Churchill's role in defeating the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685 helped secure James on the throne, yet just three years later he abandoned his Catholic patron for the Protestant Dutchman, William of Orange. Honoured for his services at William's coronation with the earldom of Marlborough, he served with further distinction in the early years of the Nine Years' War, but persistent charges of Jacobitism brought about his fall from office and temporary imprisonment in the Tower. It was not until the accession of Queen Anne in 1702 that Marlborough reached the zenith of his powers and secured his fame and fortune.
His marriage to the hot-tempered Sarah Jennings – Anne's intimate friend – ensured Marlborough's rise, first to the Captain-Generalcy of British forces, then to a dukedom. Becoming de facto leader of Allied forces during the War of the Spanish Succession, his victories on the fields of Blenheim (1704), Ramillies (1706), Oudenarde (1708), and Malplaquet (1709), ensured his place in history as one of Europe's great generals. But his wife's stormy relationship with the Queen, and her subsequent dismissal from court, was central to his own fall. Incurring Anne's disfavour, and caught between Tory and Whig factions, Marlborough, who had brought glory and success to Anne's reign, was forced from office and went into self-imposed exile. He returned to England and to influence under the House of Hanover with the accession of George I to the British throne in 1714. (Intro from Wikipedia)
May 26, 1650 - Ashe House, Devon - John Churchill is born
January(?) 1(?), 1662 - Dublin, Ireland - Enrolls at the Dublin Free School (His father was appointed Commissioner for irish land Claims)
January(?) 1(?), 1664 - London - Following his father's recall to Whitehall, John transfers his studies to St.Paul's School
September 14, 1667 - Whitehall, London - John Churchill obtains a commission of Ensign in the King's Own Company in the 1st Guards, later to become the Grenadier Guards =(START)
July(?) 1(?), 1668 - London - Churchill departs to Tangiers, in the "Summer"
July(?) 12(?), 1668 - Lisbon - The fleet anchors at Lisbon to take in 400 soldiers that fought in Portugal
July(?) 20(?), 1668 - Tangier, Morocco - Churchill arrives at Tangier, where he stays for three years, gaining first-class tactical training and field experience skirmishing with the moors.
July 2, 1669 - Tangier, Morocco - Forces of El Rasheed II attack Tangiers and are repelled
July 18, 1669 - Tangier, Morocco - Second attack by Moroccan forces, and again repelled
March 21, 1670 - Tangier, Morocco - Churchill is assigned to serve Admiral Thomas Allin in the Mediterranean
August 12, 1670 - Off Cap Spartel, W Tangier - Allin's Fleet finds the Algerian fleet - captures six ships and saves 250 Christians
October(?) 1(?), 1670 - London - Churchill arrives in London in Allin's Fleet in the "Winter"
February 5, 1671 - London - Churchill fights a duel with Sir John Fenwick after a quarrel at a masquerade.
March 6, 1671 - Gravesend - Receives orders to embark his company on the ship of Sir Robert Holmes
March 13, 1672 - English Channel - A non-provoked attack to the Smyrna Convoy initiates the Third Anglo-Dutch War
May 1(?), 1672 - Chatham(?) - Receives orders to embark with his company in the "Royal Prince", of the Duke of York
June 7, 1672 - Solebay - Young John Churchill fights against the Dutch Navy in the Battle of Solebay, probably aboard the Duke of York's flagship, the "Prince"
June 10 - Gravesend(?) - Churchill jumps two ranks and becomes captain to replace dead captains
July 16, 1672 - Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, gives birth to Churchill's daughter, Barbara.
November(?) 1(?), 1672 - Yarmouth Camp (Great Yarmouth?) - Sir Edmund Andros begins to organize forces to go to Holland
December 27, 1672 - Calais - The company of the now Captain Churchill disembarks and establishes a winter camp
June 13, 1673 - Maastricht - Beginning of the siege of Maastricht - young Churchill serves Monmouth for the French
June 27, 1673 - Maastricht - First attack on Maastricht by the english contingent - Churchill is wounded
July(?) 1(?), 1673 - Maastricht - Louis XIV is so impressed by the courage of Churchill that he tells Charles II
March 3, 1674 - London(?) - Charles II designates Churchill Colonel of the English Army
April 13, 1674 - Versailles - Churchill receives the rank of Colonel of the French army, of Louis XIV
June 1, 1674 - Haguenau - Churchill departs with Turenne and Percy Kirke
June 14, 1674 - Philippsburg - Turenne crosses the Rhine at Philippsburg
June 16, 1674 - Sinsheim, SE of Heidelberg - Battle of Sinsheim - French victory over the Holy Roman Empire
September 26, 1674 - Entzheim, near Strasbourg - Turenne and Churchill attack Entzheim
October 2, 1674 - Neckar River(?) - Starts a two-day march to reach Molsheim
October 4, 1674 - Molsheim - Arrival to Molsheim
February 1(?), 1675 - Paris - Churchill arrives in Paris and receives a promotion letter from Monmouth
March(?) 1(?), 1675 - London(?) - Churchill returns to England (speculative date and place)
August 1, 1675 - Paris - John Churchill returns to Paris, to obtain the subsidy of Louis XIV to Charles II
October 1, 1675 - Paris - Churchill makes arrangements to bring his silverware to England
December 1(?), 1675 - Paris - Churchill prepares to leave for England
January(?) 1(?), 1676 - Whitehall, London - In England, Churchill gets involved with Sarah Jenyns
November 1(?), 1676 - Whitehall, London - Both rivals for the throne recommend Churchill to command in France
November 18, 1676 - London - Sir John Berry leaves with a Company for Virginia, organized by Churchill
April 1, 1678 - The Hague - Churchill departs to The Hague to negotiate the deployment of the English army in Flanders
December(?) 1(?), 1678 - London - Return to London from the Netherlands
July 19, 1681 - Edinburgh, Scotland - Sarah gives birth to Henrietta
December 21, 1682 - London(?) - Churchill is made Lord Churchill of Eyemouth
July 1(?), 1683 - Denmark(?) - Churchill is sent to the Continent to conduct Prince George of Denmark to England
July 28, 1683 - St.James's Palace, London - Wedding of Prince George of Denmark with Princess Anne
November 19, 1683 - St.James's Palace, London - Lord Churchill is appointed Colonel of the King's Own Royal Regiment of Dragoons
February 6, 1685 - St.James's Palace, London - King Charles II dies
February 12(?), 1685 - Versailles, France - Churchill is dispatched to Versailles to take the news to King Louis XIV, and to inform him that Charles' brother James, Duke of York, would accept the throne and become King James II of England and VII of Scotland.
April 23, 1685 - Westminster Abbey, London - Attends the coronation of King James II and becomes the King's gentleman of the bedchamber
May 1(?), 1685 - St.James's Palace, London - Receives the title of Baron Churchill of Sandbridge
June 11, 1685 - St.James's Palace - News arrive that the Duke of Monmouth had landed at Lyme Regis in Dorset, and was inciting a Protestant rebellion against the new king
June 17, 1685 - Bridport - Churchill reaches Bridport at the head of eight troops of horse and five companies of foot
June 27, 1685 - Norton St.Philip - Skirmishes with Monmouth. The inexperienced commander of the royal army, Earl Feversham, is repulsed. Churchill's rearguard of dragoons prevent the rebels from pursuing. Monmouth slips away to the southwest
July 3, 1685 - Westonzoyland, Bridgewater, SW Bristol - Churchill is promoted to Major General
July 6, 1685 - Westonzoyland, Bridgewater, SW Bristol - Battle of Sedgemoor - Decisive victory of James II's army
November 5, 1688 - Brixham | Exeter, England - William lands at Brixham and from there, moves his army to Exeter
November 5, 1688 - Brixham | Exeter, England - William lands at Brixham and from there, moves his army to Exeter
November 7, 1688 - Salisbury - In Lord Feversham's army - Churchill is promoted to Lieutenant-General
November 23, 1688 - Axminster - Attends the King's council for the last time
November 24, 1688 - Axminster - Churchill and other officers leave the Royal camp and join Willem III
November 24, 1688 - Axminster - Churchill and other officers leave the Royal camp and join Willem III
January 1, 1689 - London - Churchill welcomes Prince William into London
April 9, 1689 - London - Churchill is created Earl of Marlborough
April 11, 1689 - Westminster Abbey, London - Coronation of William and Mary
April(?) 25(?), 1689 - Flanders - Marlborough is sent to Flanders with a 8,000-strong anglo-scottish contingent
April 9, 1689 - London - Churchill is created Earl of Marlborough
April 11, 1689 - Westminster Abbey, London - Coronation of William and Mary
April(?) 25(?), 1689 - Flanders - Marlborough is sent to Flanders with a 8,000-strong anglo-scottish contingent
May 7, 1689 - While in Flanders(?) - England declares War on France
August 25, 1689 - Walcourt, S of Charleroi - Battle of Walcourt - Grand Alliance Victory, against France
August 25, 1689 - Walcourt, S of Charleroi - Battle of Walcourt - Grand Alliance Victory, against France
September 21, 1690 - Cork, Ireland - Marlborough reaches Cork on board his flagship "Royal Sovereign" and blockades the port with his fleet. 5,000 men prepare to land
September 24, 1690 - Passage West, Ireland - Marlborough captures several of the harbour's defences and lands troops at Passage West. From the north, 4,000 danish troops under the Duke of Württenberg close the siege of Cork
September 29, 1690 - Kinsale, Ireland - Marlborough lays siege to Kinsale
October 16, 1690 - Kinsale - Kinsale surrenders to Marlborough after an assault
October 1(?), 1691 - London - Returns to London with Willem III
October 1(?), 1691 - London - Returns to London with Willem III
December(?) 1(?), 1691 - Holland - Sent to Holland to help plan a renewed campaign against the french
January 20, 1692 - London - Marlborough is dismissed and not allowed to appear in Court
May 4, 1692 - Tower of London - Marlborough is arrested in the Tower of London
June 15, 1692 - Tower of London - Marlborough is released
March 15, 1702 - ? - Marlborough is appointed Captain-General of the Forces
June 1(?), 1702 - Kaiserswerth (Dusseldorf) - Marlborough takes Kaiserswerth
September(?), 25(?), 1702 - Venlo - Marlborough takes Venlo
September(?), 29(?), 1702 - Stevensweert - Marlborough takes Stevensweert
October(?) 7(?), 1702 - Roermond - Marlborough takes Roermond
October 29(?), 1702 - Liège - Marlborough takes Liège
December 1(?), 1702 - After his latest series of victories, the grateful Queen publicly proclaims Marlborough a Duke
May 1(?), 1704 - Low Countries - Marlborough marches along the Danube
May 19, 1704 - Bedburg, NW of Cologne - First stage of the March, with 21,000 men
May 26, 1704 - Coblenz - Second stage of the March, where the Moselle meets the Rhine, with 26,000 men
June 6, 1704 - Wiesloch, S of Heidelberg - Arrival to Wiesloch
June 10, 1704 - Mundelsheim (N of Stuttgart) - Marlborough meets with Prince Eugene, accompanied by Count Wratislaw
June 13, 1704 - Großheppach (NE Stuttgart) - Prince Louis of Baden joins Marlborough and Eugene for 110,000 men
June 22, 1704 - Launsheim - Marlborough joins Baden in Launsheim
July 2, 1704 - Donauwörth - Marlborough crosses the Danube, assaulting the fortress of Schellenberg
August 7, 1704 - Ingolstadt - Marlborough puts siege on the heavily defended city
August 13, 1704 - Blindheim, Höchstädt, Bavaria - Battle of BLENHEIM - Decisive Grand Alliance victory
December 14, 1704 - London - Marlborough returns to England, acclaimed by Queen Anne
June 15, 1705 - River Meuse (SW Bastogne) - Attempt to invade France through the Low Countries fails and Marlborough retreats
July 17, 1705 - Elixheim, S of Zoutleeuw - Marlborough Sustains a French offensive and forces the Brabant lines at Elixheim
November 18, 1705 - Emperor Leopold I makes Marlborough Prince of Mindelheim
January 11, 1706 - London - Marlborough arrives in London at the end of his diplomatic tour
April 14, 1706 - The Hague - Marlborough lands in the Netherlands
May 9, 1706 - The Hague - Marlborough heads for the battle front
May 17, 1706 - Tongeren, near Maastricht - Marlborough concentrates his Anglo-Dutch troops
May 23, 1706 - Ramillies, N of Namur - Battle of RAMILLIES - Grand Alliance Victory
May 25, 1706 - Leuven - The city falls
May 28, 1706 - Brussels - The city falls
June 6, 1706 - Antwerp - The city falls
August 22, 1706 - Menin (Menen) - The city falls
September 6, 1706 - Dendermonde - The city falls
October 2, 1706 - Ath - The city falls
July 10, 1708 - Lessines - City taken after forced march along the Schelde
July 11, 1708 - Oudenaarde, Belgium - Battle of OUDENAARDE - Decisive Grand Alliance victory
August 12, 1708 - Lille - Marlborough and Eugene put siege to Lille
August 22, 1708 - Lille - The Allies enter the city, after 12 thousand casualties
June 27, 1709 - Tournai - The Allies attack Tournai
September 3, 1709 - Tournai - The city surrenders after 69 days of siege
September 11, 1709 - Malplaquet - Battle of MALPLAQUET - Grand Alliance Pyrrhic victory
September 20, 1709 - Mons - Marlborough takes the city
March 9, 1710 - Geertruidenberg, Netherlands - Observer during the peace talks
June 29, 1710 - Douai - City taken
August 29, 1710 - Béthune - City taken
September 20, 1710 - Saint-Venant - City taken
November 9, 1710 - Aire-sur-la-Lys - City taken
January 17, 1711 - London - Marlborough visits the Queen and tries to save his wife's post
February 27, 1711 - The Hague - Marlborough returns to The Hague to prepare for his last campaign
July 6, 1711 - Arleux - Marlborough captures the small fortress of Arleux
August 4, 1711 - Arras - Furious for losing Arleux, Marlborough reconnoiters Arras
September 12, 1711 - Bouchain - The Fortress of Bouchain surrenders unconditionally
December 29, 1711 - Marlborough receives dismissal letter from Queen Anne
September 27, 1712 - St.Albans - Present at the funeral of Sidney Godolphin, Earl of Godolphin
November 20, 1712 - London(?) - Marlborough leaves England and seeks exile on the Continent
May 15(?), 1713 - Frankfurt - Marlborough is acclaimed by the people and by his former soldiers
August 1, 1714 - London(?) - Marlborough returns to England on the day of Queen Anne's death
October 20, 1714 - Westminster Abbey, London - Coronation of King George I
May 18, 1716 - Holywell House (St. Albans) - Marlborough suffers a paralytic attack after the death of her second daughter
November 1(?), 1716 - Blenheim Palace, Woodstock - Marlborough suffers a more severe attack that affects his speech only
January(?) 1(?), 1719 - Blenheim Palace, Woodstock - Marlborough and wife move to a full wing of Blenheim Palace
June 16, 1722 - Windsor Lodge, Berkshire - John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, dies, aged 72 =(END)
January 20, 1692 - London - Marlborough is dismissed and not allowed to appear in Court
May 4, 1692 - Tower of London - Marlborough is arrested in the Tower of London
June 15, 1692 - Tower of London - Marlborough is released
March 15, 1702 - ? - Marlborough is appointed Captain-General of the Forces
June 1(?), 1702 - Kaiserswerth (Dusseldorf) - Marlborough takes Kaiserswerth
September(?), 25(?), 1702 - Venlo - Marlborough takes Venlo
September(?), 29(?), 1702 - Stevensweert - Marlborough takes Stevensweert
October(?) 7(?), 1702 - Roermond - Marlborough takes Roermond
October 29(?), 1702 - Liège - Marlborough takes Liège
December 1(?), 1702 - After his latest series of victories, the grateful Queen publicly proclaims Marlborough a Duke
May 1(?), 1704 - Low Countries - Marlborough marches along the Danube
May 19, 1704 - Bedburg, NW of Cologne - First stage of the March, with 21,000 men
May 26, 1704 - Coblenz - Second stage of the March, where the Moselle meets the Rhine, with 26,000 men
June 6, 1704 - Wiesloch, S of Heidelberg - Arrival to Wiesloch
June 10, 1704 - Mundelsheim (N of Stuttgart) - Marlborough meets with Prince Eugene, accompanied by Count Wratislaw
June 13, 1704 - Großheppach (NE Stuttgart) - Prince Louis of Baden joins Marlborough and Eugene for 110,000 men
June 22, 1704 - Launsheim - Marlborough joins Baden in Launsheim
July 2, 1704 - Donauwörth - Marlborough crosses the Danube, assaulting the fortress of Schellenberg
August 7, 1704 - Ingolstadt - Marlborough puts siege on the heavily defended city
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The Duke of Marlborough during the Battle of Blenheim |
August 13, 1704 - Blindheim, Höchstädt, Bavaria - Battle of BLENHEIM - Decisive Grand Alliance victory
December 14, 1704 - London - Marlborough returns to England, acclaimed by Queen Anne
June 15, 1705 - River Meuse (SW Bastogne) - Attempt to invade France through the Low Countries fails and Marlborough retreats
July 17, 1705 - Elixheim, S of Zoutleeuw - Marlborough Sustains a French offensive and forces the Brabant lines at Elixheim
November 18, 1705 - Emperor Leopold I makes Marlborough Prince of Mindelheim
January 11, 1706 - London - Marlborough arrives in London at the end of his diplomatic tour
April 14, 1706 - The Hague - Marlborough lands in the Netherlands
May 9, 1706 - The Hague - Marlborough heads for the battle front
May 17, 1706 - Tongeren, near Maastricht - Marlborough concentrates his Anglo-Dutch troops
May 23, 1706 - Ramillies, N of Namur - Battle of RAMILLIES - Grand Alliance Victory
May 25, 1706 - Leuven - The city falls
May 28, 1706 - Brussels - The city falls
June 6, 1706 - Antwerp - The city falls
August 22, 1706 - Menin (Menen) - The city falls
September 6, 1706 - Dendermonde - The city falls
October 2, 1706 - Ath - The city falls
July 10, 1708 - Lessines - City taken after forced march along the Schelde
July 11, 1708 - Oudenaarde, Belgium - Battle of OUDENAARDE - Decisive Grand Alliance victory
August 12, 1708 - Lille - Marlborough and Eugene put siege to Lille
August 22, 1708 - Lille - The Allies enter the city, after 12 thousand casualties
June 27, 1709 - Tournai - The Allies attack Tournai
September 3, 1709 - Tournai - The city surrenders after 69 days of siege
September 11, 1709 - Malplaquet - Battle of MALPLAQUET - Grand Alliance Pyrrhic victory
September 20, 1709 - Mons - Marlborough takes the city
March 9, 1710 - Geertruidenberg, Netherlands - Observer during the peace talks
June 29, 1710 - Douai - City taken
August 29, 1710 - Béthune - City taken
September 20, 1710 - Saint-Venant - City taken
November 9, 1710 - Aire-sur-la-Lys - City taken
January 17, 1711 - London - Marlborough visits the Queen and tries to save his wife's post
February 27, 1711 - The Hague - Marlborough returns to The Hague to prepare for his last campaign
July 6, 1711 - Arleux - Marlborough captures the small fortress of Arleux
August 4, 1711 - Arras - Furious for losing Arleux, Marlborough reconnoiters Arras
September 12, 1711 - Bouchain - The Fortress of Bouchain surrenders unconditionally
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Marlborough, 1716 |
September 27, 1712 - St.Albans - Present at the funeral of Sidney Godolphin, Earl of Godolphin
November 20, 1712 - London(?) - Marlborough leaves England and seeks exile on the Continent
May 15(?), 1713 - Frankfurt - Marlborough is acclaimed by the people and by his former soldiers
August 1, 1714 - London(?) - Marlborough returns to England on the day of Queen Anne's death
October 20, 1714 - Westminster Abbey, London - Coronation of King George I
May 18, 1716 - Holywell House (St. Albans) - Marlborough suffers a paralytic attack after the death of her second daughter
November 1(?), 1716 - Blenheim Palace, Woodstock - Marlborough suffers a more severe attack that affects his speech only
January(?) 1(?), 1719 - Blenheim Palace, Woodstock - Marlborough and wife move to a full wing of Blenheim Palace
June 16, 1722 - Windsor Lodge, Berkshire - John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, dies, aged 72 =(END)
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