June 20, 1925 - Kingston, Texas - Audie Murphy is born
June 29, 1942 - Greenville - Accepted by the US Army =(START)
June 30, 1942 - Camp Wolters, 50 miles W of Forth Worth, Texas - Arrives at Camp Wolters
October 13, 1942 - Camp Wolters - Finishes basic training - earns Marksman badge with rifle clasp and expert badge with bayonet clasp
October 18, 1942 - Fort George G. Meade, Maryland - Arrives for advanced training
January 23, 1943 - Camp Kilmer, New Jersey - Processed through Camp Kilmer
February 8, 1943 - New York City(?) - Boards the transportship "Hawaiian Shipper"
February 20, 1943 - Rabat, Morocco - Arrives in Rabat - Assigned to B company, 1st battalion, 15th inf rgt - 3rd inf div
February 28, 1943 - Port Lyautey, Kenitra, Morocco - Reports to his assigned unit - new training site of the 3rd division
March 7, 1943 - Port Lyautey, Kenitra, Morocco - 3rd Division is sent to Port Lyautey
March 15, 1943 - Arzew, Algeria - The Division arrives in Arzew for training
May 1, 1943 - Constantine, NE Algeria - 15th regiment moves out
May 7, 1943 - Tunisian border - Moves into Tunisia - Promoted to Private 1st Class
May 9, 1943 - W of Ferryville-Bizerte-Tunis highways - The 15th is instructed to move
May 15, 1943 - Jemmapes-Philippeville area (Skikda, NE Algeria) - The 3rd division moves out of Tunisia and marches to Skikda area for training
June 1, 1943 - El Alia, near Bizerte, Tunisia - Training complete - moves to El Alia for final preparations
July 7, 1943 - Karouba, near Bizerte - The 15th regiment moves to the embarkation point
July 9, 1943 - Crossing the Mediterranean in rough weather
July 10, 1943 - Licata, Sicily - The 3rd Division lands at Licata, Sicily
July 11, 1943 - Campobello di Licata - Captures the town of Campobello di Licata
July 12, 1943 - Ravenusa | Sommatino - Towns taken
July 15, 1943 - Canicatti - Murphy kills 2 italian officers - Promoted to Corporal
July 16, 1943 - Agrigento - Truscott surrounds Agrigento
July 19, 1943 - Casteltermini - Drive to Palermo at quick pace advancing north of Aragona towards Casteltermini
July 21, 1943 - Corleone - Corleone captured
July 23, 1943 - Palermo - Company B arrives in Palermo
August 1, 1943 - Castel di Tusa - The 15th regiment passes through Trabia and stopps at Castel di Tusa
August 2, 1943 - Caronia - Advancing to Messina
August 3, 1943 - West bank of Furiano River - West bank of the Furiano River reached
August 4, 1943 - San Fratello area (east bank of Furiano river) - Battle of San Fratello
August 7, 1943 - San Fratello - Final assault on San Fratello - house-to-house fighting
August 8, 1943 - San Fratello ridge - The 3rd Division attacks the San Fratello ridge with little opposition
August 9, 1943 - San Marco D'alunzio - Advancing to Messina
August 10, 1943 - Mirto | Naso - Advancing to Messina
August 13, 1943 - "beyond" Messina - Advancing to Messina
August 15, 1943 - Messina - Takes positions "beyond" Messina
August 16, 1943 - Messina - Messina is Taken by Patton
August(?) 20(?), 1943 - Marsala | Trapani - Resting and preparing for invasion of Italy
September 20, 1943 - Sele River, S of Battipaglia - Murphy lands in Italy, part of the Salerno landings
September 21, 1943 - Battipaglia Area - Salerno Landings (Murphy kills 5 germans - 7 total?)
September 22, 1943 - Acerno - The Division attacks Acerno
September 28, 1943 - Volturara - 1st Battalion in Reserve
September 29, 1943 - Avellino - The remainder of the Division enters Avellino
October 6, 1943 - Mignano Monte lungo (Volturno Line) - The Division reaches the banks of the Volturno River
October 13, 1943 - Volturno River - Crossing the Volturno river at midnight
October 14, 1943 - NE of Piana di Caiazzo
October 17, 1943 - Hill 446 above Roccaromana
October 19, 1943 - Roccaromana - Desperate german last stand blocks the advance until October 22th
October 26, 1943 - Montecello - Montecello occupied
November 1, 1943 - Presenzano - Murphy enters the city
November 8, 1943 - Mt.Rotundo - Mount Rotundo captured after days of fierce german resistance
November 16, 1943 - San Felice - 3rd Division pulled back to rest
December 13, 1943 - San Felice - Murphy is promoted to Sergeant
December 30, 1943 - Pozzuoli, NE Napoli - The Division moves to Pozzuoli to conduct an intense amphibious program
January 16, 1944 - Beaches South of Salerno - From 16 to 19th, the 3rd Division rehearses for the invasion of Anzio
January 21, 1944 - Napoli - Murphy is hospitalized with Malaria - Promoted to Staff Sergeant
January 22, 1944 - Napoli - Murphy misses the Anzio landings
January 30, 1944 - Cisterna - Anzio Landings (1st battle of Cisterna)
March 2, 1944 - Cisterna - Murphy destroys a tank and its crew - Bronze Star with "V" device
March 13, 1944 - Hospitalized with a second bout of Malaria
April 1, 1944 - Torre Astura - Training
May 8, 1944 - Awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge and a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Bronze Star
May 22, 1944 - Cisterna - 2nd battle of Cisterna
June 1, 1944 - Valmontone | Labico - Vamontone / Labico in allied hands
June 4, 1944 - Rome - Liberation of Rome. Murphy and his platoon stays through July
August 4, 1944 - SW of Rome - Transfer
August 8, 1944 - Out of Italy - Moves out
August 15, 1944 - Ramatuelle, France - Operation Dragoon (Murphy kills 8 germans - 13 total?) - Distinguished Service Cross
August 28, 1944 - Montélimar - offensive battle - Presidential Unit Citation
September 15, 1944 - Genevreuille, NE France - 1st Purple Heart after being wounded on the heel by a mortal shell blast
October 2, 1944 - L'Omet - Murphy kills 4 germans (17 total?) - Awarded the Silver Star
October 5, 1944 - L'Omet (hill) - offensive battle - directing his men under fire with a radio - Bronze oak leaf cluster for his silver star
October 14, 1944 - Bruyères | Brouvelieures - Battlefield commission to second Lieutenant - elevated to Platoon leader
October 26, 1944 - Bruyères | Brouvelieures - 1 sniper killed (18 total?) - Wounded by sniper
October 29, 1944 - Aix-en-Provence - Hospital and Surgery to remove gangrene in his hip wound
January 14, 1945 - Colmar Canal (bridgeheads W Rhine) - Rejoins his platoon - 16 days of battle
January 24, 1945 - Holtzwihr - german counterattack - Murphy is wounded on both legs
January 26, 1945 - Holtzwihr - Murphy holds a german company for an hour with a .50 machinegun - 50 of them are killed (68 total) - Medal of Honor action
February 4, 1945 - Biesheim - Murphy kills 6 germans (74 total?)
February 16, 1945 - Colmar - Promoted to First Lieutenant
February 18, 1945 - Colmar - Murphy is awarded the "Legion of Merit"
March 5, 1945 - Nancy - Distinguished Service Cross | Silver Star
March 11, 1945 - Nancy - Assigned as Liaison Officer (non-combat)
May 24, 1945 - Nancy(?) - An inquiry is sent to the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Versailles, France, inquiring as to the feasibility of Murphy's enrolling in the US Military Academy
June 2, 1945 - Salzburg - Murphy receives the Medal of Honor | Legion of Merit
June 8, 1945 - Salzburg(?) - Receives orders to report to Fort Sam Houston
June 13, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Arrival in Fort Sam Houston
July 2, 1945 - McKinney, Texas - Murphy is the star attraction at the 2 to 4 July rodeo
July 16, 1945 - Audie Murphy becomes a national celebrity after being Life Magazine cover story
July 17, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Back for duty
August 21, 1945 - Receives the Good Conduct Medal
September 21, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Murphy's Army discharge
June 17, 1947 - San Antonio, Texas(?) - Medical examination reveals symptoms of headaches, vomiting and war nightmares
February 8, 1949 - Murphy marries Wanda Hendrix
February 22, 1949 - Premiere of "Bad Boy", Murphy's first movie in a leading role
July 1(?), 1950 - Austin, Texas - Begins 2nd military career as a captain in the 36th Inf Div of Texas National Guard
March 16, 1951 - Premiere of "Red Badge of Courage"
April 11, 1951 - Murphy and Wanda Hendrix divorce, because of his post traumatic stress disorder
April 18, 1951 - 4 days later, Murphy married Pamela Archer
October 1, 1951 - transfered to inactive status at his request because of film commitments
August 17, 1955 - San Antonio, Texas - World Premiere of the movie "To Hell and back" at the Majestic Theatre
February 14, 1956 - Murphy is promoted to Major in US Army reserve
July 1, 1957 - Transfers back to inactive status
November 7, 1966 - Separation from the National Guard. Army reserve next day
May 22, 1969 - Murphy retires from the US Army reserve
May 18, 1970 - Burbank, California - Murphy is charged for assault to commit murder, by the Burbank Police
October 1(?), 1970 - Burbank, California - Murphy is acquitted of all charges at his trial
May 28, 1971 - Brush Mountain, Catawba, Virginia - Audie Murphy dies in an air accident, aged 45 =(END)
January 16, 1944 - Beaches South of Salerno - From 16 to 19th, the 3rd Division rehearses for the invasion of Anzio
January 21, 1944 - Napoli - Murphy is hospitalized with Malaria - Promoted to Staff Sergeant
January 22, 1944 - Napoli - Murphy misses the Anzio landings
January 30, 1944 - Cisterna - Anzio Landings (1st battle of Cisterna)
March 2, 1944 - Cisterna - Murphy destroys a tank and its crew - Bronze Star with "V" device
March 13, 1944 - Hospitalized with a second bout of Malaria
April 1, 1944 - Torre Astura - Training
May 8, 1944 - Awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge and a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Bronze Star
May 22, 1944 - Cisterna - 2nd battle of Cisterna
June 1, 1944 - Valmontone | Labico - Vamontone / Labico in allied hands
June 4, 1944 - Rome - Liberation of Rome. Murphy and his platoon stays through July
August 4, 1944 - SW of Rome - Transfer
August 8, 1944 - Out of Italy - Moves out
August 15, 1944 - Ramatuelle, France - Operation Dragoon (Murphy kills 8 germans - 13 total?) - Distinguished Service Cross
August 28, 1944 - Montélimar - offensive battle - Presidential Unit Citation
September 15, 1944 - Genevreuille, NE France - 1st Purple Heart after being wounded on the heel by a mortal shell blast
October 2, 1944 - L'Omet - Murphy kills 4 germans (17 total?) - Awarded the Silver Star
October 5, 1944 - L'Omet (hill) - offensive battle - directing his men under fire with a radio - Bronze oak leaf cluster for his silver star
October 14, 1944 - Bruyères | Brouvelieures - Battlefield commission to second Lieutenant - elevated to Platoon leader
October 26, 1944 - Bruyères | Brouvelieures - 1 sniper killed (18 total?) - Wounded by sniper
October 29, 1944 - Aix-en-Provence - Hospital and Surgery to remove gangrene in his hip wound
January 14, 1945 - Colmar Canal (bridgeheads W Rhine) - Rejoins his platoon - 16 days of battle
January 24, 1945 - Holtzwihr - german counterattack - Murphy is wounded on both legs
January 26, 1945 - Holtzwihr - Murphy holds a german company for an hour with a .50 machinegun - 50 of them are killed (68 total) - Medal of Honor action
February 4, 1945 - Biesheim - Murphy kills 6 germans (74 total?)
February 16, 1945 - Colmar - Promoted to First Lieutenant
February 18, 1945 - Colmar - Murphy is awarded the "Legion of Merit"
March 5, 1945 - Nancy - Distinguished Service Cross | Silver Star
March 11, 1945 - Nancy - Assigned as Liaison Officer (non-combat)
May 24, 1945 - Nancy(?) - An inquiry is sent to the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Versailles, France, inquiring as to the feasibility of Murphy's enrolling in the US Military Academy
June 2, 1945 - Salzburg - Murphy receives the Medal of Honor | Legion of Merit
June 8, 1945 - Salzburg(?) - Receives orders to report to Fort Sam Houston
June 13, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Arrival in Fort Sam Houston
July 2, 1945 - McKinney, Texas - Murphy is the star attraction at the 2 to 4 July rodeo
July 16, 1945 - Audie Murphy becomes a national celebrity after being Life Magazine cover story
July 17, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Back for duty
August 21, 1945 - Receives the Good Conduct Medal
September 21, 1945 - Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio - Murphy's Army discharge
June 17, 1947 - San Antonio, Texas(?) - Medical examination reveals symptoms of headaches, vomiting and war nightmares
February 8, 1949 - Murphy marries Wanda Hendrix
February 22, 1949 - Premiere of "Bad Boy", Murphy's first movie in a leading role
July 1(?), 1950 - Austin, Texas - Begins 2nd military career as a captain in the 36th Inf Div of Texas National Guard
March 16, 1951 - Premiere of "Red Badge of Courage"
April 11, 1951 - Murphy and Wanda Hendrix divorce, because of his post traumatic stress disorder
April 18, 1951 - 4 days later, Murphy married Pamela Archer
October 1, 1951 - transfered to inactive status at his request because of film commitments
August 17, 1955 - San Antonio, Texas - World Premiere of the movie "To Hell and back" at the Majestic Theatre

July 1, 1957 - Transfers back to inactive status
November 7, 1966 - Separation from the National Guard. Army reserve next day
May 22, 1969 - Murphy retires from the US Army reserve
May 18, 1970 - Burbank, California - Murphy is charged for assault to commit murder, by the Burbank Police
October 1(?), 1970 - Burbank, California - Murphy is acquitted of all charges at his trial
May 28, 1971 - Brush Mountain, Catawba, Virginia - Audie Murphy dies in an air accident, aged 45 =(END)