 kilometres
November 1(?), 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann arranges for tens of thousands of Jewish victims to travel by forced marches in appalling conditions from Budapest to Vienna, a distance of 210 kilometres
December 24, 1944 - Budapest - Eichmann flees Budapest just before the soviets complete their encirclement of the city
January 1(?), 1945 - Berlin - Eichmann returns to Berlin, where he arranged for the incriminating records of Department IV-B4 to be burned
March 5, 1945 - Theresienstadt - Eichmann visits Theresienstadt to check out the camp before the next Red Cross visit
April 15(?), 1945 - Prague - Ordered back to Prague
May 1, 1945 - Ebensee, Upper Austria - Eichmann reaches Ebensee
May 8, 1945 - Altaussee area, Austria - Along with many SS officers, Eichmann and family were living in safety in Austria when the war in Europe ends
June(?) 1(?), 1945 - Ulm, South Germany - Eichmann and his adjutant Rudolf Janisch are caught by the americans.
August(?) 1(?), 1945 - Weiden, Upper Palatinate - After the americans see his SS tattoo, he admits he is a Junior Lieutenant called Otto Eckmann
February 5, 1946 - Ober-Dachstetten, Franconia - Eichmann escapes the POW camp and heads north, away from the American Zone and towards the Celle District, with forged papers he received at the camp. The papers identify him as a forest ranger named Otto Heninger
March 12, 1946 - Eversen, Lüneburg Heath (near Bremen) - Eichmann becomes a forestry worker with nobody knowing who he was
January(?) 1(?), 1948 - Altensalzkoth area, Austria - Eichmann turns to Chicken Farming after the company he worked for went bankrupt

June 17, 1950 - Genoa, Italy - Eichmann departs to Argentina with two other former SS men aboard the "SS Giovanni C"
July 14, 1950 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Eichmann arrives in Buenos Aires
August(?) 1(?), 1950 - Tucumán, Argentina - Eichmann moves to Tucumán to work for CAPRI, a company that planned hydroelectric power plants.
December 1(?), 1950 - Tucumán - Eichmann writes a coded message to his wife Vera, advising her in code that he was alive and well, and that she should make arrangements to join him in Argentima
April 1(?), 1953 - Buenos Aires - The Capri firm declares bankruptcy and Eichmann moves his family to Buenos Aires
August 19, 1954 - Buenos Aires - Vera Eichmann applies for passports for her two older sons at the German Embassy. She shows her marriage certificate
March 1(?), 1959 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is hired by Mercedes-Benz, still using the alias of "Ricardo Klement"
March 21, 1960 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is identified by israeli agents as he entered his house with a bouquet of flowers to celebrate his Silver wedding anniversary
May 11, 1960 - San Fernando, Buenos Aires - Eichmann is captured by a eight-man Mossad team
May 20, 1960 - Buenos Aires - Eichmann is sedated and smuggled out of Argentina aboard an El Al Bristol Britannia
May 21, 1960 - Dakar, Senegal - Stop over Dakar to refuel
May 22, 1960 - Lod Airport, Tel-a-Viv, Israel - The aircraft arrives in Israel and Ben-Gurion announces Eichmann's capture to the Knesset
April 11, 1961 - Jerusalem -
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Adolf Eichmann in captivity |
December 15, 1961 - Jerusalem - Eichmann is sentenced to death by hanging
March 22, 1962 - Appeal hearings take place until 29th
April 30(?), 1962 - Eichmann's wife Vera flies to Israel to see him for a last time
May 29, 1962 - The israeli supreme court rejects the appeal and upholds the District Court's judgement on all counts
June 1, 1962 - Ramla, Israel - Adolf Eichmann is hanged, aged 56 =(END)
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