November 11, 1484 - Seville, Castile and León - Bartolomé de las Casas is born
March 31, 1493 - Seville - Columbus passes through Seville with seven Indians and exotic birds, and stands near the church of San Nicolás to display them. This was witnessed by 8-year-old Bartolomé de las Casas
September 24, 1493 - Cadiz - His father, also named Bartolomé, sails with Columbus for the New World
January(?) 1(?), 1498 - Salamanca - Goes to Salamanca to study canonical and state Law at the local University
October 18, 1498 - Seville - His father sails for Seville from Santo Domingo. Three hundred Taino indian slaves also traveled on those ships. One of them, renamed "Juanico", was given to Bartolomé by his father, Who had received him as a gift from Columbus
January(?) 1(?), 1499 - near Granada - De las Casas may have gone with the Sevillian militia to help quash a rebellion of Moors in the mountains around Granada
May?) 1(?), 1500 - Salamanca - Stops his studies in Salamanca to join an expedition to the Indies
June 1(?), 1500 - Seville - Francisco de Bobadilla sets sail for Hispaniola, taking with him 14 amerindians who had previously been Columbus' slaves, and who were now being returned to their home, including "Juanico"
December 17, 1500 - Granada - De las Casas witnesses the audience of the Catholic Monarchs to Columbus
September 3, 1501 - Granada - The Catholic Monarchs appoint Nicolás de Ovando to replace Bobadilla as Governor and Captain-General of the Indies. De las Casas and his father were there as merchants and they sign on with Ovando's expedition =(START)
February 1(?), 1502 - Seville - Nicolás de Ovando puts together a fleet of 32 ships and 2,500 men (1,500 colonists, mostly nobles). Sailing down the Guadalquivir River from Seville to Sanlúcar de Barrameda, youngsters Hernán Cortés, Francisco Pizarro, Ponce de León and Bartolomé de las Casas (as a "doctrinero") go on the expedition
February 13, 1502 - Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Castile and León - Bartolomé de las Casas sails to the Indies in Nicolás de Ovando's expedition
April 1(?), 1551 - Valladolid - Second session of the "Valladolid Debate"
April 15, 1502 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - Bartolomé de las Casas arrives in Santo Domingo with the Expedition of Nicolás de Ovando
November 1(?), 1506 - Seville, Spain - Returns to Spain =(crossofburgundyflag)
December 1(?), 1506 - Seville - Ordained a deacon in Seville
January 1(?), 1507 - Rome, Papal States - Arrives in Rome
March 3, 1507 - Rome - Bartolomé de las Casas is ordained a secular priest
April 1(?), 1507 - Rome - Departs Rome for Salamanca to complete his studies of canon law
June 3, 1509 - Sanlúcar de Barrameda - Departs for Hispaniola with Diego Columbus, who was replacing Nicolás de Ovando as Governor
July 15(?), 1509 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - Returns to Hispaniola
September 1(?), 1510 - Concepción de la Vega, Hispaniola - A group of three Dominican friers led by Father Pedro de Córdoba arrive in Hispaniola. His sermons schock everyone including De las Casas
November 1(?), 1510 - Concepción de la Vega - Sings his first mass in Hispaniola, combining the work of "doctrinero" to his office as "encomendero" (late October or early November)
December 1(?), 1511 - Concepción de la Vega(?) - De las Casas is deeply impressed when a Dominican preacher, Fray Antonio de Montesinos, preaches an impassioned sermon that implicated the colonists in the genocide of the native peoples
February 2, 1512 - While in Hispaniola - Taíno chief Hatuey is captured, then tied to a stake and burned alive at Yara, near Bayamo, Cuba
June(?) 1(?), 1512 - Baracoa, SE of Cuba - Arrives in Cuba and joins the conquistadores Panfilo de Narvaez and Diego Velázquez
October 1(?), 1513 - Caonao, Cuba - Witnesses the massacre of Arawak amerindians in Caonao, during the conquest of Cuba by Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar and Pánfilo de Narváez
December 18, 1513 - Jagua, Cuba - Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar and Bartolomé de las Casas reach the port of Jagua
June 4, 1514 - Sancti Spíritus, Cuba - Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar founds the settlement of Sancti Spíritus
August 15, 1514 - Sancti Spíritus - After studying a passage in the book Ecclesiasticus for a Pentecost sermon and pondering its meaning, De las Casas is finally convinced that all the actions of the Spanish in the New World had been illegal and that they constituted a great injustice. He makes up his mind to give up his slaves and encomienda and informs Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar about it. He starts preaching that other colonists should do the same, starting by delivering a sermon at Sancti Spíritus
October(?) 1(?), 1514 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - De las Casas deceives his leader Velázquez de Cuéllar and his spanish companions, saying he was going back to Europe to study in Paris (when in fact he was about to go to the Spanish Court to plead the cause of the indians)
September 15(?), 1515 - Santo Domingo - After speaking with the Dominican Pedro de Córdoba, De las Casas sails for Seville together with Fray Antonio de Montesinos
October 6, 1515 - Seville, Spain - Returns to Seville. Montesinos presents De las Casas to the Archbishop of Seville, Diego de Deza
December 24, 1515 - Plasencia, Extremadura, Spain - Bartolomé de las Casas visits the ill King Ferdinand to discuss the situation in the Indies
January(?) 1(?), 1516 - Seville(?) - Writes "Memorial of Grievances, Remedies and Denunciations"
April 1(?), 1516 - While in Seville - Cardinal Cisneros (Regent of Castile) decides to send three Hieronymite friars to exercise the governorship of Hispaniola. Las Casas is commissioned advisor of the friars and appointed Attorney or "universal protector" of all Indians on the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, San Juan and Santiago (Jamaica), as well as on the American continent. His mission was to inform the Hieronymite fathers or the rest of the people who understood it of the health and integrity of the Indians. Even the Governor and appointed appellate judges had to keep that power of De las Casas, and disobediences to him would be punished with the payment of 10,000 maravedis
September 16, 1516 - While in Seville - A royal "cédula" from the Regents of Castile in Madrid, orders the officials of the "Casa de Contratación" in Seville to pay the "Procurador de los Indios, Bachiller Bartolomé de las Casas" the cost of his journey to the Indies
November 11, 1516 - Seville - Departs for Hispaniola with the three Hieronymite fathers
December(?) 1(?), 1516 - San Juan, Puerto Rico - The ship has a problem and has to anchor at San Juan for two weeks of repairs
December 15(?), 1516 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - Reaches Hispaniola. Las Casas realizes that the encomenderos had won the favor of the Hieronymite fathers
April 6, 1517 - While in Santo Domingo - In Seville, a certificate of payment, from the treasurer of the House of Trade, Doctor Sancho de Matienzo, states that Juan Fernández was paid 10,000 maravedis for the passage and cargo of "Bachiller" Bartolomé de las Casas
May 1(?), 1517 - Santo Domingo - Forced to travel back to spain to denounce to the regent the failure of the Hieronymite reforms
July 1(?), 1517 - Seville, Spain - Returns to Seville
September 11, 1517 - Valladolid - Moves to Valladolid and stays at the Dominican convent of San Pablo
November(?) 1(?), 1517 - Aranda de Duero, N. of Castile and León - Arrives at Aranda de Duero and finds Cardinal Cisneros close to death. He secures an audience, but the Cardinal dies within a few days, on November 8th
November 25, 1517 - Valladolid - The new King, Charles V, arrives in Valladolid. De las Casas plied Charles' largely flemish advisers with his version of the conquest of the New World
February 23, 1518 - Valladolid - Meets Ferdinand Magellan when the portuguese navigator signs a contract with the Spanish Crown, and writes a physical description of him
March 22, 1518 - Valladolid - Leaves the Dominican convent of San Pablo
December 12, 1519 - Molins de Rey, near Barcelona - Audience with Charles V. He begins being addressed as "Licenciado" (Licentiate) in royal documents
March 30(?), 1520 - A Coruña, Galicia, Spain - Follows the Court to A Coruña, where Charles V resided
April 5(?), 1520 - Santiago de Compostela - Las Casas meets the Totonac Indians who were brought before the presence of the new monarch by Alonso Hernández Portocarrero and Francisco de Montejo, both emissaries of Hernán Cortés, conqueror of Mexico
May 19, 1520 - A Coruña - Charles V signs De las Casas's grant of territory (it covered 270 leagues from the Paria Peninsula in the east to near Santa Marta in the West), then departs for Flanders in a fleet of 100 ships, to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor
June 1(?), 1520 - Santiago de Compostela - The Council of Castile adopts the ideas of De Las Casas, convinced that the task of conquering and colonizing America should be carried out peacefully through the announcement and dissemination of the Catholic faith. Thus, the Council of Castile authorizes De las Casas to carry out the project to create a peaceful colony in the territory of Cumaná (Venezuela), so that he could apply his theories consisting of populating the mainland, without shedding blood and announcing the gospel, without clatter of weapons
July(?) 1(?), 1520 - Seville - Travels to Seville carrying letters from the regent Adrian and other influential churchmen
December 7(?), 1520 - Seville - He boards a fleet of 3 small ships with a small group of 70 mutineers, convicted and outlaws picked up along the way, paying for the venture with money borrowed from his brother-in-law
December 14, 1520 - Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain - Sails for Puerto Rico
January 10, 1521 - San Juan, Puerto Rico - Arrives in Puerto Rico and receives the news that the Dominican convent at Chiribichi had been sacked by indians
May 4, 1521 - While in San Juan, Puerto Rico(?) - His mentor Fray Pedro de Córdoba dies
July 30, 1521 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - Attends Fray Pedro de Córdoba's funeral
November(?) 15(?), 1521 - Santo Domingo - De las casas sails for Puerto Rico with two caravels (Concepción and Sancti Spiritus)
December 1(?), 1521 - San Juan, Puerto Rico - Goes to ask Santo Domingo for help, after a Guaiqueríes rebellion in Puerto Rico
December 10(?), 1521 - Yáquimo, SW Hispaniola (Jacmel, Haiti) - A huge storm breaks loose and De las Casas's ship is driven to Yáquimo, on the opposite side of Hispaniola
January 10, 1522 - While in Yáquimo - His deputy, Francisco de Soto, takes advantage of De las Casas's absence to organize a slave hunt. The Indians also take advantage of the absence of De las Casas attacking and setting fire to the mission on January 10, 1522, and on their return they kill Francisco de Soto, the Franciscan Fray Dionisio and the artilleryman Artieda, the rest of the Christians being able to escape to the Araya peninsula, from there to Cubagua and then to Santo Domingo
March 18, 1522 - Santo Domingo - De las Casas walks from Yáquimo to Santo Domingo and, upon arrival, learns of the destruction of his mission in Cumaná, falling into depression
April(?) 1(?), 1522 - Santo Domingo - Devastated, he accepts the advice of Fray Domingo de Betanzos and enters the Dominican monastery of Santa Cruz in Santo Domingo as a novice
January(?) 1(?), 1527 - Puerto Plata, NE of Hispaniola - Sent to Puerto Plata, in the northeast of the Island, to found a Dominican house
February(?) 1(?), 1527 - Puerto Plata - Begins working on "History of the Indies"
January(?) 1(?), 1531 - While in Puerto Plata - A complain is sent by the encomenderos of Hispaniola that Las Casas was again accusing them of mortal sins from the pulpit
June(?) 1(?), 1531 - Puerto Plata - Letter to Garcia Manrique, Count of Osomo, protesting against the mistreatment of the indians and advocating a return to his original reform plan of 1516
January(?) 1(?), 1533 - Monte Plata, E. of Hispaniola - Contributes to the establishment of a peace treaty between the spanish and the rebel Taíno band of chief Enriquillo
December(?) 1(?), 1534 - Nombre de Dios, Panama - Attempts to travel to Peru with a small contingent of Dominican friars (led by Tomás de Berlanga - Bishop of Panamá) to observe the first stages of conquest of that region by Francisco Pizarro. His party lands at Nombre de Dios, Panama, but has to turn back due to adverse winds
April 15(?), 1535 - Realejo, Nicaragua - De las casas gives up the voyage and takes passage to Nicaragua instead, arriving to the port of Realejo in a small ship four days later
June(?) 1(?), 1535 - Granada, Nicaragua - Lingering for a while in the Dominican convent of Granada, he gets into conflict with Rodrigo de Contreras, Governor of Nicaragua, when De las Casas vehemently opposes slaving expeditions by the Governor
October 15, 1535 - Granada, Nicaragua - Letter to Bernal Diaz de Luco: "This land of Nicaragua is the heart and soul of all the Indies, and I judge the Indies to be the most opulent in the whole world"
November 1(?), 1536 - Santiago de Guatemala - Las Casas follows a number of friars to Guatemala, where they begin to prepare to undertake a mission among the Maya Indians. They stay in the convent founded some years earlier by Fray Domingo Betanzos and study the K'iche' language with Bishop Francisco Marroquín
December(?) 1(?), 1536 - Oaxaca, Mexico - Before venturing into Tuzulutlan (Verapaz region), De las Casas goes to Oaxaca, Mexico, to participate in a series of discussions and debates among the bishops of the Dominican and Franciscan orders
May 2, 1537 - Santiago de Guatemala - Obtains from the licensed governor Alfonso de Maldonado a written commitment ratified on July 6, 1539 by the viceroy of Mexico Antonio de Mendoza, that the natives of Tuzulutlán (Verapaz region), when they were conquered, would not be entrusted but would be vassals of the Crown
January(?) 1(?), 1538 - Oaxaca, Mexico - Las Casas is recalled from his mission by Bishop Marroquín who wanted him to go to Mexico and then on to Spain to seek more Dominicans to assist in the mission
April(?) 1(?), 1540 - Veracruz, Mexico - Departs for Spain
May 27, 1540 - Seville, Spain - Returns to Spain
December 1(?), 1541 - Valladolid - Moves to Valladolid and begins finalizing his writings from Oaxaca for "Memorial de remedios"
April 4, 1542 - Valladolid - Audience with Charles V
May 22, 1542 - Valladolid - De las Casas leaves Valladolid with Charles V for Monzón
July(?) 1(?), 1542 - Monzón, Aragón - Charles V arrives in Monzón. Bartolomé de las Casas meets Hernán Cortés
October 10, 1542 - Monzón - De las Casas follows Charles V to Barcelona
November 20, 1542 - Barcelona - Charles V signs the "New Laws" with the influence of Bartolomé de las Casas, producing shockwaves across the Indies
December(?) 1(?), 1542 - Valencia - Writes "A short account of the destruction of the Indies"
March 3, 1544 - Seville, Spain - Consecrated Bishop of Chiapas in the Dominican Church of San Pablo
July 11, 1544 - Seville - Sails for Hispaniola
September 8, 1544 - Santo Domingo, Hispaniola - After a brieg stop in San Juan, Puerto Rico, De las Casas returns to Santo Domingo with 30 missionaries. They were received with hostility by the Spaniards in the Americas, for having decreed the New Laws of the Indies
December 14, 1544 - Santo Domingo - Leaves Santo Domingo for Chiapas
December 26, 1544 - Caiman Islands, off Southwestern Cuba - They coast along the Caiman Islands off southwestern Cuba towards the Yucatán peninsula
January 6, 1545 - San Francisco de Campeche - Lands at San Francisco de Campeche, Bay of Campeche
February 3, 1545 - Ciudad Real de los Llanos de Chiapas - De las Casas and the rest of the friars arrive in Chiapas
February 27(?), 1545 - Ciudad Real de los Llanos de Chiapas - Takes office as Bishop of Chiapas
March 20, 1545 - Ciudad Real de los Llanos de Chiapas - In a pastoral letter, De las Casas refuses absolution to slave owners and encomenderos even on their death bed, unless all their slaves had been set free and their property returned to them. All the Spaniards opposed, but Las Casas found the support of the Dominican missionaries and the clergyman Juan de Parera
October 1(?), 1545 - Gracias a Dios (between Honduras and Nicaragua) - Goes to Gracias a Dios to ask for help from the Audiencia, chaired by Alonso Maldonado. De las Casas is ignored and returns to Chiapas
October 20, 1545 - Chiapas - The New Laws are finally repealed and riots brake out against De las Casas, with shots being fired against him by angry colonists
January 12, 1546 - Mexico City - Having been summoned to a meeting among the bishops of New Spain, he left his diocese, never to return. At the meeting, probably after lengthy reflection, and realizing that the New Laws were lost in Mexico, Las Casas presented a moderated view on the problems of confession and restitution of property, Archbishop Juan de Zumárraga of Mexico and Bishop Julián Garcés of Puebla agreed completely with his new moderate stance, Bishop Vasco de Quiroga of Michoacán had minor reservations, and Bishops Francisco Marroquín of Guatemala and Juan Lopez de Zárate of Oaxaca did not object. This resulted in a new resolution to be presented to viceroy Mendoza
May 1(?), 1546 - Mexico City - Arrives in Mexico City with Rodrigo de Ladrada
April 1(?), 1547 - Veracruz, Mexico - Sails for Spain, never to return to the New World
May(?) 1(?), 1547 - Terceira Island, Azores - Stopover in the Azores
June 1(?), 1547 - Lisbon, Portugal - Arrives in Lisbon. Picks up some manuscripts, chronicles and books on the portuguese expansion into the Atlantic and down the African Coast
June 5(?), 1547 - Aranda de Duero, Castile - Returns to Castille by land
April(?) 1(?), 1547 - Valladolid - De las Casas persuades the Emperor (who was in Flanders) to instruct the Council of the Indies to convene a special committee of theologians and jurists to sit in judgement on the specific issue: "Is it lawful for the King of Spain to wage war on the Indians, before preaching the faith to them, in order to subject them to his rule, so that afterward they may be more easily instructed in the faith?"
April 16, 1550 - While in Valladolid - Charles V orders all conquests in the Indies to be suspended, until the "Valladolid Debate" gives an answer to the question whether the indigenous peoples of the Americas were capable of self-governance, during the Spanish colonization of the Americas
August 15(?), 1550 - Valladolid - First session of the "Valladolid Debate" between Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda. De las Casas submits his resignation as bishop of Chiapas and succeeds in having one of his disciples, Fray Tomás Casillas, be appointed to replace him
January(?) 1(?), 1551 - Valladolid - Rents a cell at the College of San Gregorio, where he lives with his assistant and friend Fray Rodrigo de Ladrada
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Brevisima relación de la destrucción de las Indias, 1552 |
May 1(?), 1551 - Valladolid - Third session of the "Valladolid Debate"
March 10, 1551 - Valladolid - De las Casas is named beneficiary of the inheritance of Don Juan de Écija, and used this money to ensure the maintenance of him and his friend the confessor Rodrigo de Ladrada for the rest of their days at the Dominican College of San Gregorio in Valladolid
January(?) 1(?), 1552 - Valladolid - Publishes "Brevisima relación de la destrucción de las Indias" (a short account of the destruction of the Indies)
January(?) 1(?), 1561 - Valladolid - Finishes writing his "history of the Indies" after 40 years, signing it over to the College of San Gregorio
June(?) 1(?), 1561 - Madrid - Moves to the Dominican monastery at Atocha in Madrid
February 28, 1564 - Madrid - Signs his Last Will and Testament
January 7, 1566 - Madrid - Letter from Rome: "Cardinal Alexader has been named Pope Pius V"
July 18, 1566 - Madrid - Bartolomé de las Casas dies, aged 81 =(END)
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