Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu (9 September 1585 – 4 December 1642), commonly referred to as Cardinal Richelieu (French: Cardinal de Richelieu), was a French clergyman and statesman. He was also known as l'Éminence rouge, or "the Red Eminence", a term derived from the title "Eminence" applied to cardinals, and the red robes they customarily wore. (Intro from Wikipedia)
September 9, 1585 – Paris, France - Armand Jean du Plessis is born to a family of the lesser nobility of Poitou
May 5, 1586 – Paris - Baptized at the Saint-Eustache Church in Paris
June 10, 1590 – While in Paris - His father, François IV du Plessis de Richelieu, dies fighting in the French Wars of Religion at Gonesse, leaving the family in dept
September 1(?), 1594 – Paris – At the age of 9, Armand is sent to the College de Navarre in Paris to study Philosophy, Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
January(?) 1(?), 1605 - Paris - Treated for gonorrhea by huguenot physician Théodore de Mayerne
December 18, 1606 – Paris - King Henri IV appoints Richelieu Bishop of Luçon =(START)
April 17, 1607 – Rome, Italy - Richelieu travels to Rome, where he receives the canonical investiture from the hands of Cardinal de Givry
December 15, 1608 – Fontenay-le-Comte - Richelieu meets the chapter of Luçon in Fontenay-le-Comte
July 8, 1611 – Châtellerault, Poitou – Religious conference held in Châtellerault until July 16th. Richelieu assists Father Humblot against Pastor Daniel Chamier of Dauphiné and Minister Le Faucher. The goal of the dispute was to obtain the conversion of a local noblewoman named La foulenne.
January 26, 1612 - While in Poitou - Marie de' Medici announced that Louis (XIII) would marry spanish Princess Anne, and that Princess Élisabeth would take the future spanish King Philip IV as her husband
August 24, 1614 - Luçon - Richelieu is elected deputy of the Poitou clergy to the States-General of Paris with support from Denis Bouthillier, the Queen's private secretary. He becomes the spokesperson for the Assembly
October 27, 1614 - Petit-Bourbon Hall, Paris - The Estates General's 474 delegates gather at the Petit-Bourbon Hall in Paris for weeks of meetings. Richelieu was in the crowd to be close to the political decisions
February 23, 1615 - Petit-Boubon Hall, Paris - Richelieu delivers a speech at the final day of the Estates General conference
August 17, 1615 - Paris - The Royal Family depart to Bordeaux in a convoy of coaches and carriages, to attend wedding ceremonies
September 10(?), 1615 - Poitiers - Richelieu visits the court at Poitiers. Princess Élisabeth had fallen ill with smallpox and Queen Anne of Austria asks Richelieu to take care of her while the convoy continued to Bordeaux
September 20(?), 1615 - Poitiers - Queen Anne of Austria rewards Richelieu by naming him her chaplain
October 7, 1615 - Bordeaux - The court arrives in Bordeaux
November 25, 1615 - Bordeaux - Louis XIII marries Anne of Austria in Bordeaux
September 1, 1616 - Paris - During a visit to the Queen Mother, the Prince of Condé is arrested
September 24, 1616 – Paris – Richelieu is appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
November 25, 1616 – Paris - Richelieu is appointed Secretary of State for War
January 18, 1617 - Paris - Richelieu drafts a royal declaration that sternly admonished Charles III, duke of Nevers, and others to terminate their rebellion and disband their troops
April 24, 1617 - Paris - 16-year-old King Louis XIII has Chief Minister Concino Concini shot dead at the gate of the Louvre, terminating his rule and the regency of the Queen Mother Marie de' Medici. Richelieu finds the king in the Louvre but he is dismissed as Secretary of State in front of the nobility: "Well, Luçon, finally I am free from your tyranny!"
April 25, 1617 - Paris - The people of Paris gather on the Pont-Neuf (New Bridge) to hear about the coup d'état. For the majority of people, Concini was responsible for the political turmoil following King Henri IV's assassination in 1610. Richelieu looks for advice from the papal envoy. As his carriage crossed the Pont-Neuf, he shouts "long live the King" and the crowd lets him pass
May 3, 1617 - Paris - After a meeting with King Louis XIII and Luynes at the Royal Palace, Marie de' Medici leaves with Richelieu for the Chateau de Blois. Days before, Richelieu spotted an opportunity and saved his political career by mediating the situation and negotiating an arrangement that was satisfactory for both sides
June 11, 1617 - Blois - Richelieu departs to Luçon and Coussay after receiving a letter from his brother in Paris, informing him that the royal council had deliberated on sending him away from Marie de' Medici's court
June 15, 1617 - Coussay - Letter from King Louis XIII, approving of his decision to settle in Coussay
October 1(?), 1617 - Luçon - Thinking that Richelieu was still too close to his mother's court, Louis XIII relegates him to episcopal duties in Luçon
April 7, 1618 - Luçon - Richelieu receives a letter from King Louis XIII ordering him to retire to Avignon
May 16, 1618 – Avignon - Richelieu arrives in Avignon
February 8, 1619 - Avignon - Letter to the cathedral's ecclesiastics in Luçon, telling them where he wanted to be buried, and what they should do with the silverware and tapestries that decorated his private chapels in Coussay and Luçon
March 7, 1619 - Avignon - Richelieu receives a letter from the royal council inviting him to rejoin Marie de' Medici's court, to mediate the conflict between the King and the Queen-Mother. He leaves for Angoulême on the same day
March 15(?), 1619 - Vienne - While on his way to Angoulême, Richelieu is arrested at Vienne but the incident is quickly resolved
March 27, 1619 - Angoulême - Richelieu arrives in Angoulême
April 30, 1619 - Angoulême - Marie de' Medici signs the Peace of Angoulême
July 8, 1619 - While in Angoulême - His brother Henri is killed in a duel in Angers
September 5, 1619 - Château de Couzières, Veigné (S. of Tours) - Marie de' Medici and Richelieu reach the Château de Couzières, near Tours, to meet with the King
July 7, 1620 - While in Angoulême - The king joins his army and threatens the garden valley of the Loire with armed conflict
July 30(?), 1620 - La Flèche - Marie de' Medici and Richelieu move to La Flèche
August 7, 1620 - Angers - The king's envoys reach Angers with a peace offer
August 10, 1620 - Angers - Richelieu convinces Marie de' Medici to accept his son's peace offer
August 14, 1620 - near Angers - Reconciliation between Louis XIII and his mother, in a small town near Angers, in the presence of Luynes, Richelieu and Condé
August 22, 1620 - While in Angers - Louis XIII sends a letter to the Pope asking him to consider the Bishop of Luçon for the next promotion of cardinals
September 6, 1620 - While in Angers - The king's emissary arrives at the Vatican
January 1(?), 1621 - Paris - After settling in Paris, Richelieu receives the news that the Holy See had passed him over
July 1, 1621 - Blaye - Louis XIII part ways with Marie de' Medici on good terms
December 15, 1621 – While in Poitou – The Duke of Luynes, Constable of France, dies of scarlet fever in Monheurt (NW of Agen), opening the way to the rise of Richelieu
April 19, 1622 – Paris - Ordained Cardinal by Pope Gregory XV, proposed by King Louis XIII
August 29, 1622 - Paris - Richelieu is elected Principal of the Sorbonne
September 5, 1622 - La Pacaudière - Resting in the village of La Pacaudière (on his way to meet the king). A messenger arrives with the news that he had been made cardinal
December 10, 1622 - Lyon - The court moves to Lyon. Louis XIII gives Richelieu the red biretta of Cardinal at the episcopal palace of Lyon and in presence of the court
April 28, 1624 - Compiègne - Louis XIII speaks to Richelieu and decides to admit him to his council
April 29, 1624 – Compiègne - Richelieu becomes a member of the Royal Council of ministers. He begins conspiring against the chief minister, the Duke of La Vieuville
June 10, 1624 – Compiègne - Richelieu signs the Treaty of Compiègne, a mutual defence alliance between France and the Dutch Republic
August 12, 1624 – Rueil-Malmaison, W. of Paris - The court leaves Paris to visit Richelieu's new estate in the village of Rueil. The Duke of La Vieuville is arrested on charges of corruption
August 13, 1624 – Rueil-Malmaison - Richelieu becomes Chief Minister on the next day
May 27, 1625 - Luxembourg Palace, Paris - Richelieu celebrates a political success by hosting a reception at the Luxembourg Palace for an english delegation that came to fetch the new english queen, headed by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham
June 2, 1625 - Paris - Princess Henriette Marie leaves Paris with Marie de' Medici and the Duke of Buckingham. Louis XIII and Richelieu remain in Paris
May 11, 1626 - Fontainebleu - Richelieu is informed of a plot to kill him: Gaston confesses his envolvement but hands over the Count of Chalais to save himself. Richelieu retires to his country house in Limours
July 31, 1626 - Nantes - Nantes declaration ordering the razing of all the fortresses and city walls which are not placed on the borders, made at the request of the deputies of the states of Brittany. Richelieu orders the destruction of the castles and puts down the nobles
August 5, 1626 - Nantes - Richelieu celebrates the prince's engagement with Mademoiselle de Montpensier
August 6, 1626 - Nantes - Attends the wedding ceremony of Gaston, Duke of Orléans and the Duchess of Montpensier.
August 9, 1626 - Nantes - The conspirator Comte the Chalais is captured
August 18, 1626 - Nantes - The commission finds the Comte de Chalais guilty of lèse-majesté, and decree that he was to be decapitated and quartered
August 19, 1626 - Nantes - The Comte de Chalais is gruesomely executed by an unskilled man, condemned to death himself, who needed 34 blows to sever the count's head
September 27, 1626 - Paris(?) - Creation of Richelieu's personal guard
September 28, 1626 - Paris - After the death of François de Bonne de Lesdiguières, Richelieu extinguishes the post of constable of France
September 30, 1626 - Paris - Richelieu founds the "Compagnie de Saint-Christophe" for the colonization of the Antilles
October 20, 1626 - Paris - Richelieu receives the title of Grand Maître, Chef et Surintendant Général de la Navigation et Commerce de France (Grand Master and General Superintendent of Sailing and Commerce)
March 20, 1627 - Paris - Richelieu secures another treaty with Spain, garanteeing their help in case of english attack
April 29, 1627 - Paris - Creation of the "Compagnie des Cent-Associés de la Nouvelle-France", for the colonization of New France (Canada)
July 15, 1627 – Paris(?) - Richelieu allows Duquesne's father “to equip and arm a patache to help and promote French trade and run against the pirates”. This patache was the 70-ton "Petit-Saint André" aboard which Duquesne set sail for the first time
July 20, 1627 - While in Versailles(?) - An english fleet led by the Duke of Buckingham appears off the Island of Ré
August 1, 1627 – While in Versailles – French royal forces led by Richelieu and Charles of Angoulême lay siege to La Rochelle
August 13, 1627 - Versailles - Richelieu orders the Duke d'Angoulême to take his position on La Rochelle's bay
September 10, 1627 – While in Versailles – Soldiers in La Rochelle fire cannon shots at workers of the royal army. They had chosen the english side
September 11, 1627 – While in Versailles – Richelieu donates to the Duquesnes everything they brought back from a business trip to England, except for a tenth reserved for him
September 30(?), 1627 - Versailles - Fully recovered, Louis XIII departs for La Rochelle with Richelieu
October 15(?), 1627 - Richelieu - Richelieu stops at Richelieu and meets the Prince of Condé. He gives Condé the mission to tackle the protestant Duke of Rohan
October 30, 1627 - While in Richelieu(?) - The first french contingent lands at Ré a few miles from Saint-Martin
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Cardinal Richelieu at the siege of La Rochelle, Henri-Paul Motte |
November 6, 1627 - La Rochelle - Richelieu arrives at La Rochelle
November 30(?), 1627 - La Rochelle - Richelieu launches the project to close off La Rochelle's bay and separate it from the Atlantic Ocean
January 1(?), 1628 - La Rochelle - On his way to Madrid, Ambroglio Spinola stops at La Rochelle to inspect the grandiose work
February 1(?), 1628 - La Rochelle - The two branches of the bulwark jutted out in the harbor, tens of yards out into the sea
February 10, 1628 - La Rochelle - Louis XIII leaves the camp at La Rochelle, supposedly to inspect his other army stationed in Champagne. Actually he goes back to Versailles, leaving Richelieu in command of the army
February 19, 1628 - La Rochelle - Richelieu formally demands the surrender of La Rochelle
March 12, 1628 - La Rochelle - Royalist forces begin attacking the gate of La Rochelle
March 21, 1628 - La Rochelle - An english ship manages to pass between the two bulwarks and reaches La Rochelle unscathed
April 8, 1628 - Laleu - Richelieu boards his carriage and goes to see Maréchal de Bassompierre at his quarters in Laleu
September 1(?), 1628 - La Rochelle - Up to 300 people die of starvation everyday in La Rochelle
October 3, 1628 - La Rochelle - A powerful english fleet of 120 ships appear before La Rochelle, led by the Earl of Lindsey
October 14, 1628 - La Rochelle - After eleven days of fights between the english ships and shore batteries, the english send an envoy to Richelieu - Lord Montague
October 28, 1628 – La Rochelle – Unconditional surrender of La Rochelle
November 1, 1628 - La Rochelle - Celebrates mass in La Rochelle on All Saints' Day
December 26, 1628 - Luxembourg Palace, Paris - Grand Council with Louis XIII, Richelieu, Marie de' Medici and members of the government at the Luxembourg Palace to decide the affairs on Italy after the victory at La Rochelle. Two parties are opposed: Richelieu, Schomberg and the Secretaries of State, in favor of an immediate intervention to settle the succession of Mantua; Bérulle, Marillac and Marie de Médicis opposed to the conflict with Spain. The king decides in favor of war.
January 13, 1629 - Paris - Meeting with King Louis XIII and Marie de' Medici. In Richelieu's "Notice given to the king after the capture of La Rochelle for the sake of his business", the Cardinal proposes to Louis XIII to initiate a policy of hegemony in Europe
March 5, 1629 - Chiomonte, W. of Turin, Italy - A messenger from King Louis XIII arrives
March 6, 1629 - Susa, W. of Turin, Italy - The royal army of Louis XIII and Richelieu force its passage through the Pass of Susa, in Piemont
April 28, 1629 - Susa - Louis XIII leaves the camp at Susa
May 14, 1629 - Privas, S. of Lyon - Louis XIII lays siege to Privas
May 30, 1629 - Privas, S. of Lyon - Letter to Marie de' Medici
June 15, 1629 - Alès, France - Richelieu prevents the Duke of Rohan from saving Alès
June 17, 1629 - Alès - Alès surrenders
June 28, 1629 - Alès - Louis XIII signs the Grace of Alès, which declared peace with the king's protestant subjects and agreed to uphold their liberty of conscience and some of their rights
August(?) 1(?), 1629 - Nîmes, France - Richelieu enters Nîmes without his entourage
August 21, 1629 - Montauban - Richelieu enters Montauban by foot, followed by his guards in red tabards
September 14, 1629 - Fontainebleu - Richelieu reaches the Royal Château of Fontainebleu
November 21, 1629 – Paris - Richelieu is officially appointed President of the Council of Ministers
November 26, 1629 – Paris - Created Duke of Richelieu and a Peer of France
December 28, 1629 - Paris - Richelieu offers a banquet to the royal family at his mansion on the Rue Saint-Honoré
December 29, 1629 - Louvre, Paris - Richelieu bids farewell to the royal family
January 15(?), 1630 - Lyon - Richelieu begins preparations to cross the Alps for the second time
January 29, 1630 - Lyon - Meeting with Giulio Mazzarino (Jules Mazarin), sent by the Holy See to negotiate an armistice
March 29, 1630 - Pinerolo, S. of Rivoli, Italy - Richelieu takes Pinerolo
April 13, 1630 - Pinerolo - Letter to Louis XIII: "one will need to attack Savoy at the earliest, and the soonest one will do will always be too late"
May 10, 1630 - Grenoble - Louis XIII and Richelieu meet in Grenoble to discuss the invasion of Savoy
June 1(?), 1630 - Maurienne Region - Louis XIII and Richelieu set camp in the Maurienne region
August 17, 1630 - Maurienne Region - Richelieu departs for Lyon
September 30, 1630 - Lyon - In his deathbed, Louis XIII bids farewell to everyone and asks for forgiveness for any wrong doings. He wouldn't survive until next morning. During that time, intense plotting was going on, specially from the King's mother, Marie de' Medici, who was preparing to order the arrest of Richelieu as soon as the king expired
October 1, 1630 - Lyon - Seeming like a miracle, Louis XIII's intestinal abcess bursts, and by the end of the day the king rises from his bed and walks around his bedroom
November 10, 1630 – Luxembourg Palace, Paris – Day of the Dupes (La journée des Dupes): Richelieu is summoned to Luxembourg Palace for a meeting with Queen Mother Marie de Medici and King Louis XIII. Marie de Medici demands Richelieu’s dismissal, declaring that the King had to choose between the cardinal and his own mother.
November 11, 1630 – Versailles – Louis XIII retires to his hunting lodge in Versailles. Richelieu, thinking that his career was over, follows him. There, the King assures him of his support
January 23, 1631 - Paris - Gets the Treaty of Bärwalde, which offers money for 36,000 swedish soldiers
January 30, 1631 - Paris - Prince Gaston d'Orléans declares war to Richelieu, saying: “As long as I thought you could serve me well I was content with loving you. Now that you are reneging on everything you promised, I’ve come to tell you that I am taking back my word that I would care for you”. He leaves the court for Orléans
May 30, 1631 - While in Rueil-Malmaison(?) - Gaston d'Orléans launches a manifesto against Richelieu from Nancy
July 19, 1631 - Paris - Richelieu discovers Marie de' Medici's plot
September 4, 1631 - Paris - Richelieu receives the dignity of Duke and Peer of the french kingdom. The next day he is received by the Parliament of Paris
September 16, 1631 - Paris - The king appoints Richelieu Governor of Brittany
December(?) 1(?), 1631 - Paris - Louis XIII and Richelieu depart to wage war against Charles de Lorraine
December 27, 1631 - Metz - Louis XIII (and Richelieu?) reach Metz on the day that Moyenvic falls
January 6, 1632 - Moyenvic, W-NW of Nancy, Lorraine - Treaty of Vic: Lorraine becomes a subject of France
May 10, 1632 - Paris - Marshal of France Louis de Marillac is decapitated at the Place de Glève
July 7, 1632 – Paris - After Marshal Antoine Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis d'Effiat, dies in Alsace, Richelieu takes his 12-year-old son Henri Coiffier de Ruzé under his protection
September 15, 1632 - Pont-Saint-Esprit, Languedoc - Louis XIII and Richelieu join the royal army in the Languedoc
September 29, 1632 - Béziers - Gaston d'Orléans signs an agreement that grants him a pardon. Louis XIII and Richelieu turn their attention to the Duke of Montmorency
October 12, 1632 - Béziers - Diplomat Louis Deshayes de Courmemin is tried and executed for conspiring against Richelieu
October 22, 1632 - Toulouse - Louis XIII, Anne of Austria and Richelieu solemnly enter into Toulouse
October 30, 1632 – Toulouse - Henri II, Duke of Montmorency is beheaded in Toulouse's town hall by a guillotine, as a warning to the rest of the plotting nobility
December(?) 1(?), 1632 - Bordeaux - Seeks refuge in Bordeaux, where his health deteriorates further
January 3, 1633 - Rochefort-en-Yvelines, SW of Paris - Richelieu meets Louis XIII at the Château at Rochefort-en-Yvelines: “As soon as he saw the king, the Cardinal threw himself at the feet of his His Majesty, who, while he lifted him up with one hand, embraced him with the other one, doubling his gestures of tenderness so much that tears starting
flowing in all those attending. All confessed to having never seen such testimony of a master’s more cordial kindness, or the testimony of a more respectful affection from any subject.”
September 22, 1633 - Rueil-Malmaison - A man named Alpheston confesses under torture that he had the mission of killing Richelieu. He his broken on the wheel
October 1(?), 1633 - Rueil-Malmaison - Bout of prostate problems. A plot to poison Richelieu is discovered
May 1(?), 1634 - Rueil-Malmaison - Bout of prostate problems
October 21, 1634 - Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Gaston d'Orléans returns to Paris and swears to the king "to love the cardinal (Richelieu) as much as I hate him". Richelieu arrives from Rueil later that day
November 28, 1634 - Paris(?) - Organizes the marriage of the Duc de Puylaurens with his niece Mademoiselle de Pontchâteau
January 6, 1635 - Paris - Letter from Count Axel Oxenstierna, in Mainz
February 8, 1635 - Paris - The French renew their treaty with the Dutch Republic
February 14, 1635 - Paris - At the house of Séguier (Minister of Justice), with Condé and two of Gaston's closest confidants, du Fargis and Coudray-Montpensier
February 22, 1635 - Paris - At the behest of Richelieu, Louis XIII authorizes the Académie Française to cultivate the purity and elegance of the french language
March 28, 1635 - Paris - Richelieu sends for Grotius to discuss the unratified treaty with Sweden
May 1(?), 1635 - Paris - Lays the first stone for the chapel at the Sorbonne
May 11, 1635 - Paris - Letter from Count Axel Oxenstierna
November 3, 1635 - Rueil-Malmaison - St.Chaumont finds Richelieu at Rueil in a very bad mood, accusing Sweden of negotiating for a separate peace.
February 19, 1636 - Paris - Richelieu entertains Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma
September 1(?), 1636 - Paris - Louis XIII and Richelieu depart from Paris, leaving Gaston in command of the capital's defences
September 9, 1636 - Amiens - Louis XIII and Richelieu reach Amiens. The siege of Corbie (E. of Corbie) begins
October 25, 1636 - Amiens - Failure of an attempt by Gaston d'Orléans and the Comte de Soissons, assisted by their favorites Montrésor and Saint-Ibal, against Richelieu
November 10, 1636 - Amiens(?) - Corbie capitulates
May 5, 1637 - Rueil-Malmaison - Letter from Louis XIII: "If tomorrow she (Louise-Angélique Motier de La Fayette) persists in her resolution…I shall leave on Monday for Versailles or Chantilly to try to forget my affliction, which from time to time takes a hold of me with extreme force, especially when I am alone. It’s not worth your coming here. I hope God will give me consolation.”
August 11, 1637 - Paris - The Queen's valet, La Porte, is kidnapped and arrested by Richelieu's agents, with compromising papers and letters, including pamphlets agains the Cardinal and the codes used by the Queen to correspont with her friends
August 17, 1637 - Paris - Anne of Austria asks to see Richelieu and confesses she had written to the Cardinal-Infant in the Spanish Netherlands. Louis XIII forgives her
December 9, 1637 - Paris - Visit by Father Caussin. During the conversation, King Louis XIII arrives and Richelieu hides the Father until he is gone
December 10, 1637 - Paris - Richelieu dismisses Father Caussin as confessor to the king after he tries to influence him in favor of peace with Spain
January 9, 1638 - Paris - Letter from Queen Christina of Sweden
April 29, 1638 - Paris - Letter from Léon le Bouthillier, in Paris
May 14, 1638 - Paris - Richelieu has Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, abbot of Saint-Cyran, arrested and taken to Vincennes, for supporting a violet pamphlet written by Cornelius Jansen, opposed to Richelieu's foreign and religious policy
June(?) 10(?), 1638 - Abbeville - Louis XIII and Richelieu set up camp in Abbeville
June 29, 1638 - Abbeville(?) - Hesdin surrenders
September 5, 1638 - Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Louis Dieudonné, Dauphin of France, is born
December 18, 1638 - Rueil-Malmaison(?) - Jules Mazarin becomes Richelieu's main adviser on the death of François Joseph Le Clerc du Tremblay, Marquis de Maffliers, known as Father Joseph (1577-1638)
February 12, 1639 - Paris - Polish prince Jean Casimir Vasa, future king of Poland, accused of conspiring against France with Spain, is locked up, by order of Richelieu, in the keep of the citadel of Sisteron
February 26, 1640 - Paris - Polish prince Jean Casimir Vasa is released by orders of Richelieu
June(?) 1(?), 1640 - Amiens - Richelieu joins Louis XIII in Amiens
January 14, 1641 - Paris - Richelieu presents Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin's new play "Mirame" for the opening of his theater at the Palais-Cardinal
February 11, 1641 - Palais-Royal, Paris - 20-year old Condé is forced by his father to marry 13-year old Claire-Clémence de Maillé-Brézé, niece of Cardinal Richelieu
March 6, 1641 - Rueil-Malmaison - Cardinal Richelieu summons the former Consul Saint-Pé and orders him to leave for Lisbon, to declare that the French Government was ready not to enter into any treaty with Spain, without Portugal being included in it.
March 27, 1641 – Paris - A portuguese embassy is warmly received by Louis XIII and Richelieu
June 1, 1641 - Paris - Treaty of Alliance between France and Portugal
August 9, 1641 - Rueil-Malmaison - Cardinal Richelieu orders the French governor of Lorraine Du Hallier to reoccupy the places returned to Duke Charles.
September 4, 1641 - Rueil-Malmaison - Letter to John IV of Portugal, confirming the favorable reception of his proposal and notifying that he was going to send the precise orders to the Marquis de Maillé-Brezé, commander of the French Squadron
December 16, 1641 - Paris(?) - Mazarin becomes cardinal under the protection of Richelieu
February 3, 1642 - Fontainebleu - Louis XIII and Richelieu depart for a voyage to the spanish border
March(?) 1(?), 1642 - Valence, S. of Lyon - Richelieu reunites with Mazarin
March 15(?), 1642 - Narbonne - The court settles in Narbonne
April 1(?), 1642 - Narbonne - Richelieu falls ill with an inflammation on his right arm that makes it impossible for him to write
May 3, 1642 - Narbonne - Letter to Sublet de Noyers: "I can’t be carried from one bed to another one without hurting extraordinarily"
May 6, 1642 - Narbonne - "There is new inflammation in my arm, and the older opening that God and nature created has now reopened and pus oozes in great quantity. Only to console me the doctors speak of playing with their knives again; it will be hard for me to accept, because I have no courage or strength left. I pray for God to give me some so that I can submit to His will"
May 12, 1642 - Narbonne - “I am always in the same state: one day I hope, the next I’m in doubt, and all nights are bad. God will give what is necessary, and what He has prescribed is what I want.”
May 23, 1642 - Narbonne - Richelieu dictates his Last Will and Testament to his secretary
May 27, 1642 - Narbonne - Richelieu departs from Narbonne
June 11, 1642 - Tarascon (Between Arles and Avignon) - Letter to Sublet de Noyers: "God assists the king with marvelous discoveries”
June 28, 1642 - Tarascon - Louis XIII reunites with Richelieu
July 3, 1642 - While at Tarascon - Marie de' Medici dies in Cologne. The French fleet under Maillé-Brézé is victorious off Barcelona
August 20, 1642 - Tarascon - Departs for Lyon by boat along the Rhône, to avoid the discomfort of traveling by carriage
September 3(?), 1642 - Lyon - Richelieu arrives in Lyon after two weeks
September 12, 1642 – Outside Lyon - While leaving Lyon for Paris, Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis of Cinq-Mars is imprisoned and beheaded in the Place des Terreaux in Lyon, aged 22
October 13, 1642 - Fontainebleu - Louis XIII and Richelieu reunite in Fontainebleu
October 17, 1642 - Paris - Richelieu returns to Paris after 18 months
October 30, 1642 - Rueil-Malmaison - Richelieu receives Anne of Austria in Rueil
November 19, 1642 - Paris - Richelieu asks his servants to lift him off his bed and to take him to his theater, where comedians were staging a private dress rehearsal of Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin's "Europe" for him
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Richelieu on his deathbed |
November 28, 1642 - Paris - Attends the performance of Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin's "Europe"
December 2, 1642 - Paris - Louis XIII visits the dying Richelieu on his bedroom. The Cardinal recommends Mazarin to the king
December 3, 1642 - Paris - Louis XIII visits Richelieu for the last time
December 4, 1642 – Paris - Cardinal Richelieu dies, aged 57 =(END)